Member Reviews

Everyday Brave
Living Courageously as a Woman of Faith
by Janet Thompson
Abilene Christian University Press & Leafwood Publishers
Leafwood Publishers
Christian , Religion & Spirituality
Pub Date 10 Sep 2O19
I am reviewing a copy of Everyday Brave through Leafwood Publishers and Netgalley:
In Everyday Brave Janet Thompson points out that describing the true nature of bravery can be a difficult task, but bravery can be found in great and small tasks.
We are reminded too that we are all braver than we think.
There are times when we are going to be faced with a decision that is going to require us to be brave.
This book reminds us too that although we may not be consider yourself a leader, but we all lead in some areas of our lives.
Mothers are often required to be brave, including Biblical Mothers from Samson’s Mother, to the Prostitute Mother, and of course Mary the Mother of Jesus, had to be brave knowing that her son would end up dying a horrific death, for the sins of mankind.
Sometimes we have to be brave to wait, for a medical test results, grades from school, an acceptance letter, waiting for a prodigal to turn home.
We often have to be brave in the face of rejection, we may become angry or hurt at first, but in time we learn to be brave.
Everyday Brave is the perfect book for those who want to get a better idea of what it really means to be brave.
I give Everyday Brave five out of five stars!
Happy Reading!

2 stars
This book could have been so good. But, I lost faith in the discernment of the author. She used The Message as her translation Bible. I cannot trust the accuracy of anything said by Janet Thompson.
If she would have used a legitimate Bible and, this book could have been so good.
I cannot recommend this book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for a honest review.

What constitutes brave? Is it the woman traveling the world on a mission trip? Or the woman digging wells in Africa? Could it be the mom facing single motherhood? Or the best friend walking through cancer? Perhaps it's all of the above.
In Everyday Brave, Janet Thompson explores what it means to be brave in today's society. Though doubts and insecurities plague us, perhaps bravery is found in quiet trust. Highlighting the stories of 50 women from the Bible, as well as 30 present day women, this book takes a closer look at true bravery. These stories are meant to inspire confidence and courage in woman that they can conquer any circumstance with faith and bravery through the Lord.
I loved how this book highlighted some of the lesser known women of the Bible as well as the more commonly repeated acts of bravery. Theses are ordinary, every day women, some even unnamed, faced seemingly impossible circumstances and yet persevered through their confidence, not in themselves, but in God. It was this confidence and quiet faith that made them truly brave. Along side their stories are the tales of present day bravery, many women who would not consider themselves brave, and yet live every day displaying a quiet trust and perseverance. Thompson does a good job of interweaving the two and pulling out the everyday brave in the most common circumstance, proving that every woman has the potential to change the world for the Lord.
*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book for review. All opinions are my own.

Great book. I will be suggesting it in my Saturday morning group for a future read. Loved reading stories about women of the bible who have struggled just like the rest of us. This book shows perfect examples of how we too can over come our struggles . It takes faith and sometimes just the smallest of steps to begin to go in the right direction.

This is a wonderfully written book. You may think your not brave, but when you read this book you will realize just how brave you really are. This is a book you will read more than once. The author did an excellent job writing this book and I will be buying a hard copy when it's released. Thank you Abilene Christian University Press & Leafwood Publishers Leafwood Publishers via NetGalley for the ARC copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.