Member Reviews

I love a good mystery book with some horror! It's been my favorite genre recently and I absolutely enjoyed this one.

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I love young adult mystery thrillers. This one had a lot of twists and turns I didn’t see coming, and I loved the mysterious aspect.

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Chilling mystery with good twists and turns. I don't usually read mysteries but this one intrigued me and I was not disappointed.

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I did not purchase this title for my YA collection. It was hard to get into and rough from the get-go. It was fast paced but sometimes too much so. Needed more info in the beginning to kind of understand what was going on a bit more.

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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Ohhhh I was not expecting this one. It pleasantly surprised me. And I enjoys the couldn't put it down vibe this book gave me

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This book is a bit difficult to review. I had a tough time getting into it, as nothing was really explained in the beginning. There kept being references to events that had previously happened, but with no backstory. It was almost as if the reader was supposed to already know something. I kept wondering if I had missed something. Eventually, things were explained, but it was so far into the story that I felt like I was dragging myself to read it. I also felt like the main character was constantly fretting about how her best friend would view her. It got kind of frustrating and I found myself rolling my eyes at her. Eventually the story picked up and there were enough elements to keep me interested in the resolution of the story. I think readers that enjoy thrillers with a heavy dose of high school drama will likely enjoy this one.

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this book was amazing. i didn't even see any of the twists coming. i'm hoping to read more from this author

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This one did not hook me quickly enough, so I did not feel like it would catch my student's attention either.

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I couldn't personally get past the first 5 chapters. Very slow to get going and no real character explanation or development even after being 5 chapters on. It has a very over done theme to it. I believe it is time for a change up in the YA genre. Even the cover in and of itself was extremely over done. The same dark black background mixed with some flowers and a couple other things. Nothing draws you into picking up the book.

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I was shocked that Little Creeping Things was Chelsea Ichaso's debut! It was creepy (should have gotten that from the title!) and twisty and had me turning the pages rapidly, trying to figure out what twist would come next!

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ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Little Creeping Things was a bit weak in my opinion. It was a fast pace read but the story could have been better written.

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There was a point at which I wondered how many ya tropes could possibly be laid out in one relatively short novel. The good news is, well, now I know.

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This book was very interesting and fast-paced, the author held my attention and the plot was very appealing. I would recommend this book to friends.

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Thank you so much to the author and NetGalley for the complimentary ARC!
This review contains my honest and unbiased thoughts and opinions. 🌸

I decided to step out of my comfort zone with this one. I am NOT one who reads thrillers, My imagination goes wild and I won't sleep for weeks, I'm a big scaredy cat haha

But something about this book got my attention. So, it being YA, I figured I would give it a try. I'm all for trying something different.

Little Creeping Things was actually quite good, at least for someone like me who isn't a fan of thrillers.

It's YA and it definitely has most YA elements... teen romance, troubled teens, high school drama.

The did she or didn't she? Who do we trust? Can we trust each other? kind of book which is enjoyable. A little predictable but enjoyable.

It was creepy enough but not overly creepy where I couldn't enjoy it, the characters were relatable, I stayed interested and found myself reading into the night just to finish it.

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Definitely a YA book, this is entertaining, but thin on plot. It moved along briskly as Cassidy tries to figure out the mystery of Melody's disappearance, but from an adult perspective I just couldn't understand why she didn't step up and talk with the cops. Maybe I'm getting too old for these.

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Some YA thrillers fall short but this was brilliant. A perfect mixture of creepy and fast paced, I didn’t want to put it down. There are some great twists and turns that will leave you guessing until the end.

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I felt like this book was slightly all over the place and a tad predictable. I did enjoy the story and the characters.

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New to me author but definitely won't be last. Thoroughly enjoyed this story. Thanks Netgalley and to the publisher for letting me read this advance copy.

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Cassidy experienced a traumatizing fire that killed her best friend as a child. Even worse, she was told the fire was an accident she caused. Only she doesn’t remember the day. This made her be known as “burning girl” and a subject of torment from her peers. She even joked about killing one of her bullies.

Things get interesting when that bully ends up dying, in a very similar way to the plan she created.

And interesting YA thriller. I was entertained!

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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