Member Reviews

Wylde Fire
By: Sarah Robinson

Can chemistry turn into Love?

The writing is flawless, and the words are so captivating, the plot had so many sweet turns I was expecting, and many shocking moments. I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed throughout. I really loved the characters and the way they interacted with each other. This is a fun, hot, romantic must read book and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.

Authors Blurb: Sam Wylde is ready to prove he’s more than just the privileged son of a wealthy Southern dynasty.

Wyldefire Whiskey is poised to take Nashville by storm and with any luck, overshadow the scandal of his cheating ex-girlfriend marrying his brother. The only problem? This gruff country boy has no idea how to throw a launch party that will get people talking.

The answer to everything might just be Holly Glen.

A party wrapped up in one tiny woman, Holly is tattooed, tempting, and exactly the event planner Sam needs to liven up his brand and his life. He can give her what she needs, too. All it will take is a ring on her finger.

Falling in real love with his fake wife was not part of the plan but one shot of Holly isn’t going to be enough.

The chemistry between Sam and Holly is undeniable from the first time they meet in the most unconventional way but can they help the other to get what they want or will more pain than ever unimaginable.

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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For me Sarah Robinson is a one click author, so when the opportunity for me to read an early copy came about I snagged it right up. And I was not disappointed. Sam and Holly’s story hooks you from the very beginning. It’s a fast paced page turner that you will not be able to put down. I can’t wait for the next installment of this series. A must read!

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Wylde Fire has the feel of a small-town romance, which is one of my favorite romance tropes. This one, however, left me somewhere in the fair to middlin' range. That's not to say the story isn't entertaining, it is. And I really liked several of the characters. I do think that there were quite a lot of them introduced here, I suppose as a series starter. The problem with that is while we're getting to know everybody else, we're losing focus of the romantic couple who should be the focal point of this book. That's what I would've liked to have seen more of. I mean we get lots of Sam and Holly, and they have plenty of chemistry - chemistry between the sheets, on the table, on the desk - well, you get my point. And there's nothing at all wrong with a good, steamy romance, but I really wanted more of them falling for each other stuff than we're given. I loved the banter between them, and they felt like great friends, but lust and friendship don't mean love. It just felt like they went from fooling around and fake romance to madly in love without any of the fun middle stuff. That said, the story did keep my interest, and in addition to Sam's family, we have some angst for Holly. Angst that is sure to affect even the most cynical of us. Thankfully, that angst is tempered with wit and lighter moments, so it has a good balance. In the end, I did have a couple of unanswered questions, and I'll be interested to see if those get answered later in the series. I'm also keen to see how both the series and writing grow with future books. This one was worth the read, and I enjoyed the premise if not all of the delivery.

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2.5 Stars

Wylde Fire is the first book in the new 100 Proof series by Sarah Robinson. It has a sweet southern charm feel to it, without being overbearing or over the top. It's a quick and easy read!

The general concept of this story is a good one; Sam and Holly went to the same small-town high school together years ago, and while Sam was a senior and didn't know who she was, Holly has harbored a school girl crush on him since. After a feisty reunion in a parking lot (maybe it was just me, but I was not a fan of this re-meet-cute; big truck guy with road rage comes out to yell at you after cutting you off and you've "taken" his parking spot? No thank you), they realize that they could both help each other out. Sam needs a fake girlfriend, or better yet fiancé, so that his family will get off his back about his relationship status after his high school sweetheart cheats on him with his brother. Holly needs medical insurance to cover her sisters long-term care facility after the tragic accident that killed her parents and left her sister in a coma. Plus, they're both insanely attracted to each other, so it has to be a win-win, right?

This book has so much potential, it's all right there, and yet it fell short for me. It wasn't bad necessarily, I just wanted it more thought through, cohesive, and well-rounded. A few small changes or details added could have made this into a really good book.

