Member Reviews

Carrie is a dazzling business woman who made a name for herself at a rather young age. She’s happiest when she’s busy and working! She sees Edwin from afar, she’s taken with him, but vows to never touch. (I’m not really sure why) Her resolve is tested when they are forced to work together on a project.
This story was not what I expected. Cassie was totally out of character in this romance. A bit off-putting for a juggernaut business woman. She always knew what she wanted, but here she has no clue. She also changes her own rules back n forth. She ends up being a sad heroine in my opinion. Edwin also has his own story quirks and hang ups. I ended up liking him better. All in all, I debated on whether I wanted to continue as this was a long tiresome read for me.

He found the girl of his dreams and made his future so much brighter. Such an amazing story you read long past your bedtime to find out what happens next. A great story from Madeline you do not want to miss.

His Billionaire Bride by Madeline Ash was a delightful read. I enjoy reading, well written romance stories, that has a good funny fell over it, when reading. Lovely characters and just a good story.

This book was easy to read and flowed very well. The story line was very predictable but I still enjoyed it!

This book was not at all what I expected based on the title and cover, and I mean that in a good way. The characters that Ash created in her story, and their story, was truly unique in comparison to any that I have ready recently, maybe ever. Carrie Morgan is the woman that I dreamed of being growing up. She is strong and self-sufficient, but that self imposed loneliness is something that has to be crippling. Enter Edwin, her literal "Prince" with his own baggage that is some incredibly different, but also causes a very similar loneliness.
Their chemistry is so electric, but builds to such high peaks. Though I have recently found myself preferring books that lean more towards the errotic recently, I did not mind how Ash chose to approach the intimate scenes in this book. She was very careful about how they were written and that forced me as the reader to focus more on the emotional connection building, rather than the physical.
I would recommend this book to anyone look for a modern romance that complete flips you expectations upside down.

I am glad this book could be read as a standalone but now I want to go back and read the first book in the series. This book hooked me from page one. I knew reading the blurb I was going to like this book.
Carrie has plenty of money but isn’t happy. She wants her life to revolve around more than work. She has a hard time letting people in so when she meets Edwin she doesn’t know what to do. He wants the chance to prove to her he can make her happy. Carrie decides to protect her heart by giving him a time limit. She doesn’t open herself up to others easily but now that she’s finally ready will Edwin believe her.
I really enjoyed His Billionaire Bride and am looking forward to reading more work from this author.

I really struggled to connect and like the heroine, Carrie. Just an okay read.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

I received this book from Tule Publishing through Net Gallery for free in exchange for an honest review.
One would assume that I did not like this book due to the fact that it took me two months to finish. Well, surprise surprise; I really enjoyed it. When I finally had a moment to sit down and read the book, I inhaled it within 24 hours- and that was all the way from the beginning. I couldn't remember all the details so I decided to go back and read it from the beginning. I loved the characters and the conflicts between Carrie, an intelligent businesswoman with a hidden side, and Edwin, the hot senior college student that is entranced by her. I liked how these characters had a lot of layers to them and weren't cardboard cutouts. It made things really interesting and I found myself understanding both of them so well that I could see why they had both weren't willing to change themselves to fit the other. It was a very interesting story line, and know that I will be returning to this author to read her other books. That is also another thing I liked; you didn't have to read the first book to understand the characters. Madeline Ash does an amazing job with giving you just enough information about the characters to help you out, but nothing to spoil the prior book if you haven't read it. I would highly recommend this book. It was a fun and quick read!

This book centres on the two main characters and their fledging relationship. I found the book slightly challenging due to the intensity of the read - you can feel it radiating from the page at times. It has quite a dark edge which can be quite consuming. Not my usual read but I found the story urges you to read to the end to the conclusion. I really did want to know how it ended!
Thank you Netgalley.

