Member Reviews

There are authors I read who when I read them after a while between books, I’ve forgotten just how good they are. This is one such author. I was immediately drawn into this book, the characters just like returning to old friends. Lex is a great character who suffers from PTSD from both her time in service and the events of last book, but she must try to not let it interfere in her latest assignment for Maven, especially when her sister tells her she really must go. I loved the new characters introduced, and even though I did guess who the perpetrator was, it too me longer than usual to figure it out. This was a great addition to the series, and I really hope there will be more even though this is supposedly the last book. Give the series a try! Highly recommend this book, and I received a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

I really enjoyed this book. I liked how Lex has to take herself out of her comfort zone on this assignment and deal with things she's not really used to. The history woven into this story was an added bonus. As I was reading this, I could picture the places like I was there along side the characters. This is one of those stories that draws you in and doesn't let you go. The twists and turns will leave you breathless and wanting more and more. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Boundary Haunted, by author Melissa F. Olson, is the Fifth installment in the authors Boundary Magic series. Protagonist Allison "Lex" Luther is an army veteran and boundary witch who 3 months before, was dragged into bad situation where she suffered damaging psychic attacks that still haunt her. She learned that once you raise the dead, they'll continue to call you where ever you are. Lex is asked by her boss, Maven, the Cardinal Vampire of Colorado, to take a new assignment which will take her to Atlanta, Georgia.
Maven is trying to do the impossible by creating a council consisting of vampire, witches, and shifters. She needs a parliament. Lex is supposed to be Maven's troubleshooter and fixer so it falls on her to convince Abner Beaumont "Beau" Calhoun to join her. But, Beau's ghosts have gone missing, and since Lex is a boundary witch, Beau thinks that she can help find them. Beau comes from a family of boundary witches and therefore can see ghosts. He may be able to help Lex figure her shit out before it destroys her. She has to also protect Odessa, his grand-niece from being harmed.
Lex is reluctant at first, until her twin-sister Sam, tells Lex in her dream that she is needed. If you've read this series, you know what happened to Sam. Sam has found a way to communicate with Lex, but often times is so vague, that it's frustrating for Lex to unravel what she's trying to say. Lex goes to the South, alone this time because Quinn is not allowed anywhere near his human daughter who lives in the area. That's another story for another time.
Georgia, as you know, is a place where it's not surprising to see ghosts from the Civil War era. After all, remember what happened to Atlanta? As someone who is very familiar with the area, the setting, culture, and old Civil War history was done perfectly. Props to the author for her research. Beau is a curious sort of character. He's a vampire who not only was turned during the War of Northern Aggression (as those in the South proclaim) but he also turned 3 of his friends. These friends are now called the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Beau tells Lex that the dead were laid to rest where they died. He calls them the Unsettled since the spirits haven't wandered from where they fell. What's even more twisted is that Beau doesn't want the "Unsettled" gone, he wants them back and for Lex to find the person responsible. With Atlanta’s history looming over her every move, and ghosts every where she goes, Lex will have to face Beau’s ghosts—and her own—to prevent a boundary magic attack she never dreamed possible. Thankfully, Lex does get some assistance from her friends Simon, Tobias and Lily who has a shit load of responsibility on her plate thanks to her mother being murdered in the previous installment.
This book kept my interest and had enough twists and turns to keep me interested right up until the very end. If there was anything negative, it's the secret still hanging over the series as to whom helped Morgan in the previous story. Until that is settled, I am going to be a very unhappy camper.

