Member Reviews

These stories were quick reads and yet thought provoking. I recommend taking your time with each story and let it speak to your heart.
I received a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Another great flash-fiction collection for when you only have time for a quick read. Family is always complicated, and each family is unique in its own way. Lee once again does a great job bringing emotions to life in the space of a story that takes 5 minutes, max, to read. Highly recommend!

I often do not like short stories, but these were interesting and enjoyable.
But i wish it was more meat to the bone too..

Beautiful Complicated Family Volume 2 by Rosey Lee is the next collection of 5 short stories which take 5 minutes to read (each).
One if the stories is a continuation of a story in the previous book but the other 4 are brand new.
I preferred the stories in the first book compared to this one but I have to say that the author's ability to concentrate so much entertainment in 5 minute stories is admirable.
Rated 90/100
Melina L.

I really liked this book. It’s part of a series and I would recommend reading all of them. I really like Rosey Lee’s writing as well. Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review!

Beautiful, Complicated Family by Rosey Lee is the first book in this beautifully written series of short stories of Complicated family series. This short collection contains five stories that are fiction and they explore the connections of family life and the things that old them together and that can tear them apart. These stories are very short but strong and they made me think about my family especially as I could relate to some of these stories.
The saying "Life is so short before you know it it may all change!" It like this book by Rosey Lee..........Before you know it things around you can all suddenly change!
This book and the second volume contain short stories and each read is about five minutes. These are perfect for all readers who enjoy woman's fiction novels and only have a short time to read them.
Big Thank you to Netgalley and to the author Rosey Lee for this second volume of stories in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley..
This was my first book by this author.
this is the second book in a series of short story collections. I'm a fan of short stories for a variety of reasons, and this book was definitely worth the read. The stories are unique and kept my interest.

This was a nice change of pace from longer story formats. I appreciate the author's attention to detail in these short and sweet stories. I'm just a "big books" kind of girl!

Beautiful, Complicated Family is a splendid collection of flash fiction; five short stories that really pack a lot of punch and will really giver readers cause to think. The stories take you through a range of circumstances and emotions – some will make you laugh, and some will make you well up with tears. Stories covering love, loss and heartbreak; they are all wonderfully written, so good you will wish they were longer reads.
I’m not used to quick, short reads but this was an ideal introduction and will now be something I will seek more of, especially at Rosey’s hand.

Earlier this year, I was approached by author Rosey Lee about reading and reviewing her upcoming fast fiction novels: Beautiful, Complicated Family, volumes 1 and 2. I enjoy helping new authors, especially authors of color get exposure, so I eagerly agreed.
Volume 1 is 33 pages, and Volume 2 is 29 pages. I had never read the fast fiction genre until reviewing these books. Fast fiction is just what it indicates ... fast. Both books could probably be read in an hour or less by a dedicated reader. However, because of the short and fast-paced nature of the books and the short stories contained within them, the reader should not mistake this for light content. Rosey Lee tackles tough topics that we might all find familiar being part of complicated, and maybe even dysfunctional, families. Her writing style is quick but engaging and the stories leave you thinking and wanting more from the characters.
I have to say that is probably my main criticism with these compilations. They are just a little too short for me. Rosey Lee teases the reader with some intriguing content and just when I was getting invested, the stories abruptly ended. I'd love to see the author flesh out some of these stories in to full fledge novels. I think the characters deserve that, and I definitely think Rosey Lee has the talent to write a more traditional-sized novel.
Recommendation: With such a short bit of content, my review is also short. I definitely think the books are worth the read, and I hope to see more from this author in the future. If you have an hour or so of free time, why not download the books ... for free ... using the "buy now" links below. Until next time ... Read on!
Thanks to Fiction Physician, LLC and Netgalley for the advance readers copy of these books. Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

