Member Reviews

This just wasn’t good in my opinion. There were many parts that I just wanted to skim, there were parts that made me cringe because of how corny some of the scenes and dialogue were, there were parts that made me roll my eyes because it was just so ridiculous. I’m probably in the minority because it has a high rating on goodreads, and many people seemed to have loved it. But, no thank you. I don’t know that I’ll read anything else by this author because I just didn’t enjoy the writing.

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He likes his life, his job, his family and the outlook for his future. But then Devin Carr meets her and he knows what he’s been missing. Her. When she finds her husband banging the former head cheerleader of their graduating class, Erin Taborn tells herself she’ll be fine. She just needs to figure out what fine means. But she didn’t plan on him. Now she’ll have to find the answer to if this whole friends-with-benefits thing is going to work.

The ‘Less Than’ series starts off with an emotionally gripping, sweetheart of a romance that readers can really sink their teeth and their hearts into. The characters are strong, vivid and really stand out to readers, grabbing them by their hearts and refusing to let go. The relationship between Devin and Erin starts off on a sour note as Erin makes such a devastating discovery and while Devin’s plays the white knight, he know it can’t possible go anywhere. This ‘real’ romance hits readers right in the gut and ensures that they want to feel every emotional twist and turn that happens as Erin and Devin strive to reach a happily ever after.

The plot of the story happens at a steady pace that keeps the anticipation building while giving the readers a chance to really get to know the characters which in turn ensures that they are cheering this couple through the ups and downs of a friends-with- benefits relationship to their HEA. The reader’s support of the hero and heroine flipping from one to other, as each make mistakes and overcomes issues in this wonderfully ‘real’ romance that leaves readers breathless.

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Devin Carr is happy with his life, his job, his family, and his outlook for his future. Then he sees Erin drunk and wearing a sequined dress as her world crashes down around her and she fights to put on a brave face.

When Erin Taborn finds her husband banging the former head cheerleader of their graduating class at their high school reunion she says she will be fine -- she just needs to figure what comes next. Meeting Devin at bar when she was falling apart was not part of her plan.

Once they start a friends-with-benefits arrangement things will change.

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Erin is shocked to find out her husband is cheating on her but the evidence doesn't lie. She walks right in on him with the former head cheerleader at their high school reunion. Stunned, Erin runs out and heads for the nearest bar. She meets Devin there by chance and he commiserates with her and helps her get home safely after drinking too much. A few months later her divorce is final and they meet again. Both have been burned and want a friends with benefits type of relationship. I really enjoyed this contemporary romance!

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Erin is living her worst nightmare. She is dressed in a 90s sequined prom dress at her high school reunion. She is married to her middle school sweetheart. She has a successful cake bakery. Then, she walks into the girls bathroom and finds her husband banging the head cheerleader and doing coke off of her chest. Really? This is her life....She runs out and heads to a bar. Tequila will numb this pain and shock. Lucky for her, Devin is at the bar that night. While he dated her sister in high school, she didn’t really know him, but he knew her. And he is NoT about to let her get drunk and end up in trouble. Or is he the one that ends up dreaming about the girl in the sequin dress? Great story and as always, love able characters. I love that the Montgomery’s show up in this novel, too.

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