Member Reviews

Bianca and Ash are old friends who have not seen each other since childhood. There is an attraction as soon as they meet again. Bianca never wants to marry and Ash does not want to burden a wife with his affliction (possibly Tourette’s Syndrome). This story reminds us of the bullying that anyone different from the norm receives even today. It is hard to imagine in Regency time what they thought of people with Tourette’s Syndrome. They probably thought the person was mad or possessed by demons. I enjoyed this book and hope the bullies will redeem themselves in future stories. I received an ARC for my honest review.

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I received an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review

Short and sweet and sexy, this series just keeps getting better and better! Looking forward to the next one

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It’s getting a little cooler and the Christmas books/novellas are coming out. Time to sit down with an apple cider/tea/coffee and dig into delicious Christmas stories. A lovely story with an Earl who has a little problem and a woman who finally sees “him”. The way he deals with his problem for me in quite unique and special. Ash is special and how everyone could not love him is beyond me. A romance where you might not think they work well together but they do. I know Thornaby is the leader of the men who tormented Ash during their school years but I would like to see him as a hero down the road – redemption rules!

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Ashton Rutledge spent his time as a young man suffering at the hands of bullies at Oxford. He was quirky and prone to verbal outbursts and physical ticks that made him the target of many a prank. When he left school, he took up pugilism and became bigger and stronger and learned to better control his disease. Now he's the Earl of Buckleigh and eager for a fresh start. Unfortunately, his old tormentors haven't changed a bit. Even though his old friend Bianca could use their help organizing the county's Christmas party, Ash can't bring himself to be around them, though he vows to do what he can to help Bianca himself.

Lady Bianca Stafford is livid when her odious brother refuses to host the annual St. Stephen's Day Party, the first one since their father's death. She finds no help from the idiotic local gentlemen, except for the one beacon of hope that is her old friend Ash. Bianca never planned to marry, despite her brother's desire for her to marry and have a London season, but the more time she spends with Ash, the more she begins to rethink everything she thought she wanted for herself.

I loved this merry little novella. Ash was fabulous as a hero and Bianca was lovely for seeing him for himself and not his disease. I definitely couldn't forgive as quickly as Ash did but those elements of forgiveness and focusing on what really matters make this a perfect feel good Christmas read. I'm looking forward to the next book.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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When an Earl who had been a bullied boy meets again his still outspoken childhood friend...

What a lovely tale it was, I loved the positive message it gives.
My daughter was at a time bullied too by a group of girls whom disparaged her for her physical look, her choice of clothing and and, the head of this group is what I think a girl uncomfortable in her own skin so she used my daughter as an emotional outlet. It is in the past but I do know the scars it left.
Ash was even worse abused, as it was for years and no one put a stop for him, only distance halted the harassment.
My heart ached so much for him, I do suppose he suffers from The Gilles De La Tourette’s syndrome. With time he learned to control his reaction and pugilism helped him to channel his anger and other feelings.
But still, he feels out of place and his new designation as a titled peer does not lessen his unease among society.
Bianca is his opposite, she is no shy miss and speaks her mind. She is one, no bully would choose as a victim as she lets no one cornering her. But when she witnesses how Ash’s old school chums belittle him at every opportunity, she stands by his side.
I loved how complementary they were, and respectful of one another’s feelings.

This lively read brings all the right sentiments, to refuse to stay mute or quiet when others are abused, but also in oneself to forgive the offenses.
4.5 stars

I was granted by the author an advance copy but also preordered mine.
Here is my true and unbiased opinion.

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