I really didn't connect with the main female character. Didn't enjoy the tone of the writing. felt that the style was rather aggressive.
DNF 10%
I really didn't connect with the main female character. Didn't enjoy the tone of the writing. felt that the style was rather aggressive.
DNF 10%

This book is different from a lot of the romance novels that I've read. On paper, the leads are complete opposites that shouldn't be compatible, but they are, and they bring out the best in each other in ways that other people can't.
You have a somewhat cynical female lead, Carrie, that has given up on romantic love. Familial love is in her wheelhouse and it guides her, as evidenced by her relationships with her family. But romantic love is not something that she believes in.. She's been burned by it before, so she sticks to family and business, sheltering her heart.
Edwin manages to reach her when others haven't been able to in the past. He believes in love, romance, and making each other better and stronger.. He encourages her to take a chance , and that's where this love story's journey goes..

DNF 25%
I just couldn't get into this one. Way too much of Carrie's internal monologue, most of which consisted of talking about how Edwin looks, and I didn't understand the attraction between the two. Honestly, it's creepy if a girl (or guy) stares at you for months (apparently mentally undressing you) whenever you go to a club and never says a word to you. I think that was meant to build tension or make it seem like they knew each other in case this became insta-love, but it just didn't work for me.

This book tore me apart and made me an emotional wreck.
In some ways, this book was agonisingly slow and in others, it was way too fast and I needed a moment to breathe before I moved ahead.
Carrie is a smart, intelligent woman who has worked her way up and has been ranked as one of the top 10 female businesswoman in California. She is used to being in control of her life and everything around her but, that control is taken out of her hand with a sudden jerk as Edwin Prince appears in her life.
Edwin is brilliant - he is artistic and he's great at what he does too. He <I>feels</I> and makes others feel in a way they are not used to and pushes them out of their comfort zones sometimes.
There is an instant chemistry between Edwin and Carrie, which, we learn has been felt even from across the dance floor and as Carrie decides to sit for Edwin and et him make a portrait of her, the intense energy explodes and leads to more.
There are complications and unsurity. This book is more than just clichés and it deals with some important issues in a Avery sensible manner,
This book was wonderful and I am so glad I had the opportunity to read it as it filled me with joy and wonder.

What a great read! The beginning was a bit confusing, but once I got the characters down, it was a delightful read. If you are interested in a current romance with a few quirky twists, you will enjoy this book. I loved the characters and their personalities.

Sometimes a story will come along that leaves me almost speechless in the face of its intensity, emotional response, and the pure joy of getting to experience a couple’s journey to forever. That’s what HIS BILLIONAIRE BRIDE was for me. A unique journey for two people who should be the complete opposites of each other, yet they bring out the best in each other, teach each other to take a risk on life on love.
It might be easy to look at the cover or the title and think, “Oh, another billionaire story.” No, no. Not even close to what you may have experienced in a Romance before. The Cover Description gives you the idea of their story, the beautiful reality of it is within the pages. You’ll find a woman who has given up on anything remotely considered love except for her family – for them she’d do anything. Her world is her business, and she rarely steps out of that role. She’s been burned, hurt, and no one has convinced her to take a chance again, until Edwin.
He’s a younger artist, talented beyond belief yet with the ability to charm and still blush when emotions overtake him. Edwin believes in commitment, something Carrie does not. But with her, he’s found exactly what, who he wants in his life – now he only has to convince her that the reward of them loving each other is worth the risk to her heart.
This is a beautiful love story that any reader of Romance would enjoy and should experience firsthand. All I can say is prepare to be amazed, engaged, and emotional throughout Edwin’s and Carrie’s story. I don’t know how Madeline Ash is going to top this story – but I’m anxious to find out. I would highly recommend HIS BILLIONAIRE BRIDE and believe you’ll be swept away by this one.
*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

