Member Reviews

3.5 stars


The plot was pretty good I believe. There were a couple of things that I grappled with but added interesting twists and turns to the story. On the contrary, there were other things that I had seen coming miles away. The pacing was moderate which turned out to work in this book’s favor because any faster and things would have flown right over my head. The ending was quite unexpected and it actually took me a minute or two to understand what happened but nevertheless a good even if devastating ending. I mean I still haven’t come to terms with it, I’m in denial.

So here’s the thing, in Ignite The stars I freaking fell in love with each and every character of this story, especially IA and Brinn. The way they were written was absolutely beautiful and their development was amazing. However, when it came to Eclipse The Skies all of them seem to just have scattered apart? But like every time, IA saved the day. I absolutely LOVED her in this book, more so than the last one because we see her being broken down to nothing and the difficult journey she goes through to try and stand up on her own feet and win the battle. She’s forever going to be my favourite badass girl!

I’m kind of conflicted honestly. I’ll never stop screaming about IA and her wonderfully rocky journey in both these books, I honestly live for her. But as much as I want to I can’t just digest some of the things that the side characters did and how a couple of things went down. And again not being an avid sci-fi reader I did dock one star because I got overwhelmed by all the science parts.

FINAL VERDICT: If you love Ignite The Stars and love reading sci-fi books definitely give this book a shot. I’m in the small miniority who didn’t like the book. Maybe you will love how things went with the side characters? Who knows.

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3.5 out of 5 Stars

***ARC received from Albert Whitman & Company and NetGalley in exchange for honest review, opinions are all my own, even if a little behind. Thank you!***

Once again I am torn just as I was in the last book. There are still a lot of really interesting concepts and idea but it never really fleshes itself out in a full story. There is a lot of repetition, do you like to hear the phrase blood wolf? Cause you better as it comes up all the times and while it makes sense in the context of the story after the third or fourth time hearing it in a single chapter it wears out its welcome.

Like the previous book the book is told from the perspective of each of the three characters, Ia, Brinn and Knives. In the last book I really found myself disliking Ia, so very much yet in this book I really actually liked her. Unlike the last book, Ia has a little more balance to her. She is more vulnerable having lost all her tech and nearly having been killed by her brother she is a more interesting character. There is a balance between her arrogance and her vulnerability, her interactions with the other characters feels a little more natural. Now Knives, well Knives is just kinda there you could have dropped huge sections of his story and still not missed anything. His sections of story are important to the overall plot but his is weighed down by the responsibilities he has been given. I still liked Knives, he is still an interesting character making the tough decisions between what is right in the moment and what is right for the future.

Now Brinn... I liked Brinn in the first book, I really found her struggle interesting, it just doesn't come through in this book. Most of her actions run counter to who she, we are led to believe that Brinn is run by her logic, it greatly affects her emotions. It just doesn't work in this book, particularly not with Brinn because known of her decision of logical or emotional. They are just plot points to move the book forward. I have a hard time believing that she would make the decision she did. Even if ruled by the emotions at the beginning there would be no reason for her to continue to work with him other than that the plot required it.

This book felt like it was designed to be a trilogy that got forced into a duology. There is a lot of plot the author shoved into this book and I think it would have been a much better series if she had another book to work with as there are so many interesting themes this book dealt with. I also liked the ending, with the themes of life and death it really felt like it was the only way the book could have ended. I appreciate an author that will go there with her ending, builds up to it and follows through.

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Sci-fi is one of my favourite genres, so I’m always on the lookout for good YA sci-fi, particularly. When I read Ignite the Stars earlier in the month, I knew I had found some. And Eclipse the Skies is a solid continuation of that.

The story picks up almost exactly from where Ignite the Stars ended, with that epic twist, and everything that comes after. But nothing stays the same for long. Within pages, there’s more action, higher stakes, and some distinct moments that make you wonder whether you’re, in fact, backing the right horse (for all you who love a good sympathetic villain).

What I loved most about book 1, and what I continued to love in this book, was the characters. The book is driven by the characters and their relationships. Sure, there’s action (which I appreciate), but that action is rooted in the characters’ relationships (particularly Ia and her brother Einn). On the whole, those relationships were great. Okay, so the romantic relationships weren’t my cup of tea (ask me about Brinn and Ia’s potential. Ask me), but they were a small enough part of the book that I could just pretend they weren’t happening.

And, like I said, this was a solid continuation of the first book, with lots of action and an epic conclusion (that almost made me cry).

