Member Reviews

Having recently finished the previously published “Every Last Drop” by Sarah Robinson, I am happy to have had the chance for the e-copy; thank you NetGalley and Books by Sarah Robinson!

Quite often self-published books don't get the attention they deserve. THIS story was one I will remember as the book that cracked my heart apart... repeatedly!!
The subject was written with such depth and emotion I thought the author had suffered this situation first hand. One of the take aways from the story for me was the information I learned about the various Death With Dignity acts of legislation throughout some states in our country. It does makes you wonder "What if?" and "What would I do?" This was a tragic and inspiring story I won't soon forget.

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I really don't know what to say. This book emotionally ripped me up. You will love every character. All of them. It's so beautifully written and it focuses on a woman with terminal cancer, her decision to die with dignity, You will feel every moment the pain and hurt her family suffers through watching her die of cancer. The author draws you into every character, what they feel. You will know every breath Tess makes, every thought with emotion. The book is amazing. Now I have to see what other books Sarah Robinson has written!
#EveryLastDrop #NetGalley

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WOW, what an incredible book! Be prepared to sob. I couldn’t stop crying through the entire book. Everything was heartbreaking and made me so emotional. This is unlike anything Sarah Robinson has written before. This is a book that I know I will never forget. Absolutely stunning!

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This is not a story for anyone who is already feeling miserable as it won’t cheer you up! Tess learns that instead of trying for a baby she’ll have to undergo gruelling treatment when a brain tumour is discovered and she is still only 28 years old. The reader will go through a range of emotions, from hope to despair, travelling this road with her. Best read in solitude and definitely not on the daily commute with a tear stained face. Full marks to Sarah for such a realistic novel which must have involved a lot of research into this type of cancer.

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This is so sad, so beautiful. A ugly-cry book.
I cried alot, and wanted it not to be like that, i wanted things to change. But it did not.
I cried, i laughed, i cried more. So beautiful, raw and very very real.
My heart hurt, for Tessa and for her familiy.

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This book broke me. It was beautifully written,.
Tessa and Kyle desperately want a family. They see a fertility specialist, but receive a terminal cancer diagnosis instead. Tessa’s dream was to write a book, so she does. She chronicles her cancer journey, including her attempt to utilize the “Death with Dignity”.

This is a must read. It was so sad, yet so wonderful.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Very emotional story.
I would recommend this book.
Review given honestly and freely after receipt of a reader copy. This opinion is completely my own and was not influenced in any way. Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher.

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This book was one of the best books I have read this year. Such a poignant story told without the sugar coating of the tragedy of Tessa's situation and her life. I was in tears reading the last third of the book and will be recommending this to my friends.

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Wow. What a journey this book was for me. The book is very well written and is so tender. I was so touched by this story. We all know someone whom cancer has touched and I think the book is spot on. I am so glad I went on this amazing journey. Sarah Robinson, thank you for writing this amazing book

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Thank you so very much to Sarah Robinson, the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of this book, for my honest review.

I cannot tell you how much I truly loved reading this book, I loved the emotional roller coaster that the author put me on, and I really enjoyed the story and the love between Tessa and her husband throughout the whole story.

I love when a book can bring me to tears, and this book had me crying more then halfway through the book, and I'm not sure I ever stopped crying even after the end. The strength of Tessa and her family truly shows through each and every page of this book, and how they work through what Tessa wants to do in order to still have her dignity at the end.

This was my absolute favorite book that I have read this year, and I would recommend that everyone put this on their TBR list. I've already bought this as gifts for some of my friends and family. If I could give this one 20 stars, I definitely would do so.

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The author and the main character herself are very upfront from the start warning the reader that EVERY LAST DROP will not be an easy story to read. Even with that warning, nothing could prepare me for the beautiful and heart wrenching words that would unfold. There were more time than not that I could only read a chapter at a time because I just could not see through the tears. Tessa is a young woman who is diagnosed with brain cancer. Soon that diagnosis proves to be terminal. That starts her fight to “die with dignity”. No matter what your stance is on the subject, this story will make you think. Make you think about what it would be like to be in Tessa’s shoes and how you would want to live your final days. I am looking forward to more books by Ms. Robinson in this genre.

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Excuse me while I wipe the tears from the ugliest cry off my face to write this review. Tessa, 28, is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, so of course I knew this would not be an easy read, but Robinson made it such a powerful novel. Traditionally a romance author, this is Robinson’s first foray into women’s fiction and her gamble definitely paid off - I was incredibly invested in the lives of Tessa and her family and was moved to tears multiple times throughout the pages of the novel.

