Member Reviews

Carey Duncan has helped home remodeling and design superstars Melissa and Rusty Tripp since the beginning. Carey started in their first store at the young age of sixteen and was pivotal in their success. Ready to start a book tour, promoting both the aforementioned tome and a new show, the only problem is that the Tripps are not on good terms. When Carey and James McCann, structural engineer turned Rusty's personal assistant, are asked to keep the Tripps in line, will this journey be more than they bargained for?

I forgot to write this review, but I have not forgotten the book. The character of Carey Duncan is charming, strong, smart, and dependable. She has been carrying more than her fair share, but gets none of the credit. Carey is relatable, as many people can say that their efforts in life often go unnoticed.

I almost wish that The Honey-Don't List turned out to not be a romance because I liked it more as a journey of personal growth for Carey than a love story. The plot of the book was predictable, but that was not surprising. I would have liked a more intricate plot than a romance, but I did find this book entertaining. I would give it 3 1/2 stars, as the characterization was better than the plot.

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As much as I love Christina Lauren and their novels, this one just didn't hit with me. I couldn't pinpoint a reason way. I'll try again another time.

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The Honey Don't List offers a charming and lighthearted escape into the world of home renovation and romance. With its cute characters and relatable themes, the novel has a certain appeal. However, the predictable plot and some contrived elements prevent it from reaching its full potential.
Carey, the emotional protagonist, is a sympathetic character whose insecurities feel authentic. Her reasons for staying in a dead-end job are relatable and realistic, adding depth to her character. However, the insecurity trope feels tired, and her emotional journey could have been explored more deeply.
Miscommunication is a central plot point in the novel. While this is a common theme in romantic comedies, it can feel a bit overdone. The meet-cute between Carey and James is a little contrived, particularly James' backstory and job.
James, the do-gooder, is likable, and his chemistry with Carey is undeniable. The redemption arc in the third act feels rushed and lacks the emotional impact it could have had. Additionally, the home improvement focus is reminiscent of current pop culture trends, making it feel slightly dated.

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2.5 Stars

Christina Lauren books are hit and miss for me and unfortunately, this one was more miss than hit. The chemistry between the characters is missing. I didn’t believe they were attracted to each other and the romance felt forced.

I can totally believe that this fictional “behind the scenes” look at couples who do home renovation shows is similar to reality so that part was fun to read through.

I received an advanced copy through Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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a fun romance from christina lauren! i do enjoy an assistants-fall-in-love-while-helping-their-bosses romance. recommend!

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"The Honey-Don't List" by Christina Lauren is a witty and heartwarming romantic comedy that showcases the complexities of relationships amidst the chaos of fame. The story follows Carey and James, the assistants to a famous home renovation couple, as they embark on a cross-country book tour to promote their bosses' latest release. However, behind the scenes, Carey and James must navigate the crumbling marriage of their employers, keeping up appearances while dealing with their own budding feelings for each other.

Christina Lauren delivers a delightful and engaging narrative filled with humor, banter, and genuine emotion. The characters are well-developed and relatable, each grappling with their own insecurities and desires. Carey and James' slow-burning romance is both captivating and believable, drawing readers in with its authenticity and charm.

Beyond the romance, "The Honey-Don't List" also explores themes of identity, self-discovery, and the importance of communication in relationships. The authors skillfully balance the lighthearted moments with more poignant reflections, resulting in a story that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

Overall, "The Honey-Don't List" is a delightful read that will appeal to fans of contemporary romance and romantic comedies. With its engaging plot, well-drawn characters, and irresistible charm, it's sure to leave readers with a smile on their faces.

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The Honey-Don’t List by Christina Lauren was not one of my favorites by this duo. It was just a very slow read and kinda “meh” to me. I was a little disappointed because I am a fan of Christina Lauren books but this one didn’t quite cut it!

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I thought this was so fun. In true Christina Lauren fashion it was funny, charming and a joy to devour.

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Yes, Christina, Yes!!!! I have been needing a book like this something fierce!!! Sometimes, as a blogger/reviewer we get into these”slumps”. Every book we read just seems to fall short of that perfect 5 stars you’re looking for. For me, that has been happening quite often lately, until now!!! OMG…It was EXACTLY what I needed!!! Main characters that are very well rounded, and very well developed. The story as a whole is fan-freaking-tastic!!!

