Member Reviews

Everyone seems to think Izzy is fine, but she’s not. Izzy and her mother’s life with Daniel had a fairytale beginning. The fairytale fractured a long time ago but Izzy’s mother can’t/won’t protect them.
“And I get that she’s scared, cos me too. But I’ve been here before, watching her literally throw away some problem she can’t handle.”
Then there’s Jacob from college, who’s blackmailing her by threatening to send photos from that night to everyone.
Izzy used to rely heavily on her best friend, Grace, for support but now that Grace is in love she’s not as available as she used to be. Even when they are spending time together Grace is preoccupied by being in love with being in love. There’s so much pressure building up inside Izzy and she feels alone.
“If I thought it would make any difference, I would scream.”
It’s been weeks since I finished reading this book but this is the first time I’ve actually been able to attempt anything approximating a review. This book was really well written and relatable. Some of its content hit very close to home for me, as if someone told it my address, so alongside my yeah, me too’s came emotions. So many emotions. I thought time and some emotional distance would help me write a well thought out, intellectual review, but it didn’t work that way so I’m afraid we’re all stuck with my feelings.
Not that you can love anything about the impacts of trauma but I did love the way I felt validated as I read. Whenever Izzy described the shame she felt or her self doubt or flashbacks or any other number of experiences that I’ve felt in the core of my being I wanted to somehow surgically remove those things from her. I knew what she was feeling and I knew her thoughts, often before she explained them to me.
“But it doesn’t leave you. Even when your head tries to silence it, it’s still there.”
I loved the concept of the Jar of Sunshine, even though its beauty was marred by its origin story. Unfortunately, even it was realistic; the ways we cope with trauma are inextricably linked with painful memories. Even if we find something that gives us strength, courage or a glimmer of hope in the midst of unbearable circumstances, that wonderful thing still reminds us of what it’s helping us to overcome.
I quite liked Rower Boy but I desperately wanted Izzy and Rower Boy to simply be friends. I always have trouble with narratives that includes a girl/woman who’s dealing with trauma being saved in any way by a boy/man, even if it’s only a little. That probably says more about me than it does about the book. However, I wanted Izzy to learn to stand on her own, without leaning on a man for support. I would have been happy for her to have gotten into a relationship once she’d had some counselling but I didn’t want any part of her self worth to be tangled up in Rower Boy, regardless of how nice he was.
This is a difficult read but an important one. If you have experienced abuse please be safe while reading this book.
“What he did is not who you are, Izzy. It doesn’t define you.”
Content warnings include abortion, domestic violence, emotional abuse, fat shaming, grooming, mention of abuse of an animal, physical abuse, sexual assault, slut shaming and verbal abuse.
Thank you so much to NetGalley and Rock the Boat, an imprint of Oneworld Publications, for the opportunity to read this book.

There are some books that stay with you long after you've read them and this one of those. highly sensitive subject matter dealt with tactfully and sensitively with strong characters who are given loud and clear voices to tell their story. Well worth a read. It's one that lingers with you once you've finished it.

A sincere thank you to the publisher, author and Netgalley for providing me an ebook copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I enjoyed this story very much and felt like I knew each character personally due to the description of them. I enjoyed the storyline. This is not my usual genre but in this instance I am extremely pleased and grateful for opening up my mind to something totally different. Thanks again.

I’m just not sure this book was for me. I want to say that this was a VERY IMPORTANT book, with a very important message, it I was angered when reading it. I will say that it was a personal opinion of mine and to no fault of the author.
What I liked about this book: Even with as mad as I got at our main character, Izzy in the beginning, I really loved her ultimately. She grew so much throughout this book.
What I didn’t like: The author seems to have tried to take every possible kind of abuse (emotional, physical, sexual) and cram it all into this book. I understand that those are poignant and incredibly important topics to discuss and shed light on, but it felt like just a huge onslaught of what can possibly go wrong will go wrong. I didn’t like any of the characters in the first half of the book. None of them seemed like great people (I am so so glad that it changed throughout the book!!!)
This was in NO WAY a bad book. This was quite brilliant in so many aspects. I think it is a very important piece of written work for people looking for books about abuse against women.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book. This great book is out in two weeks.
I really enjoyed this book, though I will give a content warning that it does deal with domestic violence, rape and body image as I know that these are hard topics for some people.
The book follows Izzy, a young girl trying to find her feet at College with the opposite sex. Izzy is not confident when it comes to boys and hasn’t had a boyfriend before. Izzy is also trying to deal with her home situation, as her mother is basically mute and their relationship is crumbling just when they need each other the most. They must find their voices if anything is going to change in their lives.
This is a really powerful book and the topics it explores are ones that yes we find hard to deal with but we need to talk about them and we need books like this to help us do that.
I enjoyed uncovering the lies, the betrayals and the secrets in this book. It is well written and you want to find out what’s happened from the first page. I hope you enjoy it too.