I was looking for something in the fantasy genre, and the cover of “Boundary Haunted” caught my eye. Not having read any of the first four books in the Boundary Magic series, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the series seemed well received by other readers, I decided to take a chance.
The main part of the story is a standalone, and it is understandable that there will be a certain amount of backstory. Fans of the series may have appreciated the numerous information dumps in the beginning, but as a new reader to Melissa F. Olson’s series, it was disruptive. The bits of knowledge that had nothing to do with the main story as well as all the names mentioned went on for chapters, and more than once I thought about setting the book down. The plot was strong to carry the book, however, and once I got past the beginning it became a fast and interesting read until the final confrontation, which was a bit rocky in both the dialogue and description.
Ms. Olson’s treatment of an overused theme today (supernatural beings all getting along while remaining hidden from “normal” society) was helped by the concepts of power within that world as well as the differences between boundary witches and other types of magic users. The world-building was the author’s five-star element.
To me, the book falls (mood-wise) somewhere between a cozy mystery and a dark and chilling horror story. I usually don’t mind if a writer chooses to pepper the dialogue with obscenities, though I thought the mood and style made the constant dropping of f-bombs unnecessary as the continual use added nothing of value to the book.
I am sure regular fans will find this to be a fitting end to the series. While there were enough positives to keep me reading all the way to the end, there were enough negatives for me to rate it no higher than three stars.
My thanks to NetGalley and 47North for a complimentary electronic copy of this book.

Boundary Haunted is the fifth book in the Boundary Magic series by Melissa F. Olson. This is a series that should definitely be read in order. This installment is scheduled for release on December 3 2019.
Months after her battles in Wyoming, Allison “Lex” Luther is still struggling with the aftereffects of the psychic attack she suffered—and with the new developments in her own magic. Then Lex’s boss, the cardinal vampire of Colorado, passes along a strange request from her counterpart in Atlanta. Hundreds of Civil War spirits have abruptly vanished in Beau Calhoun’s territory, and he wants Lex to figure out why. In exchange, Beau can help her understand boundary magic, which runs in his family line as well. Despite her trepidation, Lex journeys to the Deep South, where she discovers that ghosts are everywhere…and that her host’s intentions are more complicated than he promised. It seems his teenage descendant is being hunted, and both Beau and Lex fear the young woman’s boundary blood may have made her a target. With Atlanta’s history looming over her every move, Lex will have to face Beau’s ghosts—and her own—to prevent a boundary magic attack she never dreamed possible.
Boundary Haunted is a great continuation of Lex's story, and takes us outside her comfort zones. I admit that it took me a bit to get back into Lex's world- and remember where we left off in her story. Once I got into it I quickly found myself immersed in the story and lothe to do necessary things like sleep and go to work. The story is well constructed- new players are introduced and Lex has to come to terms with some hard things in her life that she has been trying to bury. The new characters- even the secondary ones, are multidimensional and I found the story line to be a bit like a side mission for Lex, but one that I fully enjoyed following her on. I will admit that I suspected the twist as to who the big bad was, but found the journey and reveal to be very well done. I am interested to see if some of these characters and relationships will play a role later in this series, or in the Scarlet series. I read this book way too fast and was terribly sad to see it end. I love Olson's character and world build and am eager for whatever comes next.
Boundary Haunted is another fantastic read from Olson. Fans will need to read this one. I am extremely eager for more from this series or the Scarlett Bernard series.

Melissa Olson's books never disappoint and Lex Luthor's recent adventure kept that tradition. It was nice to have Lex get out of town and interact with some new people.

So I'm definitely in the minority, but this was just an okay read for me. I have missed a few books in this series, which perhaps is why I didn't love it. I just felt like I wanted more out of it. There wasn't enough personal growth and the secondary characters were all flat. Also the mystery part wasn't so mysterious for me, so I kept waiting for Lex to catch up, which was frustrating. I prefer the Scarlet series to this one.

I found this book to be interesting and fun. There were a few things that I found a little off to me, but that is because this book takes place where I live. Most of the facts were awesomely good, there were a few small things I found odd, but they probably would not mean much to someone not from Atlanta. I love this series and author and always look forward to her books.

I think this is the best episode in the series so far. Lex is such a dynamic character and it really worked seeing her outside her comfort zone. As always, the world Olson has carefully created is rich and believable, the characters are engaging and the pacing is good. Highly recommend this excellent series.

