Member Reviews

Bailey is an undercover police officer, sent into a woman's prison to investigate the death of another undercover officer. Not too sure how plausible this is but I felt it was not very authentic. The promise of the story was good with some stereotyped characters of corrupt prison officers and the prison gangs. Overall. I just felt it failed to grip me. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

When Alice - an undercover police officer is murdered.. Whilst trying to infiltrate a drugs ring.
Did they find out Alice's cover? Why was she murdered?
This questions rings in Baileys mind as she is sent in Alices place.
Bailey quickly set to work to not only find where the drugs are coming from but who murdered her friend.
Bailey does not have a lot of time and is pressure is put on her with the drugs squad. Who would pull her out if she could not find sufficient evidence quick enough.
She quickly gets involved with a gang and smokes weed. To make a pretty convincing cell mate. But when prisoners keep getting murdered every 16 days. Can Bailey figure it out in time?
Will Bailey cover get blown? Will she end up like Alice or can Bailey figure it out?
I requested this book because the plot was different to what I would normally read. In fact I love it when you get something a bit different that will keep you hanging.
This book was a great page turner, I was always intrigued as to what happens next.
I felt that the drugs were found a bit too quickly and the group should have been more suspicious of Bailey.
However the plot thickens as they have nothing to do with Alice's murderer. Therefore the time is ticking for Bailey.
Some people who it became obvious were involved. Were not surprising but it did add to the twists and suspense of the novel.
A great read.and the person who is responsible for killing people is unexpected.
I did think that she found the drugs ring a bit too quickly and was able to tell her colleagues. Unfortunately she could not find enough evidenc

This was said to be a fast paced novel, but it was anything but.
I have no idea if police officers are sent into British prisons to work undercover, but none of this book felt plausible.
One undercover officer has already been killed and they send in another, just doesn't make sense. None of it does. At times it was about as authentic as Prisoner Cell Block H. The gangs are there, the Queen B is there. Half the prison staff are corrupt.
This is touted as a “debut novel” but is it? Who is Caro Savage as at the end of the book it says that the author is Tom Goddard and Tom Goddard published a book called The Easy Inside in July 2012. The setting was HMP Foxbrook.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC in return for an honest review.

Fantastic read from a new author i was totally engrossed in this book. Really enjoyed it read it you won't be disappointed

Ohhhhh don't you just love it when you find yourself a new author. What a brilliant book this was. I loved every moment of it and found it a thrilling read.
When I saw this book I had a slight feeling it was going to something similar to a lot of other books I had read, yet I was still eager to give it a go.. I'm so glad I did. It was exciting, fresh, realistic it was gripping, so much so that each time real life took over and I had to put my kindle down I couldn't wait to pick it up again.
Some great character in this book and I love the turns and the way the book went.
When Bailey is offered the chance to go under cover in a women's prison I don't think she realised just what sort of danger she could be in. Her friend and fellow office had just been murdered while do the roll that Baily is now going to do.
How deep corruption in the prison goes is unclear which is why it's decided that no one, not even the prison governor will know that Bailey is undercover.
A tense gripping read that drags you into the storyline. An author I will certainly watch out for in the future.

When undercover police officer Alice is found dead at Foxbrook women's prison. Her friend Bailey is contacted by her old boss Frank head of the undercover section asking her to take on the case, she only agrees because she is upset by her death and wants to find out the person responsible. Bailey wanted to be away from this type of work as the last job she did left her traumatised with scars on her body and face when it went badly wrong.
Bailey soon finds out that inside the prison there have been a spate of murders with awful injury to the victims.
She soon discovers the prison is running rife with corruption, drugs and drug gangs. She involves herself with the ABC (The Ace Blade Crew) gang to get involved and hide behind whilst she carries on with her work. She and Frank have a secret way she can contact him which is to phone his number when her numbers come up from inside the prison his "secretary" answers " Hello Sullivan Knight solicitors" to keep up the authenticity. Which is tested when the gang suspect she is an undercover police officer always making phone calls.
A kindly prison guard called Amber befriends Bailey and often chats to her.
The governor is a bit of a wet blanket who's dream is to retire, buy himself a yacht and counts himself good friends with the home secretary.
Such a good insight into life in a women's prison. A great story with some interesting characters. There is some gruesome bits but also some funny parts as well.
I recommend this book and think you will enjoy it. The way it comes together at the end is surprising.
Thank you, NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

thank you so much for my copy a new author for me and so enjoyed . bailey is a police officer you used to go undercover .but something happened . so she took a desk job . her friend gets murdered undercover so she replaces her in prison as an inmate . baily has her own demons to fight to .she has to get in with the drug gang and will do anything to get in wont say no more but its a must read very gripping so cant wait for more of this author

This book was fast paced. Hard to put down. It flowed well and it was very well written. It caught hold of me and had me hooked from the start . I was literally on the edge of my seat reading this book.

Found this book amazing! Would love to read more of her books.
5**** from me
Would definitely recommend this to others

Bailey misses the police work she loved so when she is given the chance to go undercover in a womans prison to find out who are the main drug dealers and pushers she takes it.The same prison where her friend died Bailey hopes to avenge her death,a great book and well worth 5*

This one is a sure winner!
Bailey had worked as an undercover agent in the police force, before. She misses it. Now she is given the chance to do so again. She takes the challenge of being undercover in a woman's prison. (Mainly, to avenge her friend (Alice's) death that occurred at the prison this in Bailey's mind). Her job is to find out who the main drug sellers/suppliers are within and without the prison.
Initially, I was concerned that this could be a boring book. Wow, was I wrong! The excitement and action had me on the edge of my seat! Just when you think everything is solved, a unique twist is thrown in for the reader.
Flows well, extremely good plot! One of the best reads of the year. HIGHLY recommend!!!
Many Thanks to Boldwood and NetGalley for a superb read.

First book I’ve read by this author and I found it gripping and thought it was very well written.
Got my attention right from the start and I liked the main character in it. There were plot twists and turns throughout, I thought I knew who the murderer was and was wrong, and was shocked when I found out who it was. Would recommend this book.
Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC.

I couldn’t get myself away from Jailbird! I was gripped from the first chapter and had to read it in one setting. I don’t think I’ve read a book set in prison before but after this I need more! Extremely entertaining and I highly recommend.

Nice to read something a bit different.I haven't read a jail book for ages, and I really enjoyed this story about an undercover police officer going into a dangerous situation in jail.The main character was well written and likable and there were the usual gangs and things that you would expect in prison, and some that you wouldn't. An easy book to read and one that kept me entertained.Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for an ARC

Got into this book straight away, it reminded me of the TV show Bad Girls which I was always a fan of.
policewoman, Bailey is sent undercover in a women's jail after a previous undercover policewoman was murdered in jail. This women also happened to be her friend.
Bailey is sent to uncover a drugs ring, but she believes the drugs played a role in the murder, so if she can crack the source of the drugs, she thinks she will find the killer.
Lots of twists and turns in this book, Trust no one!
Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to review this book, this is my honest opinion.

Absolutely loved this book! The story flows, the characters are fascinating and I couldn't tear myself away. Highly recommended.