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This book was absolutely amazing!!! I laughed, and seriously cried. This book has all the feels. If you need an ugly cry, this is the book for you. This book is in my top 5 for the year. I will be reading more of this author. I wish I could rate it 10 stars.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I’m actually lost for words after finishing this book at 2am this morning. I couldn’t put it down so had to finish it last night and ended up an emotional wreck after crying my eyes out virtually all the way through. I did find it more difficult reading this book as I lost my husband, aged 40 years old, to cancer nearly thirty years ago and I still relive the pain and suffering he went through and wonder if a choice had been there for him what he would have decided.
This is a heartbreaking and tragic story about Tessa, her husband Kyle, her father and her sister. Tessa is only 28 years of age when she is diagnosed with terminal cancer. The book then explores how Tessa chooses the right decision for her at the end of her life and the massive impact it has on her family coming to terms with it. I loved all the characters and all the love they had for each other. We are taken on Tessa’s journey along with all her family and feel all their pain and suffering. This book is beautifully written , with so much love and compassion and a book that I will remember for a long time. Thank you Sarah Robinson.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Oh. My. Goodness. This is the most gut wrenching book I have ever read! I have never, ever cried so much while reading a book. Emotional. Heartbreaking. Beautiful. This book will make you look at life, love and death differently. And make you think. Warning....Have a BOX of tissues handy! And don’t read around me on this one!

Tessa’s bucket list is simple...fall in love, have a family, write a book. After suffering a miscarriage months earlier, she and Kyle are meeting with a fertility specialist. During their physical, their life is turned upside down. And life will never be the same. This story follows Tessa and her family’s journey to beat this horrible disease that will ultimately win the fight. But Tessa will win in other ways. This is a love story about couples, family and the people we meet along the way. It’s about doing what is right for ourselves, even when faced with insurmountable obstacles. Fighting for what is right for yourself, and ultimately others, against the norm. Completing your bucket list.

I hope you read this book and see this struggle thru Tessa’s eyes. Could I be as strong as Tessa, or as supportive as her family, I certainly hope I never, ever have to find out.

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC. Opinion is mine alone.
*****Also reviewed to Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and posted on my Instagram page

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This is one of those emotional reads that you cuddle up with on a cold day. The writing was so good that it is hard to believe this is the first book outside of romance by the author. I feel like she captured the emotional turmoil of the characters expertly. Highly recommend!

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Thank you to NegGalley and Sarah Robinson for this digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

Marry the love of my life.
Become a mother.
Write a book.

Number one was complete. I was well on my way to checking off goals two and three, before a cancer diagnosis derailed my plans.

A story meant to chronicle the journey of impending motherhood with wit, became a brutally honest memoir of living life to the fullest.

Make every breath count.

When finally confronted with the knowledge the cancer is terminal, I search for a way to accomplish all the things I wanted to do within my lifetime... when I don't have a lifetime left.

Every Last Drop is the heartfelt, unflinching, and original story of how when faced with the hardest truth, we finally learn how far we will go to discover who we are before it's too late.

Grab a box of tissues, you'll need it! Emotionally riveting, this book tore me down to my inner core. A poignant tale of pain and suffering, and how love bound them together. An emotional journey you won't want to miss.

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O.M.G really grab your tissues because man oh man this is a tear jerker. It hit me right in the feels. Having lost family and friends to Cancer. This book hit home for me. The Death with Dignity act should be nation wide so those who are terminal can die with some dignity. No one wants to be in pain until the very end if they can help it. I for one sure would choose to die on my own terms than to lose who am I. And make my family suffer even more by watching me an they can’t help lessen the pain. Great book.

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Facing death on her own terms. That’s Tessa’s greatest wish. It used to be to marry the love of her life, have a baby and write a book. Then at 26, she is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and given months to live. Every Last Drop is the story of the slow ending of a life and it is brilliant, tragic, discussion worthy and heartbreaking. As Tessa learns that the weeks leading to her inevitable death will be punctuated by seizures, blindness and paralysis, she begins to research Death with Dignity, a law that allows a dying patient to commit suicide at a time of his or her choosing. There is a lot of information here and it is well organized and thought provoking. But the real story is Tessa’s journey and the reactions of her father, husband Kyle and sister Elly.

This is a beautiful, beautiful book. And it is dedicated to Brittany Maynard, the young California woman who inspired this story.

Many thanks to NetGalley, Sarah Robinson Books and Sarah Robinson for this ARC.

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I received an ARC of this book and here goes my honest review:

When I picked up this book I knew what I was getting into, but what I didn’t know was that it was going to change my entire outlook about cancer. I dread the illness and hate how it takes over people and their families, consuming them of all hope and happiness.

This book, however, made me look at Cancer differently. It’s honest, brutal and thought provoking. It’s about taking control of the disease even though it fights back to take over the reins. It’s beautiful how the hope to beat cancer transforms into a purpose and a battle of another level. The story touches sensitive subject of ‘death with dignity’. I have to say that not many books manage to make me cry but this one did and not just that it made me think over a lot of things too.

Tessa’s story is so much more than fighting cancer. Initially, I had thought that this was going to be just a sad story, but no, it’s not! The characters are few, but they are powerful, and the story has a purpose. Towards the end, I was clutching my husband’s palm so tight he had to see what was making me do it. That’s how good this book is.

The writing is gripping and the narrative flows naturally. I had thought to give it 4 stars because in my opinion the first half could have been shortened a bit, but the ending is so hauntingly beautiful that I just can’t. Regardless, this is an important book, it cannot be picked for entertainment purpose. This book is heavy!

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