Member Reviews

A lovely festive read, perfect to share as a readaloud. Like many fairy tales, this may seem harsh at times but it has a heartfelt message and will prompt meaningful discussion. Beautifully illustrated also.

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Had trouble downloading this title. It would not come to view on my phone. I hope others have not had this same technical issue, the cover and description seemed very intriguing.

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I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. I was immediately drawn to this book by its cover and was not disappointed. A cute picture book for kids with an excellent message.

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Corr's "modern retelling" of the famous classic Hans Christian Andersen tale about a beautiful little fir tree who always longs to break free of his forest and see the world is a bit of an odd jumble of trying to put a positive spin on what is ultimately a slightly unsettling message. Here, a young fir tree, ever since he (she?) was just a little tree among much bigger trees and always never chosen as a family's Christmas tree because he was too small, has only wanted to be one of the chosen ones, and see what the world is like beyond his forest. Finally, once fully-grown himself, the tree gets his wish and is cut down and taken by a family who then set him up in their home and decorate him on Christmas Eve, and the tree is immeasurably happy. But we know what happens to live Christmas trees once the holiday is passed, and while author/illustrator Corr does his best to put a positive spin to the story, the bottom line is obvious upfront and logic never comes into play as the tree continues to live on for some time, even after being cut down and honored for the holiday. Corr's folk art-style illustrations are at once charming yet feel a bit "off" at times, and once finishing this short book for kids I immediately went back and read it again, only to ask myself Is this really something younger kids would get, much less enjoy? Even to this adult, the story and illustrations come off a bit unsettling in the end. 2/5 stars

Note: I received a free ARC of this from NetGalley and the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.

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Actual rating: 3,5 stars.

This is a kinder retelling of The Fir Tree by Hans Christian Andersen.
As most of you probably know, original fairy tales are cautionary tales and therefore most of the time rather creepy or scary. They are meant to scare you into doing the right thing or avoiding the bad thing, making you, supposedly, more equipped to tackle life. Hans Christian Andersen's stories are full of these life signposts with a dark edge and most of his main characters end up dead or really unhappy.
Christopher Corr has clearly tried to keep the life lesson, but lessen the potential of a child being made to feel discomfort because their favourite tree dies at the end.
And though no child will probably be scarred by this retelling, it is a little unfortunate that Corr has felt the need to disguise death pretty much all together. This could have been a great story to teach a child about death and the beauty of the circle of nature.

The art is really quirky and quite pretty. It feels modern with a nostalgic twist and makes for an pleasant reading experience.

All in all, not a bad read, just a little less than what I wanted.

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I just reviewed The Little Fir Tree by Christopher Corr. #TheLittleFirTree #NetGalley

An interesting story with a good message behind and pretty illustration.

This is the story of a little fir tree who was not happy of his situation, until one day his wish was fulfilled. But his wish is not as beautiful as it looked like.

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The Little Fir Tree is apparently a Hans Christian Andersen tale, that is retold here with illustrations by Christopher Corr. The illustrations tend to be more brightly colorful and whimsical than lifelike, and aren’t particularly to my taste. In keeping with the heritage of the story, I suppose, all humans in the story are depicted in very traditional Euro-centric white ways. Children may enjoy the art, though, for the brightness and activity on each page, and be less concerned than I about disproportionate sizing or lopsided shapes, not to mention lack of diversity.

To be honest, I didn’t really like the story much more than I liked the art. Retelling classics can be nice, when they are worthwhile classics, but I’m not really sure of the point of this story. I didn’t find the ending particularly satisfying, despite an allusion to the circle of life that felt a little disconnected from the narrative up til then. I’m also not sure that this is a point in history to be publishing books about how much trees want to be cut down, and how they remain happy after they get chopped down, used, and then discarded.

I just think that there’s better kids books out there than this, with more relevant topics and more attractive illustrations.

Thanks anyway, to #NetGalley and Quarto Publishing for letting me read an advanced copy of #TheLittleFirTree for free in exchange for my honest review.

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A story of a little fir tree that wanted to see the world. He was so excited to see the world that he didn't realize how beautiful and perfect his place in the forest was. This tale shows us what happens when he realizes he had a perfect place all along. In many ways this is a sad story, the trees are cut down to make things for people. The tree in this story wants to be cut down and taken away and that to me is very sad! A tree's place is in the forest. But it has it's saving grace because at the end, a new tree has grown from a piece of the old one!!

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This story is about a little fur tree that doesn't want to be little he wants to be like the big trees and become a cabin or a ship. The animals would tell him not to waste his life away, and to enjoy the things around him. A few years passed by and the loggers came back, and this time the little fur tree was chosen. He was excited about getting to see the world. He was taken to a house and decorated for Christmas. Songs were sung, stories were told, and then after the festivities, he was taken and put in the shed for the winter. He was sad and lonely and missed the forest and the animals. He realized that he had lived his best life then, but didn't know it at the time.

