Member Reviews

4.5🌟 This is such a good book for both newly wed and mature married couples! Both this and the one for husbands are easy reads. You could easily do one a day with devotion time (though it’s not really a devotional). I recommend it as a wedding gift!

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As someone who's been with my husband for two decades, there was quite a bit in this book I'd already learned, but there was so much greatness in this book I didn't even mind. I will definitely be checking out the rest of this author's work. I'm especially interested in the one that has to do with daughters since I have two; a new teenager and an almost teenager.

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Whether you've been married 1 month or 50 years, these are good reminders about how to show love to your husband. Not all ideas will appeal to all people, but there are plenty of ideas here. Even if you pick only 25, you've still found 25 ways to show love. I read both the husband and wife versions of this book, and both are really good.

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received through Netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

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The perfect book to have in your purse or next to your desk, this little gem of a book provides 100 brief reflections on the importance of love and marriage, in a quick and easy-to-read style.

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A wonderfully encouraging book for any marriage. This version speaks to wives, sharing ideas of how to love and connect to their husbands in order to better show love. A great book of encouragement for all women.

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This is the companion to the 100 Ways to Love Your Wife which I got for my husband. I figured that we should do the two books together so that together we could have the best marriage.

If you're a wife dissatisfied with your marriage get started on this book now. Don't wait and say oh it's my husband's fault and he should read the book for men. It takes two to build a marriage but it only takes one to break it so get started today and let him follow along.

While I have been reading and working through the book for women my husband has been looking at and using the companion book for men. And together we have been transforming our marriage. Especially right now when fear is rampant in our country I think this is a great series of books for couples to do together. We all need reassurance and to know just how deeply we are loved and cherished and this is a great place to start when you don't know where to start.

Lots of bits of wisdom even for couples who've been married for many years. Often we forget to show our spouse that they really are the most important person in our lives and take for granted that they already know this. There are practical advice and tips on how to do this within this book.

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from NetGalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations

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I have mixed feelings about this book. I totally appreciated that it was a VERY quick read, but that is part of the reason I struggled with it. I’m not sure how to move through this book. Because I am was reviewing it I read it quickly, but I don’t feel it was very impactful because of that.
I think for the most impact of this book you should only read one suggestion a day, it will only take you a couple of seconds, and then maybe pray about it to apply it. If you do this it means will take you 100 days to get through it. Not that that is bad, I just don’t know if I personally would want to take 100 days to get through the book.
So this book is for someone looking for something really quick for each day. All the suggestions are good and I think would help any marriage if you put them into practice.

A copy of this book was given to me through All opinions are my own.

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I’m not sure this book was a necessary addition to their Work. This likely could have been a blog post or a resource on their website. This little book combines helpful tips on how to help your husband feel loved but there is no advice or wisdom here, it is pretty much a list. There is one tip on each page and a short sentence on each one.

I think You Can Find better resources to meet your needs.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher Via NetGalley for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I have expressed are my own honest review.

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This book is simple little advices forgives while not for all woman I can see that some would find them helpful

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This was my first experience with anything from Lisa Jacobson. I didn’t know anything about her but the title really grabbed me. Who doesn’t want 100 practical ways to love their husband?!
The 100 ways were great. After 17 years with my husband, there were some that I’d already heard or read but there were also some really great ones in the list that I wondered why I hadn’t thought of.
But I was still a bit disappointed in the execution. It was more like a Pinterest list or a blog list. 100 things listed with very little commentary on each one. Sometimes it’s only a sentence. Sometimes a paragraph. A handful of them have a short, devotional-or-smaller size story from her personal life to go with them.
I just thought, surely she has a practical example for each of these. It appears they’ve been married for a while, longer than me, and yet she didn’t offer practical tips or how-to at all. Just the basic list. There were a few that I thought, well, how would I do that?
It just felt like a blog series more than a book. And maybe the physical copy translates a lot better. Maybe the pages are pretty and it’s meant to be a coffee table book. But none of that was translated to the ebook.
I have found that her companion book “100 affirmations your husband needs to hear” (or something like) which I am also reading, gives more commentary and story format. But it seems to me it would have been the opposite way around.

