Member Reviews

This book had every single thing I love about Sarah Robinson stories! Wylie Fire is all could ever wish for. The writing, the characters and the storyline was exceptionally brilliant! This book was addictive and highly entertaining. I devoured this sexy five star story. Can’t wait for the next book by this amazing author. Happy reading!!

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Sarah Robinson is quickly becoming one of my go to authors. I went into this one blind and was quickly sucked into Sam and Holly’s story. These two have some wicked chemistry right from the start and it only burns hotter as they fall deeper. I love when we are given a strong heroine who can take care of herself. Even though Sam has money, it’s even sexier that he doesn’t flaunt it. My ONLY complaint is that the book was over way too fast! I’m 99.999% sure I know who the next two books are about but I can’t wait for the blurbs to be revealed.

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A cute and steamy romance.

Holly has been in love with Sam since high school, but he had a girlfriend. Sam loved Jane all through high school, college and after ... that is until he caught her with his brother red handed. All he wanted was to not get “poor Sam” from everyone. So when he runs into Holly he convinces her to become his fake wife. He’ll stop getting the sorry looks and show Grady and Jane he’s over it ... and Holly will get the medical insurance she needs for her sick sister. But how fake will their marriage be?

This is a quick steamy read that will keep your heart warm. I loved how Holly didn’t let Sam get away with anything. And Sam ... who wouldn’t love a hunk with a heart of gold? And all the crazy Wylde family ... I just know there’s gonna be lots of stories there!

I received an early copy courtesy of Author Collective 20 through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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A very different storyline atmosphere from Sarah and I have to say I enjoyed it. Family drama and a few well placed secrets can go a long way. Throw in some humor from Granny and you have the recipe for a good book and series.

Sam and Holly were fun and understood each other to a point. Like he said, two broken and lost souls. They were hot together and made a team worth fighting for. I personally can't wait for more of what's to come with the "Wylde's".

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Sam Wylde hasn't been tempted by a woman in a long time, but the instant he meets Holly Glen that all changes. She is beautiful, sassy, smart, and just happens to be the perfect woman to save him from the catastrophe his cousin just dropped in his lap.

Sam and his family are weeks away from launching their new business, and they had the perfect launch party in the works...that is until his trouble-making cousin got involved. One little misstep on his part sends their party planner running the other direction... along with all her ideas and connections! But good thing Sam has the perfect remedy to their problem... Holly has the experience needed to plan the perfect party on short notice, and also might have the perfect cure for his broken heart too!

Wylde Fire is a sultry little page-turner that is destined to have you blushing the whole way through! Sam and Holly had undeniable chemistry, there was this underlying smoldering intensity between them that kept the pages brimming in heat. Their relationship may have started as one of convenience, but the more time they spent together the more it became evident that they had something real, something worth holding onto. I loved watching them handle all the changes their union brought to their lives, and watching them heal either other's broken hearts, it was so good on the heart! I really enjoyed this one, it's words were emotive and addictive, and the characters were unforgettable, I cannot wait to see what Ms. Robinson has in store for them next! Highly recommend!

I requested an advanced copy of this title from the publisher, via NetGalley, and I am voluntarily leaving my honest and unbiased opinion.

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So this was a great book. I started to read it several days ago, got sick, had to take care of hubby and then promptly forgot all about it.
Fast forward to last night and I started reading it all over again - from the beginning. 24 hours later, I’m finished. Kinda sad. Wish the story was longer. I’m going to miss Sam and Holly.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one! Great characters! A wonderful start to a new series. And that epilogue sure has me wondering who will have the next book.

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Wylde Fire is a great name for this book, as it was on fire as I read it. You won't be able to put this book down. More and more lately I find myself reading 3rd person point-of-view books and I find myself loving them. Sarah Robinson has my full attention.

This book with show you that while you might lead very different lives, some heartache is the same. Holly went through some tragedy that changed the course of her life. But somehow she made it and bounced back while starting her own business and wanting to live life as fully as possible. Holly is such a vibrant and consistent character, you can't help not love her.

Sam is man trying to escape his past, but that's hard to do when it stares you in the face almost everyday. But underneath there is rage like no other. He is a man that know what he wants and goes after it. With a chance meeting with Holly has them making a choice and that choice leads them down a path neither one expected. How can you say nothing will go wrong, when you don't know the future?

The chemistry won't be missed. It begins pretty much from their first meeting. The two together is pure fire. It is hard to find a couple in a book that compliment each other as well as push each other, but these two do. Since this is first book in the series, we get backstory of the Wylde family and their dynamics to set up the rest of the series.

