Member Reviews

Tight tight
I can't remember a time when I wished that a thriller were longer. But this story is so tightly written and so fast paced that it was finished all too soon. Mr. Hawksley does not attempt great leaps into a culture not his own. Instead he focuses on the indigenous learning of the Eskimo hunters who make their livelihood on the Bering ice. Rake and his fiancée, trauma physician Carrie Walker, make a good team as they make good use the lessons they learned in Iraq. I liked the book a lot.

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. Native Alaskans to the rescue! Rebel Russians invade Alaska! The action is non-stop and believable. If you do not think about the actual distances associated with the area then the story flows quite nicely. It is a fun read and of course the good guy wins.

The premise intrigued me, which was why I requested the title. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to settle into the story and didn't finish the book.

Looks like there a quite a few reviews for this on Goodreads already, and I'm not sure I can add much that's useful, so I'll just say that this is pretty good (not great) mystery. I recommend it as a good bet. Enjoy. 3.5 stars.
I really appreciate the copy for review!!

A well written thriller showing how dramatic events are never as straightforward as you may think and that as in real life politics always plays a part.
Unusual setting and u usual characters my only complaint is that I couldn’t quite time place it so it constantly felt a bit off for me. Could well be that it was my lack of imagination that was at fault

Escalating tensions on the Russian - U.S. border
Captain Raymond "Rake" Ozenna is Eskimo from Little Diomede Island, Alaska and part of the Eskimo Scouts, deployed all over the world by the U.S. for use in winter locations.
He is bringing his fiancee, Dr. Carrie Walker, a trauma surgeon, home to meet the people he considers his family.
But after they arrive the island is taken over by Russian soldiers from Big Diomede Island, Russia. The 1867 treaty that finalized the Alaska Purchase put the dividing line between Russis and the U.S. equidistant between the two islands. Now it seems like Russia has an idea of taking the other island back.
Rake Ozenna escapes the Russian's clutches trying to stop this coup while Dr. Walker is left on Little Diomede treating a young native pregnant girl.
I enjoyed this thriller. Of course I enjoy many stories about Alaska, a place I love.
I notice this is book one in the Rake Ozenna series so I will be keeping my eyes open for future books in the series.
I received this book from Blackthorn Books through Net Galley in the hopes that I would read it and leave an unbiased review.