Member Reviews

This book truly hit me in the feels. As always, Ruth finds a way to share deep theological truths in a visually beautiful way. And I am met where I am at. I am beholding God's love and his power and becoming more and more into His image. He calls me to seek after Him in order to truly BE.

Well written and a perfect book to lend encouragement and God's grace through Ruth's words and amazing artwork!! She speaks from the heart and with clarity. I love this book because it meets you were you are in life and fills you up with what you need at any given moment.
I like to post reminder quotes from the book as a reminder of the grace waiting for all of us in life and perfectly reflected in Ruth's words and art. A timeless treasure for anyone!!

Beholding and Becoming is first of all stunning. Ruth Chou Simon’s artwork is incredible and to hold her book in your hands is to hold a piece of art. We behold what we become, and in this book Ruth invites us to behold our Savior in every way and become more like him. This book is perfect for still, quiet mornings with a cup of coffee as well as chaotic moments of mothering or life when you need a piece of truth to hold on to. It is also a perfect gift.

et ready for an adventure of the senses. One can see, smell, touch, taste and hear the beautiful artwork, liturgical writing style and Gospel truths that are creatively intertwined to create Beholding & Becoming – The Art of Everyday Worship.
Ruth shares practical truths that are relatable to everyday life and the struggles we all endure to find meaning and purpose in our days. Her down to earth, intimate and honest approach encourages readers to have a shift in perspective and to see their days as not a “…random cluster of time. [Rather]… ordained and sacred, even when it feels ordinary.”
This book is one that will be read again and again with new nuggets of wisdom extracted each time, as one pauses to reflect and refocus on the truth that what we behold, worship and give attention to, is what we become.

The artwork in this book is breath-taking and enhances the beautiful words that Ruth shares. I have read this book multiple times and am always happy to gift it or recommend it to others! Ruth's work is consistent and one that you can rely on to speak God's truth and is always applicable to real life!

My first exposure to Ruth Chou Simons was through her first book “Gracelaced” and I was so blessed by her words and by her amazing artwork. This book is just as inspiring in both what she writes and by her watercolor artwork.
In each chapter, we are challenged to behold what God has done for us and in turn, choose to become what He has created us to be. This book is not meant to be left on the coffee table to be admired but rather to be devoured and highlighted and read again and again.
Her thoughts and insights on worship in our everyday life are so moving that your soul cannot help but be stirred to action. Worship is not just meant for the four walls of our church buildings but also in our kitchens… in our workplaces…in our laundry rooms…in the coolness of our morning walks… in the quietness of the bedrooms of our sleeping children.
It would be easy to get caught up in admiring Ruth’s artistic talent, but her words continually point us back to the Savior. This book is a gift from her heart… open it and receive it gratefully.

BOOK REVIEW - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️- The author’s first book (Gracelaced) was truly important to me and helping my devotional life along. Both #BeholdingandBecoming and #Gracelaced brought me to selah moments, which for me, are moments of deep breaths, pausing and hitting refresh. Though I deeply love @ruthchousimons’ first book, this book was a step up! I found the writing even more beautiful and clear. The author has a way of writing so direct yet so simple and creative. I also found the artwork in this book next level!! I was captivated from the start and blessed by so many things and quotes in this book. It is a work of art in every way possible! And today my #guidedcompanion came!

Beholding and Becoming is a beautiful piece of work. Her artwork is breathtaking and invokes a love of the ordinary beautiful things around us.

I will start by stating that this book is absolutely gorgeous. I have admired her art for years and it is a joy to see to see it page after page throughout the book. Ruth show us how to behold the glory of God in our everyday circumstances and how to become children who embrace life through the lens of how God has woven his beauty even in the ordinary. The chapter about being faithful right where we are (even if it is while we are doing dishes) really resonated with me. If we focus on God’s provision, even mundane moments become opportunities to praise Him. Her words are both succinct and beautifully written. I love how the prompts to help you “become” are actually part of the art work. All in all, this book is a treasure, leaving the reader refreshed and inspired

This book is encouraging and edifying. It challenged me to evaluate what I am allowing into my life to influence me and ask whether those things draw me closer to the Lord or pull me away. I highly recommend this book to those who want to grow stronger in their relationship with Christ.

I’ve been a fan of Ruth Chou Simons’ work for years. Her books Gracelaced and Garden of Truth have helped me focus on the beauty of God’s creation and meditate on his Word. I jumped at the chance to review Beholding and Becoming, because I know Ruth writes and paints with grace, loveliness and beauty.
I enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoy my prayer walks in my rural area. Pausing to muse on God’s glory through Ruth’s artwork and lyrical writing breathed peace into my soul. The chapters are at a nice length for busy women like me, and they are interspersed with gorgeous nature-based art.
I especially enjoyed Ruth’s throwback to William Morris, one of my favorite artists that I studied when I was in college. This was a special treat for me, and if you love the arts, it will delight you as well.
Ruth’s art prints fill my home. If you have not yet checked out her shoppe, please do so today. Every time I see her prints in my hallway or on my shelf, I pause to meditate on God’s Word. You’ll love her designs, and if you sign up for her emails, you’ll get special offers and discounts.
I received a preview copy of Beholding and Becoming from Harvest House Publishers and Netgalley.

