Member Reviews

‘Eff This! Meditation’ by Liza Kindred offers a refreshing take on spiritual meditation and self-love. Unlike traditional approaches, this practice is inclusive, compassionate, and designed for busy people. Based on Buddhist teachings but rooted in practicality, it encourages scrutiny and self-trust. If you’re seeking mindfulness without toxic positivity, this book is worth exploring.

This is the perfect little handbook to meditation, simplifies it and makes it understandable to newbies, Author Liza Kindred get it. We are busy and sometimes we only have a minute for self care. While she breaks down activities by time frame, she is always encouraging you to take more time for your self. By taking the first short step, it is easier to take the longer steps.

I wanted to read this book but unfortunately I was unable to down load it. If you get kindle version or want to send me physical galley I would be more than willing to read and review it!

I will not be leaving a review on this book.
Unfortunately, due to technical errors with downloading this book, I could not read it and therefore I am not in a position to provide feedback on this book at this time.
I look forward to reading or listening to a copy in the near future in order to provide a proper review.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for gifting me a copy in exchange for an honest review as it is a book that I believe I would have enjoyed, I appreciate the opportunity to have received a copy.

Upbeat fun and funky are not words you’d usually associate with meditation but this book is not the norm. It’s brilliant, fun, helpful, easy to follow. Brilliant really

An interesting read with many useful tips that can be used in your everyday life. If you're clueless where to start with meditation this book will help. I will continue using this book.

It's so easy to get overwhelmed by the pace of the world these days, and thankfully Liza Kindred has created the Eff This! Medition guide for those of us who are over it and need a push in the right direction. This book has a number of ideas for self-care and meditations that are laid out in an approachable and entertaining way.
The exercises and tips are perfect for meditation novices and good reminders for different ways to live mindfully for the more experienced among us. I love that this book is one you can just open up and flip through to find one that speaks to you in your present circumstances.
Taking care of yourself is doing your part to take care of our world and make it better. It's such a beautiful message, and this book gives us practical advice and motivation to do just that.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Rock Point Publishing for the advance copy.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley!
Let's be real... who has time to meditate or even worry about yourself these days? i'm an overly stressed out single mom... and i'll be honest.. i look at books like this and scoff..
so i challenged myself to actually read this book and TRY IT. while i can't say it was a fix-all to my stress and anxiety, it definitely taught me a FEW ways to calm down in the moment.
and the title rocks.

Eff This! Meditation is a fantastic book that gives practical advice to help with stress. While some ideas are not knew , the other ideas are interesting. This is a book I would buy people for the holidays.

Eff This! Meditation by Liza Kindred is a self-help, self-care guide giving various little activities and tricks that the reader can use with stressed, overwhelmed or anxious. This little guide is a quick, easy read that isn't truly based on meditation. Instead, this has dozens of little practices that can be rewarding.
Everything is laid out in an easy to understand format, and organized by time. Practices that take hardly any time, to practices that can take an hour or more. It's a great little guide to help you find what feels good.

108 practical ideas to relieve from our stressful lives. The tips are divided by length so they are accessible even with people that do not have time for an hour length meditation.
Meditate can be difficult and intimidating but the book presents different ways to approach meditation, be it pranayama (breath) or physical activity.
A great introduction to the world of mindfulness and self-discovery.

This is the most realistic book on meditation that I have read, as it is written for those of us who are stressed and don't have time to breathe, let alone meditate. I found the techniques to be useful and have recommended this to friends.

EFF THIS! MEDITATION was like a gift I didn't know I needed. It takes a lot for me to focus and sit still long enough to meditate. My mind doesn't turn off completely. But the little lessons in EFF THIS! MEDITATION are powerful tools that actually helped me. Thanks to the author for my meditation break-through. I will refer to this book for months to come.

I think I might ask for a copy of this book for Christmas. It's beautiful, with lots of drawings and explanations to go with the actual anti-anxiety tips and tricks, and full of useful information - nothing groundbreakingly new, yes, but all grouped together in a way that makes you want to actually use this advice and put this book on your nightstand. As someone who would definitely benefit from a lower level of anxiety and stress in her life, I'd definitely recommend this book.

Eff This! Meditation is a handy quick guide with centering and mental grounding practices. It’s not really a book on meditation as the title suggests, but rather an accessible book of quick tips that you can use to help calm yourself. The practices range from a minute to more than an hour, which I appreciated. It’s something you can flip through and mark your favorites for when you’re feeling overwhelmed and/or stressed. Author Liza Kindred has a very easygoing, nonjudgmental voice and her tips and tricks are not going to scare anyone off. The practices Ms. Kindred lists aren’t new or innovative and I will say that I’ve seen many of them on Pinterest before. Still, taking Eff This! Meditation for what it is, it’s a good resource written in an accessible way that will appeal to anyone looking to have a few quick tips to help when they’re stressed or anxious.

This is the perfect little handbook to meditation, simplifies it and makes it understandable to even the biggest novice. Divided into helpful sections for short meditation and longer targeted meditation, helpful tips and you can dive into any section as needed. A great pocket guide.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

WOW this book is a must have. I loved it from the moment I picked it up.
Its full of fantastic ideas for meditation and has lots of added extra ideas and helpful thoughts. The Author has though the book out well and you really relate to her while reading it. Loved the fact that it was so self compassionate and made you realy want to look after yourself.
It was brilliant that you could pick and choose whether you had 1 minute to grab for yourself or much longer.
Thanks to Netgalley and Rockpoint for the ARC. My review is my own opinion.

The ideas in this book can be a helpful tool for a few moments in the day or wanting to make a day or two of the tip/idea. A lot to choose from. don't have to do all but could work your way into some. Nice book.

Thanks to Quarto Publishing Group - Rock Point for the ARC!
Being completely honest, I can tell you that this book doesn't bring us any new ideas. If you're feeling anxious and you've been looking for help, you probably heard all this before. And so you must be wondering, "Why are you giving it 4 stars then?". Well, because... It works.
On each page you'll find a suggestion of things you can do to feel better. Don't say you don't have time for this, because you can actually start by making one-minute practices. The book is divided in: one-minute, five-minute, twenty-minutes, thirty-minutes, one hour and longer practices.
If you're looking for a meditation guide, this book isn't for you. You won't learn much about it here. But you'll find other important lessons that even though might seem obvious are often ignored by most of us, and that's why we've been feeling so off lately.
And also, the graphic work is really good. It's a beautiful book to look at. Everything is so nicely organized. That also brings me peace. lol

This book is surprisingly useful.
A list of quick descriptions, this book contains real, practical mindfulness techniques a real, practical person can use. Every technique is organized by the time it "should" take to use that technique. So that minute you have in your car before walking into work? That five minutes when you walk in the door at the end of the day and usually stare at the wall? There are real-world practices you can use to help settle your mind and soul.
Honestly really useful, this book seems like a bunch of Instagram posts bound together, but practically this book is super useful. I have it on my phone, and I've been skimming it in line at the store and other times I usually stand awkwardly. I've always been able to find a technique I can try... as I get more comfortable with the techniques I won't need to look them up, but I want to try several techniques to see which ones I find the most useful.
Highly recommend.
**I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.