Member Reviews

This is the 4th book in this series and, although the main story is self-contained, to get the very best from it with regard to character development and backstory, it is best to start from the beginning and read in order. DI Fawley is a bit complex so it might help understand him better if you do this.
A teenage girl is found in a distressed state by a taxi driver who comes to her aid. She refuses to report the obvious assault that she has been subjected to and flatly refuses to talk to the police about it. Fawley and his team try but without her co-operation, there is not much they can do. What he does glean about the situation worries him as he gets the feeling he's seen something similar in his past. She does eventually open up and, when forensics come back, Fawley's fears explode and with the disappearance of another girl, is forced to face something quite dark from his past. An old case is forced open, assumed once solved, on further investigation, there are things that don't quite add up and things get very awkward for Fawley... But there's still a missing girl to find...
Fawley's past and indeed present is front and centre in this book. Something I am not overly keen on to be honest but, in this book, it is wholly necessary as there are lots of interconnected things from the past that have to be dealt with. It's a shame with what he and his wife Alex have been through in previous books, especially with the way things have just got on a bit more of an even keel for them.
The narrative is delivered in an unusual way. We hear first person from Fawley which gives some great insight into him, and then switch to the main third person narratives which show what the rest of the characters are doing. In amongst all of this are the author's usual employment of inserting documents, transcripts and social media feeds into the mix. It all sounds a bit disjointed but when put together, everything is included in exactly the right times to make the book flow very well as a whole.
The author has also included some things that are very prevalent in the world we live in today. I'd love to wax lyrical about something but to do so would include spoilers so sadly I can't. But hats off to the author for this, which gave the book a very different tone.
Starting this book before bedtime was a big mistake as I really struggled to put it down when it was time for lights out and ended up reading way past my bedtime. Annoyingly I then had to suffer a day at work before I could pick it up once again. Once I did, I whizzed through it, finishing it same day, so hard it held me in its thrall. With twists and turns aplenty and more than its fair share of duplicitous behaviour, this book had me guessing right left and centre and kept me on my toes throughout, right up to the final, quite shocking, reveal.
All in all a great addition to one of my favourite series. Only down side of it is that I now have to wait for the next one which, given how things ended herein, I am now gagging for! My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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Faith is found by a taxi driver wondering the streets on the outskirts of Oxford. Previously taken tied with cable ties and a plastic bag over her head. She refuses to press charges- no one is sure why.
Concern grows when another girl goes missing with the same features as Faith, the connection harking back to an old case 20 years ago. Was the perpetrator correctly convicted?
This book was brilliant- having read the previous books I loved how the characters have developed with new characters also added to being a fresh mix into the team dynamic.
The twists in this book were brilliant. Cara Hunter is an excellent storyteller and I cannot wait for her future works!
Note for new readers! I would suggest starting from the beginning so you can follow the series better.

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ALL THE RAGE by Cara Hunter is the 3rd book in the D.I Fawley series. Although, having never read a book from the series before, you certainly don't need too to become immersed in this engaging and easily readable crime novel.

A thoroughly modern story that's set in Oxford, UK, 2018, its less 'Inspector Morse' and more 'Line of Duty' in terms of crime fiction. Yep, that's right, TV's biggest crime series has just met its match. When a college girl (with a secret) is attacked in broad daylight, a small investigation is opened. When another school disappears and is later found dead, things get a lot more serious and a 'roadside rapist' from 20 years earlier is suspected, a case that D.I Fawley was heavily involved in. Was the wrong man jailed for the attacks? it certainly seems so. As the narrative unravels, our protagonist almost takes a backseat, his team take charge, and as two crimes are investigated, are we lead to the same culprit?

Fawley's diary acts a compelling narrative tool giving the reader insight an into his past, and whilst he leads the investigation, to begin with, he's forced to take a step back and we learn more about the investigation team, with strong characterisation and some great police procedural insight.

