Member Reviews

On the one hand, it's a very enjoyable, light romance, but the problem is, that's not really what I expected to read with this story!

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I have multiple friends I would rec this too, but I can't see it coming up with patrons very often if at all. A very fun and light romance that was very enjoyable! Plus I'm a sucker for shape shifting in stories and dual timelines!

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There is so much about this story that I enjoyed but I also found it a little slow at times. Professor and art historian, Melissa, takes a trip to Colorado to find out more about three paintings she inherited. She loved them as a child and wants to know about the artist who created them. She meets the artist’s great-granddaughter, Sula, and the connection is one of the strongest she’s ever felt. But she’s in for a surprise.

I love art and bears so when much of the dialogue centred on those two subjects it was an immediate bonus for me. Melissa and Sula’s relationship is mature and well-paced. There was a lovely balance of humour and seriousness. Often shifter novels are about primal instincts, alphas and chest-thumping and I appreciated that this was not like that at all (although both types have their place in fiction). With its gentle pace and educational content, it’s a standout in this genre.

I did find that there were parts I skimmed because not quite enough was happening for me. It’s a good read nonetheless.

Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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The Colorado background was very well depicted and the scenery was always well described, making me feel like I was there. Bear shifters aren't something I'd read about before, which was a nice change from the usual wolf or cat shifters. The book was well written and the Scandinavian shifter background was interesting. However, I just couldn't feel any attachment to any of the lead characters, and didn't feel any chemistry between them. The fact that the romance developed pretty instantly didn't help.

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Aspen in moonlight book review

This is an enjoyable read. The scenery was beautifully described and I really liked the inclusion of so much wildlife. It made the idea of Sula as a shapeshifter more believable. Personally, I would have liked more actual shifting rather that just knowing she could. The history of the paintings is a nice addition to the storyline and helped to balance the romance and extensive wildlife information. I'd be happy to read this author's next book.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I am a fan of paranormal/shape-shifting novels, especially when they're nicely written. I liked this book a lot. I loved reading it, I loved the dynamics and both Melissa and Sula characters.

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<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Aspen in Moonlight" src="" /></a><a href="">Aspen in Moonlight</a> by <a href="">Kelly Wacker</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Detailed descriptions of Colorado wilderness are woven into a slow burn shape shifter mystery romance. Melissa and Sula interact beautifully and slow dance (with some hiccups) to happy ending dragging you along for the ride. An easy, slow read worthy of 4 stars.<br />I rec'd a ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books for review.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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Review of ‘Aspen in Moonlight’ by Kelly Wacker

Art history professor Melissa Warren inherits three paintings from her grandmother that have captivated her since childhood. Her research oriented mind takes her from Georgia to her native Colorado, looking to write a paper about the elusive artist. Sula Johansen is the Director of the Colorado Bear Conservancy and the great great-granddaughter of the artist. They connect and the chemistry is undeniable, making usually reserved Sula, open to love for the first time in her life. As the summer passes, the two women discover a few things about their past and for Melissa, the one thing that makes Sula who she is.

This one picked my interest from the little of the blurb that I read, and I’m glad I picked it up. It was well written with amazing descriptions of the beautiful Colorado mountains. The setting was no doubt a great character in this story and definitely fun to read about. The author is an art historian who also teaches environmental studies, and it showed in this book. Melissa in professor mode was interesting, and the passion for conservation came through strongly through Sula. The rest of the characters were endearing and great support to the story. The parents shined in this one!

Sula is a shape shifter, but that was almost not the point of the story. This will appeal to light paranormal fans that do not want to get entangled in fantasy, and it was exactly what I was looking for. I enjoyed the little bits of foreshadowing thrown by the author about who Sula was.

On the down side, I was hoping for more of a resolution to the long distance relationship conflict and did not get it. Also, some descriptions/explanations, although interesting and elegantly put, seemed a little long. I think some of that is due to my current state of mind and I will definitely look for this author’s next book.

In a public safety service, raccoon and rabies. Yes! Exactly! Thank you Ms Wacker!

Overall a good romance with a sprinkle of fantasy. 4 stars.

