Member Reviews

I liked this book - an interesting mix of characters, and food was involved (which is always a plus).

Thank you to NetGalley and the the publisher for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A warm hearted story of love and family, both are very difficult. Eve and her sister Daisy have had a difficult time, since the early death of their beloved mother. Eve is an amazing baker, as was her mother, so her dream is to open a cake and coffee shop. Eve is invited to take part in a Saturday Supper Club, where she has a surprise meeting with a past love. I really enjoyed this book, I think I cried through the last half.

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While this plot is a little different from most books I've read,I was unable to ferret any positive emotions for the heroine Eve and her continual contradictory behavior and musings.The story starts at the point where she surprisingly comes face to face with her ex, who had cut and run three years prior without explanation and who now wants to rekindle their love.Her willingness to risk the stability she has worked so hard to achieve in the aftermath of his disappearance is astounding and meritless. The colorful lives of secondary characters Andrew and Maggie added another dimension and provided relief from Eve's questionable decisions.
The book is artfully written, so much so that while I enjoyed reading it, and there was a suggestion of HEA,the feeling of heart-brokenness and defeat prevailed.This ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

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Great story! I choose this book based on its cover and description. It did not disappoint. This is my honest review. I read an ARC of this story. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher.

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I love stories that have to do with food. The story did not disappoint. The characters were likable and the plot line was great. I look to read the next story from the Author.

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I really enjoyed this book so much and loved (no spoilers) the fact that everything ended up the way you may not have expected or thought it should. I loved the writing style, the plot, and most of the characters. I zoomed through it in two days and it will definitely go on my recommendations list for friends!

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From Hallowe’en to… Valentine’s Day? I have to admit, I couldn’t resist picking up this book, just because it made such a change from my usual reading fare (ie. hard fantasy). I was in the mood for something a little lighter, something to summon back those long summer days. This proved to be just the ticket.

The story’s premise is simple: Eve is volunteered for the local Saturday supper club by her boyfriend Joe, a journalist. Every week, four people get together in one of their houses and cook a meal. The winner (very Come Dine With Me) gets £1000 and a write-up in the paper. Except there’s a problem. Because one of the Saturday supper club is Ethan, who broke Eve’s heart three years ago when he disappeared for no good reason. Now he’s back… and sparks will fly. Dun dun dunnnnn.

Cooking up some characters

I’m still in two minds about this book, really. On the one hand, Amy Bratley’s writing is actually very good: she sketches out characters in deft strokes, conjures up the atmosphere of London in summertime (hot, muggy) and made my mouth water every time people started laying food out on plates. I especially loved the family dynamics- so tenderly drawn- between Eve, her father and her sister Daisy, all of whom never really got over the death of her mother ten years ago- which adds an extra nuance to all of their motivations and actions.

The only problem? Literally none of the characters are likeable. Sure, you’d expect your heroes to be flawed- hell, that’s human nature- but everybody makes such colossally stupid decisions, over and over, that you feel like closing the book (or Kindle) and bashing it repeatedly against your forehead. Eve is a repeat offender. Despite being happy with Joe, she repeatedly hurts his feelings and pursues Ethan even when multiple people tell her that she’s being selfish and stupid. Once or twice is fine. Five or six times later, I wanted to cry.

Sparks fly?

The romance is also a construction of pure cringe. Ethan broke Eve’s heart for a shitty reason, and even when he messes up again and again, the plot keeps bringing them back together for reasons. It ain’t cute, it’s a bit worrying, and there are so many red flags in their relationship. When they (spoilers!) end up together, you have to shake your head. To be honest, Eve would have been better off ending the story single and proud.

Soggy bottoms all around

This book could have been so much better. The romances were questionable, and the way in which family members treat each other is quite frankly jaw-dropping. I get that it’s dramatic- and the book definitely had its good points- but overall, it was a bit of a palaver.

Now excuse me while I go hunt down some comfort food…

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I love romance and I love food so I was happy to learn that this book combined both of those items. Amy writes well and made the characters come to life for me.

Four strangers come together to form a supper club. You learn more about each of them as they take turns cooking and hosting for the group.

The Saturday Supper Club is a great read for those that enjoy a good romance with a few twists and turns.

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Good Chick-Lit read. I enjoyed the recipes and thought that was a nice touch.

I wasn’t crazy about Joe and Ethan and felt frustrated wished that Eve could find her own strength to be single instead of settling. It didn’t stop me from reading, though!

I enjoyed this book and Amy Miller’s descriptive writing related to the food left me hungry! Heartwarming and romantic I would recommend this quick read.