But I just struggled to get fully invested in this book in a way that I didn’t for book 1. The writing as good (but for a few parts where it felt clunky, which I knew would be there after the first book) and the action scenes were great. I just couldn’t get into it so much and I don’t know why.

More than that, though, I wasn’t too keen on the fact that one of the three minor sapphic characters is killed. It’s all very well creating a world where sexuality isn’t a big deal, but then when all your main characters are straight, your relationships are all m/f, and you kill off one of your only non-straight characters? Well, it all feels a bit like lip-service to me. And it was pretty disappointing, in all honesty. Just because you’ve written out homophobia in your world, doesn’t give you a free pass to fall into homophobic tropes.

So, I guess, in the end, that was what made me like the last third of the book less than I might have (especially given how epic an ending it was). Regardless, it was a good book and a great conclusion to the duology. It was just that small part that let me down.

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So IGNITE THE STARS was definitely funnier than ECLIPSE THE SKIES. I loved the dark humor, and snark. Unfortunately that’s missing this book. It kind of bummed me out because Ia’s dark wit was one of the highlights of the first book. Although after the ending of IGNITE THE STARS the lack of humor is... understandable.

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This book follows the events after the first book. There were a lot of character developments and plot twists here which made for great pacing and page turning action. However, the story lost some of its appeal when the storyline became almost vague on the final part. Unless there is another book to follow the ending felt abrupt and felt incomplete. And I so loved where the characters are in terms of personal development as compared to the first book. Ia and Knives relationship was not handled properly I think. It could have been more!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Maura Milan, and publisher Albert Whitman and Company for the opportunity to read Eclipse the Skies in exchange for an honest review. 

While I didn't quite enjoy this book as much as the amazing first installment, Ignite the Stars, this was still a fun, fast-paced read full of dramatic action in space, as well as a relatively satisfying end to the duology that I wasn't quite expecting!

As in the first book, this book follows three third-person limited perspectives: Ia Cōcha, Brinn Tarver, and Knives Adams.

With the appearance of Ia's brother, Einn, the universe is falling to chaos. With the death of the previous Aphelion headmaster, a man who was looking into wormhole science for the sake of jumping places more quickly and efficiently, the knowledge now falls to Brinn. Between the death of her family members, Einn's promises, and Ia's knack for dishonesty for her own gains, Brinn has a tough choice to make. Ultimately, she follows Einn, a warrenter of freedom at the rise of chaos. This is probably the only part of the book I truly disliked. While I found it interesting that Brinn would take this stance, as well as plausible, it just wasn't 100% believable enough that the motive was powerful enough for her to do this. If anything, I feel like she would have gone to Knives. But of well.

Einn wants Ia dead and Ia wants Einn dead. When Einn commands mutual friend Goner to kill Ia, he nearly succeeds. Einn and Brinn think Ia is dead while Knives and Ia's ee help her recover from a fatal gunshot wound.

Together Knives and Ia must figure out some way to take on Einn. With Brinn on his side, the power of science will be in his favor. The power to travel through and pull from other universes. Ia follows a myth to find the only way she can think of to bring her brother down, but perhaps what she needed was within all along.

Did I mention there is a black hole? We know what black holes out in space do, right?

I enjoyed the science in this novel, though it did feel a bit out of place on occasion. I enjoyed the ship race that Knives entered. It has a very visual Star Wars or Outlaw Star feel to it. As much as I loved Ia as a character in the first novel, I felt a bit disconnected from her in this novel. I also thought Brinn was downplayed a bit and could have done much more for her part. Einn had his moments, but he was also rather blah. The end was interesting. I neither like nor dislike what happens to the main players in this story. Overall, the end was satisfactory.

Like I said, not the same excitement I had as with the first book (in which I could not shut up to friends or social media about it), but still a quick, fun read with a great deal of fighting action in space and decent dramatic buildup to the end of this duology. What's next, Maura? :)

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Maura Milan packs the punches and sends readers on a thrilling adventure through space in ‘Eclipse the Skies’!

Is there ever a clear side to choose from when a war begins? Maura Milan takes readers inside the minds of her characters to answer this question.

'Eclipse the Skies' begins right where 'Ignite the Stars' left off. After her brother tried to kill her, Ia is now fighting with the Olympus Commonwealth to take him down. Brinn is loyally by her side and Knives has just been appointed as the headmaster of Aphelion. All three of their lives have completely changed. They’re filled with both anger and grief for the people they once were.

