Member Reviews

I love this style of romance - sweet and a little bit fanciful, but also grounded in reality with real-life issues. This was a fun, fast read.

Weekend Fling by Stacey Lynn is a Fun, Steamy Enjoyable Read. It was definite;y what I needed to read after reading Dark & serious books. I was Laughing and Smiling while reading this book.
I Recommend this book to all Readers. One Click it now and Read it.

The absolutely perfect rebound romance that is filled with laughter and heartwarming moments. Stacey Lynn is an absolute joy to read.

I requested this several years ago and I don't think it's a book for me anymore. So I will not be reviewing at this time, but if I do read it, I will update this review. Thank you for the opportunity.

#4 in the Crazy Love romance series
SEXY! - 3.5 stars
Plot - 4 stars - After repeatedly asking her out, Trey finally convinces Willow to come with him to a friend's wedding for a weekend away. She has plenty of responsibilities, but she's tempted to go, just to get away from it all and take time for herself. Unfortunately, things ultimately go wrong.
Writing - 4 stars - As with the previous books in this series, I was caught up in the story right away. The romance is sweet, the characters are friendly and approachable, and the sexy scenes are hot!
Characters - 3 stars - Trey is a good guy, even though he's a millionaire who seems out of reach. He's smart and friendly, and I found him to be very down-to-earth. Willow actually seems more standoffish, although that's partly because of her less-than-ideal circumstances. She feels responsible for her depressed mother and refuses to become involved in a relationship. I don't understand people who push others away because they feel the need to do everything themselves...or at the least, refuse to allow anyone else to help. But Willow is personally humiliated by her situation and really doesn't want Trey to see her when she's dealing with all of her baggage. It added drama, I suppose, but it also took away from my affection for Willow.
Title - 4 stars - Trey is selling the weekend as a fun getaway "fling" despite the fact that he wants it to be more, the more he gets to know Willow.
Cover - 4 stars - The cover shows two fun-looking young people seeming to have a good time together. Light and happy.
Overall - 3.5 stars - Despite the differences in their circumstances, Trey and Willow fit together well. I loved Trey's generosity, and it was frustrating much of the time to listen to Willow's sad lament about her life and how she couldn't share it, blah, blah. She certainly didn't know how to share her troubles or accept help in any way from a man. She sure didn't have any trouble accepting it from her friend Cara, however, for some reason. It just seemed so obvious that medical intervention was needed, and I was annoyed that these seemingly intelligent people couldn't see that. I did enjoy the romantic scenes between Willow and Trey, as well as their sexy and witty banter. It was also great to revisit with all the characters from the previous books in the series, as they all had connections to the lives of the current characters.

Working two jobs after her long term boyfriend ends their relationship has Willow struggling. She has to support her mom who is having issues with depression. When Willow is offered a weekend away, will she say no? She knows their is chemistry between Trey and her.
A nice romance with some heavy issues.

This started off one star down for me only because they live in one of my least favorite cities in the country: Portland, Oregon... but Trey & Willow more than made up for their unfortunate location with their sweet relationship journey!
Persistent Trey continually asks out Willow and she continually turns him down. She finally says yes when he insists she needs a vacation and she should go with him to San Diego for the weekend to his best friend's wedding.
Very cute story.
(I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley)

This book has a great cover. The Book was also good. The story was interesting and it was an easy read.

Weekend Fling is a traditional romance combined with some very serious issues. Willow is recovering from a divorce and has no interest in another relationship, but wealthy businessman Trey, a regular at the coffee shop where Willow works, has other ideas. He works hard to woo her and she begins to soften, only to be faced with a serious turn in her mother's depression that makes her pull away again.
This books is the fourth in a series but it stands alone.

Weekend Fling is Willow and Trey's story! Willow is working hard to keep her head afloat following a recent break up. She is caring for her parents and just trying to make it work. She could really use a break.
Trey is a tech guru that has done very well for himself. He is sexy, smart, funny and can be very persuasive.
This was her weekend to getaway and relax she didn't expect him. It is now his job to show her how well they can work together even after the fling is done! He may be just to sexy and funny to avoid.
This was witty, fun, flirty oh so steamy!
~~Michele McMullen ~~

I settled in this weekend with one goal - reading as entertainment. Weekend Fling hit the sweet spot - a fast paced story, fully dimensional characters, crisp dialogue and a happily ever after. Weekend Fling had a little more family drama than I was expecting, but it didnt alter my experience. This is book 4 in a series, but it can easily stand alone. Couples from the other books appear, but no real spoilers. I especially appreciated the complex character portraits of the hero and heroine, it made it quite easy to follow their journey. I have read the other books in the series and I would recommend them as well - solid romances with interesting storylines and characters. I will watch for more from Stacey Lynn.
I received my copy through NetGalley under no obligation.