It was wonderful to get back to the world of 'Lex' Luther - especially after her battles , both real and psychic , in Wyoming .
Maven , the Cardinal Vampire in Colorado , makes a strange 'personal' request of Lex - will she aid the Cardinal Vampire of Atlanta , Beau Calhoun , - hundreds of Civil War spirits have suddenly vanished . Initially Lex is reluctant , she is still coming to terms with the changes to her magic ………. but Maven needs this alliance if the new Council is to come to fruition .
On reaching Atlanta Lex soon realises that all is not as seems - Beau is as concerned with his human teenage descendant's safety as he is of his missing spirits……. for she has boundary witch blood in her family line .
After Beau and Lex manage to survive a murderous bomb attack the situation becomes more muddied .
Who is trying to kill Beau and his inner circle and how have they manage to circumvent his security .
Who is friend and who is foe ? ……. appearances can be deceptive .
Lex must use all her boundary witch powers to keep not just Beau safe but also herself and those she cares for - for treachery is nearer to home than anyone would expect .
This is another fast paced , suspense filled book by the Author in a world that we have come to know and love -. I hope that there are many more to come .
I was given an ARC of this book by Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

85 points, 4 ½ stars
Boundary Haunted was so just much fun to read. I loved the entire setup for the book. There is a vampire master, who works out of a cemetary, who sees ghosts, and when he was turned, he also turned his friends and named them the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Seriously. This vampire, named Beau, wants Lex to help him. This vampire doesn't want Lex to get rid of his ghosts. No, that is too common for this eccentric vampire. His ghosts have gone missing, and he wants Lex to find them. Perfect. I'm down for this.
This really was just so much fun. Even if Lex was away from home and most of her crew for most of the book. I hate being away from home and crew, so I'm really glad the book made up for this. Some heavy shit went down in the previous book, Boundary Broken, and it left Lex fighting some inner demons, alone, away from home, and with a problem on her hands. Good book. Good setup. Good read.
Unfortunately, Boundary Haunted was incredibly predictable, which was really the only true downside in the book. I knew who had done it instantly as soon as they showed up - and so did Lex who talked herself out of it. I knew the ending from very early on, and I just had to read through it. Oh well, it made up for this by being fun.
I'm looking forward to reading more in the series quite a bit.
I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Melissa F. Olson, 47North, and Netgalley for providing this copy for review!

Ebook/Fantasy/ARC: This is book 5 of the Boundary series and I really wanted it to go passed Lex gets a assignment, Lex gets mad, Lex learns about a new magical item, and Lex is blindsided by the villain, Lex gets revenge. Granted, it's a good story and well written with no unnecessary narrative, but I wanted more like her hitting rock bottom and waking up in an asylum or with a dead body in her trunk. It's was just too formulaic.

Still struggling with nightmares after the psychic attack she suffered after the last book, Allison “Lex” Luther travels to Atlanta, Georgia, to fulfill the request of help from the vampire cardinal Abner Beaumont "Beau" Calhoun. Apparently, Beau’s ghosts are missing, and since Lex is a boundary witch, Beau thinks that she can help finding them. Lex is reluctant at first, until her twin-sister Sam, tells Lex in her dream that she is needed. So off Lex goes to the South, alone this time.
It was nice seeing Lex out of Boulder, Colorado, although at the same time, I missed her gang: Quinn, Simon, and Lily. Quinn cannot travel to Atlanta due to ‘family circumstances’ while Simon and Lily are still dealing with the death of their mother. So, it feels like Lex doesn’t have enough back-up this time.
The whole Unsettled ghost of the war in the South is an interesting concept. It’s good that Lex learns more about boundary witch power and history, as well as type of ghosts while she’s in Atlanta. However, there are not a lot of progress – in my opinion – regarding Maven’s plan for the Old World. Being set in Atlanta, Boundary Haunted feels slightly like a slight detour from the main arc.
Having said that, it’s still a great book to read; that epilogue is sweet! I wish that I could read the next book now.

