Member Reviews

I just could not get into this one. I felt like i was missing more context and information. Plus the names and all was somewhat confusing.

Legacy of Light is my first read from C.D. Tavenor, and I am impressed. An epic story, spanning generations. My only wish is that it was longer. I just wanted more!
I think the world building is magnificent. I could perfectly see what the author wanted me to see and I was transported into the setting. I would call this story a plot driven story. We get a lot of information that drives the plot forward.
I do wish the characters were a bit more in depth. I would have loved to explore them more but it didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the novel!
Overall, I really enjoyed Legacy of Light and recommend checking it out! I’m excited to read more from C.D. Tavenor!

i enjoyed reading this book, the characters were great and was a great start to a series. I can't wait to read the remaining books in the series and more from the author.

Legacy of Light is a 1st person, present tense, dual narration fantasy novella set in a medieval-esque, war torn world, not dissimilar to our own war, in the time of the crusades. Our initial main character, Maripes, comes to the capitol of his people’s oldest, most dangerous enemies, and tries to forge an alliance. There’s a problem however – his mere existence, and ability to harness magic, goes against everything the other people believe… and they have no qualms about portraying the people of light, Maripes’ people, as savages, and demons. Before he’s even begun, his quest might be futile. The story then turns to focus on Maripes’ son, showing us the world outside the sanctum of the capitol city. Both characters are family focused, love their people, and are shown to be the good guys amongst the deceitful. The other character we meet and get to know in a good light, is Emilia, the Empress. She’s understanding, warm, and offers a chance to change the kingdom’s mind… but it’s made obvious very quickly, that having an open mind is rare in this world.
The tense and POV used here is powerful. We have a man deemed a monster in the heart of enemy territory, witnessing the people there look at him like he’s either an animal or going to attack them. Real life racial tensions and language barriers are played up here, utilizing the fantasy setting to showcase issues people face. This may have been done before, and we need to be careful here when discussing the racial aspects of the story (those with darker skin is feared, but morally the better people. Those with light skin are rich, have land and power, and are innately corrupt bar a couple), but overall, it’s a dynamic I feel works. My only negative point comes in here, and overall within the story, it’s too short. The novella takes a complicated world, lore, history, and plot, and condenses it to less than two hundred pages. A lot of lore is never explained, and neither is what got the characters to this point. I might be judging this too fast, and it’s meant to be part of something much larger, but as a singular story, I felt I needed it doubled, or if the dual narration remains, even quadrupled in size. Maripes’ narration, what the blurb talks primarily talks about, is only a third of the entire work – which wouldn’t be bad, if it wasn’t a short piece to start with. I yearned for more, and overall feel tantalized, rather than satisfied.
But, let’s spend a second and talk about the writing. Omission is used here to it’s fullest potential, only showing or explaining something to us if the character is told or sees it in real time. This of course is a bold choice in fantasy, as there’s a whole wealth of information we’re suddenly without, but for readability, it was a clever choice. I enjoyed the characters, and if the story was lengthened and the pace slowed right down, I’d be incredibly happy. I’m happy now. I love the author’s talent and natural voice, and their characters sing, I just needed… more. This point is not a slight, nor anything against the author. I want to read more of their work, and I want this developed into something much larger – something which shows how on the pulse the author is about picking a story to tell. I also love how varied their characters are, and how they show the way war and politics can turn good people bad, depending on who is giving their opinion. Morally grey would be a good way to describe this, and I always enjoy when an author can blend the lines between acceptable and evil.
So overall, I really like Legacy of Light. It’s rapid, packed full of plot, action, and story, and showcases real, horrifying realities. If you want a story you could read over an afternoon, or during your commute, this could be great to get stuck into. For me, sadly, it’s just too tightly woven.

