Member Reviews

Every last drop.... A poignant tale of pain, suffering, tears, life, death.. but above all a celebration of love. Its something of a cross between two of my favourite books- Love story and Me before you.
Tessa, a young woman of just twenty eight, discovers that she suffers from a terminal tumor. This is her story , how she took her life back in her hands, how she refuses to allow cancer to take away the joy n happiness from her life. The one emotion which dominates throughout is love. It touches your soul. If this were a movie , there wouldn’t be a single dry eye by the end of it .

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The writing style lacked polish and got in the way of my enjoyment of the book. I may give it another try, but after the first attempt it had moved down my to-read list.

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Fantastic heartbreaking book!!! I have told many friends to buy this when it is released! What a story to have a conversation about. I cried at the end. The family dynamic was so awesome. Everyone wishes they had family support like that.

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I’d like to thank Books by Sarah Robinson and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Every Last Drop’ written by Sarah Robinson in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Tessa has three goals, to marry the love of her life, become a mother and write a book. She’s married to the love of her life, Kyle, but when they experience problems conceiving and go for tests at the hospital the doctor tells Tessa she has a malignant tumour on her brain, but
despite having radiation and chemotherapy the tumour’s not responding to treatment and is growing rapidly. With encouragement from Kyle, Tessa decides to write a book about her experiences while she still has time.

‘Every Last Drop’ is a poignant and harrowing story of an incredibly brave woman’s fight against cancer and her decision to choose when and how she’s going to die. Thank you, Sarah Robinson, for penning such a wonderful and moving novel of love, strength and fear of the unknown, which has been written with warmth, sensitivity and gentleness. I wasn’t far into the story when my tears started to fall and they didn’t stop until the last page, and although I felt my heart was breaking I’m so grateful to have been given the opportunity to read it. This story will stay in my thoughts for a long time and I can only hope that should I ever be in a similar situation I will be as brave as Tessa.

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This book is amazing! Five stars isn't nearly enough for this story. It's a look at the fight against cancer from a different point of view. There are lots of emotions running wild in this touching story, which made me an emotional mess at several different points while reading. Have plenty of tissues on hand so you can make it through to the end.

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What a moving book, I cried buckets.... The story is full of love, both tender and raw and the effects that a devastating diagnosis has on a family. Heartbreakingly sad but one of the best books I have read.

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Bring the tissues with you if you decide to read this amazing story! I’m serious. You will cry. Lots.
This story gutted me!
I could not stop crying. I literally had to stop reading until I could control my emotions. This happened to me several times.

This is a story about love, life and loss.
Well written.
Extremely well written.
I’ll probably never read it again since it tore me apart, but it is definitely one of my favorite reads for 2019. I cannot fully express how much I loved this heartbreaking story!
Give it a try!
Then leave a review. :)

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OMG - if you read one book this year, this has to be it.

Every Last Drop is an emotional journey you won't forget. It's filled with love, hope, sadness, and the promise of renewal of life. The writing style is perfect, honest and draws you in. A tear jerker, and one to hold your attention long into the night. A lot of information and thought provoking going on in my head now after reading this one. Amazing

Tess has been diagnosed with cancer - terminal. This is her story. A heartbreaking one that affects millions all over the world in their fight against cancer. Highly recommended and I am eternally grateful for the privilege of reading a review copy. Bring on more from Sarah Robinson.

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This book absolutely slayed me! It is the most emotionally riveting book I’ve read this year!

Dealing with cancer is never, NEVER a pretty story. Dealing with cancer at a young age, before you’ve really had a chance to live adds a crushing blow, to the person inflicted and to their loved ones. This story is seen through the eyes of Tessa. It’s her journey, but, we also see the journey that her loved ones travel as well. As tough as this topic is and believe me, the author doesn’t sugar coat it, she tells it in a way that is poignantly beautiful. She gives us a knowledgeable reality of the situation, but she also gives a purpose for Tessa’s life. She gives Tessa something not many terminal patients get and it makes the bitter pill easier for us readers to swallow. This story isn’t for the faint of heart. I swear my stomach was clenching and my eyes were clouded the entire read.

“I’d been loved and I loved with everything I had. That’s the most I could ask for from this world, and I’d need to be okay with that. I wanted to be.”

Fighting to gain some control over the illness Tessa makes some drastic decisions. Decision not everyone is in favor of.

“Your legacy is how you lived, Tessa. Dying is only the end of the story, not the entire story.”

Coming to terms with losing your love is…. well, do you every really come to terms with it?

“My heart squeezed as he repeated the same phrase we’ve said to each other for years. All my love. What I hadn’t known was that love was bigger than one person and fleeting.”

