Member Reviews

This book revolves around Daugherty's work with somatic healing and her HEART (Heartful Engagement and Re-focusing Training) technique, which helps people to better manage their stress levels using things like gratitude and empathy.
I think this book could be helpful for someone who has zero background with trauma or somatic work. For someone like me, many of the points were re-hashing's of things I've already learned. The way the book was structured was also pretty frustrating. A lot of time is spent reiterating what was just talked about or setting up what is going to be covered in each chapter. It felt like there was a word count that needed to be met. Additionally, the way sources were cited felt distracting (instead of just using footnotes or an appendix at the end).
I'm sure Daugherty has helped a lot of people in her workshops (it is something she seems to mention quite a bit in the book), but this wasn't something that was very eye-opening or helpful to me as a whole.

Alane Daugherty has written a book for all of us and the world we live in. This book is relevant and will help all of us understand the overstressed nature of our lives. Although the book covers a difficult topic, it is easy to read and Alane Daugherty brilliantly explains the effects of stress on our brain and body.
She describes what life could be like and invites the reader to take a journey into a new way. The practices she outlines here help to make real and lasting change. This book is a tool we all need in our toolboxes!
The publisher provided an ARC through Netgalley. I have voluntarily decided to read and review, giving my personal opinions and thoughts

I found this book to be very helpful and informative. It made me aware of what I was doing wrong and it did not make me feel like an idiot.

I learned a lot from this book. Definitely enough to apply to my daily life. Interesting read and very insightful.
*My review is my own personal opinion that I give in return for the ARC, thank you NetGalley for the opportunity.*

Somatic awareness aka gratitude practice is pretty well covered in many areas, and to be honest, this book is a good primer, but it's not groundbreaking. If you need to start somewhere, this would be a good place to start, but offers less to advanced gratitude and mindfulness work, in my opinion.
Still, a worthwhile primer if you're looking for a good basis for gratitude, but I do think 'somatic awareness' is pretty much going to be offputting, and possibly should be labelled 'gratitude' for those looking for a no-nonsense guide.

An interesting and informative book on using mindfulness to help reduce stress. The author provides practical tips and solutions you can implement in your daily life. This is mostly information that you can also find in various other books, however it's nicely written and easy to follow that many be find useful. Thank you to Netgalley and New Harbinger Publications, Inc. for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

This was an interesting book. I thought the information presented was well laid out and flowed well. I really enjoyed reading it and want to try and start implementing some of what I read.

This is a great workbook for anyone who has suffered from trauma. The first part is an explanation of the trauma and its aftermath. The author does a great job at showing how the past informs the present and future. The second part is filled with exercises for processing trauma and cultivating mindfulness. Overall, I would highly recommend this one to anyone struggling with anxiety who finds themselves triggered by things from their past.

Unstressed is a useful book with a lot of good information and advice. There isn't any new insights in this book that can't be found in dozens of others. Well written.

This ARC was courtesy of netgalley - all thoughts and opinions are mine and unbiased
I found this quite helpful - good exercises - very useful information
Highly recommend for mindfulness

** Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with the digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review **
Me gusto el enfoque que tiene en el libro, ya que se enfoca, tanto en lo físico, como en lo psicológico del problema del estrés, pasa por la parte física, y por la emocional. Propone actividades practicas, que siempre ayudan a entender los conceptos, y ademas a trasladarlos a la realidad. Tiene una buena introducción, donde uno puede informarse exactamente de qué puede obtener de este material, que igualmente es un poco larga. La lectura del libro es fácil, y esta al alcance de cualquiera.