At first, when it appears to be event-planner-meets-sexy-whiskey-distiller, it really didn't make sense to need the high school backstory. That path alone would have been fantastic and a great southern romance! It could have allowed for more development within the story and the characters. However, when the story goes from that to a fake engagement, the high school backstory works, but it also feels very disingenuous. And I love a fake-marriage! This is a classic case of falling in lust, hard and fast. The spicy scenes were also a little too wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am to me. Maybe I've been spoiled in books recently, but a little more tension and build up could have gone a long way. Mix in his tragic past, her tragic past, his family, the opening of the business...there was just too much going on and not enough time spent on development so we would really care about these people or what happened. Also, there were some things said and done by characters that didn't add up, weren't expanded on, and a lot were just frustrating to read rather than furthering the plot.

This also didn't read like the first book in a series that was supposed to be introducing you to a new community/family/host of characters and life stories. It really felt like I was reading maybe the second or third book in the series, as if I had been missing something from before and was just getting a recap. It's really just that, at the end of the day, the story was lacking a depth that I was craving from it.

I'm hopeful with more books the story and characters become more fleshed out, because the potential is there!

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A great fun, romantic read that will keep you turning the pages until you reach the end and probably like me you’ll still want more, can’t wait to read more in this series, what a great start. Fabulous characters, lovey romance and humour with the right amount of drama, what more can you ask.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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I received an ARC from Netgalley and I am happy to give my honest review.

I called it quits on this book about half way through. The plot is interesting and the characters were fun but I was put off by the writing style. The reader is told rather than shown and key parts of the plot were repeated chapter after chapter, making it feel redundant. I was overwhelmed by the amount of side characters and all of the drama going on there.

In the end, I don't know that I am the right audience for this author.

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Holly and Sam is the first book in the 100 Proof series and oh my what a great read! These two characters are from different worlds but they soon collide in a way neither of them saw coming! What is a gal to do when she runs into her crush from highschool ten years later and he needs a favor? You try not to swoon over this tall handsome drink of whiskey known as Sam and lend him a hand. Holly is sassy, smart, sexy and full of opinions . She does not back down and works for everything that she has. Sam is a business man that is attempting to get his distillary off the ground but needs a fabulous event planner . Well today is his lucky day ..he just stole the parking spot of the best one around and she is full of piss and vinegar ! They soon agree to an arrangement .....busniess that is and soon find themselves wanting and needing a bit more !
I cannot wait to see where Sarah takes us in this series !!
~~Michele McMullen ~~

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Never having read anything by Sarah Robinson I wasn’t sure what to expect. Wylde Fire was an enjoyable read and the main characters were interesting. Sam is a sexy alpha male determined to make his new business a success. Holly was sweet, tenacious and full of gumption, everything I like in a heroin. Their relationship starts off on an interesting note when Sam proposes an engagement/marriage of convenience. Having to attend his brothers wedding to his ex-girlfriend who he found in bed together was difficult and he needed a buffer. Enter Holly, who proves to be just what he needs. Little does he know - Holly has had a crush on him since high school so the sparks fly and what turns out to be an engagement of convenience ends up being love and they get their happily ever after. A really great story.