The second volume of Beautiful, Complicated Family does not disappoint. Once more, the author manages to pack so much drama and emotion into such tiny stories. Each story is unique, but I was pleased to see that the second book included some references to the first volume. The structure for the piece, "The Friendship PIP," was particularly clever.
It is clear that the author has put much thought and consideration into each piece. My favorite piece in this collection was, "Blossom in the Snow," which is full of hope and inspiration. The ending of the volume was a complete surprise to me, and I reread it multiple times. I'm so impressed that the author managed to take the reader on such an exciting journey in so few words. In the end, both volumes left me with a happy and warm feeling inside my heart. My only complaint is that the books were not longer. I would like to see a complete novel or memoir written by this author and I look forward to seeing what she writes next! I highly recommend both volumes.
Note: I received a free copy of each of these books in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Flash Fiction is new to me. The definition is that its fiction of a type characterized by being very short, typically consisting of only a few hundred words. I normally read novels along with a few novellas but I found flash fiction very enjoyable.
All of these stories are quick reads some of them will make you laugh out loud and some will bring tears to your eyes. I highly recommend these flash fiction stories for you to read when you don't have a lot of time. I'll definitely search for more of these types of stories.

This was a lovely selection of short stories about the dynamics of family life and the varied relationships people may have with their families. With stories about illness, making decisions and changes in relationships each story made me grateful for the people around me and caused me to consider my own relationships.

These were short stories that I enjoyed reading on my lunch break a few days this week. They were written well and really made you think about the relationships in your life. I enjoyed this one better than the first volume, but they were both good.

My feeling about these books has not changed! This collection of flash fictions is truly amazing!
Hiding Spots: The tale of newly-engaged in which the woman finds out her fiancee Chad is need of mental health attention and she supports him when she finds out about it. This touched my heart! Blossom In The Snow: The tale of a woman, Jelena and her life after her aunt's death. This one ends remarkably! The Friendship PIP: Obviously, my favourite one in this collection and the tale which is an email by a girl, Ada to her best friend, Lesley about the trials in their friendship due to Lesley marrying Ada's dad. Christmas Eve Dinner: A tale of an orphan girl whose family always loved Christmas which ends most gracefully! A Dress Rehearsal: A tale in which two women bloom a new friendship while one of them knows the truth about another.
Every story in the series showed strong women and women who have dominant traits of true feminity: love, hope, acceptance, compassion and confidence. I loved these two collections and I hope to read more by Rosey Lee! She has true magic in her hands in weaving words and a women's fiction by her and you already see me buying it!
Recommended: Every woman and anyone looking for a light read!

I enjoyed the second installment of flash fiction from Rosey Lee. I was happily surprised there was a follow-up story from the first collection. Recommend to all looking for a quick, enjoyable read!

Volume 2 was slightly better than the first. Blossom in the Snow, Christmas Eve Dinner, & A Dress Rehearsal were ok but I've decided flash fiction just isn't for me. I do think that it makes for a good read in places like waiting rooms tho.

I had not read the first book in this series act was pleasantly surprised. Each self-contained flash fiction story was well written lean and delightful. Recommended!

Beautiful, Complicated Family are a collection of Flash Fiction works by Rosey Lee; I'm fairly new to flash fiction but as the name suggests they're extremely short and you get a very slim snippet of the characters and story. The description suggests you can read each story in around 5 minutes, obviously that depends on your reading speed but it was right for me.
While short in length these stories give you plenty to think about; not a sentence gets wasted in flash fiction, its all in there for a reason so there's no getting annoyed at filler content or whimsical descriptions. If you're someone who has very little spare time but still wants to get a bit of reading in these would be absolutely perfect as you can read them in the time it takes to have a cup of tea and I actually think these are enjoyed more as individual stories rather than trying to blast through the entire volume in 20mins to give your mind a little time to let the characters and their situations settle slightly before moving onto the next one.
From Volume Two my favourite was 'The Friendship PIP' which follows on some characters we met in Volume One so while its not too vital that you read them in order I'd recommend you do if only for that.

A couple and his sick mother.
A devoted aunt and her niece.
A revisit from the two best friends from Vol 1 - on a new path.
A pastor's daughter and the congregation.
An innocent, unplanned meeting of past and present.
Another five bite-sized stories that leave you with a glow in the heart - a hug with words.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me the chance to read this book.