Member Reviews

A fascinating life through letters from a musical great. This book is a fine example of epistolary format and perfect for musical enthusiasts and avid readers.

I'm in love with this book! This is a MUST READ for all fans of Cole Porter! I really learned a lot!

This is a biography- shown through a series of letters. This is a really nice and I enjoyed the letters I did read. But, honestly, this isn't really readable in the amount of time given to read and prepare a review. It's over 600 pages long, with notes on why letters were chosen and some context. This is a book to linger over and to pick up over several months or even a year. Highly recommended for people interested in music, Porter and/or a look at the eras Porter lived through.

This ARC was courtesy of netgalley - all thoughts and opinions are mine and unbiased
Love Cole Porter - such a clever man - so was thrilled to be able to read this advanced copy
Fascinating - a collection of letter with added commentary - a really good mix
Absolutely brilliant - this is not just for music lovers but for anyone interested in humanity in its brightest form

Personal intimate the letters of The amazingly talented Cole Porter reveals all sides of him.Letters collected reveal so much absolutely fascinating read.#netgalley #yaleupress

A fascinating life through letters from a musical great. This book is a fine example of epistolary format and perfect for musical enthusiasts and avid readers.

The Letters of Cole Porter is a fascinating collection of correspondence and letters revolving around a complex character of history, Cole Porter.
This insight, as well as additional commentary, allows the reader to finally put some of the pieces together and discover the genius of a most accomplished and brilliant songwriter.
No one, not even someone as successful and brilliant as Porter, goes through life bruise-free and this compilation gives his fans a glimpse into why the facets of his personality were as they were.
5/5 stars
Thank you NetGalley and Yale University Press for this ARC and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.