Member Reviews

Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
So I was not impressed with this novel. Both Sam and Holly meet at a parking lot and by dinner they're making out and planning to marry so she can be on his health insurance and he can show his family and friends he's not a complete loser. What!! This is the starting point of this novel and the end for me. The rest was a mindless copulation of meaningless love scenes and drama. Not my cup of tea.

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5 SHOT STARS!! OMG....what a great start to this new series. I absolutely loved Sam and Holly's story, it caught my attention from the first page. I read it in about 2 1/2 was so good... I could not put it down. Their story was sexy, sweet, heartbreaking, fun and so perfect to put a smile on your face. Sarah Robinson has done it again with her storytelling, hooking us readers and loving the characters. You should definitely read this book.

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Sam is starting his own whiskey distillery and has a little vent planned but his cousin dumps his girlfriend who also happens to be the event planner. Holly is an event planner and gets hired by Sam which she has had a crush on since high school. Sam's brother is marrying his ex fiancée and doesn't want to go alone so he asks Holly to go with him. His family has pitied him because of him finding his brother and fiancée in bed together and he's tired of it. Holly needs insurance for her sister who's in a coma. So they are having a fake wedding but will it remain fake or will Sam realize everyone is not like his ex?
Good story with sex and cheating ex's. It felt sort of rushed toward the end and it drives me crazy when books say they are so many pages long and they're not. If you like explicit sex scenes, then this book you will enjoy.
* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for NetGalley *

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This is a three and a half stars rounded up to five stars read. This is the story of Sam Wylde, Tennessee whiskey producer who is out to prove that he is more than his family. Holly Glen has had a crush on him since high school, ten years previously, but Sam never even knew she existed. When they get thrown into one another's paths again they soon find a way that they can help each other and it quickly turns into something far more than a fake relationship.
I really liked both Sam and Holly in this story. Sam is a caring, genuine type of guy and although he's had previous heartache it's not something that completely defines him. Holly is feisty and despite the fact that she has been in love with Sam from afar for years, she isn't a pushover, which is something I always like in this kind of book.
Overall I really enjoyed the romance and I'd be keen to find out more about the other characters in the book. I assume that Sam's business partners will also get their own stories. There were a couple of small things that stopped me from giving this a higher rating. Firstly there were a couple of times that information was repeated unnecessarily. Not just that the author keeps telling us something, but a whole paragraph reproduced almost word for word. There were two examples that I spotted, one being the fact that the distillery was surrounded by a lot of land. When it happened it threw me out of the flow of the story for a second, which was annoying. The other thing that I wasn't completely on board with was that somethings either were glossed over or happened too fast. For example, there was a pretty major event for Holly that wasn't really even mentioned until it was touched on in passing in the epilogue. For me, it would just have added a bit more to the story with things like this actually being part of the book.
I did really enjoy this read and I'd been keen to read the next two when they come out.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Sam Wylde has a fledgling Whiskey business with his cousin Noah and their friend Caleb. The launch party is thrown into jeopardy when Noah breaks off his relationship with the event planner, which leads to her backing out of their event and taking all of her suppliers with her to another event on the same day. Driving to the Town Hall to get some permits for the business he runs into Holly, who turns out to be an events planner.

On top of this Sam is sick of his friends, his family and their acquaintances all treating him with pity after his brother and his fiance cheated on him, even worse they are now getting married and his upper class Tennessee family expect him to be part of the wedding.

Holly and her family were in a terrible car accident and her sister is in a coma, requiring expensive medical treatment which Holly is subsidising from her income, but she is falling behind on the payments. Initially Sam asks Holly to plan their launch party but soon he offers something different - a marriage of convenience. Sam will avoid all the awkwardness of attending his brother's wedding solo, and the pitying looks from his community and Holly will gain access to an excellent medical insurance policy.

But soon the marriage of convenience turns romantic - but can Sam get over his trust issues?

I enjoyed this romance very much, the idea that the proposed marriage of convenience turns real before they even get married and that it was always intended to be a real marriage in any event was an unusual twist on the genre. My only criticism would be that it ended a little too abruptly, there was a lot of build up and then the drama petered out almost immediately, it was good that the angst wasn't drawn out unnecessarily but this was a little too far the other way.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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A great start to a new series, I really liked this one and the characters. What a crazy family. Sam was great, he was honest, sexy, and just all around great. Holly was amazing, she was strong and knew her own mind. I loved all the laugh out loud moments and also the very emotional ones. I can't wait for the next one.

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3.5 stars
I requested this title from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review

This was a quick, fun and sexy ride. All about second chance love, cheating exes and family drama.

Sam is a rich, southern, a whisky maker and very unlucky in love, since his fiancée left him for his baby brother.
Holly has had a major crush on Sam since high school, but she is no longer the freshman to his senior...She is older, wiser... she has seen things, dealt with family tragedy and come out stronger (and tattooed) on the other side.

He needs a new event planner and she desperately needs this job to cover her sister’s medical bills. But, when they start to work together, sparks immediately fly. He proposes something a little more than just an event planning job and if she says yes, not only will it solve her financial problems, it will finally give her the chance to have the man of her dreams.