The plot moves at a slow pace but this allows readers to dive deep into the motivations of each character. Ia, Brinn, and Knives are the best part of this series and Maura Milan develops them so well in 'Eclipse the Skies'. Without giving away spoilers I will say that they each end up broken in different ways. And when they are at their lowest they start questioning whether any of this is worth the pain. How large of a role do they play in this war? Do they believe in what they’re fighting for? Ultimately, they each fight for themselves, hoping they’ll save their people along the way.

It’s inspiring to read through each of their POV’s, and readers are sure to relate to one of them. Especially considering the way the plot and politics correlate with our own world. This made 'Eclipse the Skies' intriguing to read, as well as a bit heartbreaking when things hit too close to home. I applaud Maura Milan for exploring these topics, though.

This book is a lot darker than the previous one. I was somewhat disappointed because it’s missing that spark that made Ignite the Stars different from other sci-fi books. But, after finishing it, it made perfect sense why Maura Milan chose to tell the story in a different way this time around. With the slower plot it became a more character-driven story and everyone was well written — even the ones deemed evil.

'Eclipse the Skies' will take readers on a gripping adventure! There are many twists sprinkled throughout to enjoy and the final act of this book is all action, which was a lot of fun to read. I’m personally torn on the ending of this series and I think a lot of readers will be as well. It’s gut wrenching and beautiful at the same time. Prepare your heart for a great conclusion to this fantastic series!

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E-galley provided by Netgalley and Albert Whitman & Company in exchange for an honest review. All quotations and opinions are based an uncorrected proof

"All legends originated from seeds of truth. And this was her truth. In the beginning, she was just one name. She was Ia Cōcha. She had gotten this far because of her skill, her guts, and her self."

So this book is essentially everything I said about the last book 100x. I really felt like this book was everything I wanted more of from the first book. All the characters, the stakes, the action...etc. It was full on awesome.

The Story: The first book was a series of ups and downs, fasts and slows that keep you on edge. The second book is more all fast never slow the whole time. Yes, it did slow down sometimes, but the intensity never let up. The stakes of this book were drastically raised, I occasionally couldn't believe that it was the same series. This book also has some really weird things I never could have expected. Like- just weird. It was awesome. The villain was able to really come into play and it was absolutely insane.

Villains are tricky for me, I'm never a big villain person and its really hard to get me invested in one. However the villain of this book,(view spoiler) was so interesting to read. Especially from Brinn's point of view. I am a sucker for a villain who runs on chaos and also those who are just really manipulative, but really good at it. There was definitely a scary level of chaos in this book that kept me constantly on my toes. It was also very interesting to think about.

Speaking of Brinn, I have had a weird opinion on her, but this book really made her amazingly complex. The way she is driven to extreme forms of herself by the villain, but also just by the injustice of the world she lives in. Brinn is easily the character with the most development over the course of the series and its written so well that I was super invested in every second of it. Honestly, if nothing else her character development alone made the book super worth the read.

Knives as well was amazing to read. Everything about his character got developed and he really had a lot of development as well. You really get a chance to understand how everyone who he's cared about in his life has changed who he is as a person.

And as for Ia....well she was my most favorite part of all of it. Everything about this book just really showed off what makes her such an incredible and compelling character. She was hope, in every way a hero can be. She was funny, charismatic, brutal, intense, compassionate, and determined. I know that I'm repeating myself by saying this book pushed her to her brink, but yeah it did. Ia was especially difficult to read, but it also just the most impact.

TL;DR Look, this book is absolutely the epic conclusion you're hoping for. It's thoughtful, intense, full of action and heart. Most of all the ending will leave you blubbering and needing so much more.

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Maura Milian's second installment to the Ignite the Stars series is all about the moving pieces to get everyone and everything in their place for what is sure to be an epic part three! Split into three POVs once again, you really get the sense - through Maura's writing - that she knows these characters and what she wants for each of them. The journey thus far has been a fun one, but Eclipse the Skies takes kind of a pause to really dig deeper into each character. I've heard "soul searching" used to describe the overall theme of the story and I would absolutely agree. I continue to love this and can't wait for more!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Albert Whitman & Company for the eARC if Eclipse the Skies. All thoughts are my own.

Wow! What a sequel to Ignite the Stars. I was in love with the first book, and could not wait to get my hands on the second installment. It did not disappoint. Maura Milan took me on a journey of hope and pain. The ending was devastating, yet beautiful. I’m sad to have reached the end.

