Member Reviews

PRACTICALLY EVER AFTER was such a breath of fresh air -- a totally standout romance that I absolutely adored!
To be completely honest, I hadn't realized that this book was the third in a series when I requested it. However, it had immense standalone potential, and so I never found myself feeling lost or confused throughout its pages!
The authenticity of being a high school senior, a college-applying teen, and a young woman navigating through first love, life changes, and vital choices was portrayed with such realistic nuance. Not to mention, Grace being an engineer AND a dancer was such wonderful academic representation; following not only a young woman in STEM, but a young woman in STEM *who also happens to love the arts* was so refreshing and added such depth to Grace's role!
Her relationship with Leia was truly the icing on the cake. Seeing such a well-established, fleshed-out LGBTQ+ relationship is such a joy to see in literature, and their storyline was utter perfection: filled with such heart-wrenching angst and butterfly-inducing fuzziness, you couldn't help but root for them and their love.
Ultimately, PRACTICALLY EVER AFTER was such a lovely read -- from start to finish, I absolutely loved it!

I fell in love with this series from the very first book. This one did not disappoint. It was such an easy read that I found myself devouring it in one sitting.
This book is well paced and continued to feed my joy at this series. Also, the cover is beautiful and perfect for the story within.

I like the way the book focuses on one character in a set of characters who could all have their own story. This is a good study in High School angst and I would recommend to some of my teenage students but overall I did not find the story particularly well structured or engaging, just an okay read.

Okay, this book was adorable and geeky and full of nerd references that my nerdy little heart fell in love. Even though it's part of a series, it stands alone as it's own novel. I love that the MC is a lesbian dancer/engineer and how real the story felt. I've been out of high school for a while, but I remember how uncertain senior year is and how practicality can reign over happiness, and this book is a nice way of showing that both is possible.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the things we need to do to get to the next place in our life that we forget to enjoy the present. The author did a great job showing how stressful being a teen can be. There is so much pressure for good grades, involvement in extracurricular activities and participate in some sort of athletics. It’s a lot for anyone but it puts an enormous burden on an ambitious teen who wants to get into a specific college. And all of this stuff means you can’t do the things you really want to do. Things are basically mapped out without your input.
The author did a great job making the reader feel the anxiety and stress. I’m thankful those years are behind me.!
Oh, there’s also romance - but you have to read it for yourself! Enjoy!

Practically Ever After is the last book in the series. All the books are companions and follow a different main character so you don't have to read them in order or have read any to enjoy the others. In Practically Ever After we meet Grace who is struggling to have the perfect high school experience which will lead to the perfect college experience and the perfect life and so on.
I found Grace kind of annoying in that way all slackers will find anyone over prepared for anything annoying. I didn't dislike her character she was just hard for me to relate to. This book was complicated and funny, and left me full of nostalgia for high school, but not enough to want to go back.
I liked that in this book we get to see Grace and her girlfriend, Leia, in an established relationship. There wasn't any will they, won't they but the ending was still a question as college looms on their horizons.

I was hoping this book would be a definite win for me, but there were some structural issues at the beginning that made it hard to understand where the book was heading and which characters to hold onto, or let go.
It's about a highschool lesbian couple, who have been the golden couple among their friends, but are starting to unravel. Grace is so focused on success and her future that she's frankly a terrible girlfriend.
It's refreshing to see a queer couple as the established it-couple; but the trade-off was that, unlike in the earlier books in this series, the reader doesn't see Grace and Leia connect or fall in love; instead we're thrown in the deep end, with Grace acting terrible and Leia's character taken for granted almost by the writer as much as the narrator.
It made it difficult to root for them to work things out. I wasn't sure if I was waiting to see someone cheat, fall in love with a different character, or learn how to be single and independent.
That said, I really loved Grace outside of her relationship. She's such an interesting balance of geek and chic, and I could imagine so many amazing futures for her. I also found her shitty-girlfriend status incredibly realistic; I've been and behaved exactly like her when I wasn't feeling connected to a relationship; and some of the horrible things that came out of her mouth have definitely come out of mine.
So I may have cringed my way through the first half of the book.....but also.....it was not....untrue..... ahem. [[sorrynotsorry]].
I really did enjoy the second half of the book, and did root for the story once I understood what it was about.
As a general rule, I don't want to know much about what's coming when I read, but I think in this case, I could have enjoyed it a lot more from page 1 if there had been clearer hints about the direction the book was going to take, so I didn't feel like I was ducking blows from all sides as I read.
I also honestly wish that the lesbian story in this series would have been one with a little more straight-forward romcom arc; I might have been less bothered by Grace being a shitty girlfriend if it had been about a longstanding straight couple. We get so little WLW rep in the book world, and I just wanna see all my queer babies being soft and happy.

First, let me start off by saying that I am a huge fan of the EVER AFTER series! Bookishly Ever After was (no surprise!) easily my favorite, and I also really enjoyed Dramatically Ever After, but this one is now a close second!
I especially loved seeing the progression of Grace and Leia's relationship over the course of the novel. Going off to college can easily be a relationship-ender, and I loved how that was explored in depth in this book.
The characters in this series are also a favorite of mine. Each one has their own passions and quirks, and are very entertaining to read about!
Overall, Practically Ever After met and exceeded my expectations. Definitely be sure to pick up a copy of this book, in stores now!

