Member Reviews

Poor Margot doesn't want to go to bed because she's afraid she'll miss something. But her friends show it's ok.

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I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Cute premise and unique idea. The story could have used a little work.

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I read a bedtime story to my kids every night and this was one of the many selections I choose to read them. My kids love this book so much and enjoyed looking at the pictures!

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Review for 'Time for Margot to go to bed' by Lieve Snellings

Read and reviewed via NetGalley

A beautifully illustrated children's story about Marginthe groundhog who is worried about hibernating as he will miss his friends. The photos in this book were excellent and the storyline helps children relate to not wanting to go to bed as they miss their family and friends. Margot friends all come together to find a solution. I enjoyed the extra descriptions at the bottom and so did my 7 year old son. Malaki loved seeing the pictures as well as listening to the story and would recommend to parents of children and children themselves.

Rated 5/5 on Goodreads and Amazon (Enjoyed)

£3.42 to purchase on Kindle

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This was a lovely children's book that talks about animals hibernating and Margot, the woodchuck, is afraid she won't survive the winter. Highly recommend. Enjoy! 📚📚

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Time for Margot to Go to Bed
Margot the Groundhog and Her North American Squirrel Family Book 3
by Lieve Snellings
Age Level: 5 - 11
Length: 38 pages
Publication date: October 19, 2019
4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

She cries and asks how she can survive next winter? Lucky she has friends. Margot is sad because she has to start hibernation. That is very unusual! Her friends help her find out why she's in tears. Together they find some solutions, and soon Margot can go to sleep with a smile.
Want to find out more?
Time for Margot to Go to Bed is an adorable heartwarming story about friendship ,problem-solving and being different. The girls fell in love with Margot. I love the message it sends about it's ok to be different. This adorable story is perfect for bedtime reading. It's not to short , not to long. Margot, the groundhog feels different from her fellow groundhogs because she is sad and not ready to start hibernation, because she'll miss her friends when she hibernates for the winter. The girls loved all the ideas Margot's friends came up with to stay in touch with her during the long winter.
The illustrations are wonderful real photographs of animals with funny little details edited in that had the girls laughing. .Many thanks to the Publisher , the Author , and NetGalley for a ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way . If you are interested in this book it can be found on kindle unlimited right now. Not sure how long it will be available on KU though. #TimeforMargottoGotoBed #NetGalley

About the Author :
Lieve Snellings is a retired freelance photographer/author who lives in Leuven (Belgium).Her series of picture books / children's books, featured with whimsical photos illustrations of wildlife, 'Margot the Groundhog and Her North-American Squirrel Family' consists of three books, available in Dutch, English and French.

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This storybook is illustrated with photographs of woodland animals including a groundhog, squirrels and more. Some of the illustrations were photo shopped with clothes for the animals or photos of things like cell phones that are mentioned in the story. This gave the book a unique look.

The story is about Margot who is due to hibernate for the winter. She feels different from her fellow groundhogs because she is not eager to go underground; Margot fears that she will miss her friends too much. So...Margot's friends come up with ways that they can keep in touch through the long winter.

This story can be read simply as Margot's story. It could also be a discussion opener for kids who may miss people in their lives, for example relatives in other states, and can think about ways to keep in touch.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this read in exchange for an honest revie

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My 6 yr old liked the real pictures of animals but did not like the one dressed as a witch. I liked the message about how to stay in touch with friends but felt some of the ideas were unrealistic such as WiFi in a burrow. The story may have been told better with illustrated children.

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I'm not quite sure what to make of this one. It's kind of bad. But I also enjoyed it, perhaps way more than I should have. What's a reviewer to do?

This book has a lot of weak spots. The writing is all over the place as far as perspective. The story starts out with Margot narrating, then switches to an unknown narrator who refers to Margot in the third person. Margot's speech is never set off with quotation marks, which is odd. The photos are nice, but the Photoshop work is laughably bad.

On the other hand, the story is sweet and offers some nice facts about groundhogs. And the terrible Photoshop work actually made me laugh out loud. It was the goose working for Canada Post--complete with hat and mail bag--that got me. And how can you not laugh at a chipmunk trying to set up Wi-Fi? This is one of those cases of "it's so bad it's good"... and I'm sure children and adults alike are going to get a chuckle.

This is the third book in the series, so maybe the confused writing style has already been established. That's kind of a shame, because with a little bit of polishing, this could be a great humourous storybook for kids that also teaches them a bit about groundhogs and hibernation.

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This book is so cute. I have a feeling my niece and nephews would enjoy it.
There are adorable real photographs of animals with cute little details edited in.
The story is about a groundhog that is sad about hibernating because she’s going to miss her friends.
She also worries that this makes her different from the other groundhogs.
Her little woodland creature friend group cheers her up in the cutest ways.
Thanks NetGalley for letting me read an early copy.

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I read this with my 5 yr old grandson and it certainly caught his imagination. He lives in a house with a huge garden where squirrels can always be seen and now he wants a periscope. Wonderful photography. It is the first time that i have read a Lieve Snellings book and was most impressed. Recommended.

My thanks to Netgalley and the Publishers for my copy. This is my honest review, voluntarily given.

(Awaiting Amazon to publish my review)

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