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I generally really love Christina Lauren books, but this one wasn't my favorite. I felt like there was a lot of focus on Melly and Rusty and not enough on the relationship between Carey & James. Maybe I had the wrong expectations going into this, but I didn't feel like a romance novel -- everything very much centered around Melly and Rusty. Even though this wasn't my favorite of Christina Lauren's titles, they are still auto-buy authors for me!

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I can never go wrong with a Christina Lauren book. They just wrote such good sexy characters. And I always enjoy the creativity of their stories. They are sweet and fun. But always hard on the romance.

And I loved this one a lot. It had all the things I look for in one of their books. And I can't wait for the next one on my list

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Reality TV super-star power couple Melissa and Rusty Tripp's empire is about to be tested. What will happen when the world discovers their powerful marriage isn't so solid, their work isn't exactly as it appears, and their inner network is slowly starting to crumble.

Who will finally break and feel the need to be recognized for the work not being credited? Will the gossip finally ease on social media? Who will believe the sage marriage advice?

This slow burn, workplace romance is full of twists, turns, secrets, and romance. If you love home renovation shows, fixer-uppers, a couple that rivals Joanna and Chip Gaines ... this book is a fun escape with a bit of spice, a fun character arc and a plot arc that leaves you in suspense until the last page. No it's not a suspense book but there is a twist that is all out fun!

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This book was pretty cute but nothing earth-shaking. I liked that the romance was very realistic and didn't feel forced. Yet, I didn't feel like the romance was well-developed either. I wanted to see more of the relationship being built. There was some humor in it but not as much as I thought there would be. I liked all of the characters and was engaged in their interactions. I also thought the ending was too rushed and came to early.

I liked it enough to read more of Christina Lauren and I plan to give her writing another chance.

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Apologies for the late notice, but I have decided not to review this title. While I am certain it's obvious by now, I wanted to also clear this off NetGalley, so it's not showing as open for either of us.


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Thoughts: This wasn't my favorite Christina Lauren book, but still enjoyable. I loved the storyline -- totally Joanna/Chip Gaines - meets - Tarek El Moussa/Christina Haack vibes -- and while I felt just as frustrated as the FMC and MMC at times, I enjoyed how they teamed up to keep each other sane through the impossible task of managing a celebrity couple doomed for disaster. Carey (FMC) and James (MMC) lack some of the fire and chemistry that other MCs in Christina Lauren books have, but their dynamic is sweet and by mid-book I was really pulling for them to have their HEA. Readers will like the juiciness of the Tripps home-renovation and book tour drama, and the book really starts off with a bang (pun intended... you're welcome). I think most rom-com enemies-to-lovers trope fans will enjoy this book, it just wasn't my favorite due to the lackluster chemistry between Carey and James for most of the book. But the Christina Lauren duo is still an autobuy for me!

**Thank you, NetGalley and publishers, for a DRC in exchange for my honest review.**

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Carey has worked for a married couple and design team Melissa and Rusty Tripp since she was 16. James McCann recently joined the team as a structural engineer. With Melissa and Rusty releasing a new book and going on tour, it has suddenly become the job of Carey and James to keep things together. Turns out Melissa and Rusty have a big secret - they can't actually stand each other. That kind of information isn't going to help sell a relationship book. Neither Carey nor James can lose their job so they have to figure out how to keep this show on the road.

This seems like a play on Chip and Joanna Gaines and an alternate reality where they hate each other. It was a fun read and fans of Christina Lauren are sure to be entertained.

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I stayed up entirely too late last night finishing this book that was in my TBR for entirely too long. It was a fun plot that I haven't read before - made me wonder what's going on behind the scenes of some of the popular shows out now. The two authors do an amazing job with blending their writing styles seamlessly and the characters developed well. Worth picking up!

Thank you Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone

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I didn’t enjoy it because I didn’t care at all for what was happening or the characters. Something didn’t connect and it left me bored and skimming.

It’s my first ever Christina Lauren book, I bought this when it came out because the synopsis sounded interesting and in hindsight I should have waited for the reviews.

From what I understand this particular book was a miss for the authors who actually have some really good novels out there.

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Lots of zany antics and the classic Christina Lauren wit. This wasn't a favorite by this author duo but still an enjoyable read.

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I have only read a few books by Christina Lauren, but I have loved them all, and The Honey-Don't List is no different. Carey and James have such a cute relationship, when they finally allow it to happen. I couldn't even imagine having to do a book tour with bosses that hate each other! I would go crazy and quit! This book was so cute and funny and I loved the love story between the two.

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