Whoops, I didn’t see that this was the third book. Nevertheless, it was a nicely written book, that depicted the high school experience really well. Effortless banter and dialogue between the characters really drove the plot forward and brought everything to life.
Some parts of the book seemed a little slow for me (near the middle—the beginning was not too bad).

I was so happy to continue on with this story! It was a cute book that was a quick read. I'm excited to buy this to pit it in my middle grade classroom

While I realize this is the third book in a series, there were far too many characters introduced too quickly to even keep up. The cliched, 'what happens next, we're seniors in HS' was not enough to capture my interest. DNF.

I requested this from NetGalley because I had read the first book in the series and enjoyed it, even if it hadn't stuck with me. It helped that the cover for this book is so beautiful.
In this book, Grace is preparing to go to college in the autumn. Before that, she has to deal with everything coming to a head, just as her relationship with her girlfriend goes on the rocks.
I did really enjoy this book. I finished it within two days and not just because I was reading it for a reading challenge. The writing style is easy and accessible and the book is well-paced, always moving things along at a steady pace that didn't leave you twiddling your thumbs waiting for this big thing to happen. There was no big main blow-up in the middle of the book but instead it was far more even.
I found Grace very relatable as she tried to plan everything perfect. She had the mindset that everything would just fit in if she just worked harder or planned better and wow, that is a very familiar thought process. I loved reading her character development. She wasn't an unlikable character at the start of the book but we saw her grow into a better person throughout the book and it was delightful to watch. You would think that her character flaw/character development would be to be more spontaneous but the author did such a good job at showing that Grace's practicality was not a bad thing, it was only a bad thing when it hurt other people. It was a great example of a character's strength being a flaw when it was taken to the extremes and I do love to see that.
Another thing I loved about Grace was how well-rounded her life was. She had a variety of different interests, friends, family and other things going on in her schedule. I was invested in her final project with her and I enjoyed seeing her dance sessions, but I also sympathised with her stress about trying to fit it all in. We saw a lot of the characters from the previous books as side characters, but their stories had continued so they had their own worries and stresses which were going on, separate from Grace's life. I loved seeing Grace and her friends together because they had ups and downs and they were treated as important relationships to Grace as her one with Leia was. Then there was her family and we saw how Grace came to be the way she was, with two very organised parents.
As I mentioned before, the plot was one I really liked because it didn't follow the usual break-up, make-up routine. Grace had to come to terms with what she really wanted out of life, being wrong but also how she had to deal with her own character flaw before dealing with the situation. It wasn't a great big dramatic blow-out but it also wasn't an easy fix either. Grace didn't become a different person, but she learned to adjust when she was wrong and how to be less selfish and it was good to see the character I enjoyed from the start of the book, just happier.
One issue I had with this book, which you might have guessed from the rest of the review, is that we did not see as much of Leia or her personality, as we did the other characters. We heard a lot about Leia, from Grace and from other characters, but due to events in the book, she disappeared off screen for a good third of the book. When I did see her with Grace, I was rooting for them as a couple but I wish we could have seen more of Leia firsthand, rather than through someone else's lens. This was an especially big drawback considering this was the main plot of the book.
This was a light, enjoyable contemporary I would definitely recommend even if you haven't read the other books in the series.
4 stars!

I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Honestly, this wasn't the book for me. I am not sure if I just wasn't the intended audience or what but it just didn't hit home for me. I did enjoy the characters but I just couldn't get lost in the story.
Thank you kindly to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for allowing me to review this title.

The third book in this world and another fun, typical YA romance. Perfect for a light read on a cold winter day with some chocolate and coffee. No need to read in order, but you will not get the other couples backstories.

I think the first and the third book had the most draw for me as I identified with Phoebe love of books and wanting her world to be just like her favorite book series. Then in the third book we have Eva and her love of dance and engineering. I really had an emotional connection with her as i work as in home care provider and i see the everyday damage that having to use something to make your life better but it all other people see. She really wanted to make a glove that people would want to wear yes it might have made her product fall in small niche but it is a need that lots of people want. There are some that won’t even use the assistive device cause it so ugly.
I not a dancer but it am a creative person so the scenes in the book where she really connecting with the dancing really rang true to me. This series is a great series that many young people will enjoy it not my normal type of read but it definitely filled an emotional read for me. A unique series that i wish had more books i like to see what happens to these characters beyond high school.

High school senior Grace Correa has it all planed out - from the very practical, high paying career that she will be going to college for, to her perfect girlfriend Leia and amazing friends. To Grace life is all about equations and making everything fit. If only life was that way and didn't throw curve balls at our perfect plans...
This was the first book I have read by Isabel Bandeira and it was a sweet, high school romance that I could not put down! Even though it is the third in the series I did not feel like I was missing out on anything by starting with this book. All of us can relate to Grace and take a trip down memory lane relating to everything Grace is going through. I highly recommend this book to anyone!
This book was given to me an an ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in an exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.