ARC generously provided to me by BSB via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This has been a strange story and really difficult to value for me, because I didn't known beforehand that it was fantasy type. And that somehow has taken me by surprise. And as fantasy is not a subject that I especially like, I do not know how to rate it. In addition to my surprise on the subject, the author's narration is very dense and too detailed, which has made me lose the central thread on many occasions and this has bothered me more than anything.

I do not deny that the story is interesting, the relationship between the two women today, practically the same that their ancestors had more than a century ago, discovering the coincidences between before and now, is original. All the beauty of nature sorrounding the characters, also both women beeing very likable and well defined, intelligent and pasionate. But I've been bored in some of the extended descriptions.

From the fantasy point of view I can't value its accuracy, really not my thing. Other readers will do it better for sure. All in all, in the end, for me it has been a passable read.

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Melissa Warren is out to discover the history behind her grandmother's paintings that she's loved so much since she was a child.  Her research takes her across the country to Colarado into bear territory and discovers the great granddaughter of the artist, Sula Johanson and her fascination for bears at the Colorado Bear Conservancy.  The more time they spend together the more their mutual admiration for each other grows.
I enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I would. I'm not really into paranormal reads but despite the book hinting at the paranormal, you really didn't get a sense of it until the latter half of the book and even though it was integral to the storyline, it was dealt with quite nicely particularly for a non believer like myself.
Melissa and Sula had great chemistry but I would have liked some witty banter or edgier conversation between them as I found some of the dialogue a bit bland. For me this would have made the MC's even more likeable.  You could tell the author has a great affinity with nature and her descriptions of Colarado makes me want to visit the place.
A pretty good effort for a first book, will happily give Kelly Wacker another go.

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An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This was a good read, I felt like I needed more between the two main characters. More connection and more conflict in the story instead of "Should I tell her'. This was still a nice romance story, and if you are a fan of shifter romances then this is a story for you!

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The plot is well laid out with carefully scripted details. just follow the breadcrumbs to learn quickly about the characters.

I lked the mystery, paranormal elements and the things that go bump in the night.

The descriptions are realistic - I had no trouble picturing the weather, the uncertainty that leads to confidence.

. I loved the relationship that Melissa and Sula have as well, not just the romance, but the effort to learn about the person before ordering the uhaul after they first met.

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I really enjoyed this story, the chemistry between Sula and Melissa was the best of the book, but other aspects such as lots of nature (flora and fauna), interesting characters (art historian Melissa who was kind and fascinated by everything which make me like her very much since the beginning, and Sula (aka mountain woman) who can shift into a bear), and all the research about the paintings and their history behind made me feel like I was into the story myself.

Like I said, Melissa and Sula's relationship was my favourite part of this book, they're just so great together, they fit and I was not bored one moment with them. I wish there would have been more time for the Big Reveal at the end, I was waiting for it since the beginning and how it happened did not disappoint me but I would have prefered more time talking about it, and especially more time of Sula in bear form.

While I really liked this book, there's one thing that just didn't sit well with me and it's how Melissa, after learning two women were lovers immediately said they were lesbians even though one of them had a husband after. What she said about it could be right, I don't know, she doesn't really either, but the fact that is was either straight or gay like there's no inbetween really left me that big bad impression.

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I'm a big fan of paranormal romances and I'm also pretty hard on them  if they disappoint. When I saw this book on the upcoming releases I was totally stoked.  A shifter/paranormal romance without wolves?  Yes please.  I love a good wolf shifter book, but it's nice to switch stuff up and a bear shifter sounded like a great twist.   Once I started reading, I began to realize that this is more of romance than paranormal so I had to reset my expectations and read the book on its own merits rather than what my pre-conceptions.

Aspen in Moonlight is a well written novel that is more romance than paranormal.  That's not a bad thing.   Professor Melissa Warren travels to Colorado to research a three paintings she has inherited - paintings that have fascinated her since she was a child and are largely responsible for her pursuing a career in art history.  As part of her research she reaches out to Sula Johansen, the Executive Director of the Colorado Bear Conservancy who turns out to be the great-granddaughter of the artist.  The romance is a nice slow burn as the relationship builds -  both characters are obviously intelligent, passionate about heir careers and mature in their actions and reactions.  Their own personal passions about conservancy and art are woven into the story as is the absolutely beautiful setting in Colorado.  The paranormal aspects are hinted at and pretty much in the background for the majority of the book with the big reveal (and after-effects) as part of the climax and denouement.

