Member Reviews

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for my gifted copy.

I had my niece and nephew over and we picked this book to read. We all loved it! Such a cute and charming read. It's cold and grey outside right now, and this book lifted our spirits!

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Ivy in Bloom is a heartwarming poetry book about the celebration of different seasons especially Spring. The beautiful illustrations make this read unique and unforgettable.

Ivy in Bloom introduces the poetry of Dickinson, Longfellow, Browning, Wordsworth, Frost and others. Excerpts from their writings, as seen through Ivy's eyes, will open up poetry as a way for children to express their own feelings about the changing of seasons. This book includes longer excerpts and brief bios of each author.

The writing style was flawless and easy to understand to all ages. I highly recommend this book to everyone! It was a quick and cozy read.

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had so much fun reading this book, the story is so adorable and the illustrations were so well done and charming, there’s so many little details in every page that I couldn’t stop but be mesmerized by it all. I will definitely be recommending it! Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this early copy

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Sometimes all you need is a quick, refreshing read, and this is definitely it! This is a beautiful collection of poetry set alongside some stunning illustrations of the perfect representation of Spring!

🧚🏻Thank you to NetGalley and VanitaBooks for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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How pleasant every book of Vanita Oelschlager feels. I actually searched the whole Netgalley and got every book of hers to read.

They feel so cozy, like a blanket around you on a chilly rainy day. Just so comfortable. Ivy in bloom is same too. What was a pleasant surprise that it was the poetry of spring by all the great poets and writers of the past.

Vanita started her own poems and then continued with the lines/ verses from each poem and created beautiful art that is ivy in bloom. It included writers like Charles Dickens, Emily Dickinson, Robert Browning and so on.

Glad to have read it. Will definitely recommend it.

Thanks to Netgalley and Vanitabooks for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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This book was cute. It is really short, suitable for young children. It has a few lines from different poems on every page. They tell the story of a little girl waiting for spring's arrival. It is a nice introduction to poetry. I loved the illustrations. The various techniques used are well-suited to a colorful book about little girls and spring.

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Thank you to NetGalley and VanitaBooks, LLC for the ARC,

Yes, if you must know, I'm on a Oelschlager binge. I'd rather binge books than food, but now I'm thinking about a good cup of tea.

The illustrations for this were done by Kristin Blackwood. Love that last name, so dramatic sounding. It made me sigh.

The cover is so sweet, I love wild flowers and the font used it really creative, you know it's going to be poetry before you even read the word poetry.

... I'd almost wished that I'd had this book when I was a child, but the random religious ending that totally came out of nowhere took me off guard and reminded me of my grandparents whom don't speak to me because I don't go to church. I still respect religion. I just wouldn't read this over and over like I would with Vanita's other books. It's still a beautiful book of prose and the art is cute as heck.

I think this would make a great gift to a young christian girl. The art is totally worth it and the prose is good, I enjoyed it even despite the religious ending. I was just caught off guard I think.

This would be great for a sunday school library too! A+

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This is a sweet book. I have seven kids and all of them enjoyed reading this one. The younger of many children reached for it more frequently. This is a cute story and would be good for young readers. The photos and the colors in the book are amazing as well.

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Ivy in Bloom is such a nice and heartwarming story. The illustration also beautiful. It's nothing out of ordinary though, like children book in general

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Ivy is anticipating spring to come in the midst of a wintry, wintry winter.
She is so bored with the snow and can’t wait for Spring!

When the world is mud-luscious.
When the world is puddle-wonderful.”

I thought that was just so cute!

I love all the lines taken from other authors and given credit for the lines used in the book.

The illustrations were absolutely beautiful and so precisely drawn, especially from a child’s perspective.

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From poets such as Cummings, Dickens, Whitman, and many more, "Ivy in Bloom" shares the ups and downs of a young girl who wants spring to arrive. The chillest winters, the blazing hot summers, the cool autumns, and the colorful springs all come together in this fascinating picture book of the four seasons. Follow the young girl as she splashes into muddy puddles or watches the clouds go by. It's an easy read but wonderful indeed.

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Ivy in Bloom is a sweet picture book that takes readers through the seasons of the year, but also introduces classic poets in a way that makes sense. The art is utterly adorable and fits perfectly. I appreciate how the art starts of rather dark, but gets brighter and brighter as Ivy continues her journey through the seasons. There's a great breakdown at the end of the story that shows which poet's lines and words inspired each passage.

While this next bit is a critique from myself as an adult leaving a review, I am left a bit wanting. This book was written and illustrated by two women, but they didn't find a balance of featuring lines or inspiration from both men and women. The majority of the poets featured are men. Don't get me wrong, I love this premise of introducing classic poets to kids. However, if there is to be another book, I think balancing the men to women ratio would make a bit more sense.

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This is a beautiful book --- the illustrations are very nice . This is a very interesting concept to introduce famous poetry to children --- it is really great that the end of the book has all the original poems as well -- and shows the sections used by the author with the illustrations . -- Would recommend this to families to appreciate poetry.

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This book was so atmospheric, I loved it!
The writing too was so perfectly done, I loved the poems, it really was heart warming and not at all difficult to read, so is perfect for kids all ages.
I will definitely be recommending it!

Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this early copy

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Such a cute book, I loved the illustrations! The cat illustrations really sold me.
My favourite part was the bibliography, it was really cool to see where the lines of poetry came from originally came from and how they fit into their original works.

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I was really looking forward to this poetry collection. This would not download no matter how hard I tried.

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A wonderful collection of poems which are evocative of the season. I enjoyed reading this and will revisit it again and again and again.

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A beautiful book and a great way to bring in poetry for kids. The illustrations are lovely. The bios for the writers at the end are a great way to find out more about these writers.

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This short book is filled with large, clear, and pretty drawings, and short, sweet poetry. The story told in short poems is that of a girl who is waiting for spring. The book feels like a work of art, it is beautiful, both text and pictures.

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Ivy In Bloom, written by Vanita Oelschlager, and illustrated by Kristin Blackwood, is a poetry collection accompanied by drawings that follows a young girl who is tired of the long and cold winter, and is desperately longing for spring. As the weather changes and winter slowly turns into spring, her world is filled with color, life, and hope again.

The book is written in short poems that are put together from words of famous classical poets. They’re simple but filled with meaning, and they have a musical and pleasant tone.

It’s a really sweet book that I’d definitely recommend for children but even adults. It’s magical, pretty, hopeful, and beautiful. The illustrations add another lovely layer to it, which makes it a pleasure to read. The middle of winter would also be a perfect time to pick this book up if you’re feeling tired of short, gloomy days, so that it can remind you that spring will come, and things will get better.

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