“When reading, we don’t fall in love with the characters’ appearance. We fall in love with their words. Their thoughts. And with their hearts. We fall in love with their souls”
This is the third book I’ve read by Madeline Ash. I had to wait over a week to write a review for Billionaire Bride so I could process what I had read. Ms. Ash has a gift for words that few authors seem to have. These characters are not perfect in any way but you come to love them and care for them anyway. While I personally, do not care for some of the character’s choices due to my personal beliefs, I am usually able to move past that to focus on the story as was the case of Billionaire Bride.
This is, at the center, a love story between two damaged and broken people who ultimately find healing together and with support of those who love them, who are each lacking themself. As horrible as it sounds, I love the Ms. Ash takes one of our main characters and utterly breaks them before putting them back together and getting to the happily ever after. Well done and highly recommended.

Closed-off businesswoman Carrie Morgan’s sister, Emmie, requires a favor of her. Emmie has decided to jazz up the exterior of her nightclub with a mural – in this case, with her gorgeous sister as the subject. Carrie agrees and is stunned to learn the muralist is Edwin Prince, the handsome artist whose gleaming red hair she has admired (and whose body she’s lusted after) from afar whenever he’s popped up at Emmie’s club. Perhaps posing for Edwin will stop her hungry staring, her outrageous fantasies?
College student Edwin hopes not. He has long been enchanted by the woman who’s been watching him. Aware of Carrie’s staring, Edwin has become fixated upon painting her – and hopefully doing more. Now that the opportunity has presented itself, he’s happy to go all in to get the painting (and the woman) he wants.
But Carrie and Edwin have plenty of baggage. Carrie, having been through one partner death, the death of her father and the near-death of Emmie has become scared to risk her heart, strongly insulating her world from outside hurts, and Edwin has been rejected by his family for his bisexuality and by his last serious boyfriend, who walked out of their relationship. Can he and Carrie – in spite of their experience and (slight) economic gap, and in spite of their broken hearts – find a way to be together, even if it seems all they really want out of a relationship together is no strings sex?
His Billionaire Bride packs more angst into its slim reading space than most other novels do with twice the page count. It’s a perfectly decent romance with some good, solid chemistry between its leads. It doesn’t have an extra spark to lift it above B territory, but it’s a fine story.
Carrie is an extremely tightly wound and ordered person but she’s that way for a reason, and watching her decompress on-page is an interesting experience. It’s natural that Edwin’s presence is what makes her more social and less business orientated. But the book rarely shows her at the office, instead telling us vaguely that she’s very rich and very important – something that’s hard to tell unless we see her actually DOING these important and businessy things.
Edwin is more intense, more passionate, filled with all of this thwarted love but refusing to be used as a doormat when Carrie won’t commit to him. And I love the inclusion of a bisexual hero.
Lots of angsty desires and lust make up this stormy pairing. There’s a lot of flirting and banter and strong chemistry between them, which makes the novel an intense experience. The reader is almost guaranteed to cry or swoon with these two. Also, I like an age gap romance with a younger (but adult) man, which this book offers.
There are some flaws in His Billionaire Bride’s makeup. While the book is set in the US and features American characters, some of the author’s Australian idioms have leaked into the prose (at one point Edwin tells a male friend to “piss off”, for instance). And sometimes the intensity of Carrie and Edwin’s mutual attraction feels more like obsession than romance.
But sometimes you want to enjoy something dark and thorny, something that kerns a little toward melodrama. His Billionaire Bride will have you covered – it’s hot, dark and moody as the wolf Edwin compares Carrie to, but has the courage to give its characters the happily ever after they deserve.
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This story was well written. The characters well developed and we met Carrie and Edwin Prince. I found the story a bit quirky for my taste but super cute. We got a conclusion, this can be a standalone book although it is part of series.

*3.5/5 stars*
I was a bit confused at the beginning since I didn't know going in that it was a sequel, but after a quick brush up on the first book, it was a lot easier read through. It was a cute romance that engaged you enough from the beginning to keep you invested in the characters and their story together. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for sending me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review!