There's no question that Ms. Wacker writes well; but, at times the book was a bit too heavy on the narrative - lengthy descriptions and explanations tended to bog down the pacing and made the book seem to be longer than it actually was.  You can tell that Wacker herself is passionate about art and conservation  -  she conveys this through a narrative that is well researched and obviously important but sometimes it verges into the professorial realm (which she seems to recognize when one character teases the other about being in professor mode).  I don't mind  a book that provides insight and makes me think - but sometimes the information was a bit clunky.

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3.75 Stars. I enjoyed this romance more than I expected to. I wanted to read/review this book because I thought this was a paranormal-romance which is one of my favorite genres. After reading some of the early reviews, I realized this wasn’t a paranormal-romance but instead a romance with a light paranormal twist. Since it wasn’t what I was hoping for, I could feel that my expectations where lowering quickly. I was hoping for something more paranormal-ish to read on Halloween. I’m happy to report I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Once I knew I was getting paranormal light, I was able to enjoy this really sweet romance.

This is the story about an art historian professor Melissa, who is spending her summertime in Colorado hoping to find out about the history of the artist of some paintings that has been in her family for generations. Melissa meets Sula, the director of a bear conservancy that might just have the answers she needs. The more time they spend together the more an attraction builds. Do they have a chance at a relationship when one of them is keeping a life changing secret?

Wacker’s name wasn’t familiar to me so I wasn’t surprised to see that this was her full-length book debut. I was however pleasantly surprised how nicely written it was. This doesn’t feel like a debut and that makes me excited to want to read future books by Wacker. She has a nice smooth writing style and while this is more of a slower-paced book, I was hooked into the story instantly. I can sometimes get a little bored by more traditional romances, but this story had me from beginning to end.

As I mentioned before the romance is more on the feel good side. There is some relationship angst but not a lot, the book’s conflict is mostly drive by the paranormal twist which was enough to keep things interesting. Both main characters are extremely likeable so it’s easily to root for them and hope for a HEA.

If you are interested in a feel good romance, this book would be a good choice. The setting in Colorado also shined so if you are a nature/wildlife fan, I would also recommend this. The paranormal part is very small and only gives the book some added conflict and a teeny bit of excitement. I’m intrigued now by Wacker and I will definitely be reading her next book.

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Bear-y Good (Yeah Groan)

Melissa is an art historian/professor who is researching the painter of some pictures of her grandmother’s that have fascinated her since childhood. She goes to Colorado in her quest for answers and meets Sula who is the great granddaughter of the painter. Sula is a unique woman who runs the Colorado Bear Conservancy and, like most of the members of her family, has a great affinity for and a special kinship with the creatures…

What a great book! This clever tale is so well written. It’s fascinating and entertaining and draws you right in. I liked the mystery and adventure aspects this story has too. The descriptions are amazing and so realistic that I had no trouble picturing it all. The settings are wonderful as well. From the college town to the resort Melissa stays at to the forest Sula lives in and everywhere else, it’s all beautiful. I loved the relationship that Melissa and Sula have as well, not just the romance, although it is delightful, but the whole getting to know you process. It is very heartfelt and sweet. I really liked most of the book a great deal but was a tad bit disappointed that the decision on where to live was left up in the air… Other than that I highly recommend it!

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If you’re looking for a typical shifter book with lots of action, pack hierarchy, and forbidden love, this isn’t the book for you. Instead, this book delivers a slow, sensitive journey from wariness to trust set against the beautiful wilderness of Colorado.

The one things that stood out for me at first is how real the setting is. Ms. Wacker really knows the area, down to the smallest detail from the scent of the forest after rain to the species of native plants and animals. This attention to detail really lent the story an authentic, truly real feeling which ironically made the leap to having a bear-shifter in the mix actually very easy to believe. The entire book is filled with well-researched passages, it is obvious Ms. Wacker is very well-researched about everything she writes about.

The chemistry between Melissa and Sula is sweet and unconventional for a lot of lesfic couples. Neither of them fit into a neat role and that makes their interplay and ultimate joining more fitting and meaningful. I really like how understanding and mature Melissa is (at first anyway) and how Sula is both fearless in the face of danger and as shy as a newborn fawn when she’s out of her comfort zone. This isn’t a fast-paced story, but the lingering details lend depth and warmth to the story.