I’ll let you into a secret – when I first signed up to join the blog tour for Legacy of Light, I hadn’t realised how short it was. I am used to epic fantasy novels of four or five hundred pages, and I will admit that when I saw the page count for this book, I was a little dubious. I mean, how could the depth of world building and character development that I so love about the fantasy genre be squeezed into such a small package? Well, I don’t know how, but C.D. Tavenor has managed to do just that.
Despite its diminutive size in comparison to other books in the genre, Legacy of Light tells the story of three generations of one family in such a way that I was instantly invested in each of the characters, and felt that I was right there with them as they fought for their very survival. Tavenor’s descriptions of the landscape and towns the characters inhabit was so vivid that I found myself completely absorbed in the world.
Honestly, as a writer, I am a little in awe of what C.D. Tavenor has created in this book. We have three strong characters, each of whom could easily have held my attention for an entire novel, living in a complex world, which again would have captivated me for an entire trilogy, all packed into one relatively short book, and yet it doesn’t feel like anything is missing, and nothing is rushed or skimmed over. That, to me, is a real skill.
They say great things come in small packages, and that is certainly true of Legacy of Light. If you are a novice fantasy reader, or want to give it a try but have always found the enormous texts a bit daunting, this is the perfect book to introduce you to what, in my opinion, is a wonderful genre for pure escapism.

I chose to read this book after receiving a free e-copy. All opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased.
Legacy of Light is a novella and the first in a series. It’s in three parts and is about Maripes, his son, and his granddaughter who are all People of Light. They are hated by the Holy Empire and only want to find a way for peace between the two peoples. Is that even possible when hate is involved?
The world-building in Legacy of Light is admirable especially since this is a novella. This could have easily been a full-length novel (I wish) which I hope the next story is. Once I started this book, I had to read the whole thing. I definitely look forward to reading more about the People of Light.

Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Rachel’s Random Resources, Netgalley, and Two Doctors Media Collaborative, LLC for this free copy. All quotes in this review are taken from the Advanced Reader Copy and may change in final publication.
So this is actually three novellas together in one story, which I think is pretty cool. I like when authors put them together when they can, although I don’t know how much work goes into republishing or anything like that so thank you for going the extra steps.
This is another book that uses multiple character POVs, which can either make or break a book for me. If it’s done wrong, or if there’s a character that gets more page time than another one (and I like the one that DOESN’T get to show up more), then I feel less inclined to enjoy it. However, I feel like having the multiple POVs worked in Tavenor’s favor for this novel. I also like that each POV pretty much represents a different generation of the people of the light, because for me, I like seeing how someone’s viewpoint changes based on where they fall in the timeline of events. Think about certain fantasy novels that you’ve read, and think about how different it would be if it was told from someone in the future, or the past.
I mean, I do that sometimes, and there’s a whole different story involved with new hardships or new villains, and there’s so much to build off of that. Prequels, sequels, the like. I like that this concept seemed to be combined in the novel by putting the three novels back to back like that.
Some other reviews that I’ve seen have said that they have a problem with the pacing, which I could agree with. There were times where I felt like it was moving a little bit too fast, but when you have a shorter amount of space to tell a story, I could see why some authors would try to cram as much information as they can into it. I’m curious to see if there will be more stories within this world, and I think that there is much more to learn from The People of the Light, and their fight with the Holy Empire.
Does anyone else get religious intonations from this novel? Maybe a little bit on my end. If that’s not your bag, then I’d skip it, but it’s not preachy or anything, so that may help in your decision.

