Member Reviews

Undercover Bromance will appeal to contemporary romance and romantic suspense readers. Though it's not a fully developed suspense novel there are enough elements that turned me (a non-suspense reader) almost all the way off. I really enjoyed the first book in this series that broke the mold of general romance protocols and loved the inserts of historical romance (my preferred genre), but this fell flat for me. I think this was a personal taste issue as the book remains upbeat, feminist, and tongue and cheek (all things I like.).

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this book to review.

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Undercover Bromance is the follow up book to The Bromance Bookclub and it was excellent! There is something so swoon worthy about seeing manly men doing what’s right to help women and bring justice against bad guys. This book was full of Girl Power supporting bros who just want to make things right for women.

I immensely enjoyed watching new bonds form in this novel, and having a different perspective than the first. The full cast of characters from book one are all still present but instead of following the story from the lenses of Gavin and Thea, the reader is treated to the views of Mack and Liv. I didn’t like Liv’s character in book one, but really felt for her and admired her strong spirit in this sequel.

This book has all the ingredients for Rom Com perfection. I adored it! There are some super steamy scenes that made me blush. However, the story also delves into some current social issues and has major political aspects going on. It’s not just a surface level romance but still felt fun and got me to laugh and smile.

I highly recommend reading the first book now since Valentine’s Day is around the corner and it fits right in, and then grabbing your own copy of the second book when it is published on March 10th.
I give it 4.5/5 stars and rounded up to 5 for this review

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

She survived a year of his tyranny, but after catching her boss sexually harassing one of her co-workers, Liv spoke up, and found herself out of a job. She was down, but she wasn't out. Determined to expose him and his despicable workplace antics, Liv came up with a plan, and found an unlikely partner in Braden Mack.

I have to admit, I had a few reservations about this book.

First, I was worried it would be too heavy, but Adams did a great job balancing the weight of the storylines with the humor and charm, that won my heart when I read The Bromance Book Club. I appreciate, that Adams was compelled to take on such a relevant topic, but I am even more appreciative, that she was able to do so while still keeping this in the realm of being a rom-com.

My other reservation had to do with Liv. She was very prickly in the last book, and maybe wasn't one of my favorite characters. However, here, as the star of the story, I got a deeper look into her life, past and present. I got to see her at her fiercest and her most vulnerable, and I liked what I saw. Not only did I like Liv, I liked who she was with Braden, and who he was with her. Watching them warm up to each other and form a genuine connection was a thing of beauty, and to my delight, I found myself 100% behind this pairing.

The title of this book eludes to the undercover nature of their quest to reveal Liv's evil boss to the world, but it also hints at how both Liv and Braden were undercover in their own lives, hiding their real selves from the rest of the world.

Braden was the affable night club owner, who everybody liked, yet he was playing a part. Underneath the shiny and smooth Braden Mack exterior was a man struggling with the guilt and pain of his past. His backstory broke my heart, but I loved that he was finally able to come to terms with it as he connected with Liv. She also harbored some pain from her past, and was dealing with feelings of inadequacy, of being a burden, and of being a disappointment to her loved ones. It was a pleasure seeing her work through these issues and see herself the way others saw her.

So much to love, but it was the Bromance boys who stole the show every time they were on page. I thought I got to know each member a bit better this time around, and I reveled in the increased number of bromantic encounters. There was feeling sharing, bouts of hugging it out, and I even learned The Russian's name! I thought putting these men, who were in touch with their emotions, side by side with a toxic male was a great choice for this story. I also enjoyed the introduction of Hop and Rosie to the mix. They added even more fun to this world, and some really heartfelt emotion as well.

Once again, the men of the Bromance Book Club made me laugh, smile, and swoon, and I cannot wait to have another bromantic adventure with them.