The story is told from both of their POV, so the big reveal isn’t a surprise, but how Melissa reacts to it is the turning point.

Which is where this read lost points with me. When she is faced with the truth, which is arguably extremely difficult to accept, Melissa runs off and ignores all attempts at communication for several weeks like the typical 80% breakup trope demands. I do understand the news, especially the traumatic way it was delivered to her, is something that can’t be easily accepted, but I hoped she would display the maturity she has for the rest of the book until that point and not do the disappearing/ignore the phone act until a dramatic event brings the silent treatment to an end and communication happens.

However, this is a HEA and love proves itself stronger than
adversity. The end, while sudden, left me with a sense of wonder and peace. Recommended to anyone who wants to connect with nature in a slow, respectful, and ultimately satisfying read.

Rating: four point five stars

ARC received via NetGalley and publisher in return for an honest review.

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Cast of Characters:

Melissa Warren, a Professor at Dreighton College in Buck Springs, Georgia;
Sula Johansen; biologist and Executive Director of the Colorado Bear Conservancy in Buckhorn, Colorado;
Ursula Bergen, artist and painter of landscapes (mostly) and Sula's great-grandmother;
Betty Andersen, owner/operator of the Buckhorn Creek Ranch.


Oh, what a fascinating and intelligent book! I confess, I neglected household things to finish this story, and I suggest you do the same! This is one of the best books you will read for a long time.

Melissa owns three of Ursula Bergen's paintings, inherited from her grandmother. She was curious about the paintings, two of which were landscapes and the third, a painting of a woman and a bear in the forest.
She travels from the Atlanta area to Colorado to research the paintings.

Melissa stays at the Buckhorn Creek Ranch and meets Betty and the ranch hands. She also meets Sula Johansen and she and Sula are attracted to each other.

Sula has a special "talent", which I won't divulge, and she uses it when it's absolutely necessary.

A collection of letters, a surprising discovery in those letters and a gentle curiosity all blend to make this an extremely interesting and engrossing read. I found it hard to put down.

The bonus is that there is a treasure trove of information about wildlife, bees, honey and especially bears! I live where there are bears, and I am still wary of them, but I understand them better than I did before I read this book.

I was given an ARC of this book by Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved that this book didn't feel rushed. The author really took her time in setting up the characters & setting before we even really got into the obvious bear shapeshifting storyline. Speaking of bears, it was cute that there were a lot of bear "breadcrumbs" in the story, like Melissa meaning honey. It was clever.

It seems like Wacker also has a lot of knowledge when it comes to art history and/or teaching. Either she's in that profession, or she really did her research because Melissa was very knowledgeable in conversations she had with Sula. It was interesting to read about how you can analyze pictures and marry that to historical events.

The only critique I have is that it was sometimes hard to figure out who was saying what in two person conversations. I think it could have been because the conversations were actually long conversations in some scenes, so I'd start not knowing who was saying what exactly.

Overall, it was a pretty good read. Definetly less "supernatural" than a lot of shifter books, so it will probably be a better read for an audience that does't normally go for these types of books.

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This was a way cute romance and I enjoyed reading it. Melissa Warren is a art history Professor who has inherited 3 painting from her grandmother. She knows the name of the artist, but no details about her. During her summer break, she decides to travel to Colorado (her native state) to research the author. Sula Johansen is the director of the Colorado Bear Conservancy. Their paths cross because Sula's grandmother is the painter of the 3 paintings.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about Aspen in Moonlight because I tend to stay away from romances or books involving the supernatural. I picked this one out because I just need a change. I liked how Wacker gave just enough to keep me interested in reading this one and revealed Sula's secret at the right time along with some other surprises. Sure, the synopsis hints at the theme and so does the cover but there are a few twist and turns that you can expect to see and may even guess. It was still interesting to me. There were certain aspects of the romance that I found slow and I would skim a little to get through those parts. I have always had a problem reading too much detail in a book. I liked the chemistry and the overall interaction between the mains. I just thought this was a nice romance with a nice twist.

I can't help but rate this one 4 stars.

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