Member Reviews

Starts off interesting about two military brats who fall in love but are separated by family moves. The disjointed storytelling though where we only get partial scenes scattered back and forth in time made it really difficult to track. It's really an exorcise into how not to do nonlinear storytelling. Then you add in the crazy ending and how obtusely it's told, just left me completely confused. It ended completely unsatisfying because it wasn't at all clear what Arlo was saying about the two of them. The more I write, the more infuriated I get about this book. Must. Walk. Away.

The artwork in this was great, and the story was unique. It kept me interested throughout, and left me almost wishing there were more pages, more detail...but overall it was a job well done. I'd love to see more stories like this told graphically.

I have this comic 4 out of 5 stars. I went into this book without knowing much about the storyline, which is how I like it. I do not want to get spoiled for the plot. I enjoyed this. It had a bit of mystery as well as an ambiguous storyline which was terrific. It was a little weird but in the best way possible. I definitely would recommend it to people who like non-linear timelines and light sci-fi.

At the End of Your Tether is a short graphic novel focusing on a teenager named Ludo who discovers his childhood sweetheart has gone missing. What follows is an absolutely bizarre sequence of events that are all out order, and someone is withholding a very dark secret. It was very confusing at points but that sort of thing is definitely my cup of tea - I would go back and reread some things and it would eventually make sense, but if you don't like weird, confusing plot lines this may not be for you. I feel like this would fit right in being adapted as a movie or Netflix mini-series.
Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.

I really wanted to like this graphic novel -- I really did. I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt. I forced myself to come back to it daily. But every second was a slog. There are some good concepts here, but it all winds up lost in the murky depths of uninteresting narrative format.

An odd and eerie, not to mention delightfully suspenseful, story that has some amazing graphics to go with it.

A missing ex-girlfriend and time travel... it had so much potential, but really didn't meet my expectations.

At the End of Your Tether by Adam Smith has such an intriguing premise.
I felt a bit lost throughout the story due to the time jumps, but everything came together well at the end.
At the End of Your Tether deals with how different people deal with love, loss & depression.

With themes of grief, love, loss, and time travel; this is a solid modern graphic novel.
I’ve heard this compared to Donnie Darko and it lives up to it. The mind-bending time travel element makes this a bit difficult to follow at times, but keeps the love story fresh and adds depth. Both Ludo and Ardo are whole characters on their own and their relationship builds dynamically through the story. Loved the artwork!

An intriguing graphic novel that I think could benefit from a smoother artistic style, but then again this could be due to the fact that it's a galley and not a finished product.

This was the first ever graphic novel that I got approved for on NetGalley. As you know I've not delved *too* much into the world of graphic novels, just dipping my toes in now and again so this was a bit of a nice change of pace for me. I've been struggling a little bit with reading so this was a welcome change - less pages, still as much story but a lot less time to be put into it.
This was the story of a young guy who tried to find his missing ex girlfriend. He's returning to his old hometown after being away for a few years and he hasn't spoken to her since he left. Turns out she's been missing for the last week. Ludo (our young guy) sets out to find her and whats happened with a lot of bumps and ghosts along the way. I don't want to say much more because I don't want to spoil it.
I really enjoyed this. The story was compelling and twisty with surprises along the way. You do have to bear with it and follow through though, there are things that might not make much sense until further through the story arc. The characters were likeable and well fleshed out considering its all in grapic storyboard format. I really liked Ludo and Arlo and felt a strange connection with them. Even the parents are well represented in this. The artwork itself is stunning and so well done. I really liked this style and I think its testament to how well its done that the story is so well rounded, with depth and fleshed out. My one criticism is the same as a lot of others and that is the concept explored in it isn't always clear. I did sometimes had to read the same couple of pages 3 or 4 times to get where I was in the world that had been built. That being said, I didn't mind that as much as lot of other people because I was so intrigued by it.
3* out of 5* for me on this one!

Very good illustration / art work and story.
Thanks to the publisher for the ARC. All the best to the author and illustrator for future projects.

I found this book to be rather interesting. It follows two military brats and looks at their relationship in a very non-linear fashion. I can understand the way the story plays with time not working for a lot of readers because it can be confusing at times. I thought it heightened the uncertainty of the their relationship in general, especially with the way the families can be moved around at any point. I also liked that music was a major connecting point for the characters and that Arlo communicates to Ludo through mixtapes. The art is good. The characters look very grounded in reality, so the moments that are unusual really stand out.

This book made me cry. True love waits forever. This comic made me happy and sad, I loved the concept, the graphics and the beautiful storyline. I am looking forward to more books by these authors. I seriously can't stop drooling over this book. It has a great concept. A unique story. It is exactly what I was looking for. A mind refreshing story. 😍😍😍💓

'At the End of Your Tether' by Adam Smith with art by V.V. Glass is a graphic novel about a boy looking for something that maybe he's not meant to find.
Ludo Carre is in love with Arlo Quinonez. They've made mixtapes together and formed a real connection. One that got broken up with the moving around of families. Now, it's 1997 and Ludo is moving back to his home. The problem is that Arlo has gone missing. Now Ludo has gone in search of her, but he may find things about Arlo that he wished he hadn't found out.
The story and art here were just kind of mediocre. By the time the reveal hit, I was already a bit checked out of the story. I liked the characters, and the end of the story was strange.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Oni Press and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

I'm not sure I completely understood what was going on in this book. I liked a lot of the elements: characters who feel like outsiders, the questions of whether you can still know a person after years apart, whether you ever knew them at all, the exploration of the choices you make and their affect on the future. But the confusion that came along with those ideas was off-putting.

The story line and artwork is great. However, there is some confusion as to the time travel aspect and wasn't sure if it was from a military cause or if this is a SCi-Fi graphic novel.

I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This story has the potential to be something great if it were just a little more developed. It just needs some fine tuning to the the story it is meant to. The premises is great, and the story line is great it just needs more depth and background. Maybe a clearer timeline/storyline of events that are taking place.

I have to say, right away, that this wasn’t for me. It didn’t feel like a stand-alone book or even the first book in a series, it almost felt like a book in the middle of a series, and I think that’s one of the main things that I didn’t enjoy about it.
I thought that the art style was nice, very simple and understated, but, at times, it was too simple. It was pleasant but not striking or eye-catching. There’s nothing wrong with that though because sometimes too much detail can distract from the plot and the characters and I felt like the artwork was a good choice for this type of story. I’m not an expert in art or graphic novels but I did like it.
The premise was very intriguing and I liked the beginning a lot, even if it was a little abrupt. I thought that the mystery aspects could have been interesting if they’d have been developed more. I did like some of the other themes it touched upon, such as love and grief, but the storyline became tangled and confusing. I didn’t work out what was going on until the very. Perhaps I should read it again now that I know the ending to see if it’s easier to follow.
Overall, I think that this graphic novel had a lot of potential but the plot became too complicated. I did like the artwork though.

I really liked the idea of this story. It's a little bit like one of my favorite shows last year, Dark from Netflix. I just can't say no to any story involving a messed up timeline.
Though the art style is not really my thing. I think it's a bit too romantic, the graphics are too light if you know what I mean. I would've loved it if they were somehow darker with more shading. I just don't think the lighter graphics fit this story well.
Back to the story, It's clear that this is only the beginning of an epic story. So it's like a set-up for more. I'm looking forward to reading the next volume, but I think there should have been more information in the first volume. I'm going to read the next one because I'm just a sucker for these stories, but I don't think the storyline in the first volume is enough to pull everyone in. That's why I'm giving it a 3 stars rating. I have higher expectations for it.