Member Reviews

A beautiful and original proposal, as a practitioner I can use it to start the day, places me in a relaxed and cheerful humor, I unfold with an optimistic attitude towards my daily life, if I am fine everything flows better and collaborate with my harmony towards the world.
As a facilitator of psycho-energy therapy, using this philosophy and exercises as tools for my customers, can help them overcome their anxiety and stress, but also drives them towards a path of self-knowledge, discover that in the essence of their being they are Joy, that empowers them and supports them in recognizing their resilience capacity.

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Thanks NetGalley for the review!

I found the idea of the book interesting. However, it didn't pull me in enough to feel like I really wanted to learn from it. The idea didn't keep me hooked.

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The world needs more of this!
Laughter yoga - which I have previously found to be polarizing among those who experience it - is poorly understood. Dr. Kataria uses this book to describe his journey, this tradition, its proposed benefits, the “how-to” of practicing, and also its health effects - included those backed up by scientific studies.
Don’t let the subtitle fool you as it did me - I thought this would be a day to day practice book. Instead, you’ll see a new, more complete perspective on the dynamic meditative practice that is laughter yoga.
Try it - what do you have to lose? (Except your stress and that frown) Ha ha!

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As a yoga instructor I welcome other ways to incorporate good vibes into my class. This book was just what the doctor ordered. We could all use more laughter in our lives, especially these days. As someone who loves to laugh and try to spread happiness when I can this book was right on time. I will refer to the text often for class and in my personal life. Laughter really is the best medicine.

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I started this book right before the COVID-19 pandemic got bad in my area and finished it during quarantine. It is definitely hard to read a book about laughter yoga when it seems like the whole world is falling apart. And to that end, I wish that the chapter on laughing without laughter had been longer (and probably would be on rewrites.) Other than that, I think Dr. Kataria did a great job of trying to to describe why laughter yoga works and to utilize it correctly. I vacillated on the overall rating because, though the book was well-written and laid out, there was a lot of self-congratulation that played into the writing. Overall a useful book.

Three and a half stars
This book comes out April 7th
ARC kindly provided by Penguin Group and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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Great reasons to keep laughing!
Thanks to NetGalley And Penguin Books for the opportunity to read and review Laughter Yoga: Daily Practices for Health and Happiness by Madan Kataria, M.D.!
The book takes readers through the origins or beginnings of Laughter Yoga and what this practice actually is and onto the process and how it works. Then it teaches how to laugh more alone and within a group, the shared benefits, and gives ideas for using Laughter Yoga. A Laughter Quotient Quiz opens the book and allows readers to rate the amount of laughter in their lives. I have a laughter quotient of 78 which falls in the category of “you are good at laughing, but you can do better”. Laughter Yoga practice starts with stretching, clapping and chanting which can lead to a playful attitude and onto laughter, especially in a group setting. Deep breathing exercises prepare us for belly laughing which is a healing laughter. A regular session has fifteen steps and lasts about twenty minutes but alternative options are shared to vary the session experiences. Yoga nidra is explained also. This is putting your body to sleep while your mind stays awake. This practice helps rejuvenate a person and thirty minutes of yoga nidra equals two hours of regular sleep. Fascinating practice that I tried and I agree with the helpful results. Three key tips for laughter yoga are to know laughter, do laughter and be laughter. Wonderful reasons for making laughter a part of daily life, 5 stars!

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Perfectly fine primer on the topic of both laughter yoga and the intersection of laughter and health impacts. Activities and guided practice instructions are provided. I'd say the audience for this text is the layman interested in possibly trying laughter yoga, rather than individuals trying to engage in an academic assessment of laughter yoga outcomes.

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A well done summary of the benefits of laughter yoga. Might have benefitted from more time spent on exercises and activities.

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Dr. Kataria must be a joyful person to be around. His short volume on the practice of laughter yoga, which he developed in the 1990s, is full of hilarious ideas to get you laughing with a group or on your own. Lots of candid photos.

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Laughter Yoga by Dr. Madan Kataria delves into an interesting take on the health benefits of combining laughter and yoga as a daily practice. Dr. Kataria outlines how the concept of laughter yoga came about and lists the advantages of such a practice. Although, the book is filled with testimonials from people that have tried the practice—I felt that these testimonials were a bit oddly placed at times in the book. The book gives the reader enough basic information about the practice. After reading the book, many readers might be willing to try laughter yoga or at least be willing to add a bit more laughter into their lives.

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I love this idea! Lots of research in this book to show how laughter can affect your health; this would be a great thing to integrate into library programming.

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A Pioneer in laughter yoga, Dr. Kataria is the go to person for learning this valuable life skill. His book gives the benefits and techniques behind laughter yoga. It can seemingly reduce blood pressure, lower cortisol, lessen depression and anxiety, along with many other health conditions. There are some studies cited in the book that back up his claims. Whether you believe the science to this or not, the proof is in the pudding. Try laughing for 10 minutes and tell me you don’t feel better.

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***Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***
Laughter Yoga is an interesting concept, but the book was a little boring.

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