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100 Ways to Love your Husband is filled with practical ideas of showing love to him. Advice you can immediately put to use!

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Always Chose Love.

I loved this book as it was encouraging to see different ways I can love my husband. I have been married now for 35 years. I have learned much about myself since then and choosing to love my husband is one of the most satisfying. I liken it to God choosing to love me. The 100 ways listed are mostly one to two sentences that pack a punch. A touch, a smile, an encouragement. Your husband needs to know someone is on his side. Being married means you complete someone. You are a help=mate to the other to know God and his holiness. You are chosen and I quote.
Who recognizes his strengths
Who balances his weaknesses
Who builds him up
Who understands him like no one else
Who encourages him when he's down or discouraged.
Who sleeps by his side at night
Who stands behind him
Who brings out the best in him
Who loves him for who he is.

Marriage is a wonderful thing. It is not idealistic but hard work that pays off. Highly recommend.

A Special Thank you to Revel and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

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These book about 100 ways to do things in marriage have been life savers for me and my marriage.

The spark can dwindle and this book gives 100 ways of telling us how to love, how to care, how to take care of our marriages and how to be a good wife.

I think the curse of comparison reigns a lot in women's circle and we get worried when we don't have things going as well as someone else. but this book gives us ideas on how to keep the fire burning.

I definitely suggest this book to my friends and am grateful for the chance to read this.

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"100 Ways to Love Your Husband" by Lisa Jacobson is a helpful book . She is a speaker, author and founder of is a group of Women Christian authors who write online about husband, home , family and Biblical truths. She also hosts podcasts online. Her book has lots of practical, easy ideas for strengthening and enriching your husband. These ideas would help any marriage. Thank you to the author , netgalley, publisher for allowing me to read and review this book. It is a helpful book. I was given this book for review purposes and the opinions are my own.

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This books is structured in small advices for wives. Some advices have more explabations, others are very short, but all are very wise and deep.
I remember reading some of them in other books, and a few were new, but it was good to refresh my memory. Now I can refresh my marriage.
A short book for every woman that wants a happy marriage.

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion. I really enjoyed this quick read. It had lots of practical ideas of ways to show my husband of 11 years that I love him. Some were simple and easy while others would take more time and effort just like love should be. I look forward to sharing some of these ideas with him. I've already tried to start smiling more since that really is an easy way to show love. Others are more of an attitude change for me to do the work on myself since I can't change him.

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Great resource to help your marriage! This book is written in down to earth language and in small enough sections that you could take one a day to improve your marriage. And then after 100 days, start again!

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100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND is a simple “reminder-a-day” type of book, though not set up for one per day. Many of the ways are no more than a sentence.

This would make a sweet gift from a mother to a daughter as she weds…. But not from the mother-of-the-groom! LOL

Marriage is not easy. This is why so many end in divorce. Both partners have to be partners, friends, lovers, and supporters, always. That’s a tall order to maintain for years … or decades. When you are feeling overwhelmed, stagnant, or dulled, reading (or rereading) this would be an excellent reminder to put your head on straight again.

My only complaint is that I was hoping for stories or anecdotes to reinforce the concept for each hint from Lisa Jacobson. Still, sometimes all we need is the quick platitude. (Also a great source for sampler quotes!)

Note: While I received this book as a gifted ARC via NetGalley, my opinions are my own and are given freely.

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100 Ways to Love Your Husband is a quick read, but is filled with great advise pertinent to the newlywed as well as to those who have been married for decades. Jacobson's advice may be labeled traditional by some, but is based in Scripture. She shares personal experience, both positive and negative, making the read entertaining as well as informative and motivating. I would definitely call the book inspiring, and am grateful to have received a copy from Revell via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. I was under no obligation to provide a positive review, and received no monetary compensation.

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This book was basically a good quick reminder of how to live selflessly and love your husband. None of the ides/tips in this book where earth shattering new information, but they are things we should constantly be reminded of. As I was reading through the book I found myself going out of my way to tell my husband something I appreciate about him or doing something special for him.

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