Member Reviews
The topic of sleep and stress is critical to our health. This book does a good job of taking a deep look at what we intuitively know as humans who aren't getting enough sleep.
It is well written, well researched information.
It does read a little dry, more like a text book than I would prefer. However if you are interested in the topic and want to live a healthier life, managing your stress levels more effectively you will certainly be able to push through the book!
The publisher provided an ARC through Netgalley. I have voluntarily decided to read and review, giving my personal opinions and thoughts
I received a complimentary copy of Sleep, Insomnia, Stress from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
This author should be commended for several reasons. First of all, Dr. Patricia A. Farrell is obviously very qualified to share her research on the topics of sleep and stress. Secondly, she writes non-fiction in a way that is more enjoyable than most and almost conversational, making the material easier to absorb without losing interest or nodding off. Amazing advice provided has already begun to help my family. Thank you!!
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.
Sleep does not yet quite figure at the same level of lifestyle advice as exercise and diet, while it is as important, if not more. There is a growing interest in sleep in recent times, which hopefully will lead to more people prioritising sleep. This book does well to outline the role of sleep in our lives and reinforces the important of getting enough of it.
Sleep deprivation is increasingly being linked to very serious health conditions including diabetes, cancer, dementia and others. There is basic coverage of sleep science, which in a way is good for people who want to get directly to the lifestyle changes required. There is fairly detailed coverage with practical tips on monitoring your sleep and improving sleep quality.
My rating: 3.75 / 5.
This book gives a great overview of what sleep is, why it's important and the many issues that can cause a person to have issues sleeping. From sleep disorders, to physical health issues, to stress in our every day lives this book covers it all! The book ends with several tips to help you get better sleep. I found the book to be very informative and easy to read. Thank you to Netgalley and BooksGoSocial for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.
This book was very so-so. There was nothing in it that I didn’t already know just rephrased. It was an ok read.
The author's painstaking research and attention to detail is obvious in the writing of this book. There were many facts that I only discovered after reading this!
This ARC was courtesy of netgalley - all thoughts and opinions are mine and unbiased
I wanted to read this mostly as going through some things in the workplace and found the stress is affecting my sleep
I found this really interesting - very informative and in these current days of stress and mindfulness a really useful book to dip in and out of
** Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with the digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review **
Todos sabemos que dormir es importante, pero es algo de lo que somos conscientes, pero no actuamos en consecuencia, es por eso que material como este, es importante que llegue a ser difundido. Es muy completo, la lectura no es difícil, y es sumamente interesante.
Me gusto mucho como va tratando diferentes aspectos de la vida, y su relación con el sueño y el descanso. Sea como sea tu estilo de vida, en este libro puedes encontrar como el sueño se relaciona con ella, la importancia de este y como te afecta la falta de este, ademas de información que es de uso totalmente general. Es interesante leer sobre las repercusiones físicas del sueño, y las psicológicas. Es muy útil e interesante que tenga en los apéndices, algunos tests, para ayudarnos a ver cuál es nuestro estado actual al respecto.