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Mack is a romance connoisseur thanks to founding the Bromance Book Club years ago, but he's the only member without an SO, and underneath the abs and flirty charisma, he yearns for a partner that he can sweep off their feet. Liv is a recently unemployed pastry chef on a mission: to uncover her ex-boss's penchant for sexual harassment; she doesn't have time --or the trust bandwidth-- for a relationship. Constantly at one another's throats since Mack "accidentally" ate Liv's leftovers, these two seem like they couldn't share a rollercoaster seat, let alone take down a celebrity chef or--God forbid-- fall in love. And yet it is the age-old tale of enemies to lovers. And it is hilarious and smart and feminist AF, just as I expected from Adams's first book in this series: a wonderful follow-up to Bromance Book Club.

BRB: Putting it in my Ingram cart for my library right now.

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Humungous thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the advanced copy.

Love this follow-up to Lyssa Kay Adams' ultra charming book The Bromance Book Club. I was already obsessed with this series, but I was particularly excited when I learned that this second novel would focus on Mack and Liv, two incredibly intriguing characters.

Whereas Adams' first book dealt mostly with family and marriage trauma and healing, Undercover Bromance does a deep dive into our culture during the #MeToo era, a theme that's become a more prevalent in contemporary romance books over the past several years. I appreciated, however, that Lyssa Kay Adams tried to go beneath just using #MeToo as a plot device and actually started to wade into larger dynamics at play, like women's own misogyny and the onus that needs to be put on men.

If I had to find anything off about this book, the only thing I can think of is that fact that the dialogue on occasion dips into utterly cheesy territory. But you know what? That's not necessarily a bad thing. We could all use a little fluff.

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Undercover Bromance is one of those reads that feel effortless. From the moment it began, I was immediately in love with the story. Liv and Mack's antagonistic relationship from The Bromance Book Club spilled over perfectly into this book. Liv's love to hate on Mack and his constant need to impress her and make her admit she liked him made for some spectacular banter and chemistry. It made for a really fun enemies to lovers romance.

Liv and Mack's romance wasn't the only thing that stood out positively in Undercover Bromance. The way Lyssa Kay Adams approached sexual harassment in the work place and the way society has normalized it over the years was outstanding. She brought opinions from all sides and educated while she entertained. I also have to applaud the way such a serious subject was also made to feel "lighter" within this romance -- even when it really wasn't.

I also have to say how much fun it was to be back with the gang from The Bromance Book Club. I love those guys. Their advice and love of romance novels always makes me smile. (Now, can I get a book for the Russian, please?) Undercover Bromance was a hit for me and a great sophomore addition to the Bromance Book Club series.

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I really enjoyed The Bromance Book Club, so it was a no brainer to read Undercover Bromance.

I mean, this is all about Braden Mack - who doesn't want more of him after book one?

I enjoyed the story of this installment. It was well paced, enjoyable and I both laughed and got sad at times as the story continued.

The one thing that bugged me about the story? Our leading lady Liv. Gah, she is so darn frustrating. She came across as spoiled and bratty and I just wanted to shake some sense into her. I get being strong and independant, but she took it to the extreme and OTT and made her just come across as unlikable - but this could just be me.

I loved seeing more of Gavin and Thea from the first book, and all the Bromance Book Club guys.

I hope we get The Russian's story!

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Undercover Bromance is the second book in the Bromance Book Club series. Now you can read as a standalone, but I would personally would not. I highly suggest you read Bromance Book Club before diving into this book. You see Mack and Liv are mentioned in the first book and you will miss a lot of context just diving into this book.

Having read the first book, I was most certainly intrigued to find out about Braden Mack or just Mack. He's the creator of the Bromance Book Club. His flirt game in book one was on point, but behind the flirtatiousness, I knew there had to be a backstory behind it all. Liv, Thea's sister, is a cranky sarcastic heroine, and I loved her. But of course, she too, has some trust issues that she needs to let go.

The banter and back and forth between Mack and Liv was priceless. So much so, that I could not wait for the sexy times to ever happen because I knew it would be explosive, and boy was it ever.

Now, many who may read this book may or may not be put off on the theme of the book, it didn't bother me. Unfortunately, (without too many spoilers), the things Liv is trying to uncover is what is still happening to women.

