Member Reviews

All The Rage is the second in this series I’ve read and it just gets better and better.
Faith Appleyard Is found in a bad way by a taxi driver, it becomes clear she has been assaulted but before she was raped police sirens went past where she was being held and this alone saved her life. Left with a bag over her head and her hands bound in cable ties she manages to escape and here the plot thickens with lots of twists and turns along the way especially when another girl has had the same experience but unfortunately is found dead.
It was nice to catch up with D.I Adam Fawley, he is definately a great leading character in this series, I also enjoyed reading about his relationship with his wife outside work and the ups and downs they have had and then to think they are bound by something that they did years ago was a flabbergasting moment!
I would like to thank Netgalley and Penguin Books UK for this ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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DI Adam Fawley returns in Cara Hunter's All The Rage and it is another excellent police procedural thriller.

This time Fawley and his team are faced with what appears to be a hate crime which has some similarities with an old case of his. Did he get the wrong man all those years ago?

The author has created an excellent cast of characters and uses them to push the story along whilst keeping the reader hooked

Definitely recommended

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k you to Netgalley, the publishers and author for an advanced copy of this book.

I have read the first three in this series so was really pleased when I was accepted for an ARC of this one.

Lots of likeable characters, lots of twists and elements to keep you guessing and very well written. I kept changing my mind about who I thought committed the crime. Brilliant read and am looking forward to the next in the series. Definitely give it a read - but start from number 1 if you want to follow DI Fawley’s story. If you don’t, then you’ll be able to read it as a stand alone and enjoy the story anyway.

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A mixed one for me, a little too complicated with too many characters and layers- I would have appreciated a few more diagrams or a character list! But overall a good plot with a good portrayal of the police dismissing evidence to get to the killer. I would read more by this author.

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As a reader, I always know I'm in safe hands when I start a D.I Fawley book and this one was no exception. It had satisfying twists and turns, and managed to touch on contemporary issues without being judgemental.
Basically another winner from Ms Hunter
and her police team!
Thank you to netgalley and penguin books for an advance copy of this book.

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Brilliant! Page turner that kept me interested all the way though. I’d definitely recommend. Thanks to the author and netgalley for the advance preview

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A truly "keeps you guessing story", I had no idea of who was guilty until very close to the end of the book. There are a lot of characters to get your head around but once you know who's who the story grips you throughout. I loved the way the police interviews were written it makes you feel like you're on the other side of the two way mirror looking in. Cara Hunter tells a brilliant story taking you from one suspect to another without giving anything away. I would highly recommend people to read this book.

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This book by Cara Hubter is now part of the Richard and Judy Book club for this year and will not disappoint many of you
It has lots of twists and turns and is packed full of the plot. Don't expect to be able to put it down as you will want to read it in one sitting.
This is book 4 folllowing Adam Fawley and his latest plot.

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A brilliant thriller, what a twist at the end.

It is a great testimony to this book that I did not realise it was the fourth in a series with DI Adam Fawley as the main character. We learn that Adam and his wife, Alex, have lost a son to suicide a few years ago and that Alex has just found out that she is expecting another baby and is in need of bed rest and absolutely no stress.

Despite this Adam becomes intensely involved in the attacks on two young teenage girls. The first girl, Faith, is found wandering along the road by a taxi driver but is unwilling to bring any charges or be of any help in the investigation. When it is discovered that Faith is transitioning, she was previously known as Daniel, the police believe it is a hate crime. However, when a second girl, Sasha, goes missing and is eventually found murdered, the similarities between the crimes are obvious and appear to be by the same perpetrator. The whole issue is even more confused when a criminal, Gavin Parry, that Adam had put behind bars many years before, who had always professed his innocence is coming up for parole and these new crimes are using exactly the same modus operandi. Did Adam make a mistake all those years ago and is Gavin Parry really innocent?

The author is very clever in the way she throws suspicion on various people, the college lecturer who is a single 37-year-old man who seems to be taking too much interest in some of his pupils, the sister of Faith who is desperate to be a member of the popular group that Sasha was a member of, the girls themselves, the mother of the victims. It is impossible to work out who did what and such is the skill of the author that you need to keep reading to find out what actually happened.

Suffice to say, I had no idea until the end it was brilliantly conceived and the book even ended on a shocking foretaste of what I imagine will be the next one in the series. When this comes out I want to review it but in the meantime will try and find the time to read the previous DI Adam Fawley books.

One of the best books of this genre that I have read this year.


Breakaway Reviewers received a copy of the book to review

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Thank you to NetGalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review. I was quite underwhelmed by this one, and I’m not sure how much of that I can blame on it being the fourth in a series I haven’t read. While it works okay as a standalone book, it was hard to follow at times and I felt it relied on the emotional intimacy of the characters for readers who had been acquainted with them before now.