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Sam had to pick up several permits before the city offices were closed. Cassie had been Sam’s event planner but she and her vendors were booked for that day that he wanted to launch his new brand of whiskey. His cousin Noah broke things off romantically with Cassie and she quits the launch for Sam. the break up had been both messy and public. Wyldefire was Sam’s pride and joy… He and his cousin and a silent partner, Caleb Daughtry, had built their own distillery from the ground up and Sam began crafting his own brand of Tennessee whiskey. The whiskey would be in liquor stores nationwide in a few months. The launch party was a last step in a massive public relations campaign for the entire brand. It had been too long since Sam had been with a woman. But starting a company and having his heart broken at the same time -by his girl Jane who had cheated on him with his younger brother Grady and now they were getting married- will do that to a man. Sam was familiar with disappointing women that was why his relationships to only a night or two. He’d cut off a car from the parking spot he wanted but the car still got it. After already being very angry. The woman said she knew him from HS. She said her name was Holly and he was now a fan of her sassy Southern fire. There was no room in Sam’s life for personal distractions but boy was Holly distracting. Holly thought Sam’s gate was long and steady , the man excluded purpose and command even in something as simple as how he walked. Sam made Holly’s pulse quicken just like it had almost ten years ago. Sam was all man, and Holly body was certainly noticing it. Waves of heat rolled over Holly’s face as a rush of varying emotions surged through her. Holly launched H G present four years ago. It was the job she always wanted , everything she hoped for.I loved this book. It was a sweet and sexy romance. I loved Sam’s family. I loved how strong holly was and how she would do anything for her family even enter into a fake marriage. I love Sam and Holly together and how they interacted. I hate that jane broke Sam’s heart and with his brother and what does that say about Grady? This grabbed my interest from beginning to end. I didn’t want to put this down. This was an emotional read. It also made me laugh at different times while reading this book. I loved that Holly had a crush on Sam since HS. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend it.

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Sam is all for any publicity that will help promote Wyldefire Whiskey but having to face the aftermath of not only being betrayed by his brother and fiancé but by having to attend their wedding is not the way he wants to do it. When he runs into Holly, who he knew from high school, it must have been fate as they reach an agreement where not only will she plan his launch party, but she will become his wife as well.

Holly has just endured a tragedy that leaves her scrambling to protect her family and ensure the event planning business remains viable. The arrangement that Sam offers will ensure that both those things happen and they will be able to keep it strictly business, right?

These two were perfect for each other. After everything that life has thrown at her Holly just rolls with the punches and brushes herself off while at first Sam appears all business but with Holly he learns to have fun and open up his heart and trust again.

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It's been a while since I have read the "Fake Relationship" trope and now I am wondering why. This was a fun read, that I was able to devour in just one afternoon. I found myself laughing out loud and shedding a few tears as well. Sarah Robinson did a wonderful job with creating characters that made you not only like them but care about them. I am looking forward to more from this series.

Sam's brother is getting married to his ex-girlfriend and Sam needs a date for the wedding...if you ask me I would just skip it but hey it's family and all so you know you have to put on your big girl panties and muddle through, well in his case it would be boxer-briefs but you get the point.

Holly's family had a devastating accident and it brought her back to her hometown where she is the owner / operator of a business that does event planning which is perfect for what Sam needs in order to get Wyldfire Whiskey's launch party the talk of the town, state, see where I'm going with this.

Holly also cares for her sister which is becoming harder and harder since her income isn't as hefty as it had once been, maybe just maybe Sam and Holly can help one another out.

I would love to say this was a second chance romance as well because Holly had a crush on Sam in high school but Sam never really showed interest in her then so I really can't but there is that feel of it because Holly's crush really never went away even after all this time.

If you enjoy the fake relationship trope or even a good contemporary romance I would say grab a copy and start this series today, I see great things are heading our way with the 100 Proof Series.

Happy Reading!!!

**I have voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Readers Copy of this book for my Blog, Nadine's Obsessed with Books**

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I was super excited about a new series by Sarah Robinson and she didn’t disappoint!
Holly and Sam burn up the pages with their chemistry. Add family dram to that and you have a 5 star read!!! I can’t wait for more. That little bonus epilogue was such a tease!!

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This book completely held my attention! I couldn't read it fast enough and I didn't want to put it down. While Sam was trying to get his business off the ground, the event planner they had to get the word out broke up with his cousin and he's left in a lurch. Holly comes barreling into his life and suddenly, his outlook changes. I really enjoyed the banter and the chemistry between this couple. Both Holly and Sam were not looking for a relationship, their careers were the highest priority. But they did have something to offer each other. I was enamored by them and I thought this was a great start to this series! I highly recommend this read!