Once you get to Mack's backstory, you will understand why he is such a romantic. Liv being stubborn and prideful, may or may not lose the love that she truly deserves.

I did enjoy this book, but the first one will by far be my favorite. Of course, the Bromance dudes are back and are still equally hysterical. Poor Russian and his digestive system lol.

Come March, give a chance.

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I love a romance book that completely dismantles toxic masculinity. I'd say the vast majority of modern romance that I read these days does exactly that. But, to have the toxic masculinity named, called out, and destroyed by the male characters without requiring work from female characters is cathartic.

In Undercover Bromance you get the swoon, the sexy, and a breath of fresh air.

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When I read Bromance Bookclub, I could see that Mack was going to be the next character in the series, if there was one. All and all another cute story about men moving away from the stereotypical stoic man role by reading and learning from romance novels. In my opinion, you do not need to read the first book in the series to follow the plot of the second book. However, I have been told I am too lenient in that regard. The book starts off looking like a “I hate you until I am hot for you” story but fairly quickly it turns into a #metoo story. If that is triggering for you I would definitely stay away. I was given an advanced reader's copy via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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4.5 stars!! I love love loved this book. Braden Mack made me laugh hysterically in the first book of this series with his raunchy sarcasm, so I was super psyched to read his story. In this book you get to see his sweet, amazing side, and it was perfection coupled with Liv, the fearless, wounded, brave and fierce-as-hell pastry chef who is out to expose a powerful and terrible former boss. Mack and his bromance book club get into all kinds of antics, as usual, which made me laugh and feel all the feels. Get your hands on this book immediately when it comes out in March!! :)

*Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC of this book.

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Undercover Bromance 🧁

I loved I loved I loved I loved!
A huge shout out to my friends over at @berkleypub for sending me an advanced copy! #partner

If you loved The Bromance Bookclub you will loveee this book just as much if not more!
It was hysterical, full of growth, heavy on the drama/suspense, and the slow burn of the romance was 🔥🔥🔥🔥

This book was different from the first in that it was much more about taking down an evil force than dealing with problems within a relationship. Both the main characters were extremely independent and head strong which that lead to them being the perfect pair. When their romance finally kicked off the chemistry was off the charts!

I loved the interlacing of all the characters from the last book and the growth the book showed of all the male friendships. I also reallly liked the new addition of an older man to the book club.

If you loved the first book you will definitely not be disappointed in this one!!


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Another total winner from Lyssa Kay Adams. I'm in love with this series. Fun premise, fresh voice. I look forward to the next book.

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I really liked the first one in this series and this follow-up was a great second volume. With shades of #metoo and men (and women) having to learn how to deal with their pasts, there were also funny moments and some insightful clarity into the pitfalls of taking down sexual predators.

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Ugh, this was the cheesiest book. I did not like The Bromance Book Club, so i'm not sure why I thought i'd like this one. It was painful. I hated the main character. She is so entitled, prickly, and selfish. It's just your run of the mill predictable HEA rom-com. I found it cringe-worthy. How many times can a character growl? Or flip the bird? The same problems as I had with the first book.

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I'd give this 3.5 stars. I didn't like it as much as I liked the first book, but it was fun to see Gavin, Thea, and the rest of the Bromance Bookclub again. And I enjoyed learning Mack's story, as he was the only single guy in the group (and the founder).

Liv and Mack make for a hot couple and watching their romance bloom is fun. I do think that with the #metoo storyline and them working together to destroy a famous chef, the additional drama about Mack's family background didn't feel well-developed.

There is some Hallmark cheesiness towards the end that I could have done without, and there was some criticism about the guys feeling super sterotypical and caricatures of sorts in the first book (which is true here too... especially with the Russian), but honestly, if you're looking for a fun romance read, this is a great one to pick up.

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This is the second book in the Bromance Bookclub series. The first book, The Bromance Book Club, was one of my favorite books of 2019. It’s about a group of dudebros who seek (and find!) relationship guidance through romance novels. It’s amazing and hilarious, and if you haven’t read it, you need to.

