Member Reviews

5 Stars: 5/5 Star Rating

This book really tugged at my heart strings. I truly could imagine the great pain and immense strength that Carolyn Weibe possessed. Michael is such a wonderful man, but Carolyn has to protect her niece and nephew at all costs against their father. Will Michael understand ? Will she reveal her secrets and find love?
I highly recommend this book to readers.
I received a digital ARC of this book from netgalley and Love Inspired and all opinions expressed are my own.

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An Amish man who is struggling with his faith finds a new purpose when he travels to a small Amish settlement in Vermont. Evergreen Corners has been ripped apart by a flash flood leaving Carolyn and her two young children homeless with only the kindness of their fellow Amish community to rely on. Carolyn and Michael are sympathetic characters making the best of their painful past experiences but it’s Carolyn’s unwavering faith and her positive attitude that shines through this dramatic story. The children’s antics add some much needed levity but Kevin and AnnaRose have had everything ripped away from them and their fear of another flood broke my heart. Michael and Carolyn’s blossoming romance is heartwarming but not everyone wants a happily ever after for these characters. I read an early copy of this book through NetGalley and all opinions expressed in my voluntary review are completely my own.

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I had never read an Amish story, so I was interested in An Amish Christmas Promise by Jo Ann Brown when it became available on NetGalley. Brown writes An Amish Christmas Promise as the first in her Green Mountain Blessings series.
Carolyn Wiebe leaves her Amish home because she realizes she needs to protect her niece and nephew from their abusive father. Complications arise when a hurricane destroys her home. In rebuilding the home, she meets Michael Miller, a carpenter.
Readers can see the sparks developing between Carolyn and Michael. However, Carolyn must do all she can to protect her niece and nephew. Too, Michael has suffered a broken heart, so he is wary of other relationships.
Carolyn’s strong faith gives her courage in all aspects of her life. The story radiates kindness, belief in God, and the need to help others.

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She left her Amish roots in order to protect her niece and nephew. She never planned on falling in love especially at Christmas time. I loved this sweet little Amish romance and it was a fairly quick read just a little over 200 pages.

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Cute and definitely Amish story. I loved how Carolyn struggled with wanting to still be Amish and follow her faith, but knowing she had to give that up to protect her niece/nephew. I'm glad the author took the time to really develop that struggle because it made the character more authentic.

Would have loved to read a little more into the future for this new family.

** ARC received from Netgalley **

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I enjoyed this story. Carolyn is a woman trying to protect children she loves. They lost their home and belongings in a flood. Michael comes to help rebuild the community. Carolyn was Amish but is pretending to be Mennonite for safety. Michael is an Amish man, not yet baptized, who is questioning his faith. Neither is looking for love. I loved Carolyn and the way she cares for Kevin and Rose Anne. It touched me how she was doing the best she could to raise the children as her own. I like that the author brought out how Carolyn rationalized things in her mind and heart. I like Michael a lot. I enjoyed watching him develop a relationship with the children as well as with Carolyn. They both though are hiding parts of their background that affect their lives. Will they be able to move forward? It was a very touching story. I received an ebook copy of this title through NetGalley for review consideration. I voluntarily chose to review it. All thoughts are mine.

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When Evergreen Corner is hit by a flash flood the Amish Helping Hands come to help the small Mennonite community clean up. Michael Miller is part of the crew, and he cant help but notice the beautiful young mother and her two children who win his friendship.

Carolyn Weber has been living among the Mennonites for years in order to protect her niece and nephew from their abusive father. It hasn't always been easy to care for her sister's children, and when their home is badly damaged in the storm she doesn't know where to start. She is a talented baker, loves her niece and nephew fiercely, but doesn't know if she could ever trust a man after what happened to her sister. I loved her passion for her faith, and how she teaches the children in her charge what is important to her.

Michael has been hurt in the past by love, but he is a good man who has struggled to find his place in the world, upon meeting Carolyn he feels protective of her and her small family. I loved how he bonded with Kevin, and gave him a strong role model to look up to.

A heartwarming Christmas romance, I loved how the Amish community came together to help the nearby Mennonite community. There were strong themes of faith and family. Enjoyable read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Who are Michael & Benjamin? Where dow e find them going? How do they know each other? Why are they going? I enjoyed Caroline, Kevin, and most especially Rose-Ann. While their history so far has been fraught with disasters and tragedy, they are very kind. Hearing Carolyn's thoughts as she tries to work thins out could be funny for me at times, but in others I wanted to weep for her. I love the Rose-Annisms that we get throughout the book. I won't explain, you'll have to read to see, but that little girl is SO MUCH FUN! What fear does Carolyn have most of all? Does that fear end up coming true or not in this story? Read and see what happens. It was a sweet read!


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An Amish Christmas Promise by Jo Ann Brown is the first installment in Green Mountain Blessings series. I enjoyed reading this touching Amish story. Carolyn Wiebe is a woman who is doing what it takes to keep her niece, Rose Ann and nephew, Kevin safe from their abusive father. Kevin and Rose Ann are active, kind children. I like that Carolyn is teaching them about God, the Bible and how to live a life of faith. Michael Miller is an Amish carpenter from Harmony Creek Hollow is not sure what he wants to do. He feels unsettled and unsure if he wishes to become baptized in the Amish faith. He had a woman break his heart and is wary of trusting another with his heart. Carolyn and the kids were doing well until the flood waters destroyed their home. They lost everything but Carolyn manages to stay upbeat and calm (she is a better person than me). Carolyn believes that God does things for a reason and that He will provide for them. There are good life lessons and messages in An Amish Christmas Promise. We get to see the devastating effects of hurricane floodwaters and how a community can come together to help each other in a time of need. We see how life can change in an instant. It was interesting to learn about Mennonite Disaster Services and Amish Helping Hands. These are wonderful organizations with thoughtful, hardworking volunteers. There are three phrases that I wanted to share from the An Amish Christmas Promise. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and “God is always watching over you” are two that I want to remember. The third one is “It’s not an easy task to ask others for help”. I am guilty of this because I dislike asking for assistance. An Amish Christmas Promise is a poignant story.

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The author gives a story of a young woman who has given up most everything to protect her sister’s children from their abusive father, but will it be enough?
She is surviving when the unthinkable happens and they escape with their lives, losing everything, but help comes.
With the help comes a chance of rebirth, and a new life, but will things stay the same, but different, and will the danger stay away?
The read is a look at how things can change in a second, and we never know, but we also find joy in these darling children.
You need to keep turning the pages here to find out how this one turns out, and my thoughts were spinning!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Love Inspired and was not required to give a positive review.

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