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Wylde Fire was such a fun read! When Sam and Holly initially meet it is with the goal of her being the event planner for Sam's whiskey business' launch event. However, Sam has an underlying attraction to Holly that he can't quite understand. What Sam doesn't know is that Holly has crushed on him since high school when he played baseball and she watched from the stands. Unfortunately, Holly's life has changed a great deal from her high school days. She has overwhelming financial responsibilities and has experienced heartbreaking losses. Sam has also experienced some life-changing heartbreak himself. Together, they are both damaged but decide to marry to meet different "goals" but not for love. But just because they aren't looking for love doesn't mean it won't find them.

I enjoyed their story a great deal. There were a few things I would have liked to see the author delve into a little more between the two of them but overall, I was happy with the storyline and how it developed. I'm looking to the upcoming books in the series that are slated to come out in 2020.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a short, fun book.  As the start of a new series, there's obviously some set up going on, as well as the main story arc.  But the set up doesn't detract from the plot.  

And what about the plot?  Well, there are no real surprises - the synopsis covers it off - but despite this, the author has delivered a tale that feels fresh, with engaging characters.

An enticing start to a new series.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

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I do enjoy this author and have read many of her other titles. I was looking forward to this new series adventure with her. Seems like a great setting and and interesting family. Beyond the blurb, though, I could not get in to the story.

Sam and Holly meet by chance although she was a wall flower in school and has always crushed on him. Insta love is not my thing and these two jumped into things right away. Then Sam has the great idea that they can help each other out. Although the marriage is of convenience, he still insists they keep being friends with benefits.

I could not get a feel for the connection between these two. Separate, they are both strong characters. For the first book in the series, it attempted to give us a set up of the town and the side characters who may pop up again in future books. There were some editing issues that would have made the book a bit easier to read. Lots of s3xy times and not so much romance in this one.

Just an ok read for me. I have read better by this author. I would pick up the next book in the series just to see if things improve. Short and steamy.

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Not my first read by author & heck the blurb alone caught my eye and then you have that sexy cover too!

What an interesting BOOM to this book. Starts off with the best meet between Holly and Sam that leads to an amazing opportunity for Holly which leads to the craziest yet most efficient by Sam. This really kicks of with a bang and continues on through out the story. Holly has had a crush on Sam since high school and Sam is trying to figure out if he’s truly over the fact that his brother and ex-girlfriend are getting married….so all the crazy ideas come out. From the both of them.

Sam: tall dark and handsome, hard worker, cowboy, sex in a suit, very smart and bossy.
Holly: quirky in the best ways, bold, smart, fun and gorgeous!

This is rather a fast pace happening, in a good way that is. Sam and Holly kind of play around with one another but don’t deny their feelings, questions yet but deny, noooo that’s why the sexy scenes are sizzling steamy! But old wounds never really heel and when an incident re-opens that for Sam, will he be able to look past the hurt and realize what REALLY happened?

This is definitely a fun and exciting read, something new-ish for me and I rather enjoyed it very much. The way the hero and heroine were, their chemistry off the charts and behavior to one another, loved it!! The hero is an interesting one because he is a little country with all the sexiness from it and very much a sexy suit as well, great combo if you ask me! Will look forward to more from author and this series!

Rating: 4.5★
Steamy: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Recommended: ☑ HIGHLY!
⇨ H A P P Y – R E A D I N G ⇦

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Wylde Fire the first book in Sarah Robinson's new 100 Proof series was a fabulous read. That hooked me in from the beginning. As it was fast paced, fresh, sexy, fun, heartfelt and at times a little emotional. And for the couple of hours it took to read I was completely entertained and absorbed. Not to mention, I loved the two epilogues and can't wait to find out who is getting married and more importantly who he's got pregnant.

Would definitely recommend to others.

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Humorous moments and fun characters but some parts were over the top and the repetitive moments got to be a bit much.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Author Collective for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. I can't decide what was up with this book. There were parts that repeated.. Sort of odd. Then the whole dynamic between the brothers Sam, and Grady. Sam grow up-sometimes life sucks. If you are over her why do you care who she marries? Then the Insta attraction and sex. It's an ok read, I guess a 3.

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