The same characters are in Undercover Bromance, though you won’t need to have read the first book to follow the second. This time around the story focuses on Liv (Thea’s sister) and Mack (Gavin’s buddy). Mack accidentally gets Liv fired from her dream job as a sous chef at a posh restaurant, and even though Liv can’t stand her sleazy boss, she’s rightfully pissed at Mack. But on her way out of the building after getting fired, Liv witnesses her boss sexually assault another employee. Furious, she promises the employee to help her file a report and seek justice—but Liv is shocked when the woman is too embarrassed to seek help.

Determined to find another way to take down her ex-boss, Liv turns to her family and friends for support. Surprisingly, it’s Mack who steps up to help first. Liv is reluctant to accept it, but since she’s in a tight spot, eventually she agrees, and they come up with a plan. As the two spend more time together, their relationship develops into something deeper—which is great, but also complicated… Liv’s hurtful past relationship with her father gets in the way of her ability to trust men. Can she let her guard down enough to let Mack in and really begin to trust him?


Undercover Bromance is another winner for me. I love the broseph-ness of the men and their slightly ridiculous fascination with romance novels. All of the characters, including Liv, are just so endearing and lovable. But what stayed with me most was the complex exploration of what it means to support victims of sexual assault. We tend to want to see the world in black and white terms, but these issues are nuanced. There is a lot of grey area, especially where human frailty and shame are involved. And while it is, of course, imperative that we support victims in every way possible, sometimes the hardest thing to do is support them the way they want it. Sometimes support requires patience, not aggression—listening, not yelling and casting blame. I think many of us want to ride in on a white horse, but sometimes the best thing we can do is empower the victim to save herself.

I know these are deep thoughts for a modern romance novel, but, shoot, author Lyssa Kay Adams pulls it off! What a gem of a book. I still find myself pondering the story, even weeks after I’ve finished it. Five enthusiastic stars from me!

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This one definitely did not disappoint...even with an entirely different feel in comparison to the first.⁣

The king of 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 Braden Mack gets turned on his head when he has to deal with some love problems of his own...and is forced to grapple with deeply rooted issues he has had his whole life. Similarly, Liv, freshly fired from her job, witnesses something that alters her life path and gives her purpose, as well as lands her right in the lap of the swooniest of all swoon worthy men.😉⁣

First of all, the girl power in this sequel is INCREDIBLE. The development and character arcs of Mack and Liv are beautifully told, both independently and when woven together. Adams writes angsty, steamy romance with themes that are relevant and powerfully important.⁣

Although marketed as a romance, the love story was just one facet of this story. The flow and dialogue were superb and kept me turning that page. I live for the way this author writes BANTER!⁣

I did feel like the ending was a tad rushed (literally resolved in the last 9 pages) and slightly predictable, but the story concluded in a way that left me feeling satisfied, happy, and vindicated!💪🏼⁣

Trigger warnings: sexual assault, abuse (domestic, child)⁣

Overall, a fun and solid sequel to The Bromance Book Club world! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5⁣

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I really enjoyed reading "The Bromance Book Club but i may have liked this one even more! I really enjoyed all of the characters and I hope to read more books in this series!

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I enjoyed this one as a rom-com, but did not enjoy the serious stuff going on. It is hard to do a romantic comedy and have serious issues. This author did it well, but I read to escape reality and I would have just liked the comedy part of things. This is all based on a bromance book club, which kind of takes a back seat in this story. I loved Mack and Liv and their relationship. Liv does not trust men and Mack has a big secret he has not told anybody. I liked that Mack and Liv both had insecurities and they had to learn to trust each other and to take the chance at love.

"Not for the first time, he felt on the outs. The odd man in the group. The man who could save a hundred marriages but was doomed to never find his own happy ending."

"I just like the idea of having someone to lean on sometimes."

"I used to think I knew what I was doing with women, Liv," he whispered. "But then I met a certain pastry chef, and my whole world turned on its head."

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