We return to where the story left off in Ignite the Stars and see the same characters try and move towards peace among space. The character development continued with each character, and I enjoyed following them through set backs, losses, and finding inner strength.

I did feel like the book was too short. To me, it seemed like something was missing, and the timing went by too quickly. But overall, I truly enjoyed Eclipse the Skies and am sad to see the story end. If you have not read this series yet, I would recommend it for a fun YA read.

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Eclipse the Skies is an enthralling and action-packed series ender.

Eclipse the Skies started where it left off in the first book, Ignite the Stars. Here, we get to follow what happened after IA discovered what her brother did, and what the other characters are up to. Also, we still have the three POVs from IA, Brinn, and Knives. Having their own POV really helped because I was able to get to know the reasoning behind every decision they made and chose. The plot is great, and the story consists of both slow and fast-paced narration. I liked the flow more when I reached halfway to the end.

The story also touches some topics like protests of the refugees, discrimination against the refugees, war, sibling relationship, friendship, family, LGBTQ characters (the two queens and Eve), power/authority, violence, and death. It also has characters which you will like and hate. And, of all the characters, I’m also interested in some of the minor characters like Goner and Kami. I kind of remembered Klaus in Goner in some ways and I find him irritatingly funny.

IA Cōcha. In this book, I witnessed the weaker side of her – how she lost hope and have it back again. And how she grows as a person is amazingly good to see. Her journey since the start is not easy, but she was still able to break down the walls that tried to stop her. And I find her inspiring for not giving up, and continuing to fight, no matter how scary what’s in front of her.

Brinn Tarver. I hate her. She became irrational, and I hate how she reasoned out to herself why she was doing this and that. But, I somehow understand her because what she had been through was hard, especially when it has something to do with her family.

Knives Adams. I see him developed too as a character. He became stronger and courageous to face whatever they encounter. He still tries something, even if it seems impossible, hopeless, or difficult.

Overall, I’m giving this five cups for being one of my favorite YA sci-fi and for letting me get introduced to the characters and their life in the future. I’m recommending this to everyone who wants to read a book set in space, and to those who would like some action-packed and exciting story.

Disclaimer: I received an advance reader’s copy via Caffeine Book Tours.

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First off, this book DESTROYED ME. How dare Maura Milan do this to me?? Can someone tell me if there will be another book ASAP?

I just can’t take it. Milan’s writing has improved so much and I was thoroughly engrossed in the second instalment of this series. Eclipse the Skies is a wonder of a book. We get a little more world-building, more character development and deeper writing.

I really loved this book, except for the ending of course, but no spoilers.

The characters are really what drives this story. So much happened in terms of the plot, but I greatly enjoyed the journeys each character went on. They were so different and so poignant, there’s really something that everyone can identify with.

Once again my favourite character was Brinn. She’s more the morally grey character that I can identify with, and I can totally understand her reasonings and her motivations. I loved watching her grow and come into her own, even though there are a few bumps in the road.

I do wish we had more time between her and Ia, to mend their broken friendship a bit, but I guess that just makes the ending bittersweet.

Ia had more of an emotional journey to take in this book, and I loved every part of it. I did miss her snark and the banter between her and Knives, but this book has some dire situations.

I also liked the lack of a love story between her and Knives, it’s there, they care, but it’s not at the forefront of the book. The growth of the characters was more important and I enjoyed that.

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This is such a fun sci-fi adventure book with a cliff hanger that makes me want more! While I think it was a slower pace book because of its storyline, it still packed some punch. I missed the same amount of witty banter from the first but my favorite characters go through tough circumstances that make them so much stronger. I enjoyed the twists and turns, betrayals, and surprises. Great diverse space opera that stands out in the genre for its suspense, cast of characters, and ethical dilemmas concerning corporations, military, refugees, chaos, power, and so much more

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I loved the first book in this series but I couldn't get into this one. I found it confusing and all over the place. I'm not one to DNF books but I made it about 75% in before I realized that I didn't care about the characters and the plot.

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Set in a world full of space and galaxies, Eclipse the Sky is a sequel that will tear everyone's heart.

Up until now, I still can't believe that it's already over. I haven't even recovered yet, with Ignite the Stars and here I'm writing my review for Eclipse the Sky. To Maura, how dare you for writing the two books like that.

But kidding aside, Eclipse the Sky is a story written beautifully and it screams how Maura wrote with such ease. It is the kind of story where readers can feel what the author wants his/her reader to experience.