The story does have a happy ending, I enjoyed this story as it does come full circle and teaches the circle of life It also teaches that the grass is not always greener on the other side, and to enjoy the little things in life.

Thank you to Netgalley for the Advanced Readers Copy in exchange for an honest review.
#TheLittleFirTree #NetGalley

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This is a charming story of a small Christmas tree who watches all the other trees gradually being cut down and taken away to become the magical Christmas tree. He desperately want. to become one and then one day his wish is granted. But what happens after the great day ? This is a real lesson about being careful what you wish for, but the ending is full of hope and shows much about the circle of renewal that is found in nature.

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This was a bit of a questionable story for a children's book and the message is, maybe with the intent to be positive, a bit off. Don't wish your life away as if will often come back to bite you. Perhaps not a bad message, but not for a kids book.

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A little fir tree lives deep in the forest surrounded by extremely tall trees. Lumberjacks come one day and start cutting them down and taking them away to build cabins and ships that sail on the seas. Oh how the little tree longs to be harvested and used for some great purpose too, but alas he is always overlooked and left behind because of his size. The birds laugh and try to cheer him up. They tell him that every moment is precious and not to wish his life way.

The seasons come and go and the little tree grows bigger and bigger. He becomes more discontented and yearns to be chosen ever so badly so he can have his own exciting destiny.

The very next winter the lumberjacks arrive once again and this time the little fir tree is the first to be cut down and taken away.

"Finally, I will see the world!" he thought, his heart soaring."

He is taken to town at Christmas and decorated beautifully inside a grand house. He is complimented and adored by the children who live there. They delight in his very presence at this fun festive time of the year. The little fir tree is ecstatic! Finally he feels proud and ever so happy. But what will happen to him after Christmas is over? What will his destiny be then?

The illustrations are vibrant, colourful and folk-art style. The book's message is that we should appreciate what you already have. As the old song says... you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone... and that is exactly the life lesson that the little fir tree learned. The author deviates from the original Hans Christian Anderson's tale by adding a new twist of hope at the very end of the story. After all, most kid's love a happily-ever-after ending.

The book imparts a positive, valuable message that both kids and adults can adhere too and I highly recommend it.

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There was a beautiful little fir tree who longed to see the world and when he is taken to town at Christmas, it feels like all his dreams have come true.

Having loved all the Hans Christian Anderson's stories. I was thrilled but apprehensive going into this book but I didn't need to be as this was a wonderful retelling which was simply brilliant.

It contains a powerful message that we should be happy with what we have and cherish every moment - don't wish our life away.

What will happen after Christmas? I urge you to find out in this beautifully illustrated modern retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s festive tale.

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for this book in exchange for an honest review.

#TheLittleFirTree #NetGalley #ChristopherCorr

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I read this tale adapted from a Hans Christian Andersen story to my 6-year-old and 8-year-old. We've read quite a few of his stories, but we weren't familiar with this one, so I was ready to dig in knowing that it would probably be an emotional roller coaster.

The story focuses on a little fir tree who at first isn't appreciating his circumstances and wanted more out of life. Seasons progress, plot progresses, and the (spoiler: eventually dead) tree has a change of heart.

My kids enjoyed it.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the free digital review copy.

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Unfortunately I was unable to get this galley to work on any device I tried. Therefore I am unable to review.

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The Little Fir Tree is a cute and charming picture book with the important message of "be happy with what you've got". It also has some really beautiful illustrations.

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Beautiful, vivid artwork. The story is so perfect for Christmas time. Appreciate what you have, be grateul. I hadn't read this Hans Christian Anderson, thank you for this beautiful retelling.

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*received this from netgalley for honest review* I really loved the art in this book and really liked the story. cite Christmas (or even spring time lol) book!

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"Deep in the forest, there lived a beautiful little fir tree who longed to see the world."

This is the story of the little fir tree who can't wait to grow up and see the world. Season after season, he watches wistfully as older trees leave the forest after being cut down, and imagines the adventures that must await them.

When it's finally the little tree's turn to leave the forest, he discovers life is not quite what he had envisioned for himself! Fortunately, this is not a morose tale, but has the lesson that we should be grateful for the life we have been given.

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I was sent this book in exchange for an honest review via netgalley.

I loved the folk ark drawings within this book and so did my little one.

The message given throughout the book is clear and meaningful and heartfelt - be happy with what you have and cherish every moment - don't wish your life away.

This book is based on a story by Hans Christian Andersen.

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