Member Reviews

I know Bristol quite well, and I enjoy reading books set in places I know, so this was a bonus. This was an engrossing police procedural that kept me guessing. I would read more of this series.

Thanks to NetGalley and Black Thorn Books for allowing me to read an advance copy of this book for review.
I used to live in Bristol so was curious to read a book set in the area. I’m a fan of crime and detective novels so was keen to read this novel.
I haven’t read the other books in the DI Vogel series but he seems like a good character, he’s likeable and devoted to his job.
I found there wasn’t a huge amount of character development with the police staff but as this is part of a series it’s maybe been done in the other books.
The plot begins with the discovery of a teenage girl’s body in a red light area of Bristol. After some investigation, her father is charged with her murder. This doesn’t seem right to DI Vogel and he orders the DNA is retested.
Meanwhile, other bodies are found around Bristol with very different MOs. How many killers are on the loose?
Each chapter is told from the point of view of a different character. As the characters are very different and in different situations it’s easy to follow.
Some aspects of the book were very graphic and I did wonder if it was necessary. I’m aware that these crimes do occur in real life but wondered if it needed to be mentioned to such an extent in the book.
Despite this, the book is readable and I did enjoy it. The twist is good and it’s clear a lot of research has gone into particular mental health conditions.
I would read more from this author but hope that the other books are a bit less graphic!

Deadly Dance is the first in a new series starring DI David Vogel of Bristol. A 14 year old girl, Melanie, is found murdered in a seedy neighborhood and the number of suspects keeps growing. As the details come to light, DI Vogel and his family are placed in danger. Can he catch the killer and save them in time?
This crime procedural was interesting, but started slow at the beginning for me. However, once I was about 25% into the book, I found myself extremely intrigued and eager to find out who was the killer.

This was an absorbing murder/mystery following the discovery of a dead body in the red light district of Bristol. Lots of twist and turns.

I thought this was very poor. Cardboard characters, not great writing and overly meoldramatic when the "wind" starts blowing, although the idea had potential. I won't be following this blinking detective in future books.

This the first book I have read by Hilary Bonner and one that I enjoyed. It is the first book in a series featuring DI Vogel. A 14year old girl is missing. Her body is found in a red light district of Bristol. She had been assaulted and strangled and was wearing different clothes from what she had been wearing when she left home. Her father seems to be the main suspect but DI Vogel has reservations about this when he begins his investigations. In between this we have short chapters from three other characters who are loners who are struggling to fit into society. These stories add to the original plot and their significance is revealed later on in the book. This was an intriguing read with an unexpected twist at the end. A recommended read.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

Deadly Dance is a great story but it is easy to guess the person out. The storyline is entertaining and the characters are interesting.

Thanks to Netgalley and Severn House for this ARC.
Firstly I must state that this wasn't an easy book to read and contains some narrative that is way beyond the normal gritty cop crime drama - this may be a bit of a marmite issue for some readers.
In conjunction with the main story line of the Detectives leading the hunt for the killer of a 14 yr old girl, there are 3 separate storylines from the view points of Saul, Al & Leo - 3 characters with very differing traits, A paedophile, a man trying to replace his late wife and a gay man who doesn't want to commit or come out publicly.
As the main plot progresses the relevance of these threads becomes apparent as they interweave.
It's a well constructed if (at times) unpleasant book to read. I would certainly try more form this author and am looking forward to the next in this series

A good book with a solid plot and good characterization. This is the first of a series and I would definitely be keen to read the next one.
My thanks to Net Galley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Really enjoyed reading this first book in the series about DI David Vogel and look forward to more. A very interesting back story for this policeman. The story is told from four different perspectives, which can be confusing, but not here. I’m afraid I guessed the culprit quite early on and the psychology aspect was over egged. Apart from those two minor details, a good read.

I really enjoyed this book, I look forward to more from this author. This book had a solid plot and relatable characters.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Hilary Bonner for the advanced copy of this book. I agreed to give my unbiased opinion voluntarily.

I enjoyed the start of this new series. It was slightly slow to begin but I would definitely read the next one. I guessed about the multiple personalities and who done it but that said it was well written. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

Thanks to Black Thorn and Netgalley for an ARC in return for an unbiased review.
This was my first experience of this author and it has left me wishing for more.
Is D I Vogel seeking one killer or is there more than one.
A great story with more than the odd twist along the way that draws you one way and then another.
If you're a fan of this type of genre then read it.
You won't be disappointed

I loved this new mystery series it is good and gritty and fast paced . I will read more in this series . So good!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book

When I started this book, it grabbed my attention. Then I quickly felt like I was making myself read it. Towards about half way in, I got hooked. Not so much because I was into it, but more of I wanted to see how it ended. I had my suspensions, and I was way off base. I can’t say I loved it, but it definitely keep my attention. It was very detailed. I totally didn’t see the ending at all. I will try this author again.
As a high school teacher, I won’t have this in my classroom due to some of the content.
I was given a copy of this book for my unbiased opinion.

Thanks to Netgalley for this ARC.
I’ve have mixed feelings about this book. I initially wasn’t over keen on how the book was told by different characters and it took time to get used to this. It begins with the murder of a 14 year old girl in Bristol and is told by DI Vogel and the murder investigation and 3 characters Al, Saul and Leo. There is a little about DI Vogel’s personal life outside work. Issues of paedophilia, homosexuality and impotency feature in the story. I enjoyed the book more once I got used to the writing style. There were quite a few twists in the plot and a big reveal towards the end which I didn’t expect and it became clear why the book was told in this way. Overall I thought this was a good book and would probably read a second book about DI Vogel. 3.5 stars.

The body of a 14 year old girl is found near to rubbish bins in a rough area of Bristol . She turns out to be Melanie , who should have been at her friend's house doing homework the previous night . She had changed in to some provocative clothing which she had taken with her in her pink backpack. DI Vogel investigates She has been lured on the Internet by her killer posing as a supply teacher on line . Not the most gripping of stories but nevertheless quite readable .

Excellent read! Kept me on the edge and made me want to keep reading. Many surprising twists, especially near the end.

Once again a book is written from the view point of multiple people and it does not work for me with story not engaging or gripping me as the book became too confusing. Not one I would recommend

On the whole I did enjoy this book, although it did take me a few chapters to get used to the writing style.
A body of a young girl is found in an alleyway, she is 14 year old Melanie Cooke, she is found to have DNA under her finger nails and so is seemingly an open and shut case.
Interspersed with this story are the voices/stories of three men Al, Saul and Leo, who all have their own issues, sexual and otherwise, but as the book picks up pace this all becomes clearer.
To be honest I found DI Vogel a puzzle, I find it hard to believe that someone who has been a policeman for so many years would blush at so many things?? Also do we always need to have policemen with personal issues, as Vogel seems to be having?
Recommended and would read another one in this series.
Thank you to NetGalley and Black Thorn for giving me the opportunity to read the book in exchange for an honest review.