Member Reviews
Complex, insightful and philosophically based, this book made me look at how I think. Which is a good thing, as ever - examining your thought processes is an important thing.
I'll be revisiting this book after I finish uni for the year - there are some concepts I think I could adapt to apply to some AI projects that I'm looking at.
This book details all the ways we use our brain. It starts with arguments, how they are built, goes through fallacies (with a quick stop for some critical thinking questions). The book lists what the author considers enemies of the rational thought (self-deception, cognitive bias and cognitive distortion), different ways of argumentative or non-argumentative rhetoric. We then dive into the differences in languages and how that shapes one's brain. Then there is a flow between reason/intelligence/knowledge, which leads to chapters about memory, emotion, intuition, and imagination. All the chapters are short but interesting and insightful. I was expecting a final chapter that would combine all the previous ones, but by not having that chapter, it is more objective in it's telling, allowing the reader to have his opinion on what he feels is most important. It's a book to go back and reflect on, to analyze the ideas presented.
Copy of the book obtained through NetGalley.
Hypersanity is a interesting and unique book that you will either like or dislike. I enjoyed some of the advice and points in the book.
I tried to read this book twice and didn't get past the 3rd or 4th chapter.
I really struggled to understand what the point of the book was (perhaps this would have been clearer if I had struggled on) and I found the writing style a bit dense.
From what I could gather it was a philosophical look at how your brain works and how you argument and debate. There were a lot of definitions and a couple of examples which was interesting.
Perhaps I was not the intended audience for this book as I knew nothing about the subject and I felt it wasn't a beginner's introduction. It really wasn't for me. .
Similar to another reviewer, the cover art went a long way, as far as drawing me into this book. Thankfully, it is more than just a fun, unusual cover. Much more.
It’s a book about thinking, which will change and/or expand upon what it is that you think about thinking, how you think, what you think, and why you think. (Or at least I think it will.).
There were a number of points - as I worked my way through this enjoyable, enlightening book - where I thought, “I’m going to want to revisit this part again”, because of how insightful it was. And despite the complexity of much of what is covered, it is presented in very approachable, easily understandable way.
I received a free ARC of this book from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.
The cover is so interesting, it pulls you right in. I have no shame in admitting that I requested an arc of this book without even reading the description, just on the basis of the cover alone.
Hypersanity is a book about thinking rationally, at least a little more rationally than we currently do. Burton does a good job by explaining the components that he thinks play some role starting with arguments and going all the way to wisdom and intuition.
He tries to include a little bit of his own personality by admitting to intuition in addition to the scientific method. He talks about the five big things that prevent rational thinking. He talks about the ancient philosophers as well as the modern scientists.
The book was well-rounded and included tips on things like improving memory and enhancing creativity.
I give this book 3.5 stars and recommend it.
I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley.
I really enjoyed this book - it definitely made me think :) The book is accessible and interesting, explaining some very difficult concepts in ways that are easy to digest.
Interesting but not for everyone. I found it difficult to engage but the concepts are quite good for developing thinking and logic. I think you need to be in a philosophical mood to fully dig in and enjoy.
For whatever reason, I just could not get into this book. I think it was a bit too esoteric for me as a reader. As a regular consumer of non-fiction, I thought I could enjoy this one but it just was not for me. Thanks to the author, NetGalley, and the publisher for helping me discover that.
I will not be doing a full review as I am not sure what to make of this book. I found the introduction fascinating. i read the first few chapters and was confused about how they related to the introduction.. I skimmed ahead a bit in hopes I would see something that would make me try again but gave up.
This is a wonderful book thst examines thinking and shows you how to think better. It doesn't just examine the logical aspect but the imaginative as well, among other things. Absolutely wonderful. I highly recommend it if you are at all interested in the science of thought or want to improve your own.
I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy free of charge. This is my honest and unbiased opinion of it.
I love this book! It's simply written, and it succeeds in making you truly think. I wanted to learn how to better engage people in arguments or debates over socio-political issues and reading this was the refresher course I needed.
Thank you Netgalley for the eARC.
What I do know for sure is that it's not a book to be read in one sitting- you can select a chapter or two to reflect on and this means as a reader you actually get more from the book.