Cara Hunter peppers the prose with modern cultural references (expect twitter feeds, and screenshots of text messages), fashionistas, the clique click of teenage schoolgirl life, a slippery suspicious teacher, an insidious yet highly believable modus operandi, and easily likeable characters. It ends not how you expect, it's full of unsuspecting twists and turns, and it compelling throughout - exactly how crime fiction should be!

7/10 - Gogglebooks

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Twists and turns and a story that just flows. This is what I like in a good book and this book has it in abundance along with believable characters.
You feel the detective’s drive and frustrations when promising leads turn out to be unproductive.
Short chapters are great for stopping reading and putting the book down when you need to but the problem was - I didn’t want to put it down!
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review

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Police thriller which moved swiftly along. Has an old case come back to haunt Detective Fawley or is it something more sinister. Lots of surprises,a good read.

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A girl is taken from the streets of Oxford. But it's unlike any abduction DI Fawley's seen before . . .

Faith Appleford was attacked, a plastic bag tied over her head, taken to an isolated location . . . and then, by some miracle, she escaped.

What's more, when DC Erica Somer interviews Faith, she quickly becomes convinced that Faith knows who her abductor is.

Yet Faith refuses to press charges.

Without more evidence, it's looking like the police may have to drop the case. But what happens if Faith's attacker strikes again?

All I can say about this story is that it is one twisted read. I kept thinking we were being taken down one road when it comes to the case that Fawley and his team are working on, only for it to go off down a totally different route. Not just the once either! I was kept on my toes with each shocking revelation. Even the ending has left me anxious to get my hands on the fifth in the series.

All The Rage is an edge of your seat read with twists and turns you won’t see coming. It had me going through an array of emotions but mainly, shock and horror with each revelation. It will certainly get the adrenaline coursing through your body, especially by the end. Am praying we don’t have long to wait for the next book

5 big stars for Cara Hunter

Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Books Uk for an advance copy in return for a fair and honest review

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I would firstly like to thank Netgalley and the publishers for allowing me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Another 5-star read from this author! I just love both the intriguing gritty murder cases, and the detective work from DI Adam Fawley and his team. Another book in the series that kept me gripped from start to finish!
With brilliantly written plotlines, great characters and some rather excellent twists, I can't wait for the next book in the series!

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Absolutely fantastic!

I'll admit, this one took me a few chapters to get into, there was an awful lot going on with so many different characters in the beginning I felt like I was drowning a bit BUT once I managed to figure out who was who and the storyline started getting clearer I could not put it down.

This is the 4th book in the Adam Fawley series and they just keep getting better and better. If you haven't read the previous three, dont worry because this could easily be read as a stand alone.

I loved the whole plot and as usual Cara has managed to bring the characters to life with her easy style of writing. I was super impressed with her more modern approach of bringing in a character who is transitioning and the storyline of manipulation, bullying and social class within a school environment.

The most stand out thing for me was the fact that the killer was not your A typical character, amazing ending to a truly gripping novel.


Huge thanks to netgalley and the publishers for the ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Books for allowing me to read this book pre-release... you made my year!!

As a lover of the three previous DI Adam Fawley thrillers, I felt like I was settling into a comfy and cosy armchair when I started reading this book. Cara Hunter has made Adam Fawley and his team feel like old friends to me now so within a few pages of reading All The Rage, there was a massive smile on my face.

The rest of the book did not disappoint, with a building tension, some fantastic twists, turns and shocks, this book had me absolutely hooked and I didn't want to put it down.

Another fantastic read by Cara Hunter, who is quickly becoming one of my favourite authors

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Very addictive! There’s quite an involved storyline with lots of twists and different suspects (as it should be!) A brutal attack takes place on a trans girl, presumed to be a hate crime. She survives but is anxious to keep her status and life, private. Then a horrific murder of a young girl takes place – raising memories of an old perpetrator – the ‘Roadside Rapist’.