In spite of the title, implying this would be a lighthearted read, this book deals with some heavy subjects. There is some fun in the romance, following the Cinderella storyline.—millionaire hero, Trey, broke heroine, Willow, fun weekend away with great friends and hot sex. However the reason Willow is broke has more to do with her mother’s depression, later revealed as mental illness, and her father having left them. This makes this book stronger, but heavier and more serious than the title would imply. Very sensitive treatment of a difficult subject. I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. This is my freely given, honest review.

I absolutely loved this romance! the main characters had great chemistry, and the secondary characters added some great texture to the plot.

A fun and flirty romance with strong context fused into the story.
I was thrilled to find out that Trey was getting his own story in Weekend Fling. If you’ve read the previous standalones in the Crazy Love Series, then you know the type of man Trey is. Part irresistible hunk, part sexy nerd, Trey is completely lovable and downright swoonworthy. And Willow….poor sweet, jaded Willow. I completely empathize with her and the daily struggles she endures. With her past experience with men and her current situation with her Mom, it’s no surprise when she initially turns down Trey’s too-good-to-be-true offer of a weekend away. But when Willows finally accepts Trey’s offer, she soon realizes that just one weekend clearly isn’t enough as feelings and emotions become involved.
Weekend Fling was a great read! I truly enjoyed the dynamic between Trey and Willow. It was very enjoyable to read how their relationship blossomed the more time they spent together, learning more about one another. Their attraction was evident from chapter one, but to see their growth and resilience as a couple is what really shined the most in the story.
This series is a definite must-read! Each story is a standalone, but I love it when the author incorporates all the characters into each story. The perfect balance of funny, sweet, and emotional, Weekend Fling is an entertaining and highly recommended quick read.
4 Stars!

This was a one sitting quick read. I was excited to get a new book in this series. Stacy Lynn has quickly become a go to author for me.
Willow has moved back home with her mother after her father leaves. She has a lot on her and is working two jobs. She sees Trey almost daily at her job and he always flirts with her but she never reciprocates. He wants her attention but she won't give it to him. He needs a date to a wedding and he wants to take Willow. He is finally able to convince her to go with him. I enjoyed watching their relationship begin.
This was a quick read that I really enjoyed.

I found this book to be a very enjoyable read with the good storyline and well rounded characters that kept me turning the pages until the very end!

This story will break your heart and put it back together again. Williow is doing everything she can to keep her life and her moms afloat. When her dad leaves she is thrown for a loop and knows she needs to care for her mom. But things are not as they seem and she doesn't have time to deal with anything but work and home. She misses her life and her freedom but what can she do? When her customer at the coffee shops suggests a weekend away she has to decide if it's a good idea or not. Trey Collins has wanted to get to know Willow from the first time he set eyes on her and he is doing everything he can to get her. When he asks her to come away with him he knows his work is cut out for him. But sometimes life happens and when Willow finds out her life was not what it seem will Trey be there to help her through it or will he run like her father?

I enjoyed this story, though some of it seemed a little insta-love to me. Yes, they'd known of each other for months, but they only truly started to converse and get to know each other on this weekend trip. So for all of the built up feelings, it seemed a bit much too soon. It does eventually take a step back and things slow down, but by then I was already annoyed by the speed of the beginning.
I thought the handling of Willow's mother's illness was well done, although I was truly angry at her father's behaviour. He was just so self-centred, and selfish. (So angry and he was barely even in the story!)
But the way Trey knew what he wanted (Willow) and didn't allow her to push him away made my heart happy. He supported her even when she claimed she could do it all on her own, but he never insisted that he knew what was best or did one of those borderline stalker things that some men in romances do. (What part of no do these bozos not understand?)
Overall, even though this book deals with a serious subject, it is handled gently and with sensitivity. I know I can always count on the author to provide an entertaining story, and this book was no exception. Looking forward to her next book quite eagerly!

Weekend Fling by Stacey Lynn is the fourth book in her Crazy in Love series. What a great book! Well written and enjoyable. The book stands alone, but why not read them all!
Thanks Netgalley!

Willow is working two jobs and helping her divorced mother take care of bills her ex husband saddle her with when he left her. Willow decides she needs a vacation even if Trey is involved with it. Trey is determined to prove to Willow that they can be good together no matter the baggage she is carrying with her. Will Willow give the relationship a chance? A good read that I enjoyed to the last page.
I received a copy of this book via Netgalley and am leaving a review.