I have enjoyed this series since I found book one many years ago with the Old World and Scarlett and her gang and I was thrilled when we got to move to Boulder and got to meet Lex and her crew. This book is a bit of a departure because it takes Lex to a new location with not a lot of support. While she has had to travel on other occasions, it seems that both her and her gang are a bit fragile after the happenings in the past couple of books and we see a bit of a different Lex. I will admit that it was a bit tough to see Lex so unsure and hesitant, but necessity is the mother of invention and a job is a job.
This book kept my interest and had enough twists and turns to keep me interested right up until the very end. If there was anything negative to say, it would be that I really wish there had been more Quinn in the book, but what are you gonna do? We did get Simon, Lily, and Tobias - and there was really a lot of heart felt emotion between our main characters - and even a surprise almost declaration that I had to read over a couple of times. It was done so well that my eyes teared up.
All in all, I really enjoyed this latest entry and will eagerly await the next installment - whether we get to hear from Scarlett, or Lex :)
Thank you to Net Galley for this copy.

I just really enjoyed this book. It was just really easy to get lost in this book. I just couldn’t get enough of it and didn’t want it to end. I will definitely be reading more by this author.

Another good boundary magic book by Melissa Olson. This one is a little different in that Lex goes by herself to another city, Atlanta, to help with some missing ghosts. Of course Lex once again learns some new things about boundary magic and ghosts and we meet some new characters again.
The only problem I'm starting to notice with this series is that if you only read the five books of the series without all the extra in-between stories that are available, it feels like you're missing a lot. While the other novellas aren't strictly necessary to read the boundary books, this series does seem to leap forward in time a lot and references what happens that the reader as missed.

The Boundary Magic series is so much fun. The series is a spin-off from the Scarlett Bernard series, but I began reading this series first, and then went back and picked up the Scarlett Bernard series.
Allison "Lex" Luther is an army veteran who doesn't realize she is a witch until vampires attempt to abduct her niece in the first book Boundary Crossed. She has a lot to learn.
I reviewed the first four books here.
In Boundary Haunted, Lex is still recovering from her last adventure in Wyoming when Maven, Lex's boss and cardinal vampire of Boulder, CO, asks her to head to Atlanta and help out that city's cardinal vampire.
Beau Calhoun is a Civil War veteran and a vampire with some boundary witch blood. Unlike other vampires, he can see ghosts, the Unsettled, and someone has been making them disappear. Beau wants Lex to find out what is happening to the Unsettled and to protect his great-great-grandniece Odessa.
Of course, things go wrong and get complicated because, you know, mixing up witches and vampires and werewolves can result in havoc.
Start at the beginning of this series with Boundary Crossed, and if you are a fan of Urban Fantasy, I think you'll be hooked.
Read in Oct.; blog review scheduled for November 4.
NetGalley/47 North
Urban Fantasy. Dec. 3, 2019. Print length: 317 pages.

It took a little while to get into this book, I didn't really like Beau when we first meet him, but when the story really begins with the reason for Lex being there and the action starts, it's easy to get into. I enjoyed it. I really liked the respect and determination that Lex has to find and fix the problem. I did have some inkling that Odessa was the bad guy but didn't realize the range of it. I liked how the two remaining horsemen warming up to Lex at the end especially helping hold her up. The ending was great. #BoundaryHaunted #NetGalley

This was an awesome read. I think this was the best yet. Lex is called to help a master vampire find why his ghosts are missing. Filled with civil war places, uniforms, and a very rich telling of soldiers still haunting the cemeteries of the civil war. The "unsettled" stay with their bones and haven't moved on. But they are gone, and Calhoun has asked Maven to send the boundary witch. Thrilling mystery, nice twisty, and great magic. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book from Netgalley.

I received a free copy for an honest review from Netgalley.
After the last book, it's totally expected Lex is scared and a little broken. She was drug through a hedge backwards so to speak with the wraiths, so the idea of going into Atlanta as a favor is scary- we're told it's one of the most haunted places. But, the master vampire sees ghosts, and they're disappearing.
Without giving too much more away, I liked that this was a much more localized mystery rather than some great conspiracy larger than one book or city. After everything she's gone though, it's a nice break. Sure, I'm betting bits and pieces will come back in later books, but for now we got to deal with the aftermath of the wraiths and her growing powers, and I think it was handled beautifully.