Reading the book at first makes me learn things for the first time. It let me remember what are the things that happened and who are the old and new characters. But with the author's writing style, I didn't find it hard to grasp the new things that the book has.

One thing that makes the story interesting and enjoyable is the characters. I love the way how the characters grow. The characters have responded well with the situations they have met and with the characters that they have acted with. You can see that they evolve in a way that readers will learn to love them and not hate them. With their characteristic, the readers where be able to sympathize with them and understand who they are. All in all the characters are one of the things that make the book perfect for the readers.I want to say more but I should stop to avoid spoilers.

All I can say and recommend is you should read the two books. I promise you that you will not regret it.

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At the end of Ignite the Stars, our three heroes found their lives changed in ways that made them question all they’d known previously. Eclipse the Skies is the story of how Ia, Brinn, and Knives rediscover their reason to fight for their beliefs, even if it’s hard to see the path to enlightenment.

Ia, the Blood Wolf of the Skies, lives for the day when she and her brother will come face to face, knowing only one of them will be left alive. Brinn embraces her heritage just as the world wants to demolish that same heritage. Knives finds out his father is not the ogre he thought just as he is about to lose the chance to make amends. Needless to say, Eclipse the Skies definitely takes a turn to the dark side, as our characters fight to overcome adversity.

I will admit, I did miss the more swashbuckling adventure the first novel set into play. It was a little harder for me to lose myself in this world without the interaction between these characters. They were separated through most of the book and all three of their storylines were pretty gloomy. The story picked back up when they started interacting with each other again and that’s when my enjoyment of the book ratcheted up.

This was a good sequel to Ignite the Stars, but beware, the pace is a little slower and the plot a little gloomier. My favorite character, Brinn, really took a turn to the dark side and I’m still recovering from that momentary panic that she wouldn’t return to the light. If you’re a fan of young adult and would like to give this sci-fi series a try, please read the books in order as this novel is a continuation of the previous plot. ❤️❤️❤️❣️

I received a free copy of this book through NetGalley for my honest review and it was honest.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Albert Whitman & Company for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Eclipse the Skies is the final book in a duology written by Maura Milan so my review is going to be as spoiler free as I possibly can make it.

This is a series I had never heard of but was intrigued by the synopsis. Honestly, I really loved this series and I’m sad that it’s over. Maura Milan has created a universe which you find yourself escaping to. This book left me in shambles and I honestly felt myself tearing up at the end. While is was an epic conclusion I wish it hadn’t ended that way.

This is a story of three main characters who are slowly finding out who they really are and fighting for what they truly believe in. I adore Ia, Brinn and Knives and found myself constantly rooting for them throughout the book. These characters were relatable, likable and honestly what I love in main characters.

This book was a lot more serious than its predecessor, focusing on crucial topics such as oppression but felt a lot more action packed and full of twists. I did find myself missing the humour from the first book and felt that at times the book really dragged parts out and rushed through others however I will really miss this series and really do recommend giving it a read!

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Surprising, twisty, and utterly exhilarating, Eclipse the Skies is a fantastic and emotionally moving finale that left me broken and in tears, but I loved every moment.

So, there’s a monster black hole in my heart and I’m an emotional wreck right now. Everything aches so much and I have this uneasy heaviness on my chest that just won’t go away… I don’t feel like that’s the end and I really don’t want it to be because as bittersweet and kind of fitting as it is, that’s not the conclusion I pictured for this amazing series. Just… I can’t accept that it’s over. But, alas it is and I have to say goodbye to these complex, flawed, but incredible space heroes I’ve come to admire and love.

In this thrilling conclusion, loyalties will be tested, allegiances will shift, secrets will be unraveled, and something sinister and dark might just destroy and end everything. Can Ia, Brinn, and Knives find a way to save the universe and the people they love?

I have to admit, there are some parts of this book that I don’t particularly like. I also really missed the humor and playful bantering between the characters in the first installment and wanted something a little bit more in the romance aspect of the book. Some parts are also a bit rushed and even a little disconnected. That being said, I still really enjoyed a huge chunk of this novel and I can honestly say that I had a blast racing through the finish line and watching everything unfold. The plot is filled with plenty of action, drama, tension, and twists and turns that will either break or warm your heart. The ending is something I hate and love at the same time and that’s all I’m going to say about that… definitely prepare yourself for the FEELS cause there’s so many emotions in this book and those last few pages really got to me.