This was sweet, but not exactly original. That’s okay though, because it was done really well. Holly was explosive and so completely likable (unusual for the leading lady in so many romance novels). Their story was cute and their romance was petty sizzling.

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Get ready for a new series that is on fire!! Sam has thrown himself into his new business venture after losing his fiancé to none other than his brother. Deciding he will never forgive the pair but also never believe in love, Sam is jaded and determined to make his business successful. After a devastating accident that left her sister in a coma and her parents’ dead, Holly has recovered and bounced back, starting her own business and living life fully. A chance meeting fighting over a parking spot, the pair gets reacquainted (they went to high school together), and sparks instantly fly on both ends. When Sam proposes an arrangement to Holly in a way to get back at his brother as well as care for Holly’s sister, she throws caution to the wind and gives it a go. A fake engagement in order to commit insurance fraud with the added bonus of getting his family off his back is what Sam is sticking to, but is open to the idea of an actual relationship with Holly. With this being the first book in the series, we also get the added storyline of meeting the Wylde family and the dynamic they bring to the story. While I loved the storyline I also really loved the family dynamic that is the Wylde family and feel that they will be the reason this will be a successful series. While there is a happy ending for the couple, the storyline also provides a realistic ending regarding Holly’s sister and Sam’s brother. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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This was a sweet and very sexy story. It did a great job of starting off a series - introducing a large cast of characters but still focusing on the main event. I am a sucker for small town romances and the history they pack into the relationships. I really liked Holly and thought she was a fun character. Sam was a sweet guy - who really really wasn't over his brother's actions. Its no spoiler to say that Sam caught he brother having sex with Sam's girlfriend of many years prior to the start of the story. That foundation (for the most part) drives the rest of the story.

There were a lot of things going on in this story on the sidelines - family history, character trauma, etc. to be honest, there was probably too much of that and not enough time spent on character development of the leads. For example, we meet Sam's brother Sterling who sounds like a very interesting person - and we're told Sam can't stand him but there really isn't any history or frame of reference given. It seems like the next book will be about Sterling, so it will be interesting to find out more.

Overall this was a quick, lovely read. I think the epilogue(s) were nice - but were really geared towards the next books in the series and didn't make 1005 sense in the context of the rest of the story. I am still interested to read the next stories tho!

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I received an advanced reader's copy of Wylde Fire (A 100 Proof Novel) by Sarah Robinson from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was the first novel that I had read by Sarah Robinson so I really had no expectations, but after reading, she is an author I would look for in the future.

Overall, I enjoyed this novel and I found it to be well written. The primary characters' romantic start was a bit meet-cute at the beginning, but the chemistry and witty banter was there from the beginning and hooked me quickly. I enjoyed the well-crafted characters and the pacing of the novel. I also liked that both male and female main characters were vulnerable from previous experiences, and both were certainly flawed, but they seemed to care about one another and worked through their issues without 100 chapters of angst (seriously, the pace moves along).

All in all, a good read!

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A good romance .
Emotional ,and embraces the after effects of a relationship that’s went wrong after cheating.
The two main characters have their own issues and challenges to overcome, entering into a marriage arraignment.
It’s a good read with sex , romance, tears and strife , but as always a happy ending.

I received an Arc copy of this book and chose to post this review

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This was unfortunately not good. I had trouble caring about any of the characters, and everything was slow moving, until suddenly the book was over.

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This is Sam and Holly book, Sam Wylde is the son of a wealthy southern dynasty. He’s trying to prove he’s more than just his family’s namesake! He’s trying to have his new endeavor Wyldefire whiskey take Nashville by storm! Hoping to have his scandal of his cheating ex girlfriend marrying his brother get swept aside! The only problem is he has no idea how to throw a launch party?! The woman he hired to do just that? His cousins now ex wants nothing to do with them!! Well this little spitfire wrapped up in tattoos and very tempting body, who just stole his parking spot! Might just be the answer to all his problems! He just needs to convince her to marry him and throw the party of the century! This book was really good I definitely enjoyed reading this one! Hopefully this is just the beginning of a new series. I definitely recommend reading this one it’s well worth the read! Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for sharing this book with me!

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Refreshing entry into the new 100 Proof Series, this title is a sure hit for fans of spunky heroines. The Wylde family dynamic at the center of the story is entertaining and cause for more than a few laughs. This faux romance turned real is one I really enjoyed, and I’m looking forward to the next entry into the series.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The story of Holly and Sam.

Holly is back in town, after an accident brings her back home. Sam is just in the process of setting up his own distillery and needs Holly's company to help him with the launch. Soon he wants more from her and they end up with a fake marriage on the cards, but what will happen when they realise the don't want it to be fake anymore?

A fun and entertaining read.

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This was a pretty awesome book and start to a new series. It is my first story by this author and I am very impressed. It all takes places in a small texas town and it is a fake engament that turns real and 2nd chance at love story.

The story starts with Sam who owns a Whiskey company. He has a big event coming but no event planner until he meet Holly at an event she is running. The two know each other but very casually as they went to high school together and grew up in the same town.

Holly was in a bad car accident which killed her parents and put her sister in a Coma. She works very hard to pay for her sister and when Sam offers her the event she grabs it. That starts them getting to know each other and I really enjoyed watching them fall for the other.

Looking forward to the next story in the series.

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