Member Reviews

I don't know why it took me so long to read this as I normally love Christina Lauren books! This may not have been my favourite but it was a sweet, quick read!

Thanks to Netgally and Simon & Schuster Canada for the ARC of this book.

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I love Christina Lauren and their books and I was so excited to receive an e- copy of this book, however I was a bit disappointed in “The Honey-Don’t List.
I did not enjoy the characters or even the storyline and I feel like it was missing that special something the authors
usually put into their writing and I also missed the steaminess that has been in their previous titles.
Although this wasn’t a hit for me I will continue to read any books written by Christina Lauren and would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to review this book.

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I don't know why but I couldn't get into this one. It may be because the story seem to be move slowly and I couldn't become emotionally invested in these characters and their story. Not my favourite from Christina Lauren but I will continue to be a huge fan of theirs.

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4.5 Stars (I received an e-arc from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review)

*TW: Mentions of mental and emotional abuse, gaslighting*

A while back I had started this book but had trouble getting into the story, then I got into a romance reading binge. I then read sped through the rest of it within a couple days. Carey and James are in a position that I understand all too well, wanting to quit your job but not able to due you being needed. Both are being taken advantage of with Carey working for the the tripps since she was a teenager/needing the health insurance. James hired for his engineering skills but has become basically an assistant. The two have to work together to keep the Tripps from destroying their image and slowly get to see different sides of each other. This probably one of my favourite Christina Lauren and I love this mix of contemporary tomance with a bit a steam. The Unhoneymooners just beats this and Autoboyography is my all time fav. But I highly recommend this story.

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The Honey Don’t List was a sweet and fun read, and though I am glad I got a chance to read it, it didn’t blow me away. I really liked the main characters and found them relatable and entertaining; however, I did feel like the plot was a bit predictable (which I often expect of a romance, but this was more than usual). I generally love Christina Lauren’s books and will continue to read what they write, but even though this was a light, enjoyable read, it wasn’t one of their best works.

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I love CLo and am a huge fan of so many of their previous books. I was so excited to dive in -- while I was excited to see disability represented, the concealment and shame bummed me out. I also wanted the chemistry between the two characters to be better -- I felt like all the convoluted background story aspects between the married couple the protagonists worked for took away from the primary relationship.

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If you are a lover of those home improvement shows on HGTV then this book is for you.

I quite enjoyed the romance in The Honey-Don't List as I have with all of Christina Lauren's previous novels.

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I was not able to complete this novel. I had to stop it mid-way. Did not think that it was very interesting. I guess I had high expectations for this Christina Lauren book.

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I read some bad reviews before getting started so I wasn't sure I would like this book but I quite enjoyed it. It only took me a week to read (LOL) as I'm a slow reader, this is quite a feat! I was engrossed in Carey's story, loved the romance, but it was missing something. I guess it's the whole work storyline that kind of turned me off. The toxic environment made me feel uncomfortable most of the time, which I guess is the point. I do recommend it but do not jump into it thinking it's a light romance. Thank you NetGalley for the free ebook copy in exchange of an honest opinion.

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I really enjoyed this book! Some great characters, overall great plot, and I enjoyed the discussions in this book. Looking forward to reading more CL in the future!

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The honey don't list is like getting a behind the scenes look of your favorite happy reality show couple.

The honey don't list is a stand-alone by Christina Lauren

It starts off with an investigation interview for the events that follow through the story. In a flash back plot style, you go behind the scenes of a press tour and marriage of America's happiest marriage. However nothing is as it seems and this story brings a cast of comical characters to create a funny and cute novel that shows not everyone is perfect that looks that way.

I found this story so enjoyable and it gave me some good laughs throughout. There isn't a thing I would change.

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I have such high hopes for this book as I love Christina Lauren's books! Especially after The Unhoneymooners which is one of my favourites of all time by them! Honestly, it was an okay read but something was just lacking...

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My 3rd read by this power writing duo and definitely on the list of favorite authors.

I really liked Carey & James' characters and their relationship was believable. The story line was something different that reminded me solely of Chip & Joanna Gaines (power fixer upper HGTV duo) but less hostile.

The reminiscing in earlier chapters about the fire that happened much later on was unnecessary and confusing & didn't need to be included nor did the whole fire seen to be honest.

Am I the only one who was secretly hoping that Melissa and Rusty would work things out?!

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I was looking forward to this book, hoping I'd like it better than a previous one I read by this author duo.

Though I liked it a little better, it still wasn't up to what I had read previously from them. I liked the main characters but didn't care for the side characters (the Tripps got on my nerves) and the whole book tour.


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The Honey-Don’t List by Christina Lauren

Synopsis: Melissa and Rusty Tripp are home reno and design gurus. Carey Douglas walked into their store and applied for a job at 16, she’s worked for them as an assistant ever since, helping them build their brand. James McCann, an engineering graduate was hired by the Tripps as an engineer however, it seems that’s not the job he was hired for. In the midst of a book launch and a new show, the couple is at each other’s throats. Carey and James are forced to accompany Melissa and Rusty on their book tour, to keep them in check. Throughout the book tour, they must keep all the secrets under wraps and secure their jobs, which draws them close together.

Review: I enjoyed this book; the premise was great. The characters were relatable, the drama was juicy, and the writing was good. However, I felt the romance was rushed and not the focus of the story. I was invested in Carey’s storyline, to go from the 16-year-old girl just starting out to finally growing a backbone and standing up for herself. I definitely think both Melissa and Rusty deserve a slap.

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I love The Unhoneymooners so I was excited for this novel. I like how Christina Lauren always has a fresh perspective to unique situations and this book was no different!

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I was really into the premise, and I did like the HGTV-ness of the plot. But I couldn’t quite get into this one, sadly. It was a quick, fun read but didn’t pull me in deeper. I really liked the romance between Carey and James, but I was actually more interested in the relationship between Carey and Melly (maybe it’s the assistant in me). I wanted to see more about their working relationship and I didn’t get enough of a sense of it to satisfy me.

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I have discovered that Christina Lauren is quickly becoming one of my favourite author duos. I expect to laugh out loud when I read one of their books, and this one did not disappoint!
Carey was the kind of girl we all wanted to be when we were growing up. The girl who managed to score her dream job through her well placed self when opportunity came knocking. Or, did she? The hot and cold of her relationship with Melissa and Rusty Tripp added a pretty intense depth to the feel of the book. Just like Carey, I wanted to hate them... but I just couldn't quite make myself dislike the duo! With their darn near parental roles in Careys life, things went from complicated to ridiculous on 10 seconds flat.
The CHEMISTRY between Carey and James was H E A V Y in the air from the get go for me, and good Lord above was I here for it! I ate up the way they bantered, the little jabs and meanness between them. The way the feelings leapt off the page was pure magic for me!
Christina Lauren, another knock out, if you want my less than humble opinion!

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Christina Lauren books are always a no brainer for me! This is the fourth one I've read and I was not disappointed! It was light and fun and I loved the HGTV home improvement plot line. It had everything I want in a Rom Com book, humour, drama, awkward moments and steamy romance.

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I love Christina Lauren, but this title left me wanting more. Sometimes I found it hard to keep track of the timeline and the beginning I didn’t really understand that we were switching between timelines. I also, wish they did more with the ending, it almost felt like forgot to finish off the book...

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