I liked the way past stories were being fed piecemeal along the way; past cases, past histories, relationships etc. The book included modern topics of transgender issues, hate crime, Incel groups on the internet - and how it feeds into ‘self-validation’ of individuals in such groups. I liked the presentation with maps and birth certificates (though my Kindle made the latter unreadable – probably because it’s ancient and I could not enlarge), the different typefaces for police interviews and court cases etc.

However, my criticism has to be that the ending of the investigation was not particularly clearly defined. I don't want to give spoilers, but I found out the story was concluded in a news story at the end. A bit confusing. There was also a background story about the original investigator and his wife regarding a previous case which again I was initially unclear about at the end. Probably just me being a bit slow. It was a super read, but it lost it a star for murky solutions.

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4.5 stars I have read all the books in this series and loved them all so was looking forward to the next instalment.. It certainly didn't disappoint!! Full of twists and turns it was fast paced and kept me gripped from start to finish. I love all the main characters, flaws and all especially Adam. Another cracking book I would highly recommend and already I can't wait until the next in the series.

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An extremely complex and clever book. The details that are woven into this intricate tale are flawless and make for a seamless read. Very well written with believable and well developed characters this book ticks all the boxes for a solid crime thriller.

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Quite a complicated book that has many characters and stories linked but brilliantly written! I loved the twists and turns of the book and the ending was a complete surprise too! Highly recommend!

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There has been a brutal attack on a girl in Oxford. She was fortunate that the attacker was scared off by a passing police car, but the victim was viciously assaulted.

DI Adam Fawley is on the case, with the victim not keen to really come forward for reasons which become clearer later.

In the meantime, there's another schoolgirl has disappeared, and this seems to be a pattern. What's more, the attacks seem similar to a solved case from Fawley's past.

This was the first Cara Hunter novel I'd read, and despite being the fourth in the series, can easily be read as a standalone or as an introduction to the series. Hunter has created a believable murder investigations team in a very authentic feeling contemporary Oxford.

The "USP" is the inclusion of various screengrabs of emails, text messages and Instagram posts amongst over things to increase the verisimilitude of the book. It also, unusually, flips between first person and third person. We get Fawley from his perspective, but then we'll jump to someone else in the team, and get the story delivered from their point of view.

The book is a page turner, with the case moving apace, and the usual pressures from above and media interest in such a case being well represented. (Although I'd like to think that the broadcast media would behave slightly better than they do in this book!)

A thoroughly enjoyable read from a new author to me.

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'Watch and wait and deduce', a line from this book, is not only the mantra for the perpetrator in this crime story but provides the underlying theme to 'All the Rage'.
Hunter relies heavily upon the personalities and emotional ties of the detectives in this to thrash out the issues and to engage the reader. The present-day crime is interesting enough but interest is further increased by the interweaving of a cold case that also threatens the professional reputation of one of the main characters.
If you enjoy that feeling of being right in the middle of a criminal investigation then you will find this is just for you, but if you're wanting a crime that offers more in the way of psychological twists and horror then this could be too investigation-based for you.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for this copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A disturbing subject matter with interesting characters. Ms Hunter deftly leads the reader along the canal path and though the streets, dropping breadcrumbs along the way.

As a parent, the book makes for an uncomfortable, but gripping, read.

Well done, Ms Hunter, another fantastic book.

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I’m a big fan of Cara Hunter having read Close To Home last year as part of an online book club. So, when the opportunity came up to get my hands on an eARC of her new release, I jumped at the chance! It didn’t disappoint ….

DI Fawley is back but this time he – along with the rest of his team – is investigating an abduction and assault. Soon, another girl is missing, and team are left trying to understand what connects the two cases and what does it have to do with a case which is now 20 years old. A case that is a little too close to home for Fawley.

Whatever I thought All The Rage was going to be, I was wrong. The book has Hunter’s great pace and multi-media flow to it with maps, messages and emails added in to give the story depth, but this is a story which gets dark very quickly. You simply can’t look away though as you are with the team page after page, willing them to find the connection.

