Member Reviews

I love this series but this one has been my least favorite one so far. It felt drawn out in places and I found myself getting slightly bored and glancing over parts. Once we got to the action it picked back up to me and I enjoyed it.

This series starts with Bayou Born by Hailey Edwards. This is the series that I started reading and fell in love with Hailey Edwards story-telling. The characters, stories (While fantasy themed) are / relatable and yet sucks you into a whole new world that you get lost in and just speed read through everything.
This is a build up series. So, I do not feel like you can just willy nilly start in a book and know. It's only five books so why would you do that to begin with?

Hailey Edwards is one of my very favorite authors! I plan to re-read the entire series when the final book comes out. The five book story arc is engaging and a bit addictive. I liked seeing the characters setting up for the final battle, that stakes were raised and secrets were revealed. The writing itself is well done, the pace is pretty fast and the world building is pretty good, as long as you have read the other books first.

I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review
This is the 4th book in this series and looks to be the last. It was definitely well written as usual. I really enjoyed this book and this whole series. This series is great and I would recommend to anyone looking for a ya fantasy read

Great continuing story. Looks like this will probably be the last of the series by this author.Look foreward to more works/stories.

I absolutely LOVE this series and it was no surprise that this latest installment was another great read! Ms. Edwards is one of my favorite authors who effortlessly creates amazing worlds, charcters, and storylines to stimulate and intrigue my brain. Can’t wait for the next one!

Luce Boudrou has formed an alliance with Death, and her coterie - and she is now recruiting allies from among the other charun for the forthcoming war against Ezra.
Former enemies will now have to team up if they are to have any chance against the power that opposes them, and protect human kind at the same time.
There are still hidden secrets for Luce and her loyal coterie to discover and they will have a bearing on how this war ends.
How far can they trust Adam Wu? What is he still hiding?
Rise Against is the fourth book in the highly enjoyable Foundling series by Hailey Edwards - I read the first three books very close together in January this year, but have only just got around to this one, even though it was published in August.
There is a lot to enjoy in this book and some more secrets have been revealed which will make the next one pretty interesting, but it did feel a bit like things were being strung out in this one, rather than getting to the point - although the Luce-Cole relationship has finally progressed.
I have enjoyed this one, but would really like to see the series reaching some sort of resolution in the next book - although I have no idea how many Hailey Edwards plans to write. The next one is probably going to have to be pretty special for me to carry on if this is not the case.
All in all a good read, if you have read the first three, and they have a lot of charm - make sure you read them in the right order though.

Rise Against is the fourth installment in this series and it didn't disappoint. Hailey Edwards is a fantastic author and her characters are well developed.

Four books in and I'm still really enjoying this series. A lot of truths are revealed here...with Rixton...with Wu...Luce's father...even Luce herself. This installment focuses less on the dynamics between Conquest and her sisters and more on Wu, Ezra, and the man's (god?'s) plans to raze anything in his wake.
I continue to adore the relationship Luce has with her coterie. I love how many of her followers are choosing to stand behind her--not for Conquest--but for Luce herself.
The relationship between Luce and Cole is spot-on (even though their long awaited consummation felt a little...less than I'd expected) and I really liked the addition of their daughter much more than I expected.
Can't wait to continue on with these books. I am such a fan of Hailey Edwards.

So this is book 4 in the fantastic Foundling series and Luce and Cole finally seem to be on the same page in regards to there ongoing dynamic and current relationship status and I did like how in sync and transparent these two now seem to be.
It was about time they moved forward and became an item I was beginning to think it would never actually happen.
In Rise Against all parties are now in the process of rounding up an army to fight their enemies in the upcoming battle and war and Luce herself is right in the thick of the action.
Also, Rixton Luce's human partner is back in the picture which I was super ecstatic about as I do adore the push and pull between him and Luce just so much and really missed him when he and she were on the outs so was great to welcome him back into the fold and witness his wide-eyed delight.
We also finally get to realise the full extent of Luce's origins and just how she has become the individual she now is and as for Ezra well let's just say my instincts regarding his identity and role in this were mostly spot-on.
There were definitely some surprises to be had here especially in regards to the traitor prepare to be shocked and then shocked again after their identity is finally outed.
Didn't see that one coming at all.
So this was amped up from the start chocka full of action and as all the cards eventually started to settle into there correct places and the players involved eventually revealed their individual hands all is stacked to play-out just how it will.
This really was such a great instalment and after how we left things here I really can't wait for the next book in this addictive series.
I don't know why I thought this was the last book in this series? well, it isn't folks but hey that's fine just means more Luce, Cole and the gang to look forward to in the future.
Finally, before I go just want to say baby Phoebe OMG just so cute: she was just so adorable.
This series and its unique take on the whole good versus evil: demon versus angel is just so fresh and original and imaginative as hell and I am completely smitten.

I posted the following review in German on amazon.de
For me, the fourth book is the preparation for the showdown in the last book. Now things get clearer, the story unfolds and for me there are 2 pot twists that change the story development quite a bit. Since the author has good endings in all the other books, I think that will also be the case with the last book.
Anyone who enters the series with this book won't understand a thing, because the author doesn't repeat herself. I find that regrettable in places. I don't quite have the story of the previous books in mind, which can be due to the complex otherness of the story. That's why I always read the previous book of the series before starting a new one. I would like a glossary very much, but I read the book on my Kindle, which has a search function.
To write more about the content of the book is of little use as it does not explain anything to first-time readers. Those who liked the previous books will also like the 4th book. You can confidently say that whoever likes the author will like the whole series. I'm looking forward to the final book.
I received the book as an advance reading copy. I give the book 4.5 stars:
1. because I consider it mainly as preparation for the last book. For me it is missing its own plot, what the 3 previous books always had.
2. because I miss a glossary
I click on 5 stars, because the book fits perfectly into the row.

