Member Reviews

A good conclusion to this trilogy. I enjoy the strong characters, the representation through a diverse and inclusive band.

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I made the mistake of reading this book before the first two in the series. I like this book, but think I may love it if I had read the previous books. In this segment, Everley must catch Killian to prove her innocence. The only problem is, Killian is the fugitive prince and he has the potential of ending the seven worlds.

I can recommend this book to those interested in young adult fantasy, but am holding other judgment until I read the rest of the series. So far, this book stands at five stars, it is not the "book's fault" that I didn't read the books in order.

I was given the opportunity to read this book by NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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A fitting end to this series. Everley is a well written and strong character.

This is the third book in the trilogy. We got more world building along with a conclusion to Evie's predicament. I could not put it down.

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This was such a good book. Emily King did such a great job with the characters and the plot line. I can't wait for the next installment.

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I loved this book and the entire series but it took me sometime to get through this one. The stakes were raised so high that I found myself having to stop because I couldn’t take what was about to happen! Everleigh and Jameson were so dang cute together and I loved seeing the evolution of their relationship. That ending though! I did not see that coming and oh, it hurt my heart so much! I was so happy for Everleigh but also so sad for her relationships with everyone she met throughout her journey. That really was one of the best endings I’ve read in a long time and I usually do not like when that happens but it fit this story so much. I love everything Emily R. King writes and I cannot wait to read her next series!

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I loved that the book is written in the first person, since that way it is easier to feel like the protagonist of the story and also, the story also feels much more personal. Ms. King knows very well how to get the reader's attention and, more importantly, she knows how to keep the reader interested, or rather captive, of her words.
Bloody bones! This is one of the best (if not the best) stories I have read this year! Why, oh why didn't I read this series before?

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This book!
I don't know what happened to my original review :(

But this book was amazing. It perfectly wrapped up the trilogy. And the ending was to die for. It's easily the best of the three books. I will have to read it again, the whole trilogy, sometime. Especially this one so I can rewrite a proper review.

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i really enjoyed reading this book, i always enjoy Ms. King's novels and I really enjoyed this one. The characters were great and the plot was really good.

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I devoured this series in a couple of days, and I really thought this book was the best one of this series. I really loved the plot and I found it really satisfying.

I was not a huge fan of the rushed ending, but it was still good on its own.

I am really going to miss this series and its lovely characters!

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This was sooo good! A worthy conclusion. It was worth waiting and I loved every bit of it. Everything came to an end the way it should and I was so pleased to see it ending nicely.

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A deliciously complex world and magic system that will keep you glued to the page of this adventure tale.

In a battle against an Elven Prince, Evie travels through worlds and time to right wrongs and keep the fragile peace. The sorceress with the clock heart tries to navigate life, love and her role in this world on this epic adventure story.

Filled with colourful characters with immensely detailed backstories, I found there are quite a few I could personally relate to, I dare say, there is something in here for everyone.

With a lot of spirit travelling, time travelling and world travelling, this is not the easiest read to follow, but if you pace yourself and stick with it the big picture falls in place perfectly at the end.

I love the mystery and atmosphere that each character brings to the story, as we wait for the story to unfold. The atmosphere of whether this new character can be trusted or is betrayal looming adds a wonderful depth and dynamic to the story. Especially when it comes to the pirates.

What I didn't love is the lack of a breakdown of the worlds. I would love a map of an index to just help form a better picture of how this universe works.

I would definitely recommend this for fans of the Raven and the Dove by Kaitlyn Davis as well as Reign of Fire

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A satisfying conclusion to an overall enjoyable young adult fantasy trilogy. Whilst I never loved it, I had a good time following Everley's story.

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I received this as an eARC to read for free in exchange for my honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and Skyscape for giving me access.

Everafter Song is a thrilling conclusion to a series that pushes boundaries. This is not you typical fae/elves/fairy/pixie novel.

I loved that music was incorporated more into the story, it's what really drew me into the series. (Aside from a girl with a clockwork heart) It kept me hooked the whole time and I am sad that it has to be over.

