Member Reviews

Interesting book where past meets present with plenty of twists and turns. Very original plot with characters that I grew to care about in their unusual journey to be together. Wonderful!

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Nice read, and one of those books where you get two stories in one. There is the flashback story set in Scotland, and then the present day story with Jade and Delaney.

Strangely, I found the Scotland story with Heather and Isobel more fascinating. It was also somewhat heartbreaking, so be prepared for angst on that end, mixed with angst of the MCs not being able to find a way to be together for most of the book. Lots of angst!

I thought there was going to be more push back from Jade once Delaney told her about their past lives. The way the character was built up, and the whole "fate" conversation, lead me to believe that there would be some obstacles to overcome in getting her to believe it. I felt like it was a little too easy and I wanted more from that conversation.

Overall, it was a pretty good book.

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What a fun book to read. The story was interesting and unique. I would have liked a few more details in some parts, however overall this is an enjoyable read.

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‘Before Now’ by Joy Argento is a a mixture of modern day romance and historical fiction. Delany Payton agrees to meet a friend of a friend for a date with benefits. But it doesn’t turn out the way she expected. Jade Taylor is drop dead gorgeous and sex would be very welcome, but she feels something for this woman she can’t explain. She feels she’s met her before - in a lifetime long ago.

The story goes back and forth between 15th century Scotland and present day New York State. Isobel and Heather’s love in the past was refreshing and beautiful but how could it ever work out? I really wanted it to, but feared the worst. Scotland in 1466 was described in wonderful detail. I enjoyed this part of the story. Delany and Jade’s story was one that was inextricably linked with theirs. I hoped that they could find happiness. There was some welcome humour and a bit of angst. An interesting story well told.

I was given this ARC for review.

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Before Now by Joy Argento

A dual story line, set in both the past and the present, is something that appeals to me and even more so when there is an element of the paranormal. Jade asks her friend if she knows anybody who would be interest in a no-strings hook-up but when she meets Delaney, they feel so familiar to each other that it’s uncanny. Delaney finds herself having dreams that feel so real she wonders if they could be memories of a past life.

I found myself invested in both the present and the past and loved the way all the characters were bound together. In the present, Delany was a much easier character to get to know and like because she was open to all possibilities. I liked Jade too because her cynicism about life and relationships was quite appealing.

I’m a little short on time at the moment so I appreciated the fast-pace and love the level of engagement I had with the story.

Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review

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When Delaney meets Jade on a sort of blind date, there's something about her that makes her feel like she knows her already. When she stats seeing visions of another life, she realizes it was her life, and Jade was there too. But will their past lives and all the baggage that comes with it get in the way of their present happiness? Together?

I really enjoy the writing style, the flow of prose and snappy dialogue really draws you in as a reader. What failed to connect me to the story was the jumping back and forth between the past and present. I think if the stretches of past-life had been a little bit longer and maybe separate chapters rather than mixed in the middle I wouldn't have felt so disconnected from the characters and the story. I wanted a deeper investment in both stories, and instead didn't really feel it for either. Overall, it was a really cool premise for a story, I really loved the historical aspects of it, and I think the chemistry and connection between Jade and Delaney in the present was really strong.

I like this author a lot and I look forward to reading more by this author in the future.

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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There were several reasons I chose to read Before Now by Joy Argento. The cover caught my eye first. Having a well-made cover is very important. It can be the difference in a sale or not. The author’s name also made me notice this book. I know Ms. Argento is a good author since this is not the first book I’ve read of hers. I really became interested when the blurb talked about it being both historical and contemporary romance. I love a good historical fiction story, and sometimes they are hard to find in lesbian fiction. The idea of the contemporary characters having a past life together, and then remembering that past life as they meet and fall in love really intrigued me.

Unfortunately the story didn’t quite live up to my expectations. The premise of the story is very good, and some of you may find that you really like the tale. I just never connected with the characters in either time period, and if I can’t connect with the characters, I won’t enjoy the story.
The book is well written. Those of you who like stories that are different, especially stories that span different time periods, might enjoy this tale.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

Rainbow Reflections:

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Although the premise of this book is interesting enough, I have to say that the end result has not been completely good for me. Without going deep into the plot, I think that the issue between the two girls of the past has not been sufficiently cleared. I can understand the problems of women attracted to women in the seventeenth century (I do not know if was that century, but it doesn't matter much)

But so many flashbacks or visions of the past or regressions, which suddenly appear in the middle of today's story, sometimes you're wanting to know how the history of the past evolved, but I think the mix has been too mixed for my taste. And then Heather and her allegedly reincarnation Jade, they have been characters difficult to like. oor Delany and the wretched Isobel, they fight too much and their other halves too little. Both couples are very unbalanced. And since in the end the connection between past and present has not been very clear to me, I have not understood the meaning of it.