The plot itself was nothing too mind blowing: it wasn’t bad but I had semi-called the ending only 30% into the book so I didn’t feel shocked or in awe after reading. I liked the characters for the short while I learned about them, but felt overall like too many plot points were just dropped inconsequentially and not pursued either as good red herrings or conclusive explanations. A decent murder mystery but not at all memorable for me.

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After reading and loving the first three books in the DI Adam Fawley series last year I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one, and it did not let me down!

All the Rage follows Adam and his team as they try to investigate an apparent assault but the victim refuses to press charges so what happens when another girl goes missing? I don't want to say too much on the plot of this one as I think it'd be easy to get into spoiler territory but in my opinion this is Cara Hunter's best book yet.

This was an addicting read, I found it so hard to put down once i'd started it, that is full of twists and turns. This series is one of the best ones out there and if you haven't started it already i'd highly recommend getting to it soon as you don't want to miss out - I already can't wait for the next instalment.

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I loved the book. It is the fourth in a series and I will definitely read the rest. It’s hard to review as I could give the plot away but well worth reading

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Always enjoy a detective novel, realised I may have read one of Cara's before and wondered if it is a series.
The ending feels as if there will be a sequel. let's hope so.

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All the rage is the 4th instalment featuring DI Fawley but this book can be read as a stand-alone novel but it does give you glimpses of previous story’s which in now want to read as I loved the writing, the characters and plot. It’s hard to write a review with out giving anything away but if you like police/ true life crime then definitely read this.

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Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. I absolutely loved it! I don’t want to give any spoilers away but I will say that I read it in a day, couldn’t put it down! It’s been a while since I’ve read a crime thriller that has hooked me in from the first page and refused to let me go. I think it was helped by a great group of well developed characters in the detective team. I would recommend to everyone who loves a crime book- it’s up there will all the great writers of this genre. I will be looking forward to the next book.

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I am a huge fan of Cara Hunter having read all of her previous novels.
A gripping and very fast paced book with plenty of twists and turns that I did not see coming. Another fantastic read. Looking forward to the next instalment.

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Faith Appleyard has been abducted off the street and taken in a van and was about to be raped when the on coming police siren scares the abducter off. Faith manages to get free and is picked up by a taxi driver who takes her home as she doesn’t want the police involved. But the taxi driver reports it to the police.
D.I Adam Fawley and his team are tasked with this case they go to interview Faith but she still doesn’t want any action taken,
But why does she not want the abducter found ?
Another Girl goes missing in the meantime . Sasha Blake had gone out with her friends for the evening and not returned home. Both Faith’s and Sasha’s cases are similar and D.I Adam is brought back to an old case which has a striking resemblance to these two cases . But that case was solved and the perpetrator has been in prison. But he is getting ready for parole. Did D.I Alex get the right man or has the wrong man been locked up.
Fantastic read
Thanks Netgalley

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First rate police procedural told from multiple viewpoints, which I stayed up until 1:30am to finish. I couldn't put it down. Really original and thought provoking, this tale of modern day offences that potentially link to an historic case is really well plotted and told.

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I really enjoyed this book. The story flows really well and I was hooked from the outset, finishing in one day! I found I just had to keep reading to find out the outcome. If it was a tv box set I would have binge watched the whole series, it was that compelling. The characters are all likeable and although it seems there are a lot to keep track of at the start, you soon get a handle on who’s who. An excellent book, I thoroughly recommend. Thank you #netgalley.

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A tightly plotted, fast-moving read that shows this series is getting better and better.
Our story begins with someone watching a young woman. Deliberately vague, I confess to still not being sure of the significance of this scene. We then switch to another young woman preparing for a night out. When we next see her she is being picked up by a taxi driver who fears she’s been attacked.
Having had a bag put over her head, her wrists tied and her knickers pulled down, there’s no doubt this was a premeditated attack. Her refusal to involve the police seems odd...and it’s not until some further digging has taken place that we realise just why Faith is reluctant to speak up. The police are not entirely sure who is responsible, or the motives for this attack, but they are on high alert.
Days later another young girl, Sasha Blake, goes missing. When her body is found there’s concern that the crimes may be linked. Alongside the general investigative stuff (which rattled along so well), we learn of a past crime that Fawley was involved in. There are unnerving similarities between the crimes and though there’s the suggestion of a copycat killer, the person imprisoned for these violent crimes has always sworn his innocence and these latest developments strongly suggest that the police may have got the wrong man.
I was completely consumed in trying to get to the bottom of this one. There were numerous plausible possibilities and each option seemed pretty unpleasant. The actual truth was heart-wrenchingly awful. And as for the closing scene with our ‘innocent’ man being released, it doesn’t bode well for what’s to come.
Scheduled for release later this month, a huge thank you to NetGalley for getting my 2020 reading off to such a good start!

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