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This was a hard book to read. The description sounded great, however, the book itself didn't live up to the description. I feel bad about giving this a poor review, but it could have been so so much better than it is. This needs a lot of editing before being released.

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I wish I loved this one more. Bratley is a master of structure and characters, but this book felt like it should have gone through at least one more edit before finding its way out into the world. I noticed a few plotlines that disappeared (the café,) and it took a bit of effort to connect with the characters and then stay connected to them throughout. Lots of emotion throughout, as if the book was written purely to rile up the reader, and the end doesn't match the tensions and interests of the earlier portions by the end. Every good author is allowed a B- book, so I'll continue to give this author another chance with her next title.

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Not my favorite, I had a hard time getting into it and honestly did not finish it.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

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This story is about four strangers who enter a supper club. They have no idea who they’re going to cook for. So when they finally meet and two of the guests realize they already know each other, sparks begin to fly...,
Eve’s world was torn apart years ago when the love of her life Ethan walked out on her.. But now she has a new boyfriend Joe, a cost flat, and she’s on the verge of opening her dream cafe.
When Joe begs her to take part in a supper club competition ,she plans an elaborate dinner for her mystery guests But as she adds the finishing touches to her planned menu, the first mystery guests arrives and gives her the shock of her life....
I found this book very heart-warming and beautiful! I loved everything about it. Can’t wait to read more books by this author.
I highly recommend it, you will not regret reading this book!

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"Life has a way of flinging messy, unfinished business in your face, just when you’re least expecting it. Everyone knows that. I know that. It’s an unwritten law that just when you’re sailing happily along, life socks you in the gut and leaves you gasping for air."

I struggled with Eve's indecision through a good chunk of the book.   But that's a good sign, in my mind.  Miller writes her people honestly, with great candour.   You see both the good traits and the not so good.   And even though you think you know what they should do, the next twist has you doubting yourself. 

The Saturday Supper Club is an examination of relationships.  How we sometimes put ourselves into untenable situations out of fear, revenge, resentment, even pride.   But it's a testament also, to how we can redeem ourselves.

Eve, Frankie, Isabel, Elaine; really all of Miller's characters are amiable and endearing.   You easily become invested in their stories.   You want them to prevail regardless of the obstacles thrown in their paths.

This is an excellent story.   Well written and honest; I simply couldn't put it down till I followed it through to the end!   The ending, that if I'm honest, is exactly what I wanted.

I highly recommend this book; I know I'll be searching out more from this writer! 

[I received a copy of this book from the author via NetGalley, for an honest review of the book.   The opinions expressed herein are entirely my own.]

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I wanted to like this book more than I did. The premise was interesting and I initially thought I’d enjoy it as it has food and romance, my favourite things! However unfortunately I just didn’t like any of the characters. Eve, our main character has an ex-boyfriend arrive back on the scene after he mysteriously dumped her 3 years ago, leaving her heartbroken. He had treated her terribly, especially when you find out why he left, so I really couldn’t understand how she remained so starry eyed over him. Her sister was appalling too.
The story just felt too far fetched and the emotions and actions weren’t authentic or in the least bit realistic.
Thank you to the author, publisher and netgalley for gifting me this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I DFNed at 30% because Eve grated on my nerves.
Even if this book is well written I think that some more editing would have helped.
Not my cup of tea.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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Sweet Chick Lit

The Saturday Supper Club is a prime example of a relaxing chick lit read. Don't take it too seriously and read it with a large box of chocolates! I guess as an omnivorous, constant reader, I like a wide variety of styles and am not as picky as some of the other reviewers. I like this book. It is not a serious or literary read, but will pass a few hours of escapism.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for a time-constrained e-ARC. I am under no obligations to post a review, much less a positive one. This review is my own opinion.

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This was a well written story but I struggled a little with it because I didn’t particularly like any of the main characters and Ethan’s transgression was something I wouldn’t be able to get past. Also, the sound of their earlier relationship with jealousy and Eve trying to change him, didn’t sound particularly healthy without factoring in the huge ‘mistake’ Ethan then made. Everyone seemed to have some pretty big issues and I wasn’t left feeling particularly happy, but it was an ok story.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this ARC! I didn’t love this book and would prefer not to leave negative reviews.

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I did not finish this book at 25%. I could not stand Eve. Or, I should say, I could not stand how this character was written. How in the world did someone think this book was good enough to publish? The dialogue was not realistic, I mean, who talks out loud to themselves all the time? All the characters were immature in as much of the book as I read so, no, I could not finish this book. But thank you for the opportunity.

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