Member Reviews

Find Your Flow is a journal with prompts for daily practices that will help you live your best life, full of gratefulness, calm, and joy. Practices include Morning Grateful Flow, intention setting with Forward Focus, brain training with Total Flow, and awareness & reflective practices with Nighttime Reflection.
Recommended for those who enjoy journaling, reflection, self-help, etc.
*Thanks to NetGalley for the free e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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Unfortunately, due to technical errors with downloading this book, I could not read it and therefore I am not in a position to provide feedback on this book at this time.
I look forward to reading or listening to a copy in the near future in order to provide a proper review.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for gifting me a copy in exchange for an honest review as it is a book that I believe I would have enjoyed, I appreciate the opportunity to have received a copy.

As someone who has reap delved into mindfulness, meditation and the heal and growth of my own mental health over the last 3 or so years I can really appreciate the tips and ideas in this book. The way the 4 step programme is laid out makes it easy to follow along with apply to real life. I tend to love or hate the selp help kind of books and it all depends in the authors approach at it and the vibe that makes it a make or break with me and this was was definitely a hit. I would love to purchase the book to refer back to and to have so family and friends can flip through it and get their own tips from it.

I was looking forward to reading it however I was unable to read it due to the format that was allowed. It made it difficult to read due to not being able to download it onto the kindle

This book is filled with excellent suggestions to make your everyday life less stressful. These tips and tricks are easy to do, as well.

Mindfulness. The art of Being.
This all seemed slightly familiar to me. I used to start my morning in somewhat similar undertakings of Gratitude, writing things down, journaling and focusing on the day ahead. I haven't done that for eons, and this short, succinct work is positive, easy to follow and useful.
The four step program includes--
Morning Grateful flow: Wake up Happy
Forward Focus:Living with Intention
Total Flow: Train Your Brain
Nighttime Reflections: Become Aware, Grow and Flow
Journal pages incorporating these steps has been included to help make a start.
"Find your flow" is a timely reminder to me of past forgotten habits and a chance to move in a old but new direction.
A Rock Point ARC via NetGalley

Do you feel unfulfilled? Are you successful but still not feeling happy? Then this is the book for you! Find Your Flow is basically a how-to guide that explains what you need to do in order to be happy. But it isn’t a magical solution — in other words, you won’t become happy just from reading it. It will require daily work on your part and the author clearly lays out a four-step system that she personally vouches for.
This is a friendly and motivating book that’s determined to make you happier. It is a relatively short book, which I really appreciate because it is so practical, filled with recommendations and things to do and/or change in order to get you on the road to happiness. This book is not bogged down with unnecessary stories or abstract theories. It is not at all abstract and is not filled with theory or quotes from pontificating academics. Rather, it is succinct and clear plus at the end, there is a worksheet to get you started. It is very well researched book, providing footnotes and sources. Results of relevant psychological studies are conveyed without jargon or unnecessary detail. Sarah peppers the text with anecdotes to illustrate major points and will sometimes use her own life experience as an example.
I am sure many of you have heard of Flow. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi published a book called Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience in 1990 and followed it up seven years later with Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life. What I didn’t know is that in a 2004 TED talk, Csikszentmihalyi revealed that Flow is the secret to happiness. Importantly, achieving Flow is something that you yourself can do and Sarah shows you how to do it.
Sarah recommends a daily journal system based on Flow. Essentially, you will start each day with positivity/gratitude and end your day with reflection. Sarah is very clear about the specific questions to address and when to do so. I can hear you saying — Oh no, do I have to write in a journal every day? Yes you do but it only takes a few minutes in the morning and at night. You will find it much more beneficial to your mental state to do this journal first thing in the morning instead of checking your email or the news.
Because Sarah finally found happiness with her system, as did her friends and family, she generously decided to share it with the world in this book. How lucky we are!
Thank you to Quarto Publishing Group - Rock Point and NetGalley for a temporary advance reader copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

I have been on a self-help / mentalhealth journey for a couple years now, and have been reading books similar to Find Your Flow, I always find them to be a bit overwhelming, so was pleased to see that this was only about 100 pages. It read a bit like a class textbook, and i did find my focus to be wavering quite a bit once I hit the halfway mark, but there was enough examples and ah-ha moments to get me through. And I was definitely a fan of the guided journalling pages at the back of the book. Guided is always something that appeals to me, as I have trouble with words, etc. This was the perfect first book read for 2020.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley..
This was a short but practical book.. easy to follow.. easy to read.

A great introduction to techniques and tips to build your happiness and find peace.
As I was already familiar with most of the tips the writer offers to the readers,I found the book a bit basic however it is well researched and clearly written.
The book could be very useful to start goal setting and a journey to introspection and self-discovery.

Not a long book, a nice start point reference. A few tips to help you through the day to try and make it flow better.

I received an advanced reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
What a fantastic motivational book to help teach you the importance of positive thinking and recognizing what is important, achievable and the power of planning this daily and reflecting upon our days, plans and experiences too.
The back has afew blank pages to fill in to get you started which is a fantastic idea as it gives you a guide of getting into a routine, showing you an organised formatted way to achieve the goals the book guides you to do, and helping you to get started.
I will definitely be giving this a go in 2020 as the whole book gives fantastic advice and makes a great deal of sense.

This was a phenomenal book that helps in creating meaningful morning and evening routines to help shape your day. It’s about being grateful and setting goals. The first 40 pages is the reading portion, the the last 20 pages are for journaling. I enjoyed the stories and tips included here.

This book talks about the four things we should do daily to live a life full of flow.
1) Morning gratitude
2) Setting intention for the day'
3) Mindfulness throughout the day
4) Night time reflection
The book talks about scripting your ideal day. The information presented was useful and the book was very pleasing to look at.
Recommended as a physical book. Will make a good gift.
I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley.

I had some doubt about this book when it started with this quote, which felt very exclusive and quite vague at the same time: "To all those brave enough to become who they truly are, stay courageous".
The book itself is a reformulation of what I have read hundreds of time in other self-help books: a) Short biography on how the author was living an unsatisfying life, had a breakthrough and then applied some life-changing method to be fully fulfilled in the present. b)List of those tips: morning gratitude, live with intention, retrain your brain, bedtime reflection. c)Repetitive journal worksheet to practice those tips. Done.
On a positive note, I really enjoyed the illustrations and the care that has been put in creating such a lovely and colorful book.
*Thank you NetGalley for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

This is a great high level book to use as a reminder for all the things that are important in our day to day lives, and how the little simple things make all the difference. It won't tell you anything new but will address the obvious with a simple high level nudge. It is a good book for dipping into for a quick reminder and would also make a great gift book.