The ending was a little twisted - more or less a surprise - but it worked and put a smile on my face.

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love this series thus far would recommend it to any ya lovers it keeps your attention right up to the last page !

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I was sad when I finished this book. I had a really hard time putting down the first two and then struggled through this one. There was so much built up to the final battle versus killian. I feel like Father Time could have just told Everly how to kill him at the beginning and it would have been done. I also wish there would have been more explanation of Harlow. She really didn’t matter at the end or her story of being 1/2 elf. None of it mattered

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Everley Donovan and her husband, Jamison Callahan, have faced a lot of danger and close calls through various lands of creation to try to defeat the immortal and evil Prince Killian, who not only killed all of Everley’s family when she was young but collapsed a whole world. Now, they’re back in their own land, hiding out and biding their time in Jamison’s family manor. Killian is still at large and even more powerful, and the foolish queen of their country has a price on Everley’s head because she thinks she’s a sorceress and a murderer. So it’s only a matter of time until Everley is taken into custody or Killian finds her and causes more trouble. But she and her friends are hoping that the prince’s older sister, the queen of the elves in the Land of Promise, will help them and bring Killian to justice.

In this final book of the trilogy, Everley and her friends fight with all they have to protect their world and the other worlds still existing, and they visit the land of the elves and the land of the merrows again, as well as the land of the giants. Killian’s actions keep doing more and more damage to the lands of the Creator and are fracturing the balance of time. It seems impossible that a girl with a clock heart can do anything to stop him, let alone bring back balance to creation, but Everley is certainly going to try.

Everafter Song seemed to me the strongest and most compelling of all the books. Everley comes more into her own and commits to not only the quest she must complete, but her feelings for Jamison and desire for a future with him. The characters fight hard for their people and all the Creator’s worlds. The story flowed nicely and I was pleased with how it all came together in the end.

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I really enjoyed this conclusion to the trilogy - I felt that it was a good wrap up of all the story lines, while still allowing us to experience new things. Everley continues to be a good main character - trying to catch Markham for her own reasons, but also wanting justice. She has such a spark of life in her. I also like that we start to see more of Markham’s reasoning, and how that sits with the other realms. He does become a little cartoonish, but in a good way, as he is a villain, after all.

I also love the side characters in this - I could happily read whole books about their adventures.

We also finally get to see the giants! And that was so cool, as they are more advanced than the humans, and I really liked the small moments of comedy that provides for the reader.

Overall a really enjoyable series, and this is a fitting ending. Emily’s writing continues to shine for me.

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** I was given a free e-book in exchange for an honest review from Netaglley. **

I loved this series. Overall it has adventures, some deception and a slow burning romance. Everley must make the ultimate sacrifice. She’s such a amazing character. She is brave and very smart. Killian is truly vile character who never hesitates in his plan to cheat time and enslave humans. His crimes include a death of a world and much more. In the Ever After Song Everley must chase him to the land where giants live. The giants find humans to be a tasty snack and she really needs to catch up to him fast before he changes the world for the worst!
The world building has been excellent. Most of this trilogy has been more on the historical side there is more advanced technology in the realm of the giants.
I really enjoyed the ending but I did fond that I still have a few questions about some of the characters. I would highly recommend this series.

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Title: Everafter Song
Author: Emily R King
Publisher: Skyscape
Release Date: December 10, 2019
Genre: YA | Fantasy | Fiction
Rating: 4 Stars

The last installment of the Evermore Chronicles was good but something about it sadly fell off around the middle of the story, I couldn't get into it and kept putting it down. However, once the action picked up again I was able to keep going. the ending was very satisfactory. I really thought that things were going to turn out wrong, that Everly was going to lose it all but King left a wonderful light of hope at the end of the tunnel. This author is amazing and this series was truly entertaining.

Disclaimer: I received this copy from the publisher via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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So happy to binge read this series and every book just got better and better. I enjoy Emily’s writing. This was such a fun and interesting series.

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