Weighing in at just 132 pages, this little baby packs an action packed punch, so don't let it's size deceive you. Filled with high stakes drama, unique and interesting peoples, and a load of action, if you're looking for a gentle entry into a new and exciting fantasy world this might just be the one for you.
I'll be upfront in stating that when I dove into this read I was expecting a punchy little novella that set the foundations for an exciting new fantasy world. And while Tavenor certainly delivered in that regard, I was surprised that this was laid out as three complementary episodes - one for each of our heroes - that cover a heck of a lot of ground when it comes to world building. And the best part? Heroics seem to run in the family! We have a grandfather who tries to negotiate a peace against all odds, a father who leads his people in an epic last stand against an invading force and saves his people, and a daughter who sacrifices herself in order to find the path of Light. The only question is where will this path take Ermo, and will she be able to lead her people home to redemption?
The three generation format works incredibly well, as when it comes to laying the foundations for a new world it offers plenty of entry points that can be expanded on in the future. Through Maripes we're introduced to the magics of sunsteel and moonstone and the ancient peoples, that came before with the power to forge them, the deep seated feud between the Holy Empire and the People of Light, and an equally generational series of villains. Through Mono we're given insight into the second wave of wars, the ways of the People of Light, and given some delectable tidbits regarding the flora and fauna of this mystical place. And through Ermo we see how the people have survived (on either side of the chasm) since the last great battle, how the Lord of Light acts through people, and what new obstacles are arising to threat the Empire and People alike. Basically, there's everything here to build one hell of a world!
My only complaint is that Tavenor offers just a taste for all of these aspects and I want more - more back story on the wars, on the ancients, on the slaves living in the mines, and more about the world as a whole. I know that everyone is all 'show don't tell' these days, but honestly I'm not that picky when it comes to my fantasy world building. I'll take it almost any way I can get it so long as it flows. And the parts that offered here were more than enough to catch my interest! I'm looking forward to seeing this world and the characters in it explored further as more books are added to the cycle because there are so many interesting places it can go.
Legacy of Light is exciting, action packed, and so very promising! Filled with interesting and diverse characters, imaginative creatures, and legitimate conflict that provokes thought on real-world issues Tavenor offers a veritable feast for the engaged reader. Check it out fantasy lovers, there's a little something for everyone.

From the first line to the last, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It was very descriptive without being overly so. It has multiple point of views within the book which is great in its own way, it helps you get a feel for the character behind the voice, you see into the mind and actions of them.

I want to thank NetGalley and Two Doctors Media for sending me an ebook copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Legacy of Light is a fantasy / science fiction novella and is the first book in The Compendium duology. Overall, I enjoyed the story, the characters, the world, and the pacing. There were surprising twists and turns that I hadn’t seen coming which held my interest.
However, for a fantasy, I feel that the events and surprises could have been more impactful and daring in a full-length novel. We would have been able to know and better understand the characters; feel connected to the story.
For me, the battle scenes stand out the most. The writing of these scenes brings the story to life and creates tension. This was the most exciting part of the book for me. Many questions were answered the reader was able to connect to the characters.
If I could change one thing, it would be the length of the book. I’ll admit that it was nice to read an entertaining fantasy in a bite-sized book, but (most) fantasy lovers read full length fantasy novels for the world development, character development, conflict growth and resolution, tension, creativity of creatures, and myths, etc… and this story could deliver a lot more of these things if it were full length. With that said, I am curious to read the second book and see what it has to add because I feel that this story has great potential.
If you enjoy fantasy, I wouldn’t shy away from this one. It gives you (mostly) what you want from a fantasy novel, in a trimmed back, quickly digestible read.

Favorite character: River
I can’t describe him better than Elmo did towards the end of the novella: “I step in front of him, looking into his eyes. ‘River, you know you’re the real hero of this story. I’ll sing your praises for all time, to my children, their children, all future generations will know you were the thunder needed to bring an end to the misery at the Gates of Vicor.’ “
What I Liked:
One of the reasons that I love fantasy novels is because they often have a big, meaningful message, and Legacy of Light did not disappoint in this regard. It is a complete story that is plot-driven and carries a big message within its small novella format. The importance of accepting differences, respecting each other, and living in peace are themes explored throughout the story, creating depth and breadth I have rarely seen in novellas.
The world creation is detailed, yet maintains a simplicity that is easy to visualize. It is an excellent base of reference for understanding a world that is much different than our own. I even feel like I have a good understanding of the socio-political systems at work and the historical events that led to those systems.
What I Wish:
The dialogue was noticeably forced and awkward at times. There is not a lot of dialogue, so the impact on the story is minimal. But, if that dialogue read more natural, it would have made the story an over-the-top read.
To Read or Not to Read
If you love epic fantasy, this is a novella you will want to read. It packs a big punch in a little package.
I was provided with an advanced copy of the book through NetGalley and Rachel’s Random Resources in exchange for an honest review.