Carrie was unprepared for him. She usually found San Diego’s Gaslight Quarter peaceful in the early morning. A pause before the working week unleashed it’s howl- a final respite from pressure, hustle, and men stuffing their chests out. A pause to help her cope with upcoming interviews, an industry panel, and her fast-approaching start-up conference. Carrie had a business partner Lianne. Lianne had head hunted carrie three years back.Carrie told Lianne she didn’t like attention and Lianne said “There’s only so high you can climb without receiving it. People like to look up.” The man was grazing at the buildingCarrie had acquired years back for her sister’s live music venue. Until now, the stranger has existed purely within the realm of Emmie’s venue. Carrie tried not to think of him outside of the dim underground bubble. She had a life to live and little time to daydream. He was usually dancing. In thirty years carrie had never reacted to anyone like him. He said morning to Carrie as he turned and saw her. He thanked her for agreeing to this. Confused, Carrie lifted her chin. He added Emmie didn’t think she would. He also said it was going to be compelling but he had some ideas. He said she looked confused. He also said he wasn’t even close he knew she watched him dance all the time. He said his type was anyone he is attracted to. He asked why was she always looking at him like that? And why hadn’t she ever spoken to him? Carrie knew she would never act on such an attraction. As a prominent business investor, she provided capital for cutting edge start-up businesses- the male dominated privay=te investment industry didn’t exactly save women seats at the head of the table. He said he was getting the vibe she hadn’t spoken to Emmie yet. Carrie said not in relationship to him. Than Carrie said they always have breakfast at seven. She hoped he realized he got the time wrong and leave Emmie and carrie to their weekly routine. He than answered yeah she told him and let’s go up. Carpe Vesoerum was Emmie’s live music venue. When Emmie came out of the bathroom Carrie learned his name was Edwin Prince often just called Prince. Carrie looked at Emmie and asked why Edwin had lots of ideas about something she was never going to agree to? Emmie/Emma said okay it’s just an idea and you can say no… like she was absolutely sure Carrie would. It’s to do with Emmie’s absession. Carrie stance softened. Her sister had lived through so much. She’d struggled and endured. Her peculiar wedding obsession- Emmie was already married- was tied up in past pain. Although carrie couldn’t relate to emma’s weakness for wedding, carrie would never criticize it, carrie Emma decided she wanted a big mural on the outside of the building . taking up the entire side wall. A bride. She told Em to do whatever she wanted . Emmie said she had figured Carrie would say that and hired Edwin to paint it. Emma added- Edwin would like you to set for him. As the bride. Carrie said no. Carrie said she just placed in California’s ten most successful women in business. Carrie was sick to death on her businesswoman ranking. Public recognition was not why Carrie pursued business investment. In two days she had endured seven interviews, a photoshoot on a two page spread. Carrie decided she would let this fiery prince capture her energy to wrangle into a bride. For public viewing. She’d let him observe her own end, as she’d done to him. And as she did so, she would regain the control he’d taken from her over the past few months. She would be able to think clearly again, concentrate at work, and focus on what is important. In less than thirty minutes, her lust had been exposed, close contact scheduled. Her resolute goes on, her own life has been pried open. But she would regain it and life would go on. One fantasy lighter, for months he pretended not to notice her attention. He hadn’t made contact, even as her gaze elicited reactions inside him like heat rippling over embers. Week after week he went home from a night out burdened from incompletion. Edwin didn’t paint how a subject saw themselves or how they wanted to be seen.
I really enjoyed this book. It was a good easy read. Carrie and Edwin’s attraction and chemistry was hot. I liked the woman was rich and powerful in this book and had a problem with committing. Although the male was a very talented charismatic man. I also liked that Edwin was unpredictable. I really loved seeing Carrie and Edwin grow. A lot of emotions in this book. I liked that carrie realized, as it can happen in real life, that she was lonely and it took her awhile. I enjoyed the plot and the pace. I also really liked the way the author’s style in writing this book. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I recommend it.