Member Reviews

Hey folks, daddy Steve here working through his backlog of doggiebooks reports... This one is a non fiction book titled Jackie, a Boy, and a Dog, by author Mark D. Bruce.
I was fascinated by the beginning premise of the book, about how this little boy got to receive a puppy from Jackie Kennedy Onassis, and especially where that puppy actually came from, all the way from Russia.
The first half of the book was very much about his love for that dog but I felt that the second half of it was more about the author's life and the contact he kept with the First Lady and how God led his life. I would have liked more about his life with the dog.
It was a good read though, just not one I appreciated as much as other doggiebooks I've read in the past.
Huge thanks to NetGalley who provided a free eBook advanced reader’s copy in exchange for my honest review. This is as honest as it gets...
#Malcolmstories #doggiebooks

Uplifting and Inspirational Memoir
This is a wonderful memoir! It packs a seriously uplifting punch for a short and sweet read. It is a wonderful look back into our shared easy childhood of the early 1960s. I could relate to the dog portion of the story as well. I was also in the 'I wanna dog' whining stage in those years. I don't know how my parents managed to keep the essay contest from me, but they did. The Jackie part of the story is most heartwarming. She was such an American icon. The religious aspect of the story is also spot-on. It is wonderful to hear that the author and his wife have led God blessed lives of service. It is also refreshing to see the author's faith both anchor him and lead him. His Dad would be so proud! I would love to hear more about his life after Jackie. He is a gifted writer with an interesting story to tell. I would read a memoir about his years in service dealing with natural disasters all over the world. I received this ARC book for free from Net Galley and this is my honest review.

What a fun, enlightening read. I am a dog lover at heart and any beautiful story of a love between a dog and an owner fits well in my book. It was an honor to read this book written by a friend and being able to hear his heart both for the dog and for Jesus Christ. Live the life Jesus gave you with your whole heart! Never underestimate the influence you have.