I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Despite the fast pace of this book, I got bored quickly. It felt a smidge repetitive, but for the first book in a new series.. It was okay. I will continue with the next book in hopes it is a bit more action packed.
I am not saying this is a bad book. It’s not… it has serious potential. I found the world building very interesting and I think the author has created a nice base for the next books in the series to really be something special. I love how in depth the religion is explained and how much it pertains to the story.
This is another LGBTQ friendly book and I absolutely love seeing a queer relationship without all the mess of “coming out.” It is refreshing to see it as accepted without it having to be announced.
I want to thank the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for allowing me to review this title.

Almost didn't get to finish because I was quite bored at the beginning but I liked the story, I enjoyed the multiple POVs and I think it's quite promising.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

I was a bit bored with this book. I enjoyed how the story was narrated by different characters, which I am always a fan of. Multiple POV’s has been a thing for me this year haha
I felt like the story moved extremely fast. Which isn’t always a bad thing, but for the first book in a new series I think a steady pace is somewhat better. The world building definitely caught my attention which is probably the only reason I finished this book honestly.
I think because of the world itself the series has potential so I do plan to read the next book. I just hope the author makes the characters more interesting, and slows down a bit.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
DNF. This book was a snooze fest. Terrible writing honestly, almost dialogue between characters and no introduction.

Totally magical and awesome book. I loved all the characters and how everything is described in the book. The way Maripes is introduced is attention capturing. And the end is awesome. I loved reading this book.

Part of Tavenor's expanding Compendium, 'Legacy of light' is nicely put together; a series of three short stories featuring his debut novella, 'Legion of Mono', sandwiched between the newer 'Hammer of Maripes' and 'Thunder of Ermo'.
There are some interesting aspects to the world-building that really serve to draw in the reader; the lore and religion stand out, in particular. The characterisation was pretty solid, and created some very likeable and not-so-likeable players in these tales. However, some of these are lost to us seemingly too soon, perhaps due to the brevity of the stories, and the dialogue sometimes struck me as being too modern, which is off-putting in Fantasy writing. In fact, there were some odd word choices in the narration on a couple of occasions, too, though as I am unsure if what I read was an advance copy of this triptych, I shan't highlight those in the hope that they will have been picked up pre-publication.
Another plus for Tavenor's work, is that it is always good to see an LGBTQ+ relationship depicted without fuss, militant evangelism or screaming 'MESSAGE'; this is love, and just as valid as any other love, so why make something major of it? See Ursula K Le Guin's 'Left Hand of Darkness' for a fine example of this (reviewed here). Its subtle acceptance within the tale leads to subtle acceptance by the reader - and such small acts are what great changes begin from.
It's a promising beginning to a Fantasy world that could do with more fleshing out, being given more space to 'breathe' and more opportunity to explore. As Tavenor has already expanded upon a smaller part of this tale in order to create this longer version, I suspect that this world building will only get better and more involved; as it was, I was left feeling that all we really did was skim the surface, and that to plumb the story's full potential will take more time, more 'room', and more ideas.
But worry not - I am sure Tavenor has plenty of those!

I found this a relatively short read so it was hard to fit a lot of complexity and development into it.. It was also the first I had read by the author so this was possibly a little out of context. It describes the efforts of the People of Light to find a compromise with and then have to repel the Holy Empire. It is narrated through three generations of a leading family in the People of Light.