Member Reviews

I felt this gave a really good range of books and authors, and I liked that a lot of the authors are ones I hadn't heard of before!

BHC Press 2019 Young Adult Teen Fiction Sampler was a huge success I think I ended up buying every single book featured in it.

Thanks for the sneak peek of upcoming YA books. Several that I am interested in adding to the collection. It’s nice to be able to preview this way.
Thanks to netgalley for the preview for an honest opinion.

Nice eclectic group of young adult books that are coming out soon. I enjoyed getting to preview some titles.

And I'm back again with another YA sampler, this one for BHC Press. It features a bunch of new books, some of them I found more interesting than others and even one that I actually have an ARC for. As is typical with the samplers, I was introduced to books that I liked and ones that I know I likely won't enjoy reading. But one of the greatest things about the BHC Press YA Sampler is the fact that each excerpt they give in this is actually fairly long.
Within the span of five chapters (with the exception of one sample that was only about two chapters long), you get a chance to experience the beginning of eight different stories from <em>Hood Academy </em>to <em>Guardians of the Dead</em>. You get a chance to know the characters, learn the writing style of the author, and determine whether or not these stories might be for you.
Ultimately, of the eight books I had the chance to get a feel for with this sampler, there were only two that I am quite eager to read. <em>Hood Academy</em>, a red riding hood retelling, and <em>The Path Keeper</em>, a YA romance that somehow involves angels, both sound like fun stories and I loved not only the writing, but the voice of the characters. Some others that I'd be interested in, but am not exceptionally excited for, are <em>Remon's Quest</em> (sounded interesting), <em>Light of Darkness </em>(had a good plot, but I didn't like the writing), and <em>Guardians of the Dead</em> (seemed okay).
I personally couldn't see myself reading <em>Johnny Hunter</em> as it very much fit into the category of books I just know I'm going to grow bored of--realistic fiction just isn't my thing--and I was thoroughly unimpressed with the writing for <em>The Uncovering</em> and <em>The Secret of Dinswood</em>. As it stands, these books didn't really get my attention at all. So, in the end if you're a fan of the kind of books I enjoy, I'd say stick with the ones in the first paragraph and give them a shot. If not, perhaps consider the ones I didn't care for.
<em>I was provided a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.</em>
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Review to go live on blog on 08/24/19.

I love sneak peaks like this. In this sampler I saw several books/authors that caught my eye that I want to read.

Lots of exciting new titles introduced here, I was especially interested in The Path Keeper and Hood Academy, which I read immediately after finishing the sampler!

I LOVE samplers. Thank you so much for putting this out. It is an easy way to browse through many books in one place and pick out the ones I might like.

This is my very first time requesting a sampler and I'm so happy I did! Look, I've never really been a big fan of young adult fiction. There, I've said it. I mean when I was younger sure but then I became way too "cool" and emo for it all and had to grow up and refine my tastes. Massive eye roll. But in this recent year it's mostly all I've devoured and I have to say it's grown on me again. This was just the right amount of what's to come out for the year and had me craving for more. It's something very nice to look forward to in the new year, these authors are doing great things!

Really enjoyed reading this sampler. It's a great way to get the feel of a book prior to requesting the arc on Netgalley or purchasing the book.
I totally loved the Hood Academy by Shelley Wilson from the start of the sampler to the end of it! I have since requested and received the arc to read & review which I am loving so far.
The Path Keeper by NJ Simmonds reminded me a little of Mary Tings Crossroads series, which I adored it also featured Angel's which I think the character of Zac is in Path Keeper. Then elements of Path Keeper also reminded me of Fallen by Lauren Kate which I read but wasn't as keen on. I am still unsure if I would want to read more of it. Perhaps if it is on special offer on Amazon I would consider buying it.
Rameons Quest by JW Garrett I was really getting pulled in to this one with the mining, the explosion and the emotions Jack was going through and then he was picked up by aliens and I thought I was going to hate it but I continued reading to the end and although I would normally say no to anything with 'Aliens' in it I think I will look out for this one on sale on Amazon for sure.
From the rest of the sampler took a downward turn for me. I found the remaining titles didnt suit my reading preferences at all, whether it was the writing style that felt like a list of things happening kind of 'going through the motions' or the books more aimed to younger maybe middle grade readers, or just the characters (not keen on fae, elves, aliens, dragons etc etc) or the plots I just didn't get along with the rest at all.
Thank you to all the authors & BHC press for the sampler, I think it did its job really well.

I love reading collections of samplers and this one is no exception. It's always nice to hear about new books and even better to read a bit of them! Thank you to the publisher for releasing this.

Receiving this sampler I enjoyed hearing about recent releases and future releases. The Path keeper is a book I haven't heard about but will be picking up soon. Remeon's Quest is a love story sounds intriguing and a fun read. I also want to pick up Light of Darkness by Lonnie Davidson.

I loved this!! This idea was amazing it gave me insights into books I would have never picked out on my own and saved me money on books I would have bought but actually didn’t like.