You DON'T want to miss this series! Recommend it!

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4 Wylde Stars
I love Sarah Robinson and the series she has done in the past. When I saw this was available, I jumped to it right away. With this tale, Ms. Robinson gives us a new series with lots of potential. There are brothers to explore and a Whiskey company to have stories told. All in all a great way to create a series.

We have opposites attract with each of them in a bind. Sam has to make an appearance to a wedding he has No desire in going...his brother and Wylde's ex...Tes that is right. His ex cheated on him with his ex. Now the Familywants Wylde to suck it up and be part of the wedding...Well, between everyone making him feel like a pity party for one, he needs to figure out a way to get everyone off his back.

Holly is everything at first glance that would make Wylde's family go nuts. She has tattoos, is a free thinker and nothing like his ex.
She is perfect to be his fake fiance/soon to be wife. Lucky for Wylde, Holly has a situation which needs taking acre of..her sister is very sick and keeping up with the health insurance bills are killing her,

Marry Wylde, have the sister be on the new insurance and everything is good...
Yup, easy peasy...

Love Sarah Robinson and cannot wait to see what comes next

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Sam. Holly. Perfection! I loved this book so much...the characters, the world, the story itself. It's just all completely awesome and a great start to a new series!

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This was my first book by , Sarah Robinson. It was a quick read the story was okay, I did like the main characters. I just felt like it was rushed at times. I will read the next one in the series.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance read, I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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While parts of this felt a little forced, it was a cute story with a bit of humor about a fake- ish marriage and almost a second chance romance type of feeling. If you are looking for a fun romance that is a fairy quick read and will keep you entertained this might just be right tup your alley ;)

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This was a really good story!

I thought that the plot was well developed and thoroughly enjoyable.

The characters were well developed and worked well together too.

It all made for an exciting read – 4 stars from me for this one!

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ARC received for review

Interesting take on the marriage for hire. Sam wants a date for his brother's wedding and Holly needs insurance to cover her sister's rising medical bills. A deal is struck, but Sam falls hard and fast in love. True love in the end conquers all.

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This book came to me in the perfect moment during my week. After exams, assignments and mornings stuck on a train filled to the brim with annoyed commuters, this was the fun reprieve that I so desperately needed. If you’re looking for a sweet, steamy and all-round LOVEABLE romance then this is for you. From high-school crushes (half-a-million middle-aged-years ago) to a steamy fake marriage of convenience, this was definitely a romance to enjoy while relaxing with a glass of vino!


HOLLY – Holly was my favourite character in Wylde Fire by far. With her bright hair, tattoos and kick-ass country outfits she fit the part of sassy, independent Southern gal. What endeared me to her was also the inherent kindness she felt toward others as well as her generosity (…and her love of Harry Potter. She’s a girl after my own heart!) Not many women would be willing to take on a fake marriage of convenience purely for their family’s sake, but for Holly it felt like there wasn’t any other option. She was sweet and good and sassy. Despite her kindness, Holly displayed a strong backbone in standing up for herself as well as confidence in her abilities. She was a character that I found myself whole-heartedly supporting!

SAM – As a member of the locally famous Wylde family, Sam’s entire life has been lived in the lense of a small-town spotlight. After a nasty break-up featuring his fiancé sleeping with his brother, Sam’s reputation has garnered nothing but pitying looks since that infamous event. Looking to overcome the stigma surrounding his name around town, Sam proposes a fake marriage of convenience with sassy and sweet Holly Glen. His responsible, considerate nature is soon shown in full force as he devotes his time to Wyldfire Whiskey and the slowly budding romance with Holly. What charmed me was the contradiction in Sam’s personality. While he was easily the most likeable of his siblings, he also displayed a snarky wit and playfulness that seemed to be noticeably apparent when around Holly. Not only was this charming, but it showcased a love match that actually brought out the best in both of them.

SIDE CHARACTERS – The most lovable side characters in Wylde Fire were Sam’s family members. I really enjoyed the rampant love and craziness that was abound in their lives. From nudist step-grandpas to supportive family chats, this family slowly drew me in and stole my heart. Noah, Sam’s irresponsible cousin, cracked me up with his ability to easily diffuse a situation. In opposition to this, Sam’s brother Sterling seemed like the perfect amount of brooding asshole to leach all of my attention. I’m an absolute SUCKER for the moody bad boy, so the prospect of reading his book next (PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be next!) had me in a state of joyous anticipation! Tattoos, smirks and snarky remarks? Heck yeah!