I’m usually good at guessing early when it comes to a good whodunnit, but this one had me guessing and then second-guessing right until the very end. Even when the truth finally comes out, there is the little question of whether they can prove it…… Without wanted to give anything away, this is a good one and it’s only strengthened my status as a Cara Hunter fan!

Although All The Rage brings back some known characters, this book can easily be read as a standalone book.

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Fascinating, addictive, and riveting!

*Release Date: 23rd January, 2020. Mark your calendars*.

Teenager, Faith Appleford, is discovered by a minicab driver stumbling along the side of the road in a distressed state – muddy, clothes torn, one shoe missing, with marks on both wrists indicating that her hands have been tied. She refuses to go to the police or a doctor, so the driver takes her home, and then phones in the crime.

When DI Fawley and DC's Everett and Somer arrive at the Appleford’s to investigate the alleged assault, Faith says it was nothing, just an April Fool's joke that got out of hand. Faith's mother is just as dismissive and unconcerned, and when DC Quinn and Somer ask questions at the college Faith attends, the school principal is just as evasive. What is going on? What is everyone hiding that takes precedence over Faith's attack? And Adam and his team had better find answers soon, because a second girl has been reported missing, and this one might not be coming home.

Just like 1-3, book 4 immediately pulled me into the storyline, and my interest never wavered. What always keeps me coming back for more of this series are Cara Hunter's fantastic set of characters, headed by DI Adam Fawley. They are constantly changing and developing and all of them have vibrant, varied, interesting personalities. A close second are the author's complex, captivating crime plots. I am continuously left speechless by Hunter's cleverness, particularly when it comes to implementing the big twists. And All the Rage was littered with ingenious ones, as well as shocking revelations.

As usual the policing kept me glued to the pages – the investigation process, clues and hints, the interactions, politics and conflict between the CID team, and the personal lives of the detectives.

The atrocities committed in All the Rage, at times hit me hard. Being grabbed off a busy street in broad daylight with no one noticing freaked me out and had me looking over my shoulder on more than one occasional. But, it's the plots that get to you that make for the best reading, and All the Rage definitely accomplished that. Oh, and when I say disturbing I don't mean gratuitously or graphically violent, sexually or otherwise, but it is emotionally affecting.

Fans of this series will be immensely satisfied with this installment, and like me, left craving more. My recommendation for new readers would be to start at the beginning with Close to Home for continuity purposes. The crime plot is a standalone, but there's crucial backstory regarding the characters that is relevant to this one that you will have almost no hope of following. Start your binge-read now in time for this release.

I'd like to thank Netgalley, Penguin Books UK, and Cara Hunter for the e-ARC.

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Cara Hunter is by far my favourite crime/mystery/thriller author. She has this magical way of having you hooked by the first chapter! I have loved every book in the series but this is by far my absolute favourite.

I love the way the storyline has you constantly guessing, gasping & gawping in public but it’s not beyond the realm of possible! Her storylines & reveals are all things that could happen which is a problem I find a lot of authors have; their grand reveal is so far fetched it belongs in a tele-novella.

I love the use of social media in this series; the tweets, the comments left on articles ect, because it’s so bang on with what would happen “in real life”.

I also love the side characters you come to know throughout the series & the snippets you receive of their personality and personal life through their own chapters.

I honestly can’t rave about this series enough & it’s one that I recommend to everybody!

Cara Hunter has fast become an auto-buy author & the DI Adam Fawley series is one of the only ones that I make sure I am up to date with as each new book is released.

Although this is the fourth book in the series they can all be read as stand alone‘ however I really think it adds to the story if you have read the other books.

TW: murder, sexual assault, rape, suicide..

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Excellent story. really enjoyed reading it. Lots of twists and turns. Hard to put down.
Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin Books for the chance to read in exchange for my review.

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