Member Reviews
At Daddy's Hands is a story about a cop who is a pillar of the community that can do no wrong. But, behind closed doors he has become a monster. He beats his wife, who has become a drunk and has sexually abused his oldest daughter and his son. When his wife gets pregnant later in life he is not happy about it but his wife refuses to get an abortion.
As the youngest daughter gets into elementary school he slowly starts to introduce her to the sexual abuse but after a while she decides to tell her teacher in a letter.
What happens from there is such a good portrayal of what victims go through. This book was hard to read at times but if you can get through it you will have a better understanding of what these kids go through and the lengths they will go to to stop the abuse.
Thank you for writing this story Jacob Paul Patchen. I hope you get a lot of reads!
After years of abuse, and being failed by the system, one family takes matters into their own hands.
I want to say this book was unbelievable, but sadly, living in a time when just a month ago, a judge admonished lawyers for not telling a rape victim she might ruin her rapists life by pressing charges and suggesting that since the rapist comes from a "good family" he should not have to face consequences makes this story feel all too real. Jim Handler, husband, father, hero, pedophile can do no wrong. The town loves him, his fellow cops love him, even his victims love him and hope that one day he will change.
Although a work of fiction I have no doubt that somewhere this story happens every day.
This book was heartbreaking to read. Although a subject that does need to be discussed more within a public forum. It was engrossing in the type of manner where you needed to read more but didn't necessarily want to know what the characters went through.
A hard hitting read but worthy for everyone. The tone of the book makes it more an adult read than a YA one.
Heartbreaking story of not one but three kids sexual assault at the hands of their father. He is heroic well respected policeman in their town. He physically abuses their mother and his abuse us unpredictable. How they get through the days and survive this horror is amazing. I wanted to choke the father myself. Survival and recovery of the victims of abuse is how you want it to end, read this great book and find out.
It seems as if there is something wrong with the mother of this family, Ashley. However, when her husband, Jim, comes home from work (as a police detective) we find out the truth. Ashley is one of the number of abused/battered women in our country, today. Their children, Ally (16), Tyler (15), and Nikki (11), each have a story of their father's abuse to them as well. The children form a pact to try to poison their father but it fails...
We find out that Jim was abused as a child and Ashley left an abusive step-father to marry Jim.
Things change when Nikki opens up to her school teacher, Ms. V.
Does the family fare better or worse with school intervention?
An extremely frightening look at what some people endure in their lives. This story is good for Family Life teaching or as a suspense read!
Many Thanks to Black Rose Writing and NetGalley for a look into a world in which no one wants to exist.
Very thought provoking well written book. Can't say it was an easy read given what the storyline was about but then I expected that.
I went through different emotions of anger, disbelieve and shock that a family couild be so let down by other people and the system..
I want to say I enjoyed this book, but given the subject matter involved “enjoyed” may not be the best term to use. It had me hooked, and I felt extreme emotions for the characters and what they endured. It is both powerful and gripping, tracing the story of a family's abuse at the hands of their father/husband. It is thought-provoking and raises awareness of what can (and unfortunately is) going on behind closed doors, even by those deemed respectable by the outside world.
Whilst being marketed as teen/young adult I do feel that due to the content in this book I would only recommend it to older teens, say 16+. I feel that it tackles sensitive subjects and issues that may not be suitable for younger teens.
At 152 pages it was a quick read and I finished it in an afternoon.
This book was well written, and I can see how this would help some students. This book was interesting, upsetting, and ground breaking all in one. It also showed how hard it is to tell someone you trust the truth.
Great book will be reading other books by this author.
Will also recommend this book to others.
Great read! 5*****
God, this book broke my heart. It's such a sensitive and important piece of work. Thanks to Jacob for writing it and solidarity with all the brave people who shared their stories at the end. This novel tells a tale as old as time, of the evil lurking in many homes across the world, the flaws in the system which devastate lives further and the ability of survivors to heal.
Books like this (child physical, sexual, and emotional abuse) are hard to read due to the disturbing subject matter. However, it is essential to hear what occurs as these are real things that happen to children and families.
The story is told from the perspective of each person involved and done well. The author discusses how the system can sometimes abuse the victim even more. It also shines a light on the hero’s that step forward.
I was able to read this in one night as the author developed the story and the emotions involved well. At Daddy's Hands is written with passion and disturbing details.
At Daddy's Hands by Jacob Paul Patchen is a very good book about a difficult subject, but one that needs to be told.