The only aspect of Wylde Fire that I didn’t really enjoy was the ending. It felt too rushed. Everything up until the last 20% had been utterly believable and highly enjoyable. Their initial reasons for getting married seemed to disappear overnight and while this was convenient, it wasn’t necessarily believable or a likeable outcome. I would have preferred an ending that wasn’t so neatly tied in a bow. I’m fond of bitter sweet endings and while this had the potential for that, it did not feel like it was covered enough for the reader to become emotionally involved. This was a lost potential for an otherwise well written and interesting book.

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Haven’t we all had that one high school crush? You know, that one guy who seemed to be everything that we could want but never thought that we could have? But what if years later, you were able to make a deal with him and he ended up being your fake husband? Sounds like a fantasy come true, doesn’t it? Well that is exactly what happens to Holly Glen.

Holly lost her parents in a tragic car accident that left her with scars on her back and her younger sister in a coma. In between trying to pay for her sister’s care and make a name for herself in event planning, she has no time or energy for relationships. Well, that and the torch that she still holds for her high school crush, Sam Wylde.

Sam Wylde is sick and tired of being seen as the poor guy who lost his girlfriend to his younger brother. Now on the verge of launching his whisky brand and on the eve of his brother and ex’s wedding, he needs to not only prove his success to himself, but also to his hometown. And it seems that there is one girl who can provide that.

I loved the fantasy of a girl who is able to make her dreams come true and find her happily ever after with the man of her dreams.

Sarah Robinson’s brand of romance is addictive. Emotionally vulnerable heroines and heroes who find strength in each other and a passion that can only be fuelled by finding one’s soulmate.

I just wish that the book could have been a little longer. The story is so sweet that I would have loved to have been able to read more of Sam and Hope. Can’t wait to read more of this hot series!!!

I would have liked a more deeper and emotional scene with the unveiling of Hope’s scars/ tattoos. I feel that her scars were a source of great emotional discomfort and pain for her and Sam’s acknowledgement of them should have been more emotional and poignant.
We also never got to find out what Sam’s secret was. Is it going to be revealed in one of the successive books? I sure hope so.

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Thank you to Net Galley for the opportunity to read this book for an honest review!

I enjoyed this book. I loved that it took place on Nashville, somewhere a bit different than stereotypical romances. It was also a very rugged & rustic setting which was really fun to engulf yourself in. This story was cute, but a bit lacking in some crucial areas for a romance. Sam & Holly meet, and by the end of the night they’re discussing their newfound marriage of convenience and having sex. It continues to be a very lust-driven romance that didn’t have enough emotional connection & background for me to be extremely pleased about.

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Wylde Fire, is an awesome book. Sam's grandma is a hoot. I'll never eat banana nut pancakes without laughing again.
I liked the fact that Holly is a hard worker. It shows in so many ways.

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Sarah Robinson starts a new series that is more sex filled than story filled. Everything Sam getting what he wants and rubbing it in his the face of everyone who knows him. The story really has zero purpose. If a romance like this happened in the real life it wouldn't last a week. Sam the make lead is needy and lacks confidence it takes for a person to run a successful business. Holly is smart and falls in love with her high school crush but really they are only lusting after each other.

When things fall apart it feels forced and doesn't make since once again.

The story is nothing more than sex, lust and nothing much else. Example: Introduction, deals, sex, meet family, sex, background, sex, meet family, sex, party, sex, guy screws up, heart breaking moment, make up sex, and the books ends.

The writing is fine, the characters have enough back ground to keep some readers interested and that is why the story gets 3 instead of a 2 stars.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of Sarah Robinson Wylde Fire. py of Sarah Robinson Wylde Fire.

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This was a sweet love story about Sam and Holly. The book is relaxing, ideal for the summer somewhere on the beach and for me, this book deserves 3,5 stars..

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I Loved the premise of this book. The blurb and the cover were an instant draw. However, the story fell short for me. I struggled at times with the cohesiveness and timeline of the story. It felt rushed which is sad because the story definitely had promise. The first few chapters of this book were actually really good but it fell short after that. I was looking for more connection in the backstory of the characters and the backstory and reasons why the characters behaved the way that they did (such as Grady and Jane). I think had this been fleshed out more the story would have had the potential to be great.

I appreciate the author and her hard work but this was not a favorite of mine. I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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