The Sky Is Mine by Any Beashel is thought provoking, full of emotion and leave you raw to the core. This story explores the themes of abuse and control in a realistic and at times hard to read way. I couldn't put it down. Be prepared to go thru a roller coaster of emotions with this book.

This was a tough read for me. There were very tough themes such as rape, violence, toxic relationships to name a few. Its not an ugly look at it though but more of a hopeful look at it. This whole book radiates with HOPE and over coming challenges.
I don't want to say too much for those that haven't read, but Izzy's story will touch you!
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC

I am not rating this book because I could not read it. I DNF'd at 17%. The book begins with sexual assault while she is too drunk to protest, and desperate to stop it. This is what creates the pictures that are then used to blackmail her into rape. All of this while her stepfather is making creepy passes at her, controlling her food intake, and controlling everything about her mother (and slapping her when she dares to try to take a second piece of toast). Everyone is completely aligned with rape culture, and it feels like there is no hope. I would like to believe that the book improves from there, but unfortunately, I could not read another page. This could be highly triggering, so I would add a lot of warnings. Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.

The Sky is Mine is an exceptionally powerful and emotional read, exploring the themes of abuse and control in a realistic and thought-provoking way. Izzy’s story is a call to young girls everywhere to stand up and make themselves heard That this book is essential reading for every teenager is without doubt, but more than that, the themes and messages will resonate with people of all ages [This book contains material which some readers may find distressing, including discussions of rape, coercive behavior, domestic violence and abuse.] Her mum Steph and best friend Grace have always been there to save her. But with one under the control of her stepfather and the other caught in the throes of new love, Izzy is falling between the cracks.

I enjoyed this book, it’s such an import book, this needed to have been written and should be widely read and available in libraries and schools easily. It’s emotional, heartbreaking at points, it has several areas of trigger (see below) but worth reading so, so much if you won’t be triggered. Watching Izzys relationship with her mother grow along the book is so beautiful, so well written, this is such amazing writing from Amy. Amy deals with all the issues in this book so well and sensitively, I really cant undersell what an amazing book and how she is an absolutely fantastic author (and I’ve never read her work previously). Izzy is an amazing character and you experience the story with her, feeling every raw emotion as she has her journey, it is heartbreaking at times, but you know what it is so full of hope too. I won’t say too much more as I don’t do plot summary (as it’s on the book) or spoilers ! I will just simply say you really need to read this book. I feel this will be a book of 2020 and should be up for many awards.
Note trigger warnings for rape, control, domestic violence, abortion etc
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

Firstly, I want to say thank you to Rock the Boat publishing for sending me a copy of this book for review I am so grateful for this opportunity.
Trigger warnings for rape, coercive control, domestic violence, teenage pregnancy, revenge porn and abortion.
I have had my eye on this book for a fair amount of time, it definitely seemed to be a book that I would enjoy reading … I was right! The Sky is Mine did not disappoint me. What I will first say is that if any of the above topics are likely to trigger you please think before you pick up this book it may not be the right time for you. However, I would also like to add and assure you that Amy deals with each of these so wonderfully and delicately in a way that opens the eyes of the reader to the complexity of each of these issues. I deal with a lot of these topics in my work life, I deal with the victims and the perpetrators so I would like to think that I have a fair amount of knowledge on the subject areas. You can tell that Amy has done her research, she does these topics so much justice in so many different ways.
I loved the characters in this book … apart from Daniel and Jacob obviously. I want to punch them. Izzy is such a wonderfully heartbreaking character. I really did feel for her and her mum. I felt the raw relationship between them throughout and I loved watching this grow and develop from being so so broken at the start. I also enjoyed Grace and the diversity that she adds to the story. Daniel and Jacob whilst I really disliked them for obvious reasons, they were also very good characters. The portrayal of them being perpetrators was done so well, I could feel my anger growing as the plot continued and had so many emotions towards them and those also involved.
I really enjoyed the writing style of this book. This is not your typical feel good book in the majority but it is an important book that you need to read. I devoured this in one sitting and literally felt every emotion possible. What really hit me is at the end of the book the details and contact number for Women’s Aid and other organisations are at the back. This is something that we do not see enough in books with triggering content however it is there and so important. I really hope that this book reaches out to somebody who can really relate and they get the help that they need.
I would recommend that everyone picks this book up. You will not regret it!