Beholding and Becoming by Ruth Chou Simons is a book I will return to again and again. Her writing is accessible and honest, and the pages are filled with her stunningly beautiful watercolor artwork.
She writes with gentle vulnerability and with a desire to see God glorified as she reminds us about who God is and who we are. As a wife and mama of three boys, these truths are exactly the things I need to remember when the daily struggles of life start to pull me down.
“Faithfulness in the unremarkable daily tasks often goes unnoticed—but not to the God who numbers your days. To our all-seeing God, everyday faithfulness is an act of worship and not just an act of survival.” When we remember this, “today’s tasks become opportunities to praise, to give thanks, and to remember the One we aim to please.”
If you find yourself settling into discontentment or struggling to find joy in this life, let Ruth gently remind you that we are what we behold, and that “daily choices make deep channels.” Read this book. Read the Bible it points us back to, and let the truths of Gods word bless your heart. “Abundance begins with a heart that stores up its true treasure in Christ.”

An Exquisite, Life-Changing Book
I am honored to share my review of Beholding and Becoming by Ruth Chou Simons. Beholding and Becoming is an exquisite book: nourishing, thought-provoking content that engages the heart; but also gorgeous artwork by Ruth Chou Simons that draws readers in as they ponder this book's message.
Beholding and Becoming guides readers to carefully examine their own hearts, looking deeply at their own hearts and examine their actions in light of the faith they profess. I found my own heart challenged as I realized that often my actions do not line up with the faith I so deeply profess.
This lovely book draws readers toward God, who heals and restores. Beholding and Becoming is a definite must-read, lovely to share, most importantly, impacts lives for eternity. I am honored to highly recommend Beholding and Becoming.
*I received an Advanced Reader's Copy from the publisher. The opinion stated is my own. I have not been compensated in any way.*

Ruth's new book definitely doesn't disappoint! I love how she incorporates art with truth as she truly has a gift. In her latest book she weaves Scripture in context throughout to remind us that who or what we behold eventually heavily shapes who we become. She uses Scripture along with practical advice and biblical wisdom for us to reflect on what we prioritize, what is it that we value and are seeking, and why it's so important for us to be aware of who or what is sitting on the throne of our hearts, governing our thoughts and actions. I personally felt convicted at moments throughout, and the beauty of her artwork just adds to the preciousness of this book. The truth in this book applies to everyone and there is certainly something/s we can all gain from reading this over and over again.
Thanks to GraceLaced and Netgalley for an advanced, digital copy.

Beautiful artwork adorns well-crafted words that inspire, challenge, and encourage. They call me to pay attention and be aware of God’s creation all around me and thereby become more like Him even in the mundane routines of everyday life. Drawing from her own life and experiences, struggles and triumphs, wins and losses, the author/artist communicates spiritual truths by weaving words and pictures together.
If you want an easy read that will move you closer to God and bring more beauty into your life, this is the book for you.

This is a beautifully illustrated book and that alone would make it worth the purchase. The illustrations reflect the talent of the artist and the colors are eye-catching. What takes this book to another level are the well-written and thoughtful devotions that accompany it. Written with grace and insight, the author’s thoughts are encouraging and filled with faith.. This book is one that I’ll place in my shelf to look through and read again to be inspired and comforted. This book would also make an excellent gift.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

This is one of those books you'll pull out again and again to flip through. The words are meaningful and the art is beautifully done. I'll be honest, even though it isn't the style of art that I like (I love Ruth's work, but not this time period of art), I still took time to appreciate each piece tucked away between Ruth's words - and I think you'll do the same. If you're looking for more practical and down-to-earth inspiration on ordinary things, you'll find it on her Instagram account. But if you want more of a keepsake to hold onto, Ruth offers a mix of truth and beauty in these pages.

Yet again, Ruth has outdone herself! It is so evident throughout her newest work of art and truth, Beholding and Becoming, such depth on each page could only be through her faithful, compounded investments of time with the Lord. In even more stunning detail, Ruth included a glossary to describe the process and meanings behind her illustrations that prayerfully adorn each page.
Ideally, I would prefer at least three copies of this beautiful hardbound book: One for making notes as I study it deeply alongside my Bible, another copy for displaying the exquisite book in my living room, and at least one more copy to gift to a dear friend(s).
If you are looking for gorgeous artwork with depth, this is an incredible resource. I am so grateful for Ruth, and so excited to have this newest book next to her Gracelaced and Garden of Truth!

I received an advanced publication to "Beholding & Becoming" by Ruth Chou Simons, in exchange for my honest review. Honestly, I believe that this book will resonate with women who want to start or gain a closer walk with God. Throughout the book, Ruth's handpainted beautiful artwork complimented the Bible passages and verses. Although I would have preferred King James Bible verses rather than what was referenced in the book, I still found Ruth's insight great and enlightening. "Beholding & Becoming" became the perfect place to spend time in my Bible and I believe would be a fabulous devotional companion. Additionally, if you love nature and watercolor painting, this is a must for readers of the book!

Beholding and Becoming took me on a journey of realizing that the circumstances of my life (being a wife, raising 3 young children, tending to our home, relating with others around me, while also going through ups and downs) are very real, but they are not all that is around me. Ruth invites us to lift your head, and set your gaze upon the One who has created and called us here, for this time.
Each time I set the book down I left encouraged that I am not alone. I can continue to hope through worship, and ultimately setting my gaze on Christ is all I need to continue running the race that is set before me.
The intentions in each section are such tangible ways of teaching our minds to practice lifting up our head from what seems so important in the daily moments, and actually see Christ in those moments.
I am confident you will also come away encouraged and blessed by reading this book.