My absolute favorite part of this novel is seeing the characters go on their separate journeys, learn something about themselves, and fight for what they believe in. Ia, Brinn and Knives have definitely been through so much, done terrible and amazing things, and evolved into the kind of heroes I love. They’re also very likable, relatable, and I rooted for them the entire time. I’m quite sad to say goodbye to them, but I feel so proud of Ia, Brinn and Knives and everything they’ve accomplished individually and together.

Maura Milan’s vivid storytelling is absolutely gorgeous, alluring, and impressive. Eclipse the Skies delivers a wonderfully emotional and absolutely unforgettable sci-fi adventure with all the feels I love. But this story isn’t just about fun and thrills… it’s also incredibly thought-provoking — an examination of humanity at its core, a reminder to never lose hope in the face of darkness, having the courage to stand up for justice and ultimately remembering the good and happy moments that are worth fighting and living for.

This is such a stunning and thoroughly satisfying series and I really wish there’s more.

I received an advance reader copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review and for participating for a Blog Tour hosted by Shealea @ CAFFEINE BOOK TOURS.. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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After finishing Ignite the Stars, I went straight into Eclipse the Skies and it took me roughly eight hours to finish it. I just couldn’t stop reading. This book is more serious than its predecessor and it somehow made me miss Ia’s humor and her banters with the other characters. But I liked that this book is more darker and action-packed.

Like in the first book, we have multiple POVs from the three main characters which I thoroughly enjoyed reading. They continued to grow thoughout the story and I really liked how the author made me feel all kinds of emotion towards them. We finally get to know more about Ia’s past and see her vulnerable side. Brinn starts to question her loyalty and beliefs. Knives feels a lot of pressure and struggles of being the new Headmaster. We get to meet new characters including Ia’s old crew, and Goner, her rival. I honestly would love to get to know more about him.

This book is fast-paced but sometimes it felt too rushed, in my opinion. There are so many things happening and I didn’t really have enough time to process everything. I wished this was a trilogy because I still have so many questions. The author did an incredible job portraying some relevant and important political themes in the story. The romance, just like in the first book, is not really a huge part of the story which was totally okay for me. But I was quite disappointed with the lack of progress between Ia and Brinn’s friendship.

I have mixed feelings about the ending. I don’t know if I like it or not and I’m not even sure if it’s the perfect way to end this duology. But one thing is for sure, I know that it broke my heart. I honestly wasn’t expecting that this book will end like that. I both love and hate it.

Eclipse the Skies is a thought-provoking and very enteraining read. I’m not a very huge fan of sci-fi novels but I definitely enjoyed this duology. I highly recommend reading this book especially if you love the first one or if you enjoy reading light young adult sci-fi in general.

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The story follows 3 characters into the futurestic world of unknown galaxies and dead space and a Organisation called Commonwealth building it's territory by expanding and taking control over more and more planets and star systems.

While Ia, the Blood Moon of the Skies finds out her brother that she cherished the most was her real enemy she takes on the taste as a responsible sister to deal with it and end him herself, if he is going to wreck havoc in her world and threaten her new found freedom in friendship she will make him pay for it, and also for trying to kill her. Brinn on the other hand had been running from who she is, what's happening in Commonwealth and the faith of her family for so long that it all comes crashing on her, and she has no one to turn to except Ia who is not interested in listening to her but giving orders. Knives is willing to take on as the Headmaster for the time being but juggling expectations amid the brewing war in the skies it is hard to remember himself and keep going for him, while he also has the feelings for Ia hard to accept and harder to convey.

The book 2 has been just as crazy as the first one but even better. While I did see some of it coming the utter joy of reading a well writing story that literally pulls you with it is unprecedented. I haven't been as angry, confused and into a book this much in a long while and it just took over my life for a few days.

The world-building and characters by Milan aren't just incredible but easy to imagine, accept and believe all throughout. Ia Brinn have a unique dynamic and to see them struggle after finding each other and cherishing each other is such a hard characteristic to find. Knives, on the other hand, was always my favorite since the start.

While 3 POVs don't always work well, Milan manages to present them with ease from their own and each other's perspective whole while weaving the world-building into the story presenting it as it goes.

I will not spoil much for you but while this end could leave you shocked and angry, it is an almost perfect ending. I will miss Ia and Brinn and Knives.. their witty behaviour, their *mifs* and *mungs* and their unsolicited dedication for each other.

I would recommend Eclipse the Skies as a Sci-fi that will give you what you have been looking for with just a smig of almost everything else.

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