Member Reviews

"Refine and Restore" by Rachel Swanson is a practical and inspiring guidebook for anyone seeking personal growth, healing, and a deeper connection with their faith. Swanson, with her warm and relatable writing style, offers readers a roadmap to navigate life's challenges and find restoration through a renewed relationship with God.
In this book, Swanson shares her own journey of refinement and restoration, openly discussing her struggles, doubts, and triumphs. Through personal anecdotes, biblical insights, and practical exercises, she encourages readers to embrace their unique stories and find purpose in their pain.
Overall this book is a heartfelt and practical guide for those yearning for personal growth and spiritual renewal. Rachel Swanson's honest and relatable writing style, coupled with her insightful guidance, makes this book a valuable resource for anyone seeking to overcome challenges, find healing, and deepen their relationship with God.

This is such a fabulous book for all women. I love this quote from her book, 'When it becomes God-directed instead of self-directed, our life suddenly takes on a true sense of meaning and purpose.' Rachel is very transparent and real in her book. She shares so many personal stories of sins in her life that caused her to get off track with God. But she allowed the Holy Spirit to refine her sins and restore her heart to a deeper intimacy with Jesus. Jesus made beauty from her ashes. This book truly spoke to me and reminded me that when I sit back and listen, I will draw closer to Him. I highly recommend this book that will give you guidance to return that fire in your heart for Jesus

As a nonreligious but spiritual person I do enjoy reading through books with concepts that are derived from certain faiths. I enjoyed reading through this book that provided relatable stories and ideas that anyone with an open mind could find themselves a part of.

Rachel is very genuine as she shares her struggles and experiences;. It is encouraging for others to understand that God is with us through the good and not so good stuff in our lives. The refining process is not so enjoyable but a growth process which strengthens us . It is God who restores us and this book will certainly encourage our faith walk..
This is a refreshing read! Rachel explains the difference in our calling and our purpose. Her style of writing prompts you to examine your heart; she draws you nearer to the great I AM. .

Highly recommend this book as the author shares about following God as he restores and refined us. Thankful for the opportunity to read this book. It has helped me to refocus my attention on the direction God has for me knowing he has a plan I can’t see but I can trust.

I can't say enough about this book. I have read it a number of times already. I highly suggest Rachel's book for anyone that needs to feel grounded and rejuvinated again. She puts things to you only another woman could understand. Highly highly recommend this book!!

Refine And Restore. A well-written story of what God can do and is doing. A book to be re-read, full of advice and information..

I greatly enjoyed Rachel’s book! I learned so much about God and myself through reading Refine and Restore. Each area that Rachel focused on was one I needed! God has such great plans for His children that we need to trust Him for more! I also thoroughly enjoyed Rachel sharing her own story of coming to Christ as well!!

Swanson felt like many Christians do some time in their spiritual life, like something is missing. The spiritual high from salvation was long gone. The Word seemed dry. Her prayers felt empty. Jesus no longer felt close. She wondered about her purpose and the meaning of her spiritual life.
Swanson shares her experiences as God was refining and restoring her soul. She has written this book with a view to helping readers go from merely surviving to thoroughly thriving. She warns readers that this kind of transformation takes hard soul work.
The book is a combination memoir and lessons learned from experiences. Swanson came out of Mormonism. Counseling helped her deal with lies she believed about God and other issues keeping her from experiencing a deeper intimacy with God. She also experienced times of anxiety and has found medication essential to her well being.
The most interesting topic in her book was her writing about the current state of the church and Christianity in the U.S. She writes of the “cruise-ship Christianity that has poisoned our church culture in the United States and some other countries...” (Loc 601/2679) We like to be comfortable and safe, not getting out of our comfort zones to engage those who need the hope we have.
Swanson urges us to be careful of what we let in our lives. She explores issues that may detract from our intimacy with God, such as money, body image, sexuality, and anxiety. She suggests establishing boundaries with that which does not build us up, including people.
This is a good book for career age Christians who have lost the fire of their faith and like teaching given in the context of personal memoir. This book will give you issues to look at and suggestions to deal with them. As an older Christian, I found the same suggestions for re-igniting the fire many previous authors have made.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

Refine and Restore is a book you won’t be able to put down. Rachel shares her heart on every page of this book, and as you read (and most likely begin to feel exposed) you will realize you are not alone in your daily struggles with sin and wanting something more. Rachel shares personal stories of how she came to have such a strong relationship with Jesus, and helps us understand how we can have that too.
This book is very well written and easy to read. If you want to deepen the relationship you have with Jesus, this is the book for you.

In Refine & Restore, Rachel charts the story of her road to faith and openly discusses her battle to live out a faithful life, day by day and moment by moment. I love Rachel’s willingness to share her real-life struggles—the same struggles so many of us share—as well as her heartfelt desire to draw readers into a deeper walk with God. Though more of a memoir than an actual Bible study, Rachel’s story will both inspire and challenge you as you travel along your own road to faith.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Wow, this book is real. I love how Rachel shares her personal struggles through the book a long with scripture and Biblical principles.
This was a book I needed to read at this point in my life as she addressed some things I have and am struggling with.
Why does the initial passion we have when we first come to know Christ go away? What can we do about it? Is this normal? All questions Rachel tackles in this book..
A copy of this book was given to me through Netgalley.com. All opinions are my own.

A book for all ages. With her personal testimony throughout the book, there is something in it for everyone!

This book has blessed me beyond belief! Through her own experiences as well as through pointing to scripture, Rachel brings you back to a place of full connection with Jesus. I related to her stories in so many ways. She gave real, practical, scripturally sound advice for rekindling the reader’s relationship with Christ. She tackles hard topics in a very real and gentle way. If you are in a season of uncertainty, disconnectedness, or are feeling spiritually dry, give this book a read an re-ignite the holy fires while restoring your heart and mind top the truth!

WOW!! Rachels book "Refine and Restore" was amazing! I felt like she knew me personally and knew the struggles of my life. She is no shy about problems we face but also helps provide a solution as well. I loved the practical advice and her encouraging tone. I will be recommending this book to all my family and friends.

This is one of those books that you will not be able to put down, will re-read multiple times and it will touch your soul in a way you didn't know was possible. Rachel weaves today stories of her life with scripture and truths from God that will impact you regardless of where you are in your life. This is a book that everyone who reads it, will be touched and forever changed by her words!

There were certain parts where I just felt so connected to the author and some I was unsure. Overall good!

Oh my goodness! "Refine & Restore" is the PERFECT title for this book! This book is like a major kick in the butt & a comforting warm embrace at the same time. I thoroughly enjoyed it, & I REALLY NEEDED IT! Thank you so much, Rachel, for following God's calling for you to make this book a reality! Thank you for sharing all of the painful moments that helped to shape who you are. I know it wasn't easy. This book will definitely revive your heart & help to get you on the right track to release your true purpose & calling into the world! I SOOOO needed to read this book! I am so grateful that I was able to be a part of this book's launch team so I could start reading an advanced copy right when I personally needed it. Rachel addresses what to happen in the moments when life doesn't go according to how you felt like God was telling you it would go. She talks about how to notice and best live through life's refining moments, which are honestly quite painful most of the time. She also gives hope in how to let God restore and revive your heart in the wake of those hard seasons. Ladies, you all need to read this! Especially if you are in a valley season! If you are questioning God in any area to any degree, I am telling you that YOU, my friend, NEED to pick up this book! Go on! Go be refined & restored yourself! It may be painful at times, but you will be all the better for it. (Also, a free course comes with the book if you preorder before October 8th, 2019! How awesome is that?!?!)