Izzy is a girl who experiences way more than a 17 year old ever should, the death of a parent, domestic violence, rape, love, friendship. She experiences a complete rollercoaster of emotions that as a reader you experience with her - it is hard not to, as her character is so relatable and vulnerable. I really felt on her side throughout and willed her to get through everything and see things for what they were and people for who they were! The plot was well written, my only qualm would be that Max just seemed to disappear towards the end and he had been mentioned throughout, I suppose that I expected him to have a bigger part in the whole picture, maybe?
Overall, I really enjoyed the book, the characters and plot were very well written and fit with the YA genre well. I would definitely recommend this book for others to read and would read more by this author.

Haven't been able to download as it has been archived nearly 6 months before release which seems silly. Sadly won't be able to review.

This book is so important. And so beautiful. Heartwrenching.
The book tackles the theme of rape, domestic violence, friendship and toxic relationships in a very positive and hopeful light. The author has shown a very good coping side of such issues, the harsh truth and reality that seeps deep.
I loved the easy flow of the writing. It connected two scenes so well. The transition between past and present was a bit difficult to grasp in the beginning though I got used to it later.
I loved how the author did not go deep into describing the characters by stating details. Instead, she made us readers see the characters through the MCs eyes and understand them. I know, it sounds vague because that's what they always do but it was different in this book. Like, there wasn't any concrete statement of what the other person was wearing or something. It was subtle and creative, I felt. There wasn't much descriptive details but it was still vivid. There writing was highly poetic and that's what I loved.
Sure, the writing style is new and different, and might be a bit confusing in the beginning but then you get used to it.
It was so heartbreaking to read Izzy's story, her voice. Her mother's story was equally touching. I loved the hopefulness of this book. It shows that there is light, that they is a way. I cannot really explain in words what the story stands for, what all it manages to throw light on, but it is a book that you all shouldn't miss it on.
I loved it and would totally recommend!! Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an e-arc of this book. All views expressed are fully mine.

"Daniel's voice is a can of Coke - I know the rising bubbles are in there but can't be sure how fierce they'll be until he opens the can. It's always tricky to tell how much he's been shaken."
The Sky is Mine follows the teenage protagonist Izzy as she tackles a smattering of very heavy topics for a child of 17. The story opens with Izzy being bullied and sexually harassed by a waste of space at her school named Jacob. Then we come to find out that although school life isn't the best for Izzy, her home life may be even worse. She lives with her mum and her stepfather Daniel, who happens to be a gaslighting and abusive waste of space. To top it all off, Izzy can't really even talk to her bestie Grace about her troubles, as Grace has found a special lady friend and doesn't make time for Izzy like she used to.
I really dug Beashel's writing style. A lot of her phrases and word choices were very clever. It reminded me of Becky Albertalli's style (the author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda and Leah on the Offbeat).
"Mum let me take the tiny shampoo and the tiny shower gel from the tiny bathroom, maybe as tiny compensation for not seeing through that tiny hope she'd given me."
I also thought Beashel did a great job of having our three female characters (Izzy, her mom Steph, and her bestie Grace) grow throughout the course of the novel. It wasn't that they started out as weak and unrealistically became badasses by the end. It was more that they started out as unsure and struggling badasses at the beginning and grew to learn to let their badass flags proudly fly by the end.
The downfall of this book to me is that Beashel tried to cram waaaay too many very heavy topics into one small book. Although I already mentioned bullying, sexual abuse, and gaslighting, there is also teenage pregnancy, rape, abortion, and physical abuse. I believe this book would have been much more powerful if Beashel had more thoroughly tackled a smaller subset of these issues instead of skimming the surface of all of them.

I can’t believe this book is a debut - amazing!
This book covers some really deep subjects including rape & domestic violence but handled them very delicately.
I loved the parent/child relationship and how it really showed how easy it is to be influenced by the behaviour of those around us!

I DNF'd this book about 50 pages in. Although I have no doubt this will be a brilliant book and shine some light on some really important and hard hitting topics, unfortunately, I am unable to continue with the book, because of those topics.

I wasn't sure if I'd like this book or not as I don't normally read YA, but it was interesting. It had a lot of topics relevant to young people these days and a lot of subjects that are hard to talk about. There are some triggers about abuse, gaslighting, bulling, and control. As the story progresses we see Izzy grow, change and thrive given the right circumstances. Over all a good book and definitely a book that the YA audience should read.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book.
This is a powerful book, and it has a lot going on. A lot. Trigger warnings, all over the place.
Although this is a raw, emotional book, at times I had a hard time grasping the words. The way it was written took away from the book and the powerful story.

I thoroughly enjoyed the plot of this book and would've given it five stars except that I couldn't get past how it was written. It was really hard to read and understand. I found myself re-reading it a ton of times and really having to wrap my head around what some of the vague references meant. I felt like it could've been written in a more concise way but I feel like the story really overpowers that.