Regarding romance, the couple of the past is sweet and tender at the beginning, but the development is unlucky. The current couple is frustrating because the two women are not in the same wave and I do not see much chemistry between them.

So in short, the book was entertaining, it seemed at first that it would be a more complex story, but in the end has been a regular romance.

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I received this book from Netgalley for an honest review.

I really wanted to get into this book as its premise was rather interesting, and I had yet to find a reincarnated lesbians story that was well done outside of fanfiction. This book, however, was not quite what I had in mind. The attraction between Delaney and Jade seemed a bit forced and awkward at times . I could not find myself believing that such a situation of reincarnated lovers to take place in such a fashion as it did. I felt everything happened too fast, especially in the beginning where they meet for an almost one-night stand. However, the imagery of the novel itself was done rather well, as I could vividly see everything that was happening in the story clearly in my imagination. The flashbacks were a bit jarring at times but it was nice enough to see how their past lives connected. I think that story was more interesting than the present and would've loved to have read more of the characters in that setting. Perhaps in a future book there will be a story fully set in times long past?

My only other qualm about not enjoying this book as much as I could have was the very sexual language internal monologues the characters had at times. I had not read a book in ages where all that was one the characters' minds was sexual in nature, especially from the get go. Maybe a notice of feature that is attractive or mind boggling but certainly not wanting to jump into their pants right away is more what I was hoping for as Delaney and Jade rediscover their love and past lives together. It is my preference though for a slow burn romance so others might not mind so much. Overall, it is a book that does hold promise for some people who are interested in its subject matter and pacing. I hope the next book I read for this author is more up my alley and look forward to reading it.

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It's the story of Delaney and Jade and Isobel and Heather. But, it's only one story really, Jade and Delaney live in our time, meanwhile, Isobel and Heather are from the fifteenth century Scotland, and are either Delaney and Jade's past lives, or figments of Delaney's imagination, which means something's going on in here brain.

The Scotland story was quite intense, while the author definitely tried to make the Delaney and Jade one lighter. Sometimes it worked really well, and sometimes not as much.

And so Delaney has to try and figure out if she's feeling her feelings or her past life's feelings. And Jade has not only past life baggage, but current life baggage as well.

It was a fun read and I would have loved to read an even longer version about Heather and Isobel specifically too.

I received this book via Netgalley thanks to Bold Strokes Books.

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Overall I thought this book was good. As I look back on this romance, there wasn't really much that stood out to make me love it. I did like how Argento incorporated the past with the present. I have read a number of romances that try to do this but are not very successful. The MCs and the overall story was likable.

I give rate this one 3.25 stars.

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I wanted to love this book. In the end, I can say I liked it, but there was no love.

Perhaps it was the format of the back and forth through time, perhaps it was the odd push and pull of Jade, perhaps it was just that I couldn't connect with either one of the characters. Either way, I cannot say I loved it.

It was an alright story, a good enough bit of escapism, I suppose. It just didn't charm me, I'm sorry to say. The cover was certainly a knockout though. It reached out and grabbed me right off, and I still think it's captivating.

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This was a good read I like stories that deal with past life I always wonder if it's true or not.

Delaney and Jade meet through a friend of theirs Abby when Jade ask her about hooking up with one of her friends and Abby thought of Delaney.

When Delaney and Jade talk on the phone they decide to meet and get to know each other but when they kiss Delaney has a vision of them in a past life in Scotland and it takes her by sursprise.

When she tells Abby about this Abby tells to go see a psychic name Valerie who deals with past lives and when she goes she learns that she is Isobel and that Jade is Heather and they were in love but circumstance kept them apart. I won't tell you how Isobel and Heather story went let's just say that Isabel deserve better.

Delaney and Jade decide to be friends even though Delaney wants more but Jade who just starting to recover from a nine year relationship doesn't want to go into another relationship even though she feels just as strong as Delaney feels. Sometimes I wanted Delaney to move on from Jade because of the push and pull Jade was doing but then I start to find them cute with their banter I get were Jade was coming from she didn't want another fail relationship and that fear almost cause her Delaney I was happy when she came to her senses.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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