Member Reviews
This book is about three 16 year old female friends and their views on religion and lesbianism.
I found this book to be very difficult to follow due to the author's style of writing. It was a very tedious read and not one I enjoyed at all.
This seemed to focus more on telling than showing. Not for me but others may enjoy it.
#TheMagnetOfDesire #NetGalley
So I thought I'd try something different, and now I'm not so sure what I just read. This story starts out as if it's a young person's journal, trying to work through something - maybe trying to find their direction in life through writing. The story is very disjointed and doesn't flow very well. I feel as if I wasn't truly clear on what the general "storyline" was, or if maybe there's a political statement here, maybe a statement on society. Or maybe it's just not that complicated. I don't generally like to rate books low, but I'll give it a few stars for effort and for getting the story on NetGalley for exposure.
Quick erotica, with a bit of repetition. I can see that the author was trying for a higher level of literary porn, but it fell short.
Very hard to follow what is going on in the story... confusing to reader... would not recommend. Seems to jump around and have multiple interconnected story lines at some level.
When I do reviews, I am looking for a book that I can relax and unwind with, especially romance novels. I found this book to be very difficult to follow due to the author's style of writing. It was a very tedious read and not one I enjoyed at all. It seemed like there was some agenda the author had at the beginning in regards to religion and lesbians, despite them indicating the girls in the story were not lesbians and then later saying they were. And while I like blunt language in stories, the continual use of the c-word was cringeworthy. Not one I would recommend.
I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.
Having just finished this book i'm not entirely sure what the point of it was. It starts off with a bizarre tale of young girls being followed by potential abductors leading ,after a great deal of waffle,to a raid on a ranch where seemingly several missing children have been held against their will. This in a small town where apparently everyone knows everyone else by name. The abduction story is then never mentioned again and the middle of the book is a couple of extended sex sessions between the 3 young girls at the centre of the story. Despite in the initial pre-amble,which goes on and on to the state of tedium,the author claiming that the young women are not lesbians she then stats more than once that they are.. There's more unbelievable drama when they launch a crusade and a mass rally after attending an LBGT meeting ,if this had been the result of great oratory on their part I'd get it but a couple of minutes of simplistic angst doesn't tend to spawn great movements. Then there's a confusing ,and pointless,tale of a billionaire visit that seemed tacked on and added nothing.
Ironically a lot of the book is very well-written,the author just doesn't seem able to stitch a coherent story together. A bit of a mess but the author shows promise, she can write but needs to learn how to construct a storyline,this reads very much like a handful of different ideas stitched together rather than integrated into a flowing narrative..
This is the first Net Galley book I could not finish. To be quite frank I felt like a pedophile reading the sexual exploits of three 16 year old best friends. The author is quite adamant to point out they are not lesbians. The parts I did read, read like the musings of a young girl. Not exactly polished. If you are into reading explicit scenes between young girls this is for you. Trigger warning as the book mentioned religious figures raping and kidnapping children.