OMG! This book was so emotionally gripping, days later I am still reeling from the after effects of reading this book. This is an incredibly well written emotionally wrought story. Well done Ms. Robinson!

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This beautiful and touching novel follows Tessa as she and her husband Kyle start fertility treatment, only to find they have a very different and life-changing diagnosis to face.
The author creates a very real portrait of a family both strengthened and torn apart by Tessa’s illness.
Both compelling and sad, I read this book over just one day.
I defy you not to reach the end with tears in your eyes.
Thoroughly recommended and - despite the very sad subject matter - surprisingly uplifting.

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Heart wrenching, emotionally real, vivid writing. As a two time cancer survivor, I identified with much of Tessa’s story and the ending is perfectly understandable.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Tessa is my shero! Cancer is a reality and will affect us in some form or another. This book introduces us to a woman who decides how she will die when diagnosed with terminal cancer. There are many books available to educate us on cancer. This one is different because it takes you on the journey of the patient which explains why she decides to choose the uncommon conclusion to her fight. This story is important because we should all have the right to choose. If faced with the battle of cancer I pray that I can be as strong as Tessa. The strength and courage that she displayed even in her weakest moments would move mountains. Sarah Robinson pinned an amazing story that rewarded me for expanding my reading genre and enthralled me enough to remain neutral so that I could read and enjoy the story without bias or prejudice due to stereotypes or life experiences. I felt every emotion: disappointment, fear, excitement, love, and peace that Tessa and Kyle experienced. Every Last Drop is a must read of a brave woman’s battle with cancer and her decision to control her battle against cancer. This novel will educate you and change your life! #cancersucks

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Brilliant read, have the tissues ready, literally cried like a baby at the end. How the story is told is beautiful and really gets you in the heart. Brings a great awareness also

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This is a book that will live with you forever. It’s an emotional journey.
This book was written so well by the author especially considering it’s a very sensitive subject where people can have such strong personal opinions on
This book is thought provoking and makes you think what you would do in the same situation
Just an excellent book

Was this review helpful?, what a book which just held my interest throughout. A heartbreaking read, so beautifully and sensitively written with great detail in what is a very topical story line.

I really felt as though I knew and loved all the characters, Kyle and Tessa and not forgetting Beast, just loved him. There are not many books which bring me to tears but this was definitely one of them.

I can thoroughly recommend this thought provoking read, well done Sarah for writing such an excellent book.

Thank you to Netgalley and Sarah Robinson Books for giving me the opportunity to read this fantastic book.

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I received Every Last Drop from Net Gallery in exchange for an honest review.
Every Last Drop in essence is the story of a woman’s journey into motherhood.
That is, find a suitable husband, get married, and have a child, and live happily ever after.
But, then along comes cancer.
This is a heartrending book about living with that dire prognosis
A book that will stay in your mind and heart long after reading it

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This is such a beautiful story. It grabbed my attention from the first page and I didn’t want to put it down. I cried many tears reading this novel, and thought a lot about my own life, what I’ve accomplished and what I would want if I was in the main character, Tessa’s situation. This story was beautifully written and I highly recommend it. 5/5 stars.

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"Your legacy is how you lived, Tessa. Dying is only the end of your story."
This is an emotional story that will crush your heart.
It is a journey of courage, love, heartache, guts, determination and conviction that everyone needs to read.
Imagine at twenty eight years old, you are making a bucket list and need to do it in a hurry! How will you plan those last days? Can you accept your diagnosis and prognosis?
Will you make each day the very best it can be?
Are you able to love and forgive with your whole heart?
Truly is a beautiful message that we all must listen to!
Done with so much grace and detail! Excellent!

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The author Sarah Robinson has broken me. I’m a blubbering wreck with a box of tissues beside me. She has brought a character Tessa Fells off the pages of a book and to life. This is a story I will never forget. It’s sad, it’s heartbreaking it’s just beautiful.
From the start you take Tessa and her husband Kyle to your heart. Along with her father and sister Elly. And not forgetting Beast.
I’ve just been that fly on the wall watching a cancer diagnosis shatter their lives. Watched the outpouring of love and acceptance. Sobbed at the finality of it all.
However, I want a little of Tessa in me. Such a beautiful character. A moving story.

Please read this book and take Tessa and her family into your heart.

To every Deloris and Malaika in the world. Thank you for being there and doing what you do. Xxx

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An emotional story about a young woman’s struggle with terminal cancer. The is book takes on the journey faced not only by her, but her entire family as they struggle with her Diagnosis, and the decisions only she can make. It was a very realistic portrayal of a tragic situation. The characters are well developed, and believable. Thank you for my advance copy of this book I will look forward to reading other books by this author.

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