Member Reviews

So, my determination to try a new to me author each month continues with D.K. Marie. I loved the dynamic between the characters, and I especially liked that Maggie seemed to run the show. Girl power and all. I must admit that there were times when things seemed to slow down more than I'd like but, that didn't take away from my enjoyment of the book. I definitely plan to go back to the beginning so that I can catch up on what I missed.

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DNF I just could not get in to this book. Maggie is the lead singer in a band. The band and its success are her life and total focus. Tanner is an aspiring accountant from a musical family. He has talent in spades - but no desire to be in the limelight or live a musician's life. They are seemingly opposites - but in the end maybe not really. This book should have been an amazing read for me - based on the premise alone. Who doesn't love a nerdy guys who is also an amazing musician?? Ultimately, I just couldn't do it. I wasn't interested in the outcome - and actually didn't think Maggie and Tanner were a good fit for each other. I found Maggie to be extremely selfish and self-centered. I think Tanner was wowed by her rock star aura and wanted to be more for her - but in the long run I had a feeling that she was just going to leave him in the dust. I would definitely classify this as new adult - and I often have issues with new adult books - so maybe its just me!

I received an ARC of this story for free from Net Galley, but these opinions are my own!

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3.5 🌟
I love rockstar romance they are probably one of my fav types of romance book and they are even better when the rockstar is a woman as I haven't read many of those.
I liked the story but I just wasn't wowed by it which I'm obviously in the minority by looking at the other reviews. I can't even put my finger on what it was about it but I found myself skimming bits and I just wasn't invested in the characters

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This is Tanner and Maggie book, Maggie is in an up and coming band and Tanner is their new replacement guitarist. He is definitely not the rocker type and wants to keep his day job and the stability it offers but when these two play together it’s magic!! Their chemistry is impossible to deny! They both want different things in life, can they steam through and adjust their dreams?! This book was really good!! I’m not sure why It took me a while to get to it but it was so worth reading!! I would love more from the band?! I highly recommend reading this one! Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for sharing this book with me!

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Maggie told the last auditioner they would let him know as he snapped shut the case to his guitar. She’d never call him or any of the others who had tried out. The urge to kick Lincoln’s bass drum or scream at him was hard to resist. Detroit overflowed with musical talent but apparently none of the people who tried out had the spark, the thing that would set ThreePence apart from the millions of bands. Every member needed to be unique. Extraordinary. Like her current lead guitarist- Scarlet. The one who had gotten herself knocked up. Scarlet and her husband had wanted a baby for years, but their precious bundle was messing with Maggie’s future. Her dreams. She looked to Lincoln -her drummer- and Jayce her base guitarist and said please tell me there’s others we didn’t add to the list. Anyone else trying out. Both offered nothing. Maggie wrote most of their songs and sang them. Zia was their manager- and had known Maggie for a long time- said she found them a guitarist. It was her tutor who was an accountant. Soon to be a CPA. Zia said Tanner was around their age and cute. Tanner wondered why he had agreed to audition. He was a CPA or hopefully would be by next year. What he wasn’t was a musician. He had grown up Around music along with all the chaos surrounding it. His childhood was filled with late nights and selfish musicians. He had no desire to revisit it as an adult. He decided if they want him he’ll just say no. After his dad left, his mom couldn’t kick the musician habit. As a result he’d learned from the best and worst and taken playing multiple instruments. He found music soothed him. When he entered his teenage years it filled his wallet with cash. Last year, while fulfilling his required hours under a CPA. he lost most of his music gigs. He missed it. There was magic in creating music, watching it come together. Tanner’s mom started teaching him the piano around the time he learned to walk. Others schooled him in different instruments including the guitar well before he was in kindergarten. Music was as natural to him as breathing. Tanner was drawn to a tall woman . her cropped hair was straight with streaks of purple. Her neck was bare with a treble clef tattooed to it and notes dancing along her spine disappearing under her fitted white shirt. Tanner didn’t understand why he was entranced. He usually preferred more conservative women. If only his fingers didn’t itch to touch the strings of his Telecaster guitar. To hear it sing with a full band. If not for that, he’d run up the stairs and out the front door. Still, everything about it screamed upheaval and chao. He didn’t need it, not even temporary. Maggie had taken taken the way the guy -Tanner- looked and written him off. Well until he had his guitar and made it sing like an angel. Switching flawlessly from one song to another. Tanner most definitely had what the band needed. Even so, he may not be a good fit. Jayce’s dislike for Tanner was clear. But maybe it was because tanner equals Jayce’s playing, maybe even better. She asked tanner if he was interested. Jayce was next to her and put his arm around her before she knew he was even there. She pulled away and said he was going out to smoke and he kissed her cheek before she could slap him. When had Maggie stepped into an alternate dimension? She’s checking out a boring accountant and Jayce is playing the attentive lover. Which was something he hadn’t been since he joined the ThreePence. All men were buttholes except Lincoln and her brother Levi. Maggie stood hoping to alleviate the heat beginning to stir where it shouldn’t. Maggie found herself with a mild crush on Tanner. His conventional look somehow worked, especially combined with his easy-going manner, and a wicked sense of humor. Maggie was trying to write a love song. When Tanner asked why she was frustrated, she said she was writing a love song. But she had never been in love. It’s no loss, she added. She didn’t want to love anyone but her family. Maggie had learned to give her body to a man, and keep her soul for music. Tanner’s attraction for Maggie intensified the more time he spent with her. Yet the fact remains she wasn’t the type of woman for him. He needed stability. Her drive was admirable but she was a musician. Their lives were chaos. She’d be like all the other ones he’d known growing up, including his dad. Their only desire is to travel from show to show, either building up or burning out on the successes and failures of their music. He’d been on the receiving end of the obsessive lifestyle with his mom and dad. No way, would he repeat it now. He needed to get to the gym and forget maggie with her Mona Lisa style, crappy dating style, and rules. Tanner Needed to forget the fierce woman-Maggie- the knockout with lush full lips hiding a pierced tongue.
I absolutely loved this book. It seemed so realistic to me. I loved tanner and Maggie together and how they interacted. It made me sad when they ended after the motorcycle accident. I loved the plot mad pace. I loved Tia and Maggie’s closeness. I loved how the chemistry was for Maggie and Tanner. This grabbed my attention right from the start and kept it until the very end. I happily could find nothing to criticize in this book. There were some typos but when edited they would be fixed. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend it.

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5+ Stars for this steamy opposites attract story!

Maggie's band has come first in her life since it started ... guys are a distant second and relationships aren't even on the chart. She is a rocker chick through and through. All Tanner ever wanted was a normal stable life with a house to go home to. Even though Tanner's a talented musician ... he doesn't crave that lifestyle. He did that his whole childhood being dragged by his parents from gig to gig. But when he gets talked into filling in for a lead guitarist's maternity leave and he comes face-to-face with Maggie, his life will never be the same.

I loved this book! Rock star romances are my favorite and this one is really different from the norm. In this one, the female is the rock star and the guy is just an ordinary guy .. well, not ordinary because he is a hunk who is a musical genius. The writer makes you feel like you are right there with the characters in their lives and I loved the banter between the characters ... it's so realistic. Situations were also very realistic ... like - even though Tanner and Jayce were in the same band, they hated each other ... I'm sure that happens in real life. This is one of those book that I just didn't want to end. I would love to see more stories with some of the characters in this book ... Lincoln, Amil, Will (Jacob's brother) and even though Jayce is a real a$$hole, I think he has a great story to be told. I highly recommend you read this story ... you won't regret it!

I received an early copy courtesy of Champagne Book Group through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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