Gah! So good.
Rise Against puts into motion the moment we've been waiting for months. The epic showdown and Ezra's grand reveal. I will say that the grand revelation left at the end of the book was a bit out of the blue, but all I can say is that it's made me want the next book even more! Luce and Cole are one of my absolute favorite book couples right now. Seeing the two of them finally together, accepting of what happened in the past, and looking to the future was the icing on the literary cake for this book.

Rise Against is the fourth and penultimate novel in The Foundling series, and I feel this is the most enjoyable to date. I mean how can you resist a fantasy focused on the age-old battle between good and evil and a world with dragons and flying kitties? Edwards is seriously underrated in the fantasy genre as she can always be relied upon to craft an immersive and compulsive story. It has a bit of something for everyone: there's mystery, action, humour, emotion, and although I am craving the last book, End Game, I am also sad that we are nearing the conclusion of this epic adventure.
This has to be up there with some of the best worldbuilding I've encountered, but the characterisation is also incredible. So much attention to detail and nothing being left to chance. I appreciated that long-awaited answers were given to some of the questions that arose in previous instalments as that helps build up the picture and make the reading experience fully rounded. There are twists and turns galore and deceit and betrayal are a regular occurrence as people switch allegiances. As Luce builds her army and resides them for the final battle she must remember that they may be enemies in her ranks. Many thanks to Piatkus for an ARC.

Rise Against is the Fourth installment in author Hailey Edwards The Foundling series. Luce Boudreau is collecting soldiers for an upcoming war that seems to be forgetting that humans actually live in this world as well. She has reconciled with the fact that she has a dangerous part of her, Conquest, that is leaking out and fighting her at every turn. Even though Conquest is fighting her, Luce still believes she is a human and charun hybrid and that makes her much stronger and unique her sisters Death, War, and Famine.
Luce has been knocked down hard by all the revelations, betrayals, and losses over the course of this series. What comes next one can only imagine. We are going to need to have a conversation where series seem to drag on without getting to the important aspects of the series itself. Luce and her group, Cole, Santiago, Miller, Maggie/Portia, and Thom, are battling unbelievable odds of success. Then, to top it off, the author finally reveals some truths about Luce's situation as well as why Adam Wu seems to be clinging on like someone who refuses to be told get the hell away from me!
There's even a more surprising twist, but, no, I won't spoil it. Let's just say it's absolutely adorable, but adorable things don't tend to last in this world. I am happy that Luce and her former partner Rixton seem to have put their anger issues behind them. Too much is happening, and yes, Rixton needs to be part of this group as he is apparently the only human who understands how dire the world can be if those led by the mysterious Ezra are allowed to win.
One of the things I like about this author, is that she's not afraid to use humor and sarcasm to lighten the mood, and the mood definitely needs to be lightened. Also, the romance between Luce and Cole has gone full volcano, if you know what I mean. If you haven’t read this series before now, don’t start here as this is not a standalone. There has been too much emotional build up, never mind the sheer amount of crucial shit that’s happened before this point.

Hailey is an amazing writer who can take you on a journey in just a few pages. Rise Against is no exception, the fourth book in the Foundling series. Finally the cadre and Luce have developed good personal relationships. Luce and Cole have figured out how their relationship and it makes the whole coterie work better! Ezra is still a hangnail needing to be pulled but Luce is figuring out how to deal with Conquest and not lose herself. Now she just needs to bring others to her side of the fight, no easy feet when the world seems to be against her. Cannot wait for the next installment to see where it takes us!

An entertaining read, but I didn’t feel held up as well as the previous books, it’s entertaining enough but seemed to lack a little something this time.

This author is fast becoming a favorite. This latest in The Foundling series pretty much picks up with Luce trying to win others to her side in the coming war. However, it’s not as easy when forces are against her, even ones she thinks are on her side. This book was filled with the fast action, great characterizations, and terrific writing I’ve come to expect from this author. Everyone is so multi-faceted, you never know what to expect in a good way. I’ve come to really feel for Luce, and all the hardships and betrayals she’s faced. The end of this book was just another blow, and I am dreading and anticipating the next book. I couldn’t put this one down and if you loved the others, this one is just as good if not better. This series is great, and I highly recommend this book. I received a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

DEATH KNELL wasn't my favorite installment of The Foundling series so I was a little worried that RISE AGAINST would fall along the same lines. I had nothing to be worried about.
Luce is continuing to learn about herself and her allies. I enjoy each and everyone on her team. I love the slow release of details, but am glad that by the end of RISE AGAINST it seems that Luce is finally in the know about all the things that have been kept from her and some revelations have cleared up some of the lingering questions I have had since book one.
Luce's relationship with Cole is finally strong. They are both on the same page and work really well together. We learned that they had a child (well, Cole and Conquest specifically) in DEATH KNELL and I wasn't really sure how I felt about it. I'm still not totally sure, but by the end of RISE AGAINST, I was more excited about it.
I totally loved the developments having to do with Rixton. I don't want to give anything away, but I was really excited about how that particular portion of the storyline played out in RISE AGAINST.
After I was done reading RISE AGAINST I only wanted to read more.
* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

OOOHHHH! Another twisty, turning installment in the Foundling series! Love all of Edwards' series, but I think this one is in the top two! Love all the members of the coterie! And Wu gets curiouser and curiouser with each installment. Only one left and I can't wait to see how it all works out! Go Luce!!

This book has * all the things*! A real ramping up of the war, secrets revealed, friendships mended and matings achieved! This whole story continues to be outside of the box and